1000's of leftists protest Israel defending itself..

Sheehan or Chavez could not be reached for comment..
Sheehan or Chavez could not be reached for comment..
"It's not that liberals know nothing. It's that what they do know isn't so."
Ronaldus Magnus
Ronaldus Magnus
Post edited by Unknown User on
Ronaldus Magnus
Who's that, your mum?
This from someone who on another thread stated that "Well, the corrupt UN is anti-semetic..."
How do you expect anyone to take you seriously fando y lis? You should do yourself a favour mate and go back to school. No offence intended.
By the way, 'anti-Semitic' isn't spelt 'anti-semetic'.
The spelling police strike again.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
I kinda cringe when I read the spelling rederic thing. Isn't Fando spanish and english is the second language or something?
no biggie imo...
it never fails to amaze me how these so called peace loving leftist protesters dont seem at all to mind indiscriminant killing of civillians when those civilians are israeli
israel has a right and a responsibility to deffend her self, to hell with the leftists.
If you read what Shiraz has posted on here it seems that Israelis are also protesting their government's actions in Lebanon. So it seems that it's not only the leftist who have a problem with Israel bombing civilians targets in Lebanon.
That's a slightly broad sweeping statement isn't it? So you say that all protesters of the Israeli government, and the Israeli military's crimes don't mind when Israeli civilians are killed? People like you are very good at making broad sweeping statements which have no basis in reality and with no reference to the facts. I personally believe that neither Israeli's or Palestinians should be getting killed as a consequence of the crimes of the Israeli and U.S governments, who are guilty of perpetuating this situation in defiance of world opinion, and in breach of international law. All right thinking Israeli's who care about the security and the future of their country should also be protesting against the actions of their government. Plenty of them are but we hardly ever hear about this in the Western media.
I'm sure there are also plenty of Israeli's who are also protesting the crimes of their government and military, such as the fact that the Israeli government is currently in breach of over 60 U.N resolutions.
Here's an example: An essay on the conflict by a Rabbi:
They're brainwashed?!? How does reasonable equate brainwashed? Honestly, why do people have such unconditional support for every move Israel makes? It reeks of racism.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
I keep hearing about Israel's right to self defense, what about Lebanon's rights. Last I checked Hizbollah was a terrorist organization supported bt Syria and Iran, not Lebanon. While I support Israel's right to exist and self defense I also support the same right for Lebanon and it's citizens. Do the innocent Lebanese citizens & the Lebanese government who had no hand in Hizbollah's actions not count? Do they not deserve the same rights afforded to Israel?
I'm also getting a little sick and tired of this "leftist" bullshit. Is protesting the killing of innocent civilians wrong? Are some of you so consumed by hatred that it doesn't matter who gets killed as long as it's us and our friends doing the killing it's all all OK.
With a report by Gloria Galloway
MONTREAL: TORONTO -- About 1,000 members of Montreal's Lebanese community protested yesterday against the Harper government's stand on the Middle East conflict, marching in the city's downtown, past the Israeli consulate to a federal government building....
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Yes. This is clearly the case.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
yeah, I don't get the bombing of Beiruit because of hezbollah rockets in the south either. I completly understand defending the northern border and snuffing out the continued northern bombardment of Israel from hizbollah who will not be satisfied until they kill every jew in Israel I think. I get that many civilians who die are simply used by these guys as shields. But dropping leaflets that say...we're gonna bomb the shit out of this city, get the hell out, for people in the north who may be just trying to live and work and get along is absolutely fucking ridiculous. That's just going to piss off the people of Lebanon, not do anything to stop rockets coming into Hefia. The idea that either side is without guilt is null and void.
As usual, somewhere near the middle.
What would happen if an Israeli rocket strike resulted in the death of an American in Beirut?
Israel would apologize and then continue bombing Beirut with America's full support.
There would be one dead American in Beiruit.
It's dangerous to go anywhere, certainly that region of the world. The Americans who went there accepted the risk, that something however ludicrous would happen. I view it the same way as an American riding on a bus being killed by a suicide bomber in Tel Aviv. Yeah, it sucks but you didn't have to be there. There are not a lot of easy answers to that kind of deep rooted hate and violence. Negociations work for about a month or a year or 5 but in the end they all want peace through aniliation (sp). I'm not down with that, and I definately do not want the US getting physically involved in a pointless conflict simply because a few people chose to go visit the region.
Lebanon was NOT dangerous before Isreal started bombing their facilities, reason why there's thousands of our countries citizens stuck in the middle of these attacks, most of them were on vacation or there for business.... just saying...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I agree, Americans choosing to travel to Gaza or other troubled areas in the Middle East always seemed odd to me. I don't know how the president would react to an Israeli attack resulting in an American death, though. It would definitely complicate things for him. He's been trying to stay on the fence as much as he can in regards to his public remarks.
Are you serious? Bush has been trying to stay on the fence? Really? I'm not having a go at you here, but please can you give me one example of when Bush has been critical of Israel, or has simply demanded that Israel cease attacking either the Palestinians, or the Lebanese? Not just now, during this present situation, but ever.
He's been much less "cowboy" on this than he was in regards to other Middle Eastern situations. Bush calling for Israeli "restraint" is actually as close to criticism as he's likely to get.
Probably because Bush himself has seldomly excercised "restraint"
I like how he'll begin using a word like "restraint" and then explain to people what it means. He says it like he just learned it, and he explains it to the press corps as if he thinks he's teaching them a new word.
"What we need in this situation is restraint, see, 'cuz restraint will lead to a better climate for diplomacy. It's the act of restraining one's self that will lead to a more diplomatic situation. Heh, heh, heh."
Well said, saves me having to type out my take.