zionism and 911

if you have some time, here's an interesting read - a little history of 'zionism' and it's influence on american culture and government, and it's possible role in terrorist acts including 911 and others.
kinda makes you wonder who our real enemies are:
kinda makes you wonder who our real enemies are:
i'm more a fan of popular bands.. like the bee-gees, pearl jam
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alex jones says it was sunk deliberatly
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
israel attacked it using unmarked planes. their excuse was that they thought it was an egyptian ship, and their attack was a justified act of war. if that was the case - which is hard to believe because the liberty was clearly marked - why use unmarked planes?
this was another attempt at a 'false flag' operation to frame arabs and goad the u.s. into war with an enemy of israel. why was there no congressional investigation of this??
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
-- Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
what ever did he mean by that?
he meant what i said 2 posts south of here.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Yea you nailed it right on the head.
Lets see whose done more for america; Arabs or Jews...pretty simple answer
I just got a free acid trip with that logic!!!!!
what the hell is the matter with you
do you naturally believe every crackpot artical you read
i have some earth shatering news for you
us jew us zionists
just ordinary people
thetre is no big secret plot to taKE OVER THE WORLD
'Mossad spies' jailed over New Zealand passport fraud
The prime minister of New Zealand angrily denounced Israel and imposed diplomatic sanctions on it after two suspected Mossad agents were jailed for six months for trying on false grounds to obtain a New Zealand passport.
The plot, which involved obtaining a passport in the name of a tetraplegic man who had not spoken in years, provoked a furious reaction yesterday.
"The breach of New Zealand laws and sovereignty by agents of the Israeli government has seriously strained our relationship with Israel," said the prime minister, Helen Clark.
"This type of behaviour is unacceptable internationally by any country. It is a sorry indictment of Israel that it has again taken such actions against a country with which it has friendly relations."
High-level visits between the two countries will be cancelled, visa restrictions imposed for Israeli officials, and an expected visit to New Zealand by Moshe Katsov, the Israeli president, later this year has been cancelled.
Ms Clark said Israel had ignored requests made three months ago for an explanation and an apology.
The action marks the most serious rupture in New Zealand's international relations since Wellington suspended diplomatic relations with France in 1985 after French agents bombed Greenpeace's anti-nuclear ship Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour.
The Mossad plot was uncovered in March when a passport officer noticed that a passport applicant was speaking with a Canadian or American accent.
The clue led to the uncovering of a complex conspiracy involving up to four Israeli agents, who had attempted to create a false identity for 36-year-old Zev Barkan, another suspected Israeli spy, using a fraudulent birth certificate, a fake voicemail message and letter box, and concocted medical symptoms.
Uriel Kelman, 30, and Eli Cara, 50, were each sentenced to six months in prison yesterday for their involvement in the plot. Both men had gone to elaborate steps to conceal their identities: Kelman appeared at the court wearing a balaclava and covered his face throughout the two-hour hearing, while Cara had changed his hair colour, complexion and build since his first court appearance in March.
Mr Barkan and a fourth man believed to have been connected to the plot are still on the run. Mr Barkan lived in a house just a few hundred metres from his target, a wheel-chair user who has not been named for legal reasons. Cara set up a false travel agency in Sydney to aid the deception.
A birth certificate was obtained using details of the man's mother, who now lives in England, and an Auckland doctor was persuaded to witness Mr Barkan's passport application after seeing him for a couple of minor ailments.
Kelman and Cara were arrested in March following a prolonged cat-and-mouse game in Auckland when police traced phone records between Mr Barkan and the two men.
Officers planned to arrest the ringleaders as they picked up the completed passport, but Cara had pre-empted this by having it sent by courier to an apartment block, where it was to be collected by a taxi driver and taken to a rendezvous with Kelman elsewhere in Auckland.
Police surveillance caught Cara acting suspiciously, close to the central Auckland apartment block, while Kelman was arrested after fleeing the other rendezvous and throwing his mobile phone into a hedge.
Israel's acting ambassador in Australia, Orma Sagiv, said Israel would work to rebuild relations with New Zealand.
"Israel values its relations with New Zealand very much and we will do everything we can to return relations to their former situation," she said.
In Jerusalem, Silvan Shalom, the Israeli foreign minister, said Israel was disappointed with New Zealand's reaction.
"Israel is very sorry about the decision that was taken by the [New Zealand] government," Mr Shalom said. "But we believe that if we will work one with each other as we used to work in the past, we will overcome the last difficulty."
Mossad has frequently been accused of using fake passports to launch its operations. A 1997 incident in which Mossad agents used fake Canadian passports in an attempt to assassinate the Hamas leader, Sheikh Khaled Mashal, caused the Israeli ambassador to be ordered out of Canada until Tel Aviv promised to cease the practice.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
its just that some of their operations are so dare devil, that the katsa's screw things up. even then, the mossad has pulled off more unbelievable operations (including stealing a russian mig plane from iraq) than any secret agency in the world.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
including filming themselves celebrating with a backdrop of the burning twin towers.. (why so happy fellas? a sense of accomplishment maybe?)
including them being caught by the fbi on 911 in a white van that contained a few thousand dollars in cash, some arab clothing, and traces of explosives. yet they were released back to israel with practically no mention of their arrest.
including bombing a number of buildings in egypt in 1954 - including an american diplomatic building - and attempting to frame arabs for it.
yea, they are the 'bestest' all right..
Are you a zionist? or just a Jew? I have some questions for you.
I hate that word. This is not anti-semitic. People and there damn labels.
Do you even know what that means?
well tae the cia for instance. they thought iraq had tons of wmd's when they had none. the albania born cia director didnt resign for nothing. they thought the chinese have missle silos everywhere, when actualy those were grain stores. they thought russians were churing out huge industrial output when actually russia had lit a lot of hay in their dead factories, to give the impression that those factories were alive and kicking (the heat from the hay fires would show up in infra red satellitel detectors, confusing the americans, and thats just what happened). they approach the mossad for every kind fo help when it comes to secret information. the cia sucks ass.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
But none of the things these terrorist groups do are good things, nothings good about mossad being able to sneak into countries and kill people.
Yeah they are good at it, but it's a bad thing they are good at.
apology accepted. i am not anti-semetic, but yes that label gets thrown around like crazy anytime anyone criticizes israel.
you say that article is bullshit.. care to expound a little? did the lavon affair not happen? were those mossad agents not really celebrating the wtc attacks?
sorry but the mossad kills terrorists. they hunt down ex nazis, perpetrators of munich ollympics murders, other arab terrorists like the one they shot down using a rocket.
they dont go to other countries and napalm them or carpet bomb the citizens like usa did in vietnam or is now doing in iraq.
rendition is ok. er.. rampage isnt.
as for everyday spying, all countries do it on others or at least try to. only that the mossad is very god at it.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
if you click on the footnotes somewhere in there is a newspaper article and the court proceedings against the moving company these israelis worked for. after they got detained the owner of the moving company (another israeli) fled the country...customers had to sue to get their stuff out of the moving company's storage area. i wonder why he would flee the country like that leaving customers stuff locked up??
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
israel committed 9/11 ??
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
so they were targeting terrorists when planting those bombs in american installations in egypt in the 50's?
what were they celebrating on 9/11 then? 3000 people died (of which an astonishing low number were israeli..), were they all terrorists?
instead of saying that the mossad kills terrorists, i think it may be more accurate to say that they are terrorists.
i'm saying that the precedent is there.. enough for it to be throughly investigated. we know these people celebrating were mossad. we know they were driving around in a van containing a large amount of cash, arab dress, and traces of explosives. we know the company they supposedly worked for was completely abandoned shortly after they were picked up (and then sent back to israel never to be heard from again). just a tad suspicious, no?
the mossad has an undeniable history of impersonating arabs and committing terrorist-type acts in attempts to turn the world, and particularly the u.s. military, against the arab world, and generate sympathy for israel. when asked what the 911 attacks meant for israel shortly after they took place, benjamin netanyahu said they were "very good".
i don't believe the idea of israeli involvement is at all far-fetched.
thats just so stupid to say.
half the terrorists of the world would be walking free, including waffen ss types, but for the mossad.
the biggest terrorists are the cia and the GIs.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
doesnt israel realise that usa can can its ass if they found out that israel was behind this?? why break the arm that feeds you??
and if all this is true, why dont the media say it openly, in usa and eu countries??
finally the reason why so few israelis/jews died, is that like most other things/events of terrorism, mossad had full knowledge of this. same with 7/7. the best "arabists" have always been israeli and they who penetrate all organisations, including the kgb, no wonder find it easy to know about all arab goings on. the cia isnt half as smart and is basically a group of rednecks in suits, so they could not prevent it.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
is it? how so? the lavon affair wasn't terrorism? the king david hotel bombing wasn't terrorism? the uss liberty?