
Our Food is Killing Us!

THCTHC Posts: 525
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train
Childhood obesity has tripled over the last twenty five years....almost 2/3rd's of americans are overweight or obese...

don't we realize the companies 'feeding' us are not our friends....they are corporations looking to profit. they care nothing about your health...Nothing!

“Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
-Big Fish
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    THC wrote:
    Childhood obesity has tripled over the last twenty five years....almost 2/3rd's of americans are overweight or obese...

    don't we realize the companies 'feeding' us are not our friends....they are corporations looking to profit. they care nothing about your health...Nothing!


    Of course they don't. They care about you buying their brand again so its loaded with sodium and fat. But thats why you buy your kid a baseball bat and a glove instead of a playstation.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
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    Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    Everything you say is true, but it is our job to be smart. Eat some ice cream, but in moderation.
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
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    Uncle Leo wrote:
    Everything you say is true, but it is our job to be smart. Eat some ice cream, but in moderation.

    Exactly. People need to develop an internal locus of control. Don't eat a Whopper and fries every night and watch TV for 6 hours and expect to be a fitness model.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
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    acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    Turns out I am intolerant to about 10 things, 4 of which are natural: Gluten (darn that Gluten), Barley, Carob, Grape Seed Oil. The other six are chemical: Propyl Gallate, Calcium Propionate, Sodium Benzoate, Carmoisine, Benzaldehyde, Phthalates (the scariest). Yikes! how did all those chemicals get into my body in the first place?

    How the heck are Phathalates and Propyl gallate getting into my body. Well some of this stuff is hidden in our food, but a lot of it is in cosmetics, hair products, toothpaste, lotions etc. Did you know that 60% of what we put onto our skin is absorbed into our blood stream? Phthalates are really toxic and are in our plastic products including plastic wrap.

    I would really encourage everyone to pay attention to what you are putting in your bodies, it is scary.

    This website http://www.ewg.org/reports/skindeep will tell you what they put in cosmetics: formaldehyde, Phthalates etc. many if which are not allowed to be used in Europe. OPI nail polish, Estee Lauder, L'oreal are some of the biggest offenders. And they don't list ingredients on perfumes, so we don't know what we are wearing.
    [sic] happens
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    No, your choices are killing you. Stop blaming corporations and eat a fucking apple.
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    VictoryGinVictoryGin Posts: 1,207
    Uncle Leo wrote:
    Everything you say is true, but it is our job to be smart. Eat some ice cream, but in moderation.

    I recently discovered the heaven found through Ben and Jerry's Karamel Sutra.

    One thing on the subject that upsets me the most is soda/junk food machines in schools (as well as fast food!). Get the corporations and disgusting products out of schools. Let the parents feed that shit to kids. I also think it's creepy how McDonalds will strategically plan to build locations near schools (and reel the kids in with play areas and happy meals).
    if you wanna be a friend of mine
    cross the river to the eastside
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    LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    THC wrote:
    Childhood obesity has tripled over the last twenty five years....almost 2/3rd's of americans are overweight or obese...

    don't we realize the companies 'feeding' us are not our friends....they are corporations looking to profit. they care nothing about your health...Nothing!

    People have a choice not to eat unhealthy. Its not like we have to buy twinkies.
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    even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    No, your choices are killing you. Stop blaming corporations and eat a fucking apple.

    Then the pesticides get ya! ;)
    You've changed your place in this world!
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    LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    No, your choices are killing you. Stop blaming corporations and eat a fucking apple.
    Ha ha!!!

    VERY true.
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    THCTHC Posts: 525
    No, your choices are killing you. Stop blaming corporations and eat a fucking apple.

    ...the choices offered the general public IS what is killing us.

    Ever try to find an apple to eat while driving cross country?????
    that is the point i am trying to make...

    ever try to get a home cooked meal while on the road??

    your logic here is way too simplistic. that is what the article talks about...there are not really any pro-active strategies for curbing this rise in obesity. "Stop blaming corporations..and eat a fucking apple" is pretty near sighted. that is no solution...that's just a put down!

    Thank you to the poster who wrote something about what we put on our skin...that was interesting...thanks! :)
    “Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
    -Big Fish
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    THC wrote:

    ever try to get a home cooked meal while on the road??


    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
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    tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Tell me about it..............can't eat tree nuts, peppers, mushrooms and most raw vegetables............and PETA wants us all to go veggie............forget about it! Mind your own business.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
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    THC wrote:
    ...the choices offered the general public IS what is killing us.

    Then apparently more choice is bad because we have more choices than ever. Furthermore, no one owes you a choice. McDonald's doesn't owe you fat-free hamburgers just like you don't owe McDonald's any business.
    Ever try to find an apple to eat while driving cross country?????

    Yeah. They're called grocery stores.
    ever try to get a home cooked meal while on the road??

    Again with the driving....are you a trucker? I'm sure there are many people here who would cook you a meal if you're driving by their houses. If you're ever in Chapel Hill, NC, feel free to stop by and I'll whip you up something good.
    your logic here is way too simplistic.

    It is simplistic. It will be too simple the day someone forces you to eat a Twinkie. That day is not today.
    that is what the article talks about...there are not really any pro-active strategies for curbing this rise in obesity.

    Here's a "pro-active strategy for curbing the rise in obesity" -- don't engage in behaviors that make you obese. It's not as if obesity is some kind of airborn disease or hurtling at the earth from space at 500 miles per minute. Obesity is a direct product of the choices you make.
    "Stop blaming corporations..and eat a fucking apple" is pretty near sighted. that is no solution...that's just a put down!

    A put down to whom? Apples? No, it's not a put down. It's sound advice. Cheeseburgers will make you fat. High calorie drinks are making our kids fat. Stop eating them, stop drinking them, stop pretending that obesity is someone else's fault.
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    "This, despite federal and state government efforts to curb the overweight epidemic"

    "It's happening because the environment is built to promote obesity, and it is so pervasive that in order to make changes, we really need to change everything"

    "It's a shared responsibility involving individual and society"

    Efforts to combat the obesity epidemic have failed to meet their goals, Nonas said. "I don't think they're going far enough," she said.

    "Recommendations include improved nutritional labeling on foods; community-driven efforts to increase access to healthy foods in low-income areas; improved nutritional content on foods and beverages served and sold in schools; an improved physical environment with more and better sidewalks, parks and bike paths; better physical fitness curricula in schools; and employer-sponsored programs to increase physical activity and provide better insurance coverage for preventive services."

    Wow. Ironic that I could stomach a double-cheesburger before I can stomach that crap. This last one takes the cake though:
    "We believe that all stakeholders must be involved if changes are to take place"

    Since I'm going to have to pay for this, apparently I'm a "stakeholder". Can someone please elighten me and tell me what stake I have in your obesity or lack thereof?
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    JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    There's a combination of things to blame here. Yes, it's the corporations. Yes, it's the schools' food distributors and in-school lunches. Yes, it's advertising. Yes, it's your parents, for they created your diet to begin with. Yes, it's your choice what you put in your mouth, and yes, it's your choice to NOT exercise.

    I recently heard on the radio that there are more overweight people in the world than there are hungry. That's just sickening.
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    Jeanwah wrote:
    I recently heard on the radio that there are more overweight people in the world than there are hungry. That's just sickening.

    Why is it "sickening"? Would it be ok if more people starved to death??? Would you be glad to see a statistic that showed that there were more people starving than people obese???
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    LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    THC wrote:
    ...the choices offered the general public IS what is killing us.

    Ever try to find an apple to eat while driving cross country?????
    that is the point i am trying to make...

    ever try to get a home cooked meal while on the road??

    your logic here is way too simplistic. that is what the article talks about...there are not really any pro-active strategies for curbing this rise in obesity. "Stop blaming corporations..and eat a fucking apple" is pretty near sighted. that is no solution...that's just a put down!

    Thank you to the poster who wrote something about what we put on our skin...that was interesting...thanks! :)
    First off, there's just as many healthy grocery stores as there are fast food places, in the country even more so. Secondly, even at fast food places you have a choice to eat healthy. Get the Chicken sandwich, no fries and a glass of friggen water. I've been on road trips and actually eat healthier on the move. So many farms selling fresh fruits, local grocery stores, and get this... You can pack your own food before you leave if you don't like the convenient deadly roadside choices. What do you think people did 100 years ago when they traveled?

    People are obese because they don't have the will to eat healthy. It's their choice. You are a fool if you beleive other wise.
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    First off, there's just as many healthy grocery stores as there are fast food places, in the country even more so. Secondly, even at fast food places you have a choice to eat healthy. Get the Chicken sandwich, no fries and a glass of friggen water. I've been on road trips and actually eat healthier on the move. So many farms selling fresh fruits, local grocery stores, and get this... You can pack your own food before you leave if you don't like the convient roadside choices that will end your life.

    Thank you! I owe you a milkshake.
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    In helping to aid people to make sound decisions, I think products should have to put warnings for possible negative side effects and other health problems their products may cause. Nothing wrong with an aware, well informed population...especially when we expect them to make good choices. You can't make wise choices without the needed information to do so.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    I don't like McDonalds anymore... I used to, because it tasted good. But, I didn't eat 3 Big Macs, a pound of fries and a 64 ounce bucket of Diet Coke every time I went there.
    The parents are the ones to blame for the obesity in their kids... if you're going to stuff their greedy fucking faces with pre-packaged, fat laden snacks in bulk form... then get their fucking asses out there and have them run a marathon instead of sitting them in front of a television or PlayStation for 12 hours a day.
    I eat junk food, like potato chips... but I don't eat the whole fucking 5 pound bag in one sitting. Same goes for ice cream and Oreos and M&Ms... i eat that crap... but, not all the time and not in monsterous portions.
    Now, back to McDonalds... what kind of example is the parent setting when they won't even get out of the fucking car to get the crap? If you're gonna feed your kid that crap... park the fucking car, get your lazy ass out and walk into the place. Buy your spawn ONE Happy Meal and let them romp around in that bacteria infested jungle gym out back to either burn off the calories or puke out the shit.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    In helping to aid people to make sound decisions, I think products should have to put warnings for possible negative side effects and other health problems their products may cause. Nothing wrong with an aware, well informed population...especially when we expect them to make good choices. You can't make wise choices without the needed information to do so.

    While I don't disagree with you here, you seem to be forgetting something. How about the idea that you shouldn't buy something if you're not informed about it? The excuse "well I didn't know my Nachos Bel Grande was loaded with Trans Fat because Taco Bell didn't tell me" doesn't hold much water for me when the person had the option to simply not buy the damn nachos. If "being informed" is so important, how come people are buying this shit in the first place?????
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    I'm overweight and I know it. I don't blame it on the corporations though. I blame it on myself for paying for convenience instead of quality. I'm trying to change that though.
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    sourdoughsourdough Posts: 579
    First off, there's just as many healthy grocery stores as there are fast food places, in the country even more so. Secondly, even at fast food places you have a choice to eat healthy. Get the Chicken sandwich, no fries and a glass of friggen water. I've been on road trips and actually eat healthier on the move. So many farms selling fresh fruits, local grocery stores, and get this... You can pack your own food before you leave if you don't like the convenient deadly roadside choices. What do you think people did 100 years ago when they traveled?

    People are obese because they don't have the will to eat healthy. It's their choice. You are a fool if you beleive other wise.
    Would you really consider the chicken sandwich to be healthy? The suger loaded bun, ketchup and other condiments, nutrient void lettuce, processed "chicken"... This is Healthy???
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    VictoryGin wrote:
    One thing on the subject that upsets me the most is soda/junk food machines in schools (as well as fast food!). Get the corporations and disgusting products out of schools. Let the parents feed that shit to kids. I also think it's creepy how McDonalds will strategically plan to build locations near schools (and reel the kids in with play areas and happy meals).

    Lots of school districts are seduced by big monetary donations from soft drink companies. Pepsi gives a few million dollars towards a new football field or something, and the school board allows Pepsi to put machines in the school. It's a crock of shit.
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
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    While I don't disagree with you here, you seem to be forgetting something. How about the idea that you shouldn't buy something if you're not informed about it? The excuse "well I didn't know my Nachos Bel Grande was loaded with Trans Fat because Taco Bell didn't tell me" doesn't hold much water for me when the person had the option to simply not buy the damn nachos. If "being informed" is so important, how come people are buying this shit in the first place?????

    Because I view it as wrong to knowingly distribute harmful items into the public and not give a fair warning.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
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    LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    sourdough wrote:
    Would you really consider the chicken sandwich to be healthy? The suger loaded bun, ketchup and other condiments, nutrient void lettuce, processed "chicken"... This is Healthy???
    Then DON'T EAT FAST FOOD. There wasn't a Burger King every city block 100 years ago. It wasn't too long ago in our existance that you had to actually work on a farm all day or hunt down your food to survive.
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    In helping to aid people to make sound decisions, I think products should have to put warnings for possible negative side effects and other health problems their products may cause. Nothing wrong with an aware, well informed population...especially when we expect them to make good choices. You can't make wise choices without the needed information to do so.
    The thing is... we all sort of know this already.
    Like we already know that snack foods, like potato chips, are loaded with crap we probably shouldn't be putting into our bodies... but, the crap tastes good. In small doses, we can probably take it. But, when the whole damn bag is dragged out to the couch for the 'Deal or No Deal' marathon... then, it's a problem.
    And fast food still works... as long as it isn't ingested in large amounts, followed by hours upon hours of physical inactivity. A kid can get obese on a homecooked meal if he eats 3 portions and sits around like Jabba the Hut.
    Diet and exercise... feed the kid, don't stuff him and make sure he's out there doing kid stuff... like playing tag or hide and seek or anything that requires him to run around a bit.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    Lots of school districts are seduced by big monetary donations from soft drink companies. Pepsi gives a few million dollars towards a new football field or something, and the school board allows Pepsi to put machines in the school. It's a crock of shit.
    But it goes back to the parents letting their kids develop a taste for that crap so they then buy it when it's available. It doesn't bother me that my son's school has pop machines, I trust my son that he will not act like a retard and start buying it everyday. He's been raised to be health and diet aware.

    Personally I'd like to see them get rid of the drugs in schools then worry about the pop machines. At least the schools are getting something out of the pop and theres not too much peer pressure to do pop nor too much stupid and risky behavior occurring after pop usage. Perspective, it's a neat thing.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
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    even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    Cosmo wrote:
    Buy your spawn ONE Happy Meal and let them romp around in that bacteria infested jungle gym out back to either burn off the calories or puke out the shit.

    As the entire staff looks at me weird for just laughing at my computer. Good one!
    You've changed your place in this world!
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    JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Why is it "sickening"? Would it be ok if more people starved to death??? Would you be glad to see a statistic that showed that there were more people starving than people obese???

    I'm saying that because it's sick that gluttony has consumed the masses, the world over. NOT because there should be more people starving. Really, you would think someone would think that?
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