Relationships, Few or Many... or primarily Single Life

Ignorance of a younger age
"Now when people ask me, where's my favorite place to play, I'll reply, Newark NJ!" -EV (solo '08)
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Now that I have licked my wounds, I've never been so comfortable alone. Granted, sometimes it's well - lonely. But I'm not searching all day everyday for this earth moving love to come and find me. It will...I just hope I'm ready once it gets here. Most days I don't think I am. Being alone is dependable.
It looks worse written in front of me, but it is.
Got to spend it all,.....
"Those who dance are called insane by those who don't hear the music." EV
1-14-95, 9-04-00, 7-01-03, 5-30-06, 10-21-06, 10-22-06, 6-17-08, 6-22-08, 8-16-08 E.V., 6-15-09 E.V., 10-28-09, 5-13-10.
Are you my mom? My goodness.
I'm none of these things. I do enjoy being single, but I do not "endure an empty bed at night." Dang. I love, love having space in my bed. Are you kidding? And let's not kid ourselves. Do you believe all single people have an empty bed every night, haw.
Furthermore, "going it alone through the years"? Holy shit. Just because a person is not married, doesn't mean they are all alone in this cold, cruel world. I have plenty of people to keep me company when I want. I think you're placing too high a value on being married or in a serious relationship. One does not need to be married or in a hard core relationship in order to not feel "alone." People can find intimacy in various ways, if they so desire.
"filling it at random with random people to make you have a small sense of security or some such." . . . wow. again. you really have no clue.
Sorry, but I certainly don't fit what your perceptions of a single person are.
cross the river to the eastside
this is probably closest to me. if im not with someone im scheming to be. if a serious one ends, i tend to bounce around on the rebound for a while like im trying to outrun the hurt feelings or assauge my wounded ego and it usually does blow up on me. im in the middle of that right now actually.
That's me... and I also despise people that jump from one to another...
yup ... ditto ...
Me too. I used to think I would never be "that girlfriend". But then I fell, and put in 3.5 years with a person I thought I would marry. Thats history (almost a year) and I have just figured out how to be ME again, and I'm quite happy about it. I learned from the life experience, and I enjoy the company of friends and new people that happen to wander into my life.
I'm not lonely. Looking for the "next one" shouldn't be a priority. My priorities are seeking truth in life and being the best and happiest person I can be, regardless of others.
nice... i despise you too.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
there you are.
- brain of c
Thanks for the input, put a different light and viewpoint upon the subject that i was currently unaware of when writing. Changed up the top post a bit.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Personally, i don't think i could fit into any of those catagories. the people i look up to most in this world are the men and women i know that have made the real deal, long term relationship work for their entire lives. yet, i don't know if that is for me or if that will ever happen for me. I think it takes two people consciencely making the choice for that every single day. but hey, this subject has only been perplexing people since ....... people.
i'm not really sure why people would look at you funny. are you saying that you have an "open" relationship? either way, i give you congradulations on your appearent happiness.
(i can't spell for crap today)
hahaha. ya know, i was thinking of specifying that i did not mean such in a sexual way.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Also, single does not mean you have to live a life without passion or intimacy. On the other hand single does not automatically trigger an automatic green light for promiscuity either. An intelligent, self respecting individual can be highly selective, reasonably prudent, and still have an amazing sex life...
ha. maybe it's a brooklyn thing?
although, that wouldn't explain polaris (hi!) and thankyougrandma
It really bothers me when people assume those things for single life. Just because marriage is still upheld in our society, doesn't mean single people are deficient. Like others have said, there are many ways to do something.
cross the river to the eastside
I agree because at some point over the years, I have fallen into all of them!
When I was younger, I hated being single. As I aged, there were times that I loved not being tied down. I had a few long term relationships (2+ years and a live-in) along the way...mixed in with some jumping around, too.
All people that jump around shouldn't be lumped together. The times I did it, I didn't do anything wrong in the first place so why should I sit around and figure anything out?
Definitely, it's simply a matter of different priorities for different people. The most galling part of it is when people assume something is "wrong" with you when you don't make pursuing a relationship your #1 goal in life.
Goddamn, I mean it's not like we're swingers or something truly unnatural like that...
well its just you consider yourself well-rounded? do you want to be a well-rounded person?
Yeah, for the most part. I guess it's for others to judge whether or not I'm well-rounded, but I'm very comfortable w/myself, for the most part.
I would have stayed single my entire life if I had never found the right woman. Now that I have though, I can't imagine life without her.
I love Ann Coulter. She had me at hello.
(Ha!!! No...seriously though...I really am getting engaged soon, and I've found the woman of my dreams. I encourage everyone to seek their own path in regards to relationships, because only you really know what will make you happy.)
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Congratulations Shawn...or soon to be congratulations.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Thank you very much. I wish the same for you and Kabong.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Aww thanks...I guess I'll let him share in my happy moments after all he did get me a hoodie in DC! (jk, sweetie
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
that's odd, i get people saying there's something wrong with me all the time becos i DO make pursuing a relationship my #1 goal in life.
Are you emitting vibes of desperation? Maybe they're not criticizing the desire for a relationship, but criticizing the overwhelming desperation. I don't know. I'm just thinking of someone that I know.
cross the river to the eastside
it's entirely possible. i think in general im too eager to please. ill do huge favors for people i dont even know just cos im too nice to say no. i think to a woman looking at me as a potential mate, that'd probably seem desperate.