wow... what an amazing review! thanks for that info. now I am even more pumped to see them again, four nights in a row starting later tonight.
with all the excitement, i just cant get to bed, and thats on top of 4 days in vegas going with minimal sleep.
i'll be dead by the end of the show on the 18th.
AHH SIGH!! Starting later on TODAY!!?! :eek: I WANNA GO! I WANNA GO! FUCK, I'm kickin myself for not being able to go yesterday. While I was VERY grateful for all that I got and experienced...I was telling Nadia..."if they play Red Rain & As Ugly As I seem at the second show I will be so jealous" Guess what they played?????? HA! God I wish I coulda gone!!! Well, next time they come around I'm going all out sigh~style. hehe. Hopefully I won't be so strapped for cash cuze of PJ shows like I am this time around.
Glad you enjoyed my review bud. I'm just in aw of these 2 more than ever and there is no way I'd be able to sleep either if I was you. Good lord!!!! Here's to hoping you survive
Merch...I wanted the baby-t with the dead tree on it SO damn bad. Shit was $30 bucks though and I had no money. :( When I say I'm broke I mean I'm B-R-O-K-E. I had $5 to my name. haha! I definitely plan on buying that one later on down the line though. They had a cute ass tote bag too!
HAVE A BLAST!!!! 4 days of heaven right there. :eek: I'm still so high from ONE.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
ROCK ON WHITE STRIPES. I love this band more than anything.
Jack White is suuuuuuuch a bad ass motha!
I love how the man can reach my heart and soul with his gorgeous slow numbers....and at the same time make me rock the fuck out like there ain't no tomorrow. GREAT balance! Best of all worlds.
BUMP it up with another beauty........
OH the power of just this voice and some gorgeous ass, crsytal clear, heavenly guitar!!!
˚˚I'm Bound To Pack it up˚˚
I've thought about it for a while
and I've thought about the many miles
but I think it's time that I've gone away
The feelings that you have for me
have gone away it's plain to see
and it looks to me
that you're pulling away
I'm gonna pick it up
I'm gonna pick it up today
I'm bound to pack it up
I'm bound to pack it up
and go away
I found it hard to say to you
that this is what I have to do
but there is no way that I'm gonna stay
there are so many things
you need to know
and I wanna tell you before I go
but it's hard to think of just what to say
I'm gonna pick it up
I'm gonna pick it up today
I'm bound to pack it up
I'm bound to pack it up
and go away
I'm sorry to leave you all alone
you're sitting silent by the phone
but we've always known there would come a day
The bus is warm and softly lit
and a hundred people are ridin' it
I guess I'm just another running away
I'm gonna pick it up
I'm gonna pick it up today
I'm bound to pack it up
I'm bound to pack it up
and go away
Oh yeah, yeah
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
night number 2 at the greek theater blew away the previous night's show. still shocked that these shows arent sold out, as they seat only 6,000 people. the band bolted onto the stage in a flash and ripped open with Black Math. I dont have the complete setlist, but I remember (not in order):
Black Math
Little Ghost
I Think I Smell a Rat (little tease, not the whole song)
Passive Manipulation x2 - once with piano, other with electric guitar
Denial Twist
Seven Nation Army
My Doorbell
As Ugly as I Seem
We Are Going to Be Friends -with Brendan Benson
Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground - on piano
Blue Orchid
The Big Three
I Fought Piranhas
Love Sick
The Nurse
Boll Weevil
Death Letter
Hardest Button to Button
Lets Shake Hands
Girl You Have No Faith in Medicine
When 'I Hear My Name
I Think I Smell a Rat
Ball and Biscuit
Forever For Her
Jack was making jokes about Paris Hilton as it seemed she was in the first row behind the pit from where I was standing. he said something about the crowd sounding like her dog Tinkerbell being thrown underneath a truck and getting squished, and how he checked with PETA and it was okay for him to say that. The last 10 minutes he must have mentioned Paris 6 or 7 times. He was upbeat and digging the vibe. I remeber Eddie's qoute about the Greek Theater being "the devil's backyard" as orange lights made the trees surround the venue look otherworldly, and Meg's shadow from the lights hitting her behind her drumkit could be seen on the trees making it look like a 6 story monster was bashing away with sticks as the bright summer moon rose above the head of her massive shadow, almost looking like a glowing crown.
It was really an amazing vibe tonight.
and I still have two more shows to go to.
thanks to idrather be for being so kind to me. love ya. hope you enjoyed the show!!!! and I hope to seeya there thursday!
Whats the biggest show the stripes have played thats not a festival. Like where they are headlining? Will the molson amphitheatre be it?
I wish I coulod see them in a tiny club, that would be insane. The Foos were also talking about how the amphitheatre was their biggets show ever (15000), hmmmmm. I wonder.
You guys have the blackpool lights DVD? It's pretty wicked, if not too rockin
What is really cool is that my doorbell is gettin played as a single here on the radio. How cool would it be for such a bizarre song (by mainstream standards) to become the next seven nation army. Honestly that song is so insanely catchy once you get over the "weirdness" of it.
I really hope it does well.
I miss you already, I miss you always
I miss you already, I miss you all day
Wow, sounds like an amazing show. Bolted on stage and immediately shreddin it up with Black Math?! :eek: Shit. That says a lot right there...the night was bound to kick major, MAJOR ass. Awesome set! Awww, you guys got Love Sick too?!?!?! Sooo beautiful!!!!! When I Hear My Name!? Oooh man, LOVE that song! Damn...and of course As Ugly As I Seem AND Forever For her! Both? *faints* Wooooow.
LOL! Paris was there? Jack seems like he was in great spirits...all joking about her dog? hehe. What? He said "I'm in charge tonight"? ha! What a badass! And I absolutely LOVE your description of Meg shadows and those trees...sounds totally it just completely added to the experience/vibe and made it that much more. Very cool! Awww Lizzy went with you??? Yes! Hope she enjoyed herself? How could she not?
Thanks again for the review. Can't wait to hear more. still have 2 more nights!!! Lucky punk. haha.
Heeeey MissYouAllDay...we "missed" you around here.
YES, blackpool DVD is fuckin amazing. Love it!
Hmmm, not too sure about the biggest show?
And YES...My Doorbell is getting played sooooo much here as well. It really is such a cathcy ass song. It is doing very well over here. I actually know a few people that have been turned onto Get Behind Me from hearing that song alone. It's getting stuck in heads all over the Bay Area and making people fiend for some WS.
Oooh speaking of radio....
In my previous review I talked about the balloon incident on Friday night...well apparently it happened at the Saturday night show too and this time it was even worse. A local radio station (Live 105) here keeps talking about it. :eek: I guess another balloon flew up and stage and Jack cursed out the station and told everyone they shouldnt listen to them...then left the stage for like 10 minutes or some shit? :eek: Sounds like he was pissed and just not even having it at ALL. Now this local radio station keeps going off about Jack not liking "their balls" and how they are giving all "their balls" call when you hear the sound of a ball interrupt a White Stripes song and you will win a Live 105 beach ball. This is all being done so "their balls" will no longer be all up in peoples faces. Daaaamn. It's insane. haha.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Just read that BECK showed up at the show tonight and played bass on Denial Twist!!!! *dies* HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! :eek: guys are getting fuckin spoiled rotten over there. SHIT! Sounds like a super incredible show!!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Alright! It's about time i wrote something about this AMAZING and KICK ASS show, right Lyd !!!! Aug 8 baby! At the Orpheum Theatre in Vancouver (night 2).
My friend and i had seats in the 10th row Centre Orchestra (the venue is all seating)!! Fuckin INCREDIBLE seats! We had the perfect spot of the stage. The opening band, the Greenhornes, were awesome; my friend and i both loved them! The drummer was hilarious and they played some wicked tunes (i have to remember to get their cd). Then finally, the white stripes took to the stage and ripped right into When I Hear My Name! The place was nuts! The lights were awesome! And i have to add, the stage setup was fuckin beautiful! I commented to my friend about the ws setup crew wearing their black suits, red shirt, top hat outfits--it totally kicked ass (loved it!) and then on stage everything was in red, white and black...wicked glowing white palm trees surrounded the stage and the apple backdrop was the perfect surface from which to illuminate the red 'devilish' lights and atmosphere. Meg's silhouette on the side wall expanded and shifted to complete the satanic setting! It was PERFECT !
The rest of the setlist is as follows:
When I Hear My Name
Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground
Blue Orchid
Love Sick
My Doorbell
Cannon-John The Revelator
Passive Manipulation
Instinct Blues
Little Ghost
Hotel Yorba
Truth Doesn't Make A Noise-Lord, I Just Can't Keep From Crying Sometimes
Keep Your Lamps Trimmed And Burning-Death Letter-Grinnin' On Your Face
The Nurse
Same Boy You've Always Known
Forever For Her (Is Over For Me)
I Fought Pirahnas
Let's Build A Home
Ball And Biscuit
Encore Break
You're Pretty Good Looking
Hello Operator
Red Rain
Seven Nation Army
Boll Weevil
Came out of there in a euphoric state--the show was a high in itself and the band totally tore the roof off the place! Man huge props to Meg and Jack for putting on such a fuckin amazing show the night after they apparently put on another great show (i only went to night 2, now i wished i would have had tix for the first one and caught both!!) The set was perfect, they sounded great, and the crowd was awesome too!
Fall is here,hear the yell
back to school,ring the bell
brand new shoes,walking blues
climb the fence,books and pens
I can tell that we're going to be friends
Walk with me,Suzy Lee
through the park and by the tree
we will rest upon the ground
and look at all the bugs we found
then safely walk to school
without a sound
Well here we are,no one else
we walked to school all by ourselves
there's dirt on our uniforms
from chasing all the ants and worms
we clean up and now its time to learn
Numbers,letters,learn to spell
nouns,and books,and show and tell
at playtime we will throw the ball
back to class,through the hall
teacher marks our height
against the wall
And we don't notice any time pass
we don't notice anything
we sit side by side in every class
teacher thinks that I sound funny
but she likes the way you sing
Tonight I'll dream while I'm in bed
when silly thoughts go through my head
about the bugs and alphbet
and when I wake tommorow I'll bet
that you and I will walk together again
cause I can tell that we're going to be friends
So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
That is why I'm singing
And we don't notice any time pass
we don't notice anything....
And I just loooooooove the ending...."that you and I will walk together again". People were cheering SO loud at the show when he got to the part. Loved it.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
leaving right now for the fourth and final L.A. show.
i'm really going to soak this one in. you never know if you'll ever be able to see any band again whenever they play the last night in your town, so I'm going to rock the fuck out.
YES!!! Soak it in nice and thick!! I'm lookin forward to all the juicy details. God, after that super incredible night last night ( :eek: ) I'm so excited to see what they have in store for you guys tonight. Wow! Rock the fuck out with a vengeance!
Have a BLAST bud!
Oh also, great review of your show Dolly!! So glad you finally posted it here.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
PearlStripes, I look forward to your review. Heck yeah let's keep this thing going.
SIGH~~>.......I saw the set fuckin got RED RAIN?!?! :eek: I KNEW that shit was gonna happen. AHHH! Damn I bet that one sounds insanely amazing live!! :eek: You already know....this girl needs details boy! Details!
You also got You've Got Her in Your Pocket!!! Same Boy!! Black Jack Davey!? :eek:
Little Bird!!
Little Ghost
Little People
Little Room
Someone also said during I smell a rat Jack started singing "I think i smell bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s" real fast. LOL!!!!! TOO much! What a "little" goofball.
This show sounds completely out of fuckin control!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
yep. easily one of the longest shows i've seen them put on. Jack said during the second encore that they would try to play as many songs as they could, and they sure as hell did.
funny as hell to hear that B-A-N-A-N-A-S part during "...rat".
jack's guitar fucked up before (if i remember correctly) same boy you've always known, and he threw it down on the floor and said "this isnt going to work", so he grabbed the acoustic.
they did a slow/fast version of Fell in Love...
hardcore fans went apeshit with Black Jack Davie. Mr. White just fucking RIPPED tonight. he was a man possessed. Like a Michaelangelo or a Picasso with a guitar, he created a vast aray of breathtaking art and tonight the Greek Theatre was his canvas.
a jaw-dropping masterpiece.
...god there was just so much to tonights shows that it's hard to try to remember it all. perhaps the board over at can fill you in with a TON more details than I could. after 4 nights of rocking out, climaxing with this marathon, I'm just plain tired.
i need sleep.
goodnight, children of the corn.
p.s. - if you miss the stripes during this tour, you are a damn FOOL. and dont give me that "i dont like bands that dont have bass players" line, or "Meg sucks as a drummer". if you actually believe that stuff, you need to go back to special ed class.
Mr. White just fucking RIPPED tonight. he was a man possessed. Like a Michaelangelo or a Picasso with a guitar, he created a vast aray of breathtaking art and tonight the Greek Theatre was his canvas.
a jaw-dropping masterpiece.
Yeah I heard the man was ON FIRE. Someone up front said his hands were shaking, like he was seriously just sooooooo possessed. haha. LOVE IT! I heard about his little comment during SAME BOY, when he switched guitars...something like "I'm sure on the back of your ticket there is a guarantee that guitars WILL be in tune" hehe. Sounds like he was on FIRE and in great spirits once again. They sure loved it the hell up in LA.
I had RED RAIN in my head all day yesterday. I kept thinking "it's gonna happen!!" All those sounds?! :eek: God. I'm really aching to hear how this one sounded.
I was also very, very touched to see You've Got Her In Your Pocket. People on the WS board said Meg was lip singing along with Jack...just totally feeling it. A lot of people said they were nearly moved to tears by this performance. I'm not surprised. This is one hell of a powerful, heart breakingly gorgeous song.
Now I gotta BUMP it up with this one. And not to just post all the slow songs but I am a SAP over here and Jack really reaches my heart with these little numbers. So powerful....just him and his instrument of choice mixed with some gorgeous ass romantic/touching lyrics?!
*bows down to.......
You've got her in your pocket
And there's no way out now
Put it in the safe and lock it
'cause it's at home sweet home
Nobody ever told you that it was the wrong way
To trick a woman, make her feel she did it her way
And you'll be there if she ever feels blue
And you'll be there when she finds someone new
What to do
Well you know
You keep her in your pocket
Where there's no way out now
Put it in a safe a lock it
'cause it's home sweet home
The smile on your face made her think she had the right one
Then she thought she was sure
By the way you two could have fun
But now she might leave
Like she's threatened before
Grab hold of her fast
Before her feet leave the floor
And she's out the door
'cause you want
To keep you in my pocket
Where there's no way out now
Put it in a safe a lock it
'cause it's home sweet home
And in your own mind
You know you're lucky just to know her
And in the beginning all you wanted was to show her
But now you're scared
You think she's running away
You search in your hand for something clever to say
Don't go away
'cause I want
To keep her in your pocket
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Thanks for giving attention to one of the best bands out there right now. Originality seems pretty hard to come by these days. WS somehow seem to find ways to put out great music that sounds similar but unique compared to their older stuff.
Hey, you are VERY welcome....and I could not agree with you more on everything said there.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I know it's been posted but it's so fukin good! I love this bit, the lyrics are class
Well, everybody's reaction is changing you
But their love is only a fraction of what I can give to you
Well, let's do it, let's get on a plane and just do it
Like the birds and the bees and get to it
Just get out of town and forever be free
Forever, I wonder we could stay together
It could change if you want for the better
Just tug at my shirt and lay down next to me
No worries at all! Just beeeeautiful amentvedder. I mean really, can this song/those words ever be praised or posted enough?
OOoooooo, has anyone seen the MY DOORBELL video?! I'm aching to see this badboy. It premired last night on Nickelodeon but I don't have frickin cable! Booo! Looks like it's also up at MTV.COM but for some damn reason I can't load their vids. . Soooo aching to see it! These guys always put out super cool videos. Would we expect anything less from the mighty duo?
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
No worries at all! Just beeeeautiful amentvedder. I mean really, can this song/those words ever be praised or posted enough?
OOoooooo, has anyone seen the MY DOORBELL video?! I'm aching to see this badboy. It premired last night on Nickelodeon but I don't have frickin cable! Booo! Looks like it's also up at MTV.COM but for some damn reason I can't load their vids. . Soooo aching to see it! These guys always put out super cool videos. Would we expect anything less from the mighty duo?
I've seen it Lyd! and of course IT ROCKS! what else can we expect
It's all black and white and filled with little kids and candy-- waaay cute!!
No worries at all! Just beeeeautiful amentvedder. I mean really, can this song/those words ever be praised or posted enough?
OOoooooo, has anyone seen the MY DOORBELL video?! I'm aching to see this badboy. It premired last night on Nickelodeon but I don't have frickin cable! Booo! Looks like it's also up at MTV.COM but for some damn reason I can't load their vids. . Soooo aching to see it! These guys always put out super cool videos. Would we expect anything less from the mighty duo?
Yeh the video seen it a few times now and of course it's the coolest! Black & white, has kids in it Jack plays piano then plays a big stand up bass thing like a mofo! heheh Meg looks pretty Jack looks hot!
Ive always been a fan but Get Behind Me Satan has me obsessing about them!
Ive always been a fan but Get Behind Me Satan has me obsessing about them!
HA!! I know really!! Always loved them as well but Get Behind Me certainly has made the love and respect even stronger. SEEING THEM LIVE is what has completely done it for me. It's over now! Went from loving to "obsessing about them" for damn sure!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
with all the excitement, i just cant get to bed, and thats on top of 4 days in vegas going with minimal sleep.
i'll be dead by the end of the show on the 18th.
did you pick up any merchandise at the show?
Glad you enjoyed my review bud. I'm just in aw of these 2 more than ever and there is no way I'd be able to sleep either if I was you. Good lord!!!! Here's to hoping you survive
Merch...I wanted the baby-t with the dead tree on it SO damn bad. Shit was $30 bucks though and I had no money. :( When I say I'm broke I mean I'm B-R-O-K-E. I had $5 to my name. haha! I definitely plan on buying that one later on down the line though. They had a cute ass tote bag too!
HAVE A BLAST!!!! 4 days of heaven right there. :eek: I'm still so high from ONE.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Rock stars never sleep.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Jack White is suuuuuuuch a bad ass motha!
I love how the man can reach my heart and soul with his gorgeous slow numbers....and at the same time make me rock the fuck out like there ain't no tomorrow. GREAT balance! Best of all worlds.
BUMP it up with another beauty........
OH the power of just this voice and some gorgeous ass, crsytal clear, heavenly guitar!!!
˚˚I'm Bound To Pack it up˚˚
I've thought about it for a while
and I've thought about the many miles
but I think it's time that I've gone away
The feelings that you have for me
have gone away it's plain to see
and it looks to me
that you're pulling away
I'm gonna pick it up
I'm gonna pick it up today
I'm bound to pack it up
I'm bound to pack it up
and go away
I found it hard to say to you
that this is what I have to do
but there is no way that I'm gonna stay
there are so many things
you need to know
and I wanna tell you before I go
but it's hard to think of just what to say
I'm gonna pick it up
I'm gonna pick it up today
I'm bound to pack it up
I'm bound to pack it up
and go away
I'm sorry to leave you all alone
you're sitting silent by the phone
but we've always known there would come a day
The bus is warm and softly lit
and a hundred people are ridin' it
I guess I'm just another running away
I'm gonna pick it up
I'm gonna pick it up today
I'm bound to pack it up
I'm bound to pack it up
and go away
Oh yeah, yeah
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
sigh eternally-we want to hear a FULL report on that show...if you aren't too tired!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Black Math
Little Ghost
I Think I Smell a Rat (little tease, not the whole song)
Passive Manipulation x2 - once with piano, other with electric guitar
Denial Twist
Seven Nation Army
My Doorbell
As Ugly as I Seem
We Are Going to Be Friends -with Brendan Benson
Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground - on piano
Blue Orchid
The Big Three
I Fought Piranhas
Love Sick
The Nurse
Boll Weevil
Death Letter
Hardest Button to Button
Lets Shake Hands
Girl You Have No Faith in Medicine
When 'I Hear My Name
I Think I Smell a Rat
Ball and Biscuit
Forever For Her
Jack was making jokes about Paris Hilton as it seemed she was in the first row behind the pit from where I was standing. he said something about the crowd sounding like her dog Tinkerbell being thrown underneath a truck and getting squished, and how he checked with PETA and it was okay for him to say that. The last 10 minutes he must have mentioned Paris 6 or 7 times. He was upbeat and digging the vibe. I remeber Eddie's qoute about the Greek Theater being "the devil's backyard" as orange lights made the trees surround the venue look otherworldly, and Meg's shadow from the lights hitting her behind her drumkit could be seen on the trees making it look like a 6 story monster was bashing away with sticks as the bright summer moon rose above the head of her massive shadow, almost looking like a glowing crown.
It was really an amazing vibe tonight.
and I still have two more shows to go to.
thanks to idrather be for being so kind to me. love ya. hope you enjoyed the show!!!! and I hope to seeya there thursday!
more to come...
Whats the biggest show the stripes have played thats not a festival. Like where they are headlining? Will the molson amphitheatre be it?
I wish I coulod see them in a tiny club, that would be insane. The Foos were also talking about how the amphitheatre was their biggets show ever (15000), hmmmmm. I wonder.
You guys have the blackpool lights DVD? It's pretty wicked, if not too rockin
What is really cool is that my doorbell is gettin played as a single here on the radio. How cool would it be for such a bizarre song (by mainstream standards) to become the next seven nation army. Honestly that song is so insanely catchy once you get over the "weirdness" of it.
I really hope it does well.
I miss you already, I miss you all day
Wow, sounds like an amazing show. Bolted on stage and immediately shreddin it up with Black Math?! :eek: Shit. That says a lot right there...the night was bound to kick major, MAJOR ass. Awesome set! Awww, you guys got Love Sick too?!?!?!
LOL! Paris was there? Jack seems like he was in great spirits...all joking about her dog? hehe. What? He said "I'm in charge tonight"? ha! What a badass!
Thanks again for the review. Can't wait to hear more. still have 2 more nights!!! Lucky punk. haha.
Heeeey MissYouAllDay...we "missed" you around here.
YES, blackpool DVD is fuckin amazing. Love it!
Hmmm, not too sure about the biggest show?
And YES...My Doorbell is getting played sooooo much here as well. It really is such a cathcy ass song. It is doing very well over here. I actually know a few people that have been turned onto Get Behind Me from hearing that song alone. It's getting stuck in heads all over the Bay Area and making people fiend for some WS.
Oooh speaking of radio....
In my previous review I talked about the balloon incident on Friday night...well apparently it happened at the Saturday night show too and this time it was even worse. A local radio station (Live 105) here keeps talking about it. :eek: I guess another balloon flew up and stage and Jack cursed out the station and told everyone they shouldnt listen to them...then left the stage for like 10 minutes or some shit? :eek: Sounds like he was pissed and just not even having it at ALL. Now this local radio station keeps going off about Jack not liking "their balls" and how they are giving all "their balls" call when you hear the sound of a ball interrupt a White Stripes song and you will win a Live 105 beach ball. This is all being done so "their balls" will no longer be all up in peoples faces. Daaaamn. It's insane. haha.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
My friend and i had seats in the 10th row Centre Orchestra (the venue is all seating)!! Fuckin INCREDIBLE seats! We had the perfect spot of the stage. The opening band, the Greenhornes, were awesome; my friend and i both loved them! The drummer was hilarious and they played some wicked tunes (i have to remember to get their cd). Then finally, the white stripes took to the stage and ripped right into When I Hear My Name! The place was nuts! The lights were awesome! And i have to add, the stage setup was fuckin beautiful! I commented to my friend about the ws setup crew wearing their black suits, red shirt, top hat outfits--it totally kicked ass (loved it!) and then on stage everything was in red, white and black...wicked glowing white palm trees surrounded the stage and the apple backdrop was the perfect surface from which to illuminate the red 'devilish' lights and atmosphere. Meg's silhouette on the side wall expanded and shifted to complete the satanic setting! It was PERFECT !
The rest of the setlist is as follows:
When I Hear My Name
Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground
Blue Orchid
Love Sick
My Doorbell
Cannon-John The Revelator
Passive Manipulation
Instinct Blues
Little Ghost
Hotel Yorba
Truth Doesn't Make A Noise-Lord, I Just Can't Keep From Crying Sometimes
Keep Your Lamps Trimmed And Burning-Death Letter-Grinnin' On Your Face
The Nurse
Same Boy You've Always Known
Forever For Her (Is Over For Me)
I Fought Pirahnas
Let's Build A Home
Ball And Biscuit
Encore Break
You're Pretty Good Looking
Hello Operator
Red Rain
Seven Nation Army
Boll Weevil
Came out of there in a euphoric state--the show was a high in itself and the band totally tore the roof off the place! Man huge props to Meg and Jack for putting on such a fuckin amazing show the night after they apparently put on another great show (i only went to night 2, now i wished i would have had tix for the first one and caught both!!) The set was perfect, they sounded great, and the crowd was awesome too!
That is why I'm singing
And we don't notice any time pass
we don't notice anything....
And I just loooooooove the ending...."that you and I will walk together again". People were cheering SO loud at the show when he got to the part. Loved it.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
i'm really going to soak this one in. you never know if you'll ever be able to see any band again whenever they play the last night in your town, so I'm going to rock the fuck out.
Have a BLAST bud!
Oh also, great review of your show Dolly!! So glad you finally posted it here.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
PearlStripes, I look forward to your review. Heck yeah let's keep this thing going.
SIGH~~>.......I saw the set fuckin got RED RAIN?!?! :eek: I KNEW that shit was gonna happen. AHHH! Damn I bet that one sounds insanely amazing live!! :eek: You already know....this girl needs details boy! Details!
You also got You've Got Her in Your Pocket!!! Same Boy!! Black Jack Davey!? :eek:
Little Bird!!
Little Ghost
Little People
Little Room
Someone also said during I smell a rat Jack started singing "I think i smell bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s" real fast. LOL!!!!! TOO much! What a "little" goofball.
This show sounds completely out of fuckin control!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
funny as hell to hear that B-A-N-A-N-A-S part during "...rat".
jack's guitar fucked up before (if i remember correctly) same boy you've always known, and he threw it down on the floor and said "this isnt going to work", so he grabbed the acoustic.
they did a slow/fast version of Fell in Love...
hardcore fans went apeshit with Black Jack Davie. Mr. White just fucking RIPPED tonight. he was a man possessed. Like a Michaelangelo or a Picasso with a guitar, he created a vast aray of breathtaking art and tonight the Greek Theatre was his canvas.
a jaw-dropping masterpiece.
...god there was just so much to tonights shows that it's hard to try to remember it all. perhaps the board over at can fill you in with a TON more details than I could. after 4 nights of rocking out, climaxing with this marathon, I'm just plain tired.
i need sleep.
goodnight, children of the corn.
p.s. - if you miss the stripes during this tour, you are a damn FOOL. and dont give me that "i dont like bands that dont have bass players" line, or "Meg sucks as a drummer". if you actually believe that stuff, you need to go back to special ed class.
Wow sigh! I'm so glad you survived buddy. Good god that finale really sounds like it was such an out of this world show!!
Yeah I heard the man was ON FIRE. Someone up front said his hands were shaking, like he was seriously just sooooooo possessed. haha. LOVE IT!
I had RED RAIN in my head all day yesterday. I kept thinking "it's gonna happen!!" All those sounds?! :eek: God. I'm really aching to hear how this one sounded.
I was also very, very touched to see You've Got Her In Your Pocket. People on the WS board said Meg was lip singing along with Jack...just totally feeling it.
Now I gotta BUMP it up with this one. And not to just post all the slow songs
*bows down to.......
You've got her in your pocket
And there's no way out now
Put it in the safe and lock it
'cause it's at home sweet home
Nobody ever told you that it was the wrong way
To trick a woman, make her feel she did it her way
And you'll be there if she ever feels blue
And you'll be there when she finds someone new
What to do
Well you know
You keep her in your pocket
Where there's no way out now
Put it in a safe a lock it
'cause it's home sweet home
The smile on your face made her think she had the right one
Then she thought she was sure
By the way you two could have fun
But now she might leave
Like she's threatened before
Grab hold of her fast
Before her feet leave the floor
And she's out the door
'cause you want
To keep you in my pocket
Where there's no way out now
Put it in a safe a lock it
'cause it's home sweet home
And in your own mind
You know you're lucky just to know her
And in the beginning all you wanted was to show her
But now you're scared
You think she's running away
You search in your hand for something clever to say
Don't go away
'cause I want
To keep her in your pocket
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Hey, you are VERY welcome....and I could not agree with you more on everything said there.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Well, everybody's reaction is changing you
But their love is only a fraction of what I can give to you
Well, let's do it, let's get on a plane and just do it
Like the birds and the bees and get to it
Just get out of town and forever be free
Forever, I wonder we could stay together
It could change if you want for the better
Just tug at my shirt and lay down next to me
OOoooooo, has anyone seen the MY DOORBELL video?! I'm aching to see this badboy. It premired last night on Nickelodeon
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
It's all black and white and filled with little kids and candy-- waaay cute!!
Yeh the video seen it a few times now and of course it's the coolest! Black & white, has kids in it Jack plays piano then plays a big stand up bass thing like a mofo! heheh Meg looks pretty Jack looks hot!
Ive always been a fan but Get Behind Me Satan has me obsessing about them!
Awesome video! Love the entire feel of it. All the happy little kids?! It's so playful and fun. Made me smile.
Oh agreed!! Meg looks very, very the hairdo! And Jack!?!? Whooooa there., hot, HOT.
These 2 seriously have such a kick ass style, all around.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
HA!! I know really!! Always loved them as well but Get Behind Me certainly has made the love and respect even stronger. SEEING THEM LIVE is what has completely done it for me. It's over now! Went from loving to "obsessing about them" for damn sure!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√