why is it that so few doctors are not willing to perform late term abortions?
Was that double-negative intended? If not,
A. You might get murdered.
B. You'll probably get harassed.
C. It requires a special level of training that is very difficult to obtain.
D. Malpractice costs are high.
E. It's an emotionally difficult job (but somebody's got to do it).
thank you.
a) thats very rare is it not?
b) true. so what. so do professional athletes when they go to a opposing city. boo who
c) I doubt that but if you say so
d) I'll give ya that
e) somebody doesn't have to do it
A. That depends on how you define rare. In the past 36 hours, 1/2 of the 3rd-trimester abortion providers in the country have been murdered. In the past 16 year, someone has been murdered every other year (on average) from violence against abortion providers. (That's not including the attempted murders.) There have been more before that, but I don't have stats readily handy right now.
B. Are you fucking kidding me with that comparison? Before being murdered, Dr. Tiller was shot twice, his clinic was bombed, his clinic has been physically blocked, his patients and staff are harassed daily, his home and every place he does business has been picketed, he had to drive an armored vehicle, wear a bullet-proof vest, and have a baby guard.
C. Well I guess you'll just have to trust that I know what I'm talking about. Or feel free to demonstrate how easy it is to get this training.
E. If no one did it, many more women would die or suffer permanent injury/illness from pregnancy. I'm sure if you ever have a wife who's in this position, you'll be thanking the Lord that such providers exist.
A. That depends on how you define rare. In the past 36 hours, 1/2 of the 3rd-trimester abortion providers in the country have been murdered. In the past 16 year, someone has been murdered every other year (on average) from violence against abortion providers. (That's not including the attempted murders.) There have been more before that, but I don't have stats readily handy right now.
B. Are you fucking kidding me with that comparison? Before being murdered, Dr. Tiller was shot twice, his clinic was bombed, his clinic has been physically blocked, his patients and staff are harassed daily, his home and every place he does business has been picketed, he had to drive an armored vehicle, wear a bullet-proof vest, and have a baby guard.
C. Well I guess you'll just have to trust that I know what I'm talking about. Or feel free to demonstrate how easy it is to get this training.
E. If no one did it, many more women would die or suffer permanent injury/illness from pregnancy. I'm sure if you ever have a wife who's in this position, you'll be thanking the Lord that such providers exist.
so say a woman was in immediate danger of dying, the emergency room Doctor could not perform the abortion to save the womans life? it would be nothing more then a Cesarean section would it not?
huh? I still dont think they should been performed. no one got me to understand shit. the only thing I learned was that you need a reason to have an abortion. so what? I still believe late term abortions should be banned. and I'm pro-choice. go figure.
regardless, my original question was still not answered.
why is it that so few doctors are not willing to perform late term abortions
So women whose lives or health are in danger without the abortion should just be left to suffer and/or die? (By the way, if the woman dies, the baby will likely die too, so no one will have been saved.)
I'd be fine with this...
(1) The abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman
Well then you're contradicting yourself, because you don't really want them to be banned.
What about when the child is going to die anyway, cost the taxpayers millions in medical bills before it does, and its birth would prevent the woman from ever having a child in the future?
why is it that so few doctors are not willing to perform late term abortions?
I dunno. Someone got shot for doing it yesterday. Their families are routinely targeted for violent harassment and threats by people that, like you, prefer ignoring reality and labeling them baby killers to actually bothering to understand what it is they are doing. It costs a fortune to maintain (see the arson perpetrated against his clinic over the years). Those are pretty strong reasons against doing it. It's a pretty dangerous and risky field.
What about when the child is going to die anyway, cost the taxpayers millions in medical bills before it does, and its birth would prevent the woman from ever having a child in the future?
going to die anyway? huh? a child isnt dead until its dead.
A. That depends on how you define rare. In the past 36 hours, 1/2 of the 3rd-trimester abortion providers in the country have been murdered. In the past 16 year, someone has been murdered every other year (on average) from violence against abortion providers. (That's not including the attempted murders.) There have been more before that, but I don't have stats readily handy right now.
B. Are you fucking kidding me with that comparison? Before being murdered, Dr. Tiller was shot twice, his clinic was bombed, his clinic has been physically blocked, his patients and staff are harassed daily, his home and every place he does business has been picketed, he had to drive an armored vehicle, wear a bullet-proof vest, and have a baby guard.
C. Well I guess you'll just have to trust that I know what I'm talking about. Or feel free to demonstrate how easy it is to get this training.
E. If no one did it, many more women would die or suffer permanent injury/illness from pregnancy. I'm sure if you ever have a wife who's in this position, you'll be thanking the Lord that such providers exist.
so say a woman was in immediate danger of dying, the emergency room Doctor could not perform the abortion to save the womans life? it would be nothing more then a Cesarean section would it not?
3rd-trimester abortions aren't done by cesarean section (as you have already pointed out in your post about how they are done). (Most docs aren't trained in c-section anyway.) I'm going to have a hard time trying to explain to you the medical complexities of this issue, but it is more complex than you realize.
What about when the child is going to die anyway, cost the taxpayers millions in medical bills before it does, and its birth would prevent the woman from ever having a child in the future?
going to die anyway? huh? a child isnt dead until its dead.
Yes, but if, say, you can see in an ultrasound that the child's brian and spinal cord have grown outside of its body, you know it will not be capable of life for very long and the short life it may have will be costly and filled with suffering. Why would you want to go through with that?
it took 6 pages on an internet forum from 2 different people to get you to understand - now, imagine what it's like convincing the rest of america ...
edit: this is not meant to be a slag to you - just simply that people have certain preconceived notions especially if they listen to pundits that share their "belief" system ... it doesn't take much to convince a pro-lifer that these late-term abortions are akin to baby-killing ...
huh? I still dont think they should been performed. no one got me to understand shit. the only thing I learned was that you need a reason to have an abortion. so what? I still believe late term abortions should be banned. and I'm pro-choice. go figure.
regardless, my original question was still not answered.
why is it that so few doctors are not willing to perform late term abortions
so ... the woman should die?
if nothing else, you'd think there might be some *understanding* that the reason for such a late- term abortion is life-threatening to the woman. aparently not a very good *reason* for it. :? still under the delusion perhaps that a woman just undergoes it simply b/c she 'changed her mind'....and some doctor agrees to it.
funny too, the threat of possible harassment and/or death, or at least death threats.....that's just so *rare* that more and more doctors should willingly undergo such treatment.
3rd-trimester abortions aren't done by cesarean section (as you have already pointed out in your post about how they are done). (Most docs aren't trained in c-section anyway.) I'm going to have a hard time trying to explain to you the medical complexities of this issue, but it is more complex than you realize.
The physician is faced with two main alternatives at this late point in pregnancy:
A hysterotomy, which is similar to a Cesarean section. The woman is given a local anesthetic. A cut is made into her abdomen which extends into the uterus. The fetus is removed. The placenta is then removed. Finally, the incision is stitched.
I don't doubt its a complicated procedure, but emergency room doctors do some amazing shit
Yes, but if, say, you can see in an ultrasound that the child's brian and spinal cord have grown outside of its body, you know it will not be capable of life for very long and the short life it may have will be costly and filled with suffering. Why would you want to go through with that?
if the brain or spinal cord have grown outside the body, I would consider that already dead no?
Not to derail this thread back to the original topic, but I think it's noteworthy that this Doctor was shot while serving as an usher at his church.
What that says to me is that you can't paint those opposing abortion as automatically doing it for religious reasons. Obviously this guy was religious and his church had accepted him.
Things are not always as black and white as they seem.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Not to derail this thread back to the original topic, but I think it's noteworthy that this Doctor was shot while serving as an usher at his church.
What that says to me is that you can't paint those opposing abortion as automatically doing it for religious reasons. Obviously this guy was religious and his church had accepted him.
Things are not always as black and white as they seem.
how do you know the guy who shot him didn't do it because of religious reasons?
Not to derail this thread back to the original topic, but I think it's noteworthy that this Doctor was shot while serving as an usher at his church.
What that says to me is that you can't paint those opposing abortion as automatically doing it for religious reasons. Obviously this guy was religious and his church had accepted him.
Things are not always as black and white as they seem.
I beg to differ. What this shows is that there is a split among Christian sects. Some more willing to accept what he does than others. But I don't know anyone that is for outlawing abortion, let alone to the extent that they will picket/become violent, that does not feel it is a moral issue based on their religious values. I have yet to meet a single vehemently pro-life person that is not also an evangelical/fundamentalist Christian.
Yes, but if, say, you can see in an ultrasound that the child's brian and spinal cord have grown outside of its body, you know it will not be capable of life for very long and the short life it may have will be costly and filled with suffering. Why would you want to go through with that?
if the brain or spinal cord have grown outside the body, I would consider that already dead no?
No. As you said, a child isn't dead until it's dead. There are some very horrific things that can happen during human development that don't kill you until after you're born.
Yes, but if, say, you can see in an ultrasound that the child's brian and spinal cord have grown outside of its body, you know it will not be capable of life for very long and the short life it may have will be costly and filled with suffering. Why would you want to go through with that?
if the brain or spinal cord have grown outside the body, I would consider that already dead no?
No. As you said, a child isn't dead until it's dead. There are some very horrific things that can happen during human development that don't kill you until after you're born.
but a body can not survive if the brain and/or spinal cord aren't growing inside the body. so by my legal and professional opinion , that baby is dead.
Not to derail this thread back to the original topic, but I think it's noteworthy that this Doctor was shot while serving as an usher at his church.
What that says to me is that you can't paint those opposing abortion as automatically doing it for religious reasons. Obviously this guy was religious and his church had accepted him.
Things are not always as black and white as they seem.
how do you know the guy who shot him didn't do it because of religious reasons?
both could absolutely be true.
and i do agree, not ALL who oppose abortion do so b/c of religious reasons, just like all those who are pro-choice aren't all crazed baby-killers. there are 'moderates' on both sides of this issue.
Not to derail this thread back to the original topic, but I think it's noteworthy that this Doctor was shot while serving as an usher at his church.
What that says to me is that you can't paint those opposing abortion as automatically doing it for religious reasons. Obviously this guy was religious and his church had accepted him.
Things are not always as black and white as they seem.
how do you know the guy who shot him didn't do it because of religious reasons?
both could absolutely be true.
and i do agree, not ALL who oppose abortion do so b/c of religious reasons, just like all those who are pro-choice aren't all crazed baby-killers. there are 'moderates' on both sides of this issue.
how do you know the guy who shot him didn't do it because of religious reasons?
both could absolutely be true.
and i do agree, not ALL who oppose abortion do so b/c of religious reasons, just like all those who are pro-choice aren't all crazed baby-killers. there are 'moderates' on both sides of this issue.
ready for this.....
I agree
that happens from time to time
i have, on rare occasions, noticed this phenomena as well.
it DOES happen.
but a body can not survive if the brain and/or spinal cord aren't growing inside the body. so by my legal and professional opinion , that baby is dead.
not to doubt both your legal and professional opinion ....but in reality, such a baby CAN still be alive in the womb, and it takes an abortion to end it's *life*.....otherwise the woman has to go and give birth to it, just to see it die. so unless someone wants to go thru the painful, heart-wrenching trauma of giving birth to such a baby, or give birth to a still born baby...it's still considered abortion. i know this b/c it happened to a relative of mine, one who deseperately wanted said child, and yet did opt for an abortion b/c yes.....the baby would definitely die once born, tho not dead in the womb. she did however, go on to have 2 healthy, beautiul and well-loved children.
I know its a legal procedure still doesn't make it right though, why dont go look at some pics of a late term abortion and then tell me how you feel. I would post a link on here but I'd probably get banned. Like I said I dont agree with the man getting gunned down in his church but at the same time it's really hard for me to feel sorry for him. He didnt get the name Tiller the baby killer for nothin :twisted:
Do photos of dead soldiers have the same effect on you and make you anti-war?
Excellent question. I was just wondering if we would be justified in killing soldiers because they legally killed others in war. Or prison executioners. Or those people at animal control who put dogs and cats down because they don't have the resources to care for them. (I know, I know.... animals are less worthy of life than potential people. :roll: ) Or, if not justified, whether prfctlefts would at least feel sorry for them if they were gunned down while ushering at their churches.
Excellent Question??? :roll: :roll: War and abortion ?? Don't you think you're comparing apples to oranges?? Um yeah Pictures of dead soldiers do bother me but you know what they have a choice to enlist there's no draft. Aborted babies don't have a choice.They don"t get a choice at life, See this where all you liberals confuse me . All of you scream about free speech and civil rights and most of you are against the death penalty,but when it comes to abortion screw em what rights.
There were people that went on record that worked for him saying that There were women getting late term abortions even if they weren't in any sort of physical harm. some did it cos having a baby would be an inconvenience for them. and as far as animals go if you care so much about them why dont you go adopt all the strays. or should we just say screw it and just let em roam the streets and keep mating,
Not to derail this thread back to the original topic, but I think it's noteworthy that this Doctor was shot while serving as an usher at his church.
What that says to me is that you can't paint those opposing abortion as automatically doing it for religious reasons. Obviously this guy was religious and his church had accepted him.
Things are not always as black and white as they seem.
I beg to differ. What this shows is that there is a split among Christian sects. Some more willing to accept what he does than others. But I don't know anyone that is for outlawing abortion, let alone to the extent that they will picket/become violent, that does not feel it is a moral issue based on their religious values. I have yet to meet a single vehemently pro-life person that is not also an evangelical/fundamentalist Christian.
How is that different that what I said? I was pointing out that people often assume that everyone religious opposes abortion, but here was a doctor at a fairly mainstream church who was accepted by the members of that church.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
if the brain or spinal cord have grown outside the body, I would consider that already dead no?
No. As you said, a child isn't dead until it's dead. There are some very horrific things that can happen during human development that don't kill you until after you're born.
but a body can not survive if the brain and/or spinal cord aren't growing inside the body. so by my legal and professional opinion , that baby is dead.
It can't survive for very long, which is why abortion might be appropriate. But legally & medically speaking, it would be alive. These are exactly the kinds of cases people are talking about with regard to late-term abortions - and exactly the cases a ban would affect.
Do photos of dead soldiers have the same effect on you and make you anti-war?
Excellent question. I was just wondering if we would be justified in killing soldiers because they legally killed others in war. Or prison executioners. Or those people at animal control who put dogs and cats down because they don't have the resources to care for them. (I know, I know.... animals are less worthy of life than potential people. :roll: ) Or, if not justified, whether prfctlefts would at least feel sorry for them if they were gunned down while ushering at their churches.
Not to derail this thread back to the original topic, but I think it's noteworthy that this Doctor was shot while serving as an usher at his church.
What that says to me is that you can't paint those opposing abortion as automatically doing it for religious reasons. Obviously this guy was religious and his church had accepted him.
Things are not always as black and white as they seem.
I beg to differ. What this shows is that there is a split among Christian sects. Some more willing to accept what he does than others. But I don't know anyone that is for outlawing abortion, let alone to the extent that they will picket/become violent, that does not feel it is a moral issue based on their religious values. I have yet to meet a single vehemently pro-life person that is not also an evangelical/fundamentalist Christian.
How is that different that what I said? I was pointing out that people often assume that everyone religious opposes abortion, but here was a doctor at a fairly mainstream church who was accepted by the members of that church.
Ah, then I agree. I thought you were saying that nobody should assume this guy was religious. I think it's clear he was and I think it's also clear that 99.9% of the pro-life/no-legal-abortion movement is Christian in origin. But that does not necessarily mean that all Christians are thus, let alone that all Christians are whackjobs ready to knock off people that disagree with them.
Excellent Question??? :roll: :roll: War and abortion ?? Don't you think you're comparing apples to oranges?? Um yeah Pictures of dead soldiers do bother me but you know what they have a choice to enlist there's no draft. Aborted babies don't have a choice.They don"t get a choice at life, See this where all you liberals confuse me . All of you scream about free speech and civil rights and most of you are against the death penalty,but when it comes to abortion screw em what rights.
There were people that went on record that worked for him saying that There were women getting late term abortions even if they weren't in any sort of physical harm. some did it cos having a baby would be an inconvenience for them. and as far as animals go if you care so much about them why dont you go adopt all the strays. or should we just say screw it and just let em roam the streets and keep mating,
Good question, if you care so much why don't YOU adopt all the unwanted babies in this country?
The difference lies quite simply in:
pro-life: the fetus is a live human being with rights
pro-choice: the fetus is not a separate human being with rights prior to birth
Thus why being against the death penatly and pro-choice is no more contradictory than being against abortion and pro-death penalty. They both make perfect sense in their own way.
Excellent Question??? :roll: :roll: War and abortion ?? Don't you think you're comparing apples to oranges?? Um yeah Pictures of dead soldiers do bother me but you know what they have a choice to enlist there's no draft. Aborted babies don't have a choice.They don"t get a choice at life, See this where all you liberals confuse me . All of you scream about free speech and civil rights and most of you are against the death penalty,but when it comes to abortion screw em what rights. There were people that went on record that worked for him saying that There were women getting late term abortions even if they weren't in any sort of physical harm. some did it cos having a baby would be an inconvenience for them. and as far as animals go if you care so much about them why dont you go adopt all the strays. or should we just say screw it and just let em roam the streets and keep mating,
Good question, if you care so much why don't YOU adopt all the unwanted babies in this country?
The difference lies quite simply in:
pro-life: the fetus is a live human being with rights
pro-choice: the fetus is not a separate human being with rights prior to birth
Thus why being against the death penatly and pro-choice is no more contradictory than being against abortion and pro-death penalty. They both make perfect sense in their own way.
i also would like to see some documentation of this.
either way, it in NO way 'justifies' his murder, but this is a serious accusation, and i would like to know if it is true or not.....b/c if it was 'on record' why wasn't his license pulled?
and the whole abortion/war thing.....oversimplifying here and don't want to turn ithis anymore into THAt debate...but there are many, many people who do not consider a potential human life A human life, etc, etc....thus how we can 'justify' our liberal thoughts. thing of it is, right NOW, abortion, and late-term abortion ARE legal.....therefore while poeple may have their own personal beliefs, there is NO justification for trying to smear a doctor's professional career if he indeed was simply performing LEGAL medical procedures.
Induced labor: Medication is administered to the pregnant woman which triggers labor. The woman eventually gives birth to the partly developed fetus.
"D&E" (dilation and evacuation). The physician inserts a long toothed clamp through the woman's vagina into the uterus. She/he grabs body parts of the fetus at random, breaks them from the body and pulls them out. Finally, the head is crushed and extracted. Finally, the placenta and any remaining parts of the fetus are suctioned from the uterus. 1
"D&X" (dilation and extraction) The woman's cervix is dilated. If necessary, the fetus is rotated until it is facing feet downwards. The surgeon reaches into the uterus and pulls the fetus' body, with the exception of its head, out of the woman's body. Surgical scissors are inserted into the base of the fetal skull, and withdrawn. A suction tube is inserted and the fetus' brains are removed through aspiration. This partially collapses the fetal skull. The fetus is then fully removed from the woman's body.
Thanks for proving my point. 3rd-trimester babies aren't sucked out with vacuums.
suction tube and vacuum are technically the same thing what do you think do you think aspiration is scb ?
hey ss the last time I checked the fetus had a heart beat save your smart ass remarks for some one else.
Kinda like how you saved your smart ass remarks to scb about adopting cats and dogs for someone else? I love how brazen you are about your hypocrisy.
As to the heart beat, thank you for illustrating my point. You believe a fetus is a life with rights from conception. I don't. It takes more than a heart beat. A dog has one too... you're ok with putting a dog down.
hey ss the last time I checked the fetus had a heart beat save your smart ass remarks for some one else.
Kinda like how you saved your smart ass remarks to scb about adopting cats and dogs for someone else? I love how brazen you are about your hypocrisy.
As to the heart beat, thank you for illustrating my point. You believe a fetus is a life with rights from conception. I don't. It takes more than a heart beat. A dog has one too... you're ok with putting a dog down.
It was a stupid comparison dogs and cats to aborted babies , you ask a dumb ass question you going to get a smart ass answer and how am I being a hypocrite.
A. That depends on how you define rare. In the past 36 hours, 1/2 of the 3rd-trimester abortion providers in the country have been murdered. In the past 16 year, someone has been murdered every other year (on average) from violence against abortion providers. (That's not including the attempted murders.) There have been more before that, but I don't have stats readily handy right now.
B. Are you fucking kidding me with that comparison? Before being murdered, Dr. Tiller was shot twice, his clinic was bombed, his clinic has been physically blocked, his patients and staff are harassed daily, his home and every place he does business has been picketed, he had to drive an armored vehicle, wear a bullet-proof vest, and have a baby guard.
C. Well I guess you'll just have to trust that I know what I'm talking about. Or feel free to demonstrate how easy it is to get this training.
E. If no one did it, many more women would die or suffer permanent injury/illness from pregnancy. I'm sure if you ever have a wife who's in this position, you'll be thanking the Lord that such providers exist.
one a year on average? ok thats alot.
well then you should define harassed.
so say a woman was in immediate danger of dying, the emergency room Doctor could not perform the abortion to save the womans life? it would be nothing more then a Cesarean section would it not?
Well then you're contradicting yourself, because you don't really want them to be banned.
What about when the child is going to die anyway, cost the taxpayers millions in medical bills before it does, and its birth would prevent the woman from ever having a child in the future?
I dunno. Someone got shot for doing it yesterday. Their families are routinely targeted for violent harassment and threats by people that, like you, prefer ignoring reality and labeling them baby killers to actually bothering to understand what it is they are doing. It costs a fortune to maintain (see the arson perpetrated against his clinic over the years). Those are pretty strong reasons against doing it. It's a pretty dangerous and risky field.
but preservation of the womans life is not the only restriction.
going to die anyway? huh? a child isnt dead until its dead.
3rd-trimester abortions aren't done by cesarean section (as you have already pointed out in your post about how they are done). (Most docs aren't trained in c-section anyway.) I'm going to have a hard time trying to explain to you the medical complexities of this issue, but it is more complex than you realize.
Yes, but if, say, you can see in an ultrasound that the child's brian and spinal cord have grown outside of its body, you know it will not be capable of life for very long and the short life it may have will be costly and filled with suffering. Why would you want to go through with that?
if nothing else, you'd think there might be some *understanding* that the reason for such a late- term abortion is life-threatening to the woman. aparently not a very good *reason* for it. :? still under the delusion perhaps that a woman just undergoes it simply b/c she 'changed her mind'....and some doctor agrees to it.
funny too, the threat of possible harassment and/or death, or at least death threats.....that's just so *rare* that more and more doctors should willingly undergo such treatment.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
forgive the source but I found this....
Third trimester abortions:
The physician is faced with two main alternatives at this late point in pregnancy:
A hysterotomy, which is similar to a Cesarean section. The woman is given a local anesthetic. A cut is made into her abdomen which extends into the uterus. The fetus is removed. The placenta is then removed. Finally, the incision is stitched.
I don't doubt its a complicated procedure, but emergency room doctors do some amazing shit
if the brain or spinal cord have grown outside the body, I would consider that already dead no?
What that says to me is that you can't paint those opposing abortion as automatically doing it for religious reasons. Obviously this guy was religious and his church had accepted him.
Things are not always as black and white as they seem.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
how do you know the guy who shot him didn't do it because of religious reasons?
I beg to differ. What this shows is that there is a split among Christian sects. Some more willing to accept what he does than others. But I don't know anyone that is for outlawing abortion, let alone to the extent that they will picket/become violent, that does not feel it is a moral issue based on their religious values. I have yet to meet a single vehemently pro-life person that is not also an evangelical/fundamentalist Christian.
No. As you said, a child isn't dead until it's dead. There are some very horrific things that can happen during human development that don't kill you until after you're born.
but a body can not survive if the brain and/or spinal cord aren't growing inside the body. so by my legal and professional opinion
both could absolutely be true.
and i do agree, not ALL who oppose abortion do so b/c of religious reasons, just like all those who are pro-choice aren't all crazed baby-killers. there are 'moderates' on both sides of this issue.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
ready for this.....
I agree
that happens from time to time
i have, on rare occasions, noticed this phenomena as well.
it DOES happen.
not to doubt both your legal and professional opinion
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Excellent Question??? :roll: :roll: War and abortion ?? Don't you think you're comparing apples to oranges?? Um yeah Pictures of dead soldiers do bother me but you know what they have a choice to enlist there's no draft. Aborted babies don't have a choice.They don"t get a choice at life, See this where all you liberals confuse me . All of you scream about free speech and civil rights and most of you are against the death penalty,but when it comes to abortion screw em what rights.
There were people that went on record that worked for him saying that There were women getting late term abortions even if they weren't in any sort of physical harm. some did it cos having a baby would be an inconvenience for them. and as far as animals go if you care so much about them why dont you go adopt all the strays. or should we just say screw it and just let em roam the streets and keep mating,
How is that different that what I said? I was pointing out that people often assume that everyone religious opposes abortion, but here was a doctor at a fairly mainstream church who was accepted by the members of that church.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
It can't survive for very long, which is why abortion might be appropriate. But legally & medically speaking, it would be alive. These are exactly the kinds of cases people are talking about with regard to late-term abortions - and exactly the cases a ban would affect.
:? :?
Ah, then I agree. I thought you were saying that nobody should assume this guy was religious. I think it's clear he was and I think it's also clear that 99.9% of the pro-life/no-legal-abortion movement is Christian in origin. But that does not necessarily mean that all Christians are thus, let alone that all Christians are whackjobs ready to knock off people that disagree with them.
That should stop the killings!!!!!
On a serious note, it's sad that anyone would kill somebody in this manner. And it's sad that they can justify it in their own minds.
It's also sad how many kids are killed each year, hell, each day in America from abortions.
Sad all around.
Good question, if you care so much why don't YOU adopt all the unwanted babies in this country?
The difference lies quite simply in:
pro-life: the fetus is a live human being with rights
pro-choice: the fetus is not a separate human being with rights prior to birth
Thus why being against the death penatly and pro-choice is no more contradictory than being against abortion and pro-death penalty. They both make perfect sense in their own way.
i also would like to see some documentation of this.
either way, it in NO way 'justifies' his murder, but this is a serious accusation, and i would like to know if it is true or not.....b/c if it was 'on record' why wasn't his license pulled?
and the whole abortion/war thing.....oversimplifying here and don't want to turn ithis anymore into THAt debate...but there are many, many people who do not consider a potential human life A human life, etc, etc....thus how we can 'justify' our liberal thoughts. thing of it is, right NOW, abortion, and late-term abortion ARE legal.....therefore while poeple may have their own personal beliefs, there is NO justification for trying to smear a doctor's professional career if he indeed was simply performing LEGAL medical procedures.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
suction tube and vacuum are technically the same thing what do you think do you think aspiration is scb ?
Kinda like how you saved your smart ass remarks to scb about adopting cats and dogs for someone else? I love how brazen you are about your hypocrisy.
As to the heart beat, thank you for illustrating my point. You believe a fetus is a life with rights from conception. I don't. It takes more than a heart beat. A dog has one too... you're ok with putting a dog down.