Big box stores seem to be the wave of the future nowadays.Without a label,a band still needs
to promote new music someway,somehow and what better way to reach the masses than by
having a nationwide corporation push and promote your latest release so that the most people
possible can have greater access to your music?
Target is based here in minneapolis and is a great company.What you dont hear about is all the
money they donate behind the scenes to various causes and you never hear about it,
because they dont spout off and brag about it.They donate millions of dollars behind the
scenes to lots of charities.They are probably the biggest givers of charitable donations in
the usa.
The Eagles & AC/DC used Wal-Mart Exclusively for their latest offerings,to much success,might i add.
Prince used Target exclusively for his latest cd also.
Bands are gauranteed by these corporations a certain amount of cd's sold,because the corporation buys
a set amount of cd's from the band for national distribution,thus guaranteeing the band a profit and
success financially.
The corporation is then stuck with the remaining inventory of cd's to either be sold or be stuck with.
Can you blame them for playing the game? Look what it did for the 3 afformentioned bands above.
Prince entered the chart at #2 in sales behind keith urban,with sales of over 200,000 copies the first week.
Can't remember the totals of Eagles & AC/DC,but im sure they were very good because
Big box stores seem to be the wave of the future nowadays.Without a label,a band still needs
to promote new music someway,somehow and what better way to reach the masses than by
having a nationwide corporation push and promote your latest release so that the most people
possible can have greater access to your music?
Target is based here in minneapolis and is a great company.What you dont hear about is all the
money they donate behind the scenes to various causes and you never hear about it,
because they dont spout off and brag about it.They donate millions of dollars behind the
scenes to lots of charities.They are probably the biggest givers of charitable donations in
the usa.
The Eagles & AC/DC used Wal-Mart Exclusively for their latest offerings,to much success,may i adarget
First of all let's get something straight, Pearl Jam's first 3 albums were record breaking sellers ok...just the sales of Ten alone would provide a comfy life for all the members of the band!seeing there was no internet back then to download off of..and besides anyone in the music biz knows the real money is in touring not record sales and PJ has toured like a mother fucker throughout their whole existence! pretty safe to say no one in the band will be going hungry anytime soon and to suggest they need to sell out or they will go broke is totally fucking absurd!!
now i will hold off on my scorn as we all know none of this shit is confirmed yet and it is still considered in the rumor stage...but know this,,Target is a douche bag comp. just like may hear they give to charity and are environmentally conscious, but don't get it twisted..they are all about profit and the bottom line is considered more important than people....and this lay down and roll over mentality by my fellow citizens is why corporations rule the day!! we have the fucking power to change everything!! but too many people are ignorant, brainwashed and apathetic to do anything about what's going on all around our once great nation is bankrupted/looted by silver spooned criminals in DC and their banker buddies...NAFTA and GATT have intentionally killed this country and all our futures and the futures of our children have been raped!! I could go on for hours but i guess what I'm saying is..Pearl Jam was one of the last "pure/true" things i had in my life that was tainted by this new age "me me me" greed mentality and if they are about to bow down to little brother when in this stage of their careers..just isn't necessary...I don't know...I'm getting sick just thinking about it...and a lot of you know i have defended them many times before...but not this time...i just hope the rumors are false...that's all i'll say for now.
Jeanwah....good job! i like your sheep here baby!!
The Eagles & AC/DC used Wal-Mart Exclusively for their latest offerings,to much success,may i adarget
On the otherhand, the Best Buy U.S. exclusive of Guns N' Roses' "Chinese Democracy" was a complete failure.
"I'll end up alone like I began..."
"You need the patience of like a National Geographic photographer sitting underneath the bush in a tent, trying to get a picture of zebras fucking or something for the first time." -Eddie Vedder
..they are all about profit and the bottom line is considered more important than people....!
ALL companies are like that, every single one of them, from the biggest to the smallest. They are in the business to make money, that definitely IS the bottom line. That is what business is... they are not in the market for philantrophic reasons. Some companies are better than others to 'give back'.
..they are all about profit and the bottom line is considered more important than people....!
ALL companies are like that, every single one of them, from the biggest to the smallest. They are in the business to make money, that definitely IS the bottom line. That is what business is... they are not in the market for philantrophic reasons. Some companies are better than others to 'give back'.
Not a question of sheep, a question of reality.
it's different when you have many small businesses like this country used to selling products manufactured by people who earned a very nice wage AND it was made in this country!!..but now you have a small handful of multinational corporations in control of everything selling us Chinese slave labor produced goods turning us into a consumer nation because we no longer can compete with other manufacturing countries because of NAFTA & GATT..we have been turned out like a 2 dollar ho and and most people are too bizzy turning tricks to realize it...once upon a time when we didn't like a system because it was unjust, we would fight it till it we roll over and say "that's just how it is"...FUCK THAT!!! this country is just full of a bunch of pussies now...that's your fucking reality!!
... we have past the point of no return. Need to wait for the Earth to implode on itself and start from scratch.
There are things individuals can do, but it is on a very limited scale. It ends up more like a 'feel good' action from this individual than anything that has real impact. As I said in another post and you mention again, a few large corporations control the market. One action against one of the brands doesn't hurt the corporation.
... we have past the point of no return. Need to wait for the Earth to implode on itself and start from scratch.
bullshit...there is no such thing as "past the point of no return" that is a defeatist mentality! you know George Washington lost almost every battle he had with the British...but he never gave up!! and in the end he won the most important battle only because of perseverance & determination.
never roll over and play dead unless you're dead!!!
I am not advocating Corporations. I think to call Pearl Jam "Sell-outs" for selling their music is ridiculous. There is a song by Tool which kinda simplifies the reality of mainstream anti-corporate as you may wanna be...
"All you know about me is what I've sold you,Dumb fuck.I sold out long before you ever heard my name. I sold my soul to make a record, dip shit, and you bought one. All you read and wear or see and hear on TV is a product begging for your fatass dirty dollar, So...Shut up and buy my new record. Send more money, fuck you, buddy."
If you REALLY beieve in what you speak of, than you REALLY wouldn't even listen to Pearl Jam to begin with...There are TONS of kick-ass bands that are Independant of corporate America. Just find a good local venue and go see some bands you never heard of. Then you dont have to come here and bitch about it. Pearl Jam is HUGE. They have things that we THINK they stand for, and there are things that we have come to believe in BECAUSE it is what THEY stand or stood for, but go with the flow...They continue to make great music, continue to host the GREATEST Concerts, continue to be involved with so many projects to fuel our fanatical craving for MORE. Who the fuck are we to judge them? What exactly IS "Selling-Out" to you?...To ME, it is what Chris Cornell did with Timbaland...not making a fucking commercial for Target...
Oh, and Breed...I am a Union Laborer. I work on Bridges for a living...with my hands. I do not support the Chinese supported Corporations. But I do LOVE Pearl Jam.
I am not advocating Corporations. I think to call Pearl Jam "Sell-outs" for selling their music is ridiculous. There is a song by Tool which kinda simplifies the reality of mainstream anti-corporate as you may wanna be...
"All you know about me is what I've sold you,Dumb fuck.I sold out long before you ever heard my name. I sold my soul to make a record, dip shit, and you bought one. All you read and wear or see and hear on TV is a product begging for your fatass dirty dollar, So...Shut up and buy my new record. Send more money, fuck you, buddy."
If you REALLY beieve in what you speak of, than you REALLY wouldn't even listen to Pearl Jam to begin with...There are TONS of kick-ass bands that are Independant of corporate America. Just find a good local venue and go see some bands you never heard of. Then you dont have to come here and bitch about it. Pearl Jam is HUGE. They have things that we THINK they stand for, and there are things that we have come to believe in BECAUSE it is what THEY stand or stood for, but go with the flow...They continue to make great music, continue to host the GREATEST Concerts, continue to be involved with so many projects to fuel our fanatical craving for MORE. Who the fuck are we to judge them? What exactly IS "Selling-Out" to you?...To ME, it is what Chris Cornell did with Timbaland...not making a fucking commercial for Target...
i understand to even have a record deal you have to be somewhat corporate...fuck even RATM had a record deal...but PJ used to walk a fine line and did what they could to stay as true as possible...see there is a difference between dipping your toes in the water and doing a fucking swan dive off the top platform.
i guess things were different then and all is different now.
... we have past the point of no return. Need to wait for the Earth to implode on itself and start from scratch.
bullshit...there is no such thing as "past the point of no return" that is a defeatist mentality! you know George Washington lost almost every battle he had with the British...but he never gave up!! and in the end he won the most important battle only because of perseverance & determination.
never roll over and play dead unless you're dead!!!
Completely agree. I'm disgusted with society today that just throws their arms up and say "there's nothing I can do!" What a complete victim mentality, and that's the kind of mentality that powerful men behind curtains take advantage of.
They don't have to have target as sponors or whatever to survive or thrive.. If the rumors are true they have sold out and I will be disappointed but in saying that will never stop loving the band. Times have changed.
I'm just flying around the other side of the world to say I love you
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
I am not advocating Corporations... Pearl Jam is HUGE. They have things that we THINK they stand for, and there are things that we have come to believe in BECAUSE it is what THEY stand or stood for, but go with the flow...They continue to make great music, continue to host the GREATEST Concerts, continue to be involved with so many projects to fuel our fanatical craving for MORE. Who the fuck are we to judge them? What exactly IS "Selling-Out" to you?...To ME, it is what Chris Cornell did with Timbaland...not making a fucking commercial for Target...
Using the broad market to sell your product is ONE thing. It's completely another to partner with one major corporation and do exclusive business. Why do they feel the need to partner? That's my question.
I am not advocating Corporations... Pearl Jam is HUGE. They have things that we THINK they stand for, and there are things that we have come to believe in BECAUSE it is what THEY stand or stood for, but go with the flow...They continue to make great music, continue to host the GREATEST Concerts, continue to be involved with so many projects to fuel our fanatical craving for MORE. Who the fuck are we to judge them? What exactly IS "Selling-Out" to you?...To ME, it is what Chris Cornell did with Timbaland...not making a fucking commercial for Target...
Using the broad market to see your product is ONE thing. It's completely another to partner with one major corporation and do exclusive business. Why do they feel the need to partner? That's my question.
I will go as far and say there will be a backlash from longtime fans if this rumor is true. It's hypocritical for the band to do something like this and part of my respect for ed and the band would have gone (if this happens).
I'm just flying around the other side of the world to say I love you
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
Using the broad market to see your product is ONE thing. It's completely another to partner with one major corporation and do exclusive business. Why do they feel the need to partner? That's my question.
I will go as far and say there will be a backlash from longtime fans if this rumor is true. It's hypocritical for the band to do something like this and part of my respect for ed and the band would have gone (if this happens).
I will go as far and say there will be a backlash from longtime fans if this rumor is true. It's hypocritical for the band to do something like this and part of my respect for ed and the band would have gone (if this happens).
I will go as far and say there will be a backlash from longtime fans if this rumor is true. It's hypocritical for the band to do something like this and part of my respect for ed and the band would have gone (if this happens).
Big deal, from what im seeing Target is on a big move, and i think that everyones opinion on things have changed in the last few years, So for the band to feel that locking up with a corporation like Target could be a positive thing isnt so far fetched of an idea, It may be one of those instances where they feel the route they were on wasnt working for their progressive goals anymore and they needed to do something different. We have all been there, try not to be so hypocritical about others so easily.
... we have past the point of no return. Need to wait for the Earth to implode on itself and start from scratch.
bullshit...there is no such thing as "past the point of no return" that is a defeatist mentality! you know George Washington lost almost every battle he had with the British...but he never gave up!! and in the end he won the most important battle only because of perseverance & determination.
never roll over and play dead unless you're dead!!!
Completely agree. I'm disgusted with society today that just throws their arms up and say "there's nothing I can do!" What a complete victim mentality, and that's the kind of mentality that powerful men behind curtains take advantage of.
It's not a question of saying 'there's nothing I can do'. It is reality - just look at what happened in the past year... have any of the big institutions been 'broken'. NO - even if the average person thought this would be the end of them. There is too much at stake.
There is a LOT one can fight for and make a huge difference. Big corporations/market alliances are not one of them. They have got us by the balls, whether you like it or not.
As one poster said, if the fact that PJ uses Target/wallmart/best buy... whatever big corporation to market it's goods and it bothers you, protest by not listening to PJ or buying their stuff. At the same time, do not listen to ANY band/musician, etc. that dares sell it stuff through those channels. Ridiculous you say? Of course.
Put your energy and your voice where you CAN make a big difference. Of course your voice and actions can be heard for other 'causes' but the impact will not be there (except on an individual basis).
Big deal, from what im seeing Target is on a big move, and i think that everyones opinion on things have changed in the last few years, So for the band to feel that locking up with a corporation like Target could be a positive thing isnt so far fetched of an idea, It may be one of those instances where they feel the route they were on wasnt working for their progressive goals anymore and they needed to do something different. We have all been there, try not to be so hypocritical about others so easily.
you can try to justify/rationalize it all you can put perfume on a pig, but it's still a pig.
It's not a question of saying 'there's nothing I can do'. It is reality - just look at what happened in the past year... have any of the big institutions been 'broken'. NO - even if the average person thought this would be the end of them. There is too much at stake.
There is a LOT one can fight for and make a huge difference. Big corporations/market alliances are not one of them. They have got us by the balls, whether you like it or not.
As one poster said, if the fact that PJ uses Target/wallmart/best buy... whatever big corporation to market it's goods and it bothers you, protest by not listening to PJ or buying their stuff. At the same time, do not listen to ANY band/musician, etc. that dares sell it stuff through those channels. Ridiculous you say? Of course.
Put your energy and your voice where you CAN make a big difference. Of course your voice and actions can be heard for other 'causes' but the impact will not be there (except on an individual basis).
It's not a question of saying 'there's nothing I can do'. It is reality - just look at what happened in the past year... have any of the big institutions been 'broken'. NO - even if the average person thought this would be the end of them. There is too much at stake.
There is a LOT one can fight for and make a huge difference. Big corporations/market alliances are not one of them. They have got us by the balls, whether you like it or not.
As one poster said, if the fact that PJ uses Target/wallmart/best buy... whatever big corporation to market it's goods and it bothers you, protest by not listening to PJ or buying their stuff. At the same time, do not listen to ANY band/musician, etc. that dares sell it stuff through those channels. Ridiculous you say? Of course.
Put your energy and your voice where you CAN make a big difference. Of course your voice and actions can be heard for other 'causes' but the impact will not be there (except on an individual basis).
If that's how you feel as an American..... Other nationalities may see things differently.
Completely agree. I'm disgusted with society today that just throws their arms up and say "there's nothing I can do!" What a complete victim mentality, and that's the kind of mentality that powerful men behind curtains take advantage of.
There is a LOT one can fight for and make a huge difference. Big corporations/market alliances are not one of them. They have got us by the balls, whether you like it or not.
And who tells you what to buy? From what I remember, us consumers have the purchasing power. I decide who gets my dollar, no one, but ME. Power in numbers, man. If more people were conscious with exactly what they spend their money on, they'd realize that it's us with the power, not the Man. I research every company I buy items from and if they have shitty ethics with the environment, employees, human rights, among other things, they get zero money from me.
By the way, if anyone wants to have THIS conversation over a few cold ones before the Eddie shows in Philly, I don't have plans yet.
I'll be early to hang out before Thurs. show and would love to talk about the band, including this issue! Pearl Jam has such talent and I'm gratefut that they share it and do not mind paying for music. I buy music from my favorite bands. The Who is also a fave of mine and they definetly wanted to be rich and famous, what's wrong with that? As long as they keep on making music and/or performing live, I'm there!
Completely agree. I'm disgusted with society today that just throws their arms up and say "there's nothing I can do!" What a complete victim mentality, and that's the kind of mentality that powerful men behind curtains take advantage of.
There is a LOT one can fight for and make a huge difference. Big corporations/market alliances are not one of them. They have got us by the balls, whether you like it or not.
And who tells you what to buy? From what I remember, us consumers have the purchasing power. I decide who gets my dollar, no one, but ME. Power in numbers, man. If more people were conscious with exactly what they spend their money on, they'd realize that it's us with the power, not the Man. I research every company I buy items from and if they have shitty ethics with the environment, employees, human rights, among other things, they get zero money from me.
this is exactly what i do as well. you 'vote' with your dollar every day.
back on topic:
i surprised that no one brought up the possibility of giving the new cd away for free, like reznor did. he said he makes the most money from concerts and merchandise.
Completely agree. I'm disgusted with society today that just throws their arms up and say "there's nothing I can do!" What a complete victim mentality, and that's the kind of mentality that powerful men behind curtains take advantage of.
There is a LOT one can fight for and make a huge difference. Big corporations/market alliances are not one of them. They have got us by the balls, whether you like it or not.
And who tells you what to buy? From what I remember, us consumers have the purchasing power. I decide who gets my dollar, no one, but ME. Power in numbers, man. If more people were conscious with exactly what they spend their money on, they'd realize that it's us with the power, not the Man. I research every company I buy items from and if they have shitty ethics with the environment, employees, human rights, among other things, they get zero money from me.
You are absolutely right... it is our money and we spend it as we see. I take my Philip Morris example again... one of their companies (say company 2) you purchase from may be ethical or fairtrade under their name (Philip Morris as a whole is not). Company 2 has other companies under their umbrella which are not ethical or fairtrade but they market under Company 2's name and of course Company 2's main owner is definitely not ethical. So, in my mind and if I follow your logic you do not buy ANYTHING that has to do with main company (ie Philip Morris). It is a minefield and extremely difficult to buy uniquely ethical and fairtrade. Yes you CAN buy SOME goods fairtrade and ethical when you go direct to the source. Once these goods have hit 'mainstream', then you have the 'intermediates', the dealers and at the end the vendor.... All along this line, ethical/fairtrade is diluted.
And the companies that are ethical and/or fairtrade. Is it to the core of the company or just their purchasing? Are their finances ethical? Their investments? Most probably not.
The only way to live as you speak, is to be self sustaining.
Market liberalisation has not gone far enough and, as long as election campaigns are partly funded by these global corporations, it's not going to get much better.
to promote new music someway,somehow and what better way to reach the masses than by
having a nationwide corporation push and promote your latest release so that the most people
possible can have greater access to your music?
Target is based here in minneapolis and is a great company.What you dont hear about is all the
money they donate behind the scenes to various causes and you never hear about it,
because they dont spout off and brag about it.They donate millions of dollars behind the
scenes to lots of charities.They are probably the biggest givers of charitable donations in
the usa.
The Eagles & AC/DC used Wal-Mart Exclusively for their latest offerings,to much success,might i add.
Prince used Target exclusively for his latest cd also.
Bands are gauranteed by these corporations a certain amount of cd's sold,because the corporation buys
a set amount of cd's from the band for national distribution,thus guaranteeing the band a profit and
success financially.
The corporation is then stuck with the remaining inventory of cd's to either be sold or be stuck with.
Can you blame them for playing the game? Look what it did for the 3 afformentioned bands above.
Prince entered the chart at #2 in sales behind keith urban,with sales of over 200,000 copies the first week.
Can't remember the totals of Eagles & AC/DC,but im sure they were very good because
A record out in a long time.
now i will hold off on my scorn as we all know none of this shit is confirmed yet and it is still considered in the rumor stage...but know this,,Target is a douche bag comp. just like may hear they give to charity and are environmentally conscious, but don't get it twisted..they are all about profit and the bottom line is considered more important than people....and this lay down and roll over mentality by my fellow citizens is why corporations rule the day!! we have the fucking power to change everything!! but too many people are ignorant, brainwashed and apathetic to do anything about what's going on all around our once great nation is bankrupted/looted by silver spooned criminals in DC and their banker buddies...NAFTA and GATT have intentionally killed this country and all our futures and the futures of our children have been raped!! I could go on for hours but i guess what I'm saying is..Pearl Jam was one of the last "pure/true" things i had in my life that was tainted by this new age "me me me" greed mentality and if they are about to bow down to little brother when in this stage of their careers..just isn't necessary...I don't know...I'm getting sick just thinking about it...and a lot of you know i have defended them many times before...but not this time...i just hope the rumors are false...that's all i'll say for now.
Jeanwah....good job! i like your sheep here baby!!
On the otherhand, the Best Buy U.S. exclusive of Guns N' Roses' "Chinese Democracy" was a complete failure.
"You need the patience of like a National Geographic photographer sitting underneath the bush in a tent, trying to get a picture of zebras fucking or something for the first time." -Eddie Vedder
Not a question of sheep, a question of reality.
it's different when you have many small businesses like this country used to selling products manufactured by people who earned a very nice wage AND it was made in this country!!..but now you have a small handful of multinational corporations in control of everything selling us Chinese slave labor produced goods turning us into a consumer nation because we no longer can compete with other manufacturing countries because of NAFTA & GATT..we have been turned out like a 2 dollar ho and and most people are too bizzy turning tricks to realize it...once upon a time when we didn't like a system because it was unjust, we would fight it till it we roll over and say "that's just how it is"...FUCK THAT!!! this country is just full of a bunch of pussies now...that's your fucking reality!!
There are things individuals can do, but it is on a very limited scale. It ends up more like a 'feel good' action from this individual than anything that has real impact. As I said in another post and you mention again, a few large corporations control the market. One action against one of the brands doesn't hurt the corporation.
bullshit...there is no such thing as "past the point of no return" that is a defeatist mentality! you know George Washington lost almost every battle he had with the British...but he never gave up!! and in the end he won the most important battle only because of perseverance & determination.
never roll over and play dead unless you're dead!!!
"All you know about me is what I've sold you,Dumb fuck.I sold out long before you ever heard my name. I sold my soul to make a record, dip shit, and you bought one. All you read and wear or see and hear on TV is a product begging for your fatass dirty dollar, So...Shut up and buy my new record. Send more money, fuck you, buddy."
If you REALLY beieve in what you speak of, than you REALLY wouldn't even listen to Pearl Jam to begin with...There are TONS of kick-ass bands that are Independant of corporate America. Just find a good local venue and go see some bands you never heard of. Then you dont have to come here and bitch about it. Pearl Jam is HUGE. They have things that we THINK they stand for, and there are things that we have come to believe in BECAUSE it is what THEY stand or stood for, but go with the flow...They continue to make great music, continue to host the GREATEST Concerts, continue to be involved with so many projects to fuel our fanatical craving for MORE. Who the fuck are we to judge them? What exactly IS "Selling-Out" to you?...To ME, it is what Chris Cornell did with Timbaland...not making a fucking commercial for Target...
Get into small market music in Philadelphia...
i guess things were different then and all is different now.
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
I will go as far and say there will be a backlash from longtime fans if this rumor is true. It's hypocritical for the band to do something like this and part of my respect for ed and the band would have gone (if this happens).
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
+1 x 1,000
It's not a question of saying 'there's nothing I can do'. It is reality - just look at what happened in the past year... have any of the big institutions been 'broken'. NO - even if the average person thought this would be the end of them. There is too much at stake.
There is a LOT one can fight for and make a huge difference. Big corporations/market alliances are not one of them. They have got us by the balls, whether you like it or not.
As one poster said, if the fact that PJ uses Target/wallmart/best buy... whatever big corporation to market it's goods and it bothers you, protest by not listening to PJ or buying their stuff. At the same time, do not listen to ANY band/musician, etc. that dares sell it stuff through those channels. Ridiculous you say? Of course.
Put your energy and your voice where you CAN make a big difference. Of course your voice and actions can be heard for other 'causes' but the impact will not be there (except on an individual basis).
you can try to justify/rationalize it all you can put perfume on a pig, but it's still a pig.
If that's how you feel as an American..... Other nationalities may see things differently.
I'll be early to hang out before Thurs. show and would love to talk about the band, including this issue! Pearl Jam has such talent and I'm gratefut that they share it and do not mind paying for music. I buy music from my favorite bands. The Who is also a fave of mine and they definetly wanted to be rich and famous, what's wrong with that? As long as they keep on making music and/or performing live, I'm there!
this is exactly what i do as well. you 'vote' with your dollar every day.
back on topic:
i surprised that no one brought up the possibility of giving the new cd away for free, like reznor did. he said he makes the most money from concerts and merchandise.
You are absolutely right... it is our money and we spend it as we see. I take my Philip Morris example again... one of their companies (say company 2) you purchase from may be ethical or fairtrade under their name (Philip Morris as a whole is not). Company 2 has other companies under their umbrella which are not ethical or fairtrade but they market under Company 2's name and of course Company 2's main owner is definitely not ethical. So, in my mind and if I follow your logic you do not buy ANYTHING that has to do with main company (ie Philip Morris). It is a minefield and extremely difficult to buy uniquely ethical and fairtrade. Yes you CAN buy SOME goods fairtrade and ethical when you go direct to the source. Once these goods have hit 'mainstream', then you have the 'intermediates', the dealers and at the end the vendor.... All along this line, ethical/fairtrade is diluted.
And the companies that are ethical and/or fairtrade. Is it to the core of the company or just their purchasing? Are their finances ethical? Their investments? Most probably not.
The only way to live as you speak, is to be self sustaining.
Market liberalisation has not gone far enough and, as long as election campaigns are partly funded by these global corporations, it's not going to get much better.
Trent is in a league of his own....