Radio host waterboarded live on air

Sorry if this has been posted before but I was just reading it on the news over here in Australia so might be old news for you guys.. Have you seen this? ... ive-on-air
A conservative US radio host has allowed himself to be "waterboarded" live on air in a bid to prove to the controversial practice is not torture.
But the stunt backfired when Erich "Mancow" Muller lasted just six seconds of the treatment before raising the alarm and conceding it was indeed torture.
"It is way worse than I thought it would be," the Chicago radio man told his listeners on station WLS.
"I thought I could hold out 30 seconds … it was instantaneous.
"I don't want to say this, I do not wish to say this — absolutely torture."
Video footage of the experiment shows Muller lying on a table and a man placing a towel over the upper part of his face.
The man then blocks his nose and pours a jug of water over his face.
Muller lasts a few seconds before throwing the toy cow he was holding as an emergency signal.
The radio man said the experience felt exactly like he was drowning.
"When I was a kid I drowned," Muller said.
"My brother pulled me out of this pool I fell in and I had to be revived.
"I remember the feeling and it's the feeling of drowning."
"I wouldn't have done this if I had known it was going to be this bad." ... ive-on-air
A conservative US radio host has allowed himself to be "waterboarded" live on air in a bid to prove to the controversial practice is not torture.
But the stunt backfired when Erich "Mancow" Muller lasted just six seconds of the treatment before raising the alarm and conceding it was indeed torture.
"It is way worse than I thought it would be," the Chicago radio man told his listeners on station WLS.
"I thought I could hold out 30 seconds … it was instantaneous.
"I don't want to say this, I do not wish to say this — absolutely torture."
Video footage of the experiment shows Muller lying on a table and a man placing a towel over the upper part of his face.
The man then blocks his nose and pours a jug of water over his face.
Muller lasts a few seconds before throwing the toy cow he was holding as an emergency signal.
The radio man said the experience felt exactly like he was drowning.
"When I was a kid I drowned," Muller said.
"My brother pulled me out of this pool I fell in and I had to be revived.
"I remember the feeling and it's the feeling of drowning."
"I wouldn't have done this if I had known it was going to be this bad."
Post edited by Unknown User on
When I saw this thread headline, I was thinking some kind of protest, and was ready to praise some radical dj...
But since this guy is stupid enough to support it (or downplay the brutality of it anyway), maybe he should have had the balls to volunteer to be tied while doing it, and told them not to stop for the full 30 seconds? wonder what that would have looked like? at least he was forced to concede that he was wrong. what a loser.
This is what makes it so good.. now perhaps we should waterboard everyone who doesn't think its torture and see if they change their mind
screw em what rights. Now that's torture. :x
The problem is with waterboarding is it goes against everything America stands for. If the terrorists force us to abandon Freedom and Justice, then what do we really have as America? Who the hell are we to say other nations are doing bad by torturing.
I already said that....sarcastically. do you think you'd react differently? Do we have another volunteer?
Could you please at least youtube your attempt for me. I'd love to see it. Should be easy enough to do. Just get one of your buddies to video it, post it up and share.
Mmmm k.
edit: didn't see the link above before I posted
edit 2- that about summed it up. imagine that happening to you if you didn't know the answers to the questions being asked....
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I don't believe that for a second.
no shit... good to see sombody on this board has got some common sense.
so freakin what they're not even americans, they dont even qualify as humans as far as Im concerned. These are cold blooded killers they would cut your head off and not think twice about doing so. and you're worried about them being water boarded. you guys are freakin nuts. Some of you people are really strange :?
why not ? That's what the memo's said oh excuse me that's what the Messiah said
sorry dude I dont have a video camera or I would just to make you and every one happy mmmmk thanks
Nationalism maybe the worst disease afflicting human beings today. this posts suggests it.
you are not better than anyone, simply because you are american.
see what i was referring too? you said it.
jefrey dahmer had rights. and rightfully so. when you suspend rights, even for these suspected killers, its a small step to suspending OUR rights. you see that don't you?
It why we give the neo-nazi's a right to say their bullshit. the second free speech is assaulted, dissidents are next in line. so first we shut up the neo-nazis, then its on to the anti war folks, then its on to third party folks, then its on to get the idea.
we can't let them go through this door.
You must uphold the law, especially when its inconvenient.
So they definitely only ever did or intended to do this is the future to people who had already been convicted of murder?
To me, patriotism is loyalty to an ideal - to principle. When i feel that our ideals or principles have been betrayed, i can't help but to speak out in defense of them. I speak out to preserve what I feel is great. I speak out because of what I love about my country. When I see the fundamental values of this nation being assaulted and when I see our moral authority slipping away, i can't stay silent.