I'm about 150 pages into the first book, which is pretty close to where the first episode ended. I can imagine it was a little confusing for someone unfamiliar with the material ... I'm glad I was prepped! One of my friends was over watching it so I tried my best to help him keep track of everyone.
I also noticed switcheroo with Catelyn on whether or not Ned should become the hand of the king, but probably no big deal in the long run. If that is the biggest discrepancy between the film and the book, then I think HBO succeeded in their translation.
I like the obssesed with film review because he seems to "get" the fact that you're not going to get to know every character in an hour and that, similar to the wire, game of thrones will be a slow build. Like most non fans as well, he mentions there should be enough amazing stuff in the pilot, like intrigue, set design etc, that leaves you wanting to see more.
I watched with my wife and she followed it pretty well for a non book fan, she had a couple of questions here and there regarding the scene with Robert and Ned in the crypt, and then again regarding the Arryns relationship to the Starks, which I can understand, but for the most part she was on it. Doubly impressive considering, even though she is 100% fluent in English, it is a 2nd language for her and she sometimes has trouble with tricky names and slang.
{if (work != 0) {
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
I went through a similiar thing with my wife. Like I said, I have only read the first book. I just told her to ask me if she had questions because I didn't want to be the annoying guy pointing things out just because I read the book. Don't be that guy!!!
It was fun watching it with her because I get to experience both perspectives. I agree with what someone said how it was similiar to "The Wire". Last year I watched the whole series over about six months when it was on demand. It takes some patience when you first start and can be overwhelming, but it really is worth it if you stick with it.
I thought "Game of Thrones" did a fantastic job of introducing a lot of characters while also moving the story along so it didn't feel like they were introducing characters.
Just read a few reviews. Could they have made Jeoffrey actually attractive? Sansa is supposed to be falling for that little, sorry to be mean, but very not nice(ok sorta ugly) looking kid? Or am I blind? I don't think the characters that are supposed to be so beautiful actually are(except Dany).
Really? I thought he was spot on, a snotty looking kid (not ugly) that has a strong resemblance to Jamie.
Yeah, unfortunately to me he has the look of an oompa loompa. I imagined him at least somewhat handsome so Sansa would be smitten but then out comes his attitude and personality to make him unattractive.
haha, an oompa loompa. That made me laugh....
I do see what your sayin tho.
Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
The obsesedwithfilm review was a good read thanks!
Awesome! Thank you for the link!
I also watched it with my husband who hadn't read the books and I explained who people were little by little but I let him pick up on all the weirdness on his own(like the twin's relationship, and the way Viserys is with his sister). I like to see the reactions from him since he hasn't read the books and doesn't know what's coming. I like the surprise of not knowing but, I love knowing all the background at having read the book so I think it's good both ways!
bugs in the way...I feel about you
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
I'm more shocked that Lizardjam is a woman than I am by the incest on "Game of Thrones".
Ha! I think I'm making everyone around me sick of this series and only the first episode has run. There is only one guy in my office that was anticipating it along with me. No one else I know has heard of it let alone read it or saw it. I work in IT, I would seriously think there would be more people as geeky as me.
bugs in the way...I feel about you
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
I haven't read the books but a friend of mine has and convinced me to watch the series.
I really enjoyed the first episode! I'm probably going to have to watch it again so I can absorb all of the characters (names, roles, etc.).
Can we assure this discussion does NOT include any spoilers for those who are watching, and never read the book???
I can see how someone might let something slip, so I ask the book readers out there to please be careful before posting!
That is a great point because things happen in the book you dno't want to be spoiled on. To me the WTF moments in the book are part of what makes it so great.
Like when Jaime pushed Bran out the window at the end of the first episode i was like holy shit that dude just tossed a little kid out like a bag of garbage on the garbage pick up day!
edit: oh yeah and that whole realization that the twins are banging each other was kind of weird too
Yeah when Bran was pushed out of the window when I was reading the first book was what really hooked me on that book.
Really enjoyed the first episode and my expectations were extremely high, so I was surprised they were met!
However, one thing I don't understand that differed from the book is why they didn't have Jamie save Bran first, before pushing him over the ledge. To me that is a key moment in the book, as it is the first example of the duality of Jamie's character.
However, one thing I don't understand that differed from the book is why they didn't have Jamie save Bran first, before pushing him over the ledge. To me that is a key moment in the book, as it is the first example of the duality of Jamie's character.
Meh, they will have more then enough time to build that duality in Season 2. Let the viewers think he is pure evil right now, especially that he is Cerseis puppet. It will make the transformation that much harder to swallow, and thus way, way, way more interesting in a visual medium. The way characters are written/portrayed in books and movies could not be more vastly different.
{if (work != 0) {
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
I just watched the making of and read a review somewhere where it said "Lost" has a hold on the term "Others" so they couldn't use it, they use White Walkers instead. Funny, I don't even remember them being called others. White Walkers made sense, though I kept think they were called Wights. I'll have to go back to the book to see.
bugs in the way...I feel about you
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
I just watched the making of and read a review somewhere where it said "Lost" has a hold on the term "Others" so they couldn't use it, they use White Walkers instead. Funny, I don't even remember them being called others. White Walkers made sense, though I kept think they were called Wights. I'll have to go back to the book to see.
Yeah they are mostly called Others in the book. A Westoros saying is "May the Others take you" they use that quite a bit. I wonder if they will have people saying "may the white walkers take you" lol
I did read that they were called white walkers 5 times in the books so it is an actual term used. I am pretty sure you are right about them not wanting to cal them others because of Lost.
The White Walkers (others) are the creatures. Mild book spoiler below in white: When they kill someone they become a wight and they control them. that is why their eyes turn blue, but they are not an other they are just animated by the others and controled by them kind of like a zombie
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
I just watched the making of and read a review somewhere where it said "Lost" has a hold on the term "Others" so they couldn't use it, they use White Walkers instead. Funny, I don't even remember them being called others. White Walkers made sense, though I kept think they were called Wights. I'll have to go back to the book to see.
Yeah they are mostly called Others in the book. A Westoros saying is "May the Others take you" they use that quite a bit. I wonder if they will have people saying "may the white walkers take you" lol
I did read that they were called white walkers 5 times in the books so it is an actual term used. I am pretty sure you are right about them not wanting to cal them others because of Lost.
The White Walkers (others) are the creatures. Mild book spoiler below in white: When they kill someone they become a wight and they control them. that is why their eyes turn blue, but they are not an other they are just animated by the others and controled by them kind of like a zombie
Ah that makes more sense, about the wights. I had completely forgotten. Makes me want to go read it all over again. Those sayings are coming back to me as well.
I must say, the saying I most want to hear is "You know nothing, Jon Snow." I don't recall what book that is in! I'd love to see who plays the person saying it!
I don't think that's a spoiler. It didn't say much.
bugs in the way...I feel about you
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
I don't think that phrase is uttered until Storm of Swords
Spoilers below in white agian (just trying to keep the thread clean for those who have not read) He meets Ygritte at the end of A Clash With Kings but I am pretty sure most of Jon's time with her is spent in Storm of Swords. That is such a sad part of the book but also a part that makes it great.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
I don't think that phrase is uttered until Storm of Swords
Spoilers below in white agian (just trying to keep the thread clean for those who have not read) He meets Ygritte at the end of A Clash With Kings but I am pretty sure most of Jon's time with her is spent in Storm of Swords. That is such a sad part of the book but also a part that makes it great.
She... Yeah I had forgotten her name. It's nice to hear them pronounced on the show, as I had my own pronunciations for all of them, and half of those are quite different from the way they are said in the series. Of course they had GRRM as a consultant so I'm sure that's the correct way!
bugs in the way...I feel about you
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
I'm more shocked that Lizardjam is a woman than I am by the incest on "Game of Thrones".
Ha! I think I'm making everyone around me sick of this series and only the first episode has run. There is only one guy in my office that was anticipating it along with me. No one else I know has heard of it let alone read it or saw it. I work in IT, I would seriously think there would be more people as geeky as me.
It's similiar in my office, but I'm used to it. I'm in an office full of women (no offense, LJ!!!) who are constantly talking about Oprah, Top Chef, and Idol. No one ever talks about what I watch: baseball, Sopranos reruns, the Killing, and, now, Game of Thrones.
I just watched the making of and read a review somewhere where it said "Lost" has a hold on the term "Others" so they couldn't use it, they use White Walkers instead. Funny, I don't even remember them being called others. White Walkers made sense, though I kept think they were called Wights. I'll have to go back to the book to see.
That sucks even though I prefer the term White Walkers, because 1.) Game of Thrones has been around a lot longer than Lost and 2.) I am so soured on Lost after those last couple of seasons (see my comments in the Lost thread).
I don't think that phrase is uttered until Storm of Swords
Spoilers below in white agian (just trying to keep the thread clean for those who have not read) He meets Ygritte at the end of A Clash With Kings but I am pretty sure most of Jon's time with her is spent in Storm of Swords. That is such a sad part of the book but also a part that makes it great.
She... Yeah I had forgotten her name. It's nice to hear them pronounced on the show, as I had my own pronunciations for all of them, and half of those are quite different from the way they are said in the series. Of course they had GRRM as a consultant so I'm sure that's the correct way!
Thanks intodeep for putting spoilers in white. Just to let people know if you reply to a comment with white spoilers (not be be confused with white walkers), you will be able to see it in your reply. Just FYI because I've only read book one, but there are a lot of good surprises that I wouldn't have wanted ruined and sounds like the second book is the same way. But I think putting the spoilers in white is a nice way for people who know what's coming to discuss things as well.
I don't think that phrase is uttered until Storm of Swords
Spoilers below in white agian (just trying to keep the thread clean for those who have not read) He meets Ygritte at the end of A Clash With Kings but I am pretty sure most of Jon's time with her is spent in Storm of Swords. That is such a sad part of the book but also a part that makes it great.
She... Yeah I had forgotten her name. It's nice to hear them pronounced on the show, as I had my own pronunciations for all of them, and half of those are quite different from the way they are said in the series. Of course they had GRRM as a consultant so I'm sure that's the correct way!
Thanks intodeep for putting spoilers in white. Just to let people know if you reply to a comment with white spoilers (not be be confused with white walkers), you will be able to see it in your reply. Just FYI because I've only read book one, but there are a lot of good surprises that I wouldn't have wanted ruined and sounds like the second book is the same way. But I think putting the spoilers in white is a nice way for people who know what's coming to discuss things as well.
I definitely kept the white writing in mind. I just didn't say anything spoilerish in my replies but, I completely agree!
rrivers - I hate reality tv. Give me a good fantasy\sci fi, horror, suspense anyday!!
Two days to the next ep! I must say my husband is already tired of hearing about it, though I think he is excited to see the next ep! I just don't mention that I've watched the making of and read a ton of reviews...not to mention talk about it here!
bugs in the way...I feel about you
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
I don't think that phrase is uttered until Storm of Swords
Spoilers below in white agian (just trying to keep the thread clean for those who have not read) He meets Ygritte at the end of A Clash With Kings but I am pretty sure most of Jon's time with her is spent in Storm of Swords. That is such a sad part of the book but also a part that makes it great.
She... Yeah I had forgotten her name. It's nice to hear them pronounced on the show, as I had my own pronunciations for all of them, and half of those are quite different from the way they are said in the series. Of course they had GRRM as a consultant so I'm sure that's the correct way!
When i was reading the books i never even tried to pronounce Targaryan (however you spell it) I just read over it and said hey thats that long name for dany and her brother lol it is nice to know how to say it now.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
just watched the 1st episode!!!!!wow!!!!great one...
and Lena Headey..is awesome
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
When i was reading the books i never even tried to pronounce Targaryan (however you spell it) I just read over it and said hey thats that long name for dany and her brother lol it is nice to know how to say it now.
Really? That was one I always found super easy when reading. It is pronounced exactly like it is spelled. Baratheon was one that always bothered me.
{if (work != 0) {
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
Tyrion was one of the few i got right because i read it as Tyr (god of war) rion
I read some early reviews that thougth the pacing in episode two was poor but I thought it was pretty good. I was pretty happy with last nights episode.
Speaking of Tyrion him bitch slapping Joffrey was FANTASTIC.
Jon giving Arya needle
Catlyn giving Jon the icey FU (although not the "It should have been you" line from the book which was really made me hater her)
Arya chasing Nymeria away and Ned dealing with Lady :( Both were sad as i thought they would be
I did miss Renly laughing at Joffrey during the "trial" I guess they did not want to start introducing too many more people and let folks learn the current cast.
I was really happy with the episode
spoilers (big time spoilers do not read if you want to really enjoy the series:
Watching Rob and say goodbye to Jon and Jon and ned say goodbye and Jon and Arya say goodbye etc and realizeing they will never see each other again was really sad to watch.
Charlotte 00 Charlotte 03 Asheville 04 Atlanta 12 Greenville 16, Columbia 16 Seattle 18 Nashville 22 Ohana Festival 24 x2
I thought it was really good, I have ordered the first two books from Amazon so I can finally get caught up before season 2 next summer. I had no problems with the spacing of the episode, I thought it flowed pretty good. Wish it was more than 10 episodes, seems like it should have been more like 13. My co-worker has filled me in on some stuff that they have left out throught he first two episodes.
...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
The obsesedwithfilm review was a good read thanks!
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
I also noticed switcheroo with Catelyn on whether or not Ned should become the hand of the king, but probably no big deal in the long run. If that is the biggest discrepancy between the film and the book, then I think HBO succeeded in their translation.
I watched with my wife and she followed it pretty well for a non book fan, she had a couple of questions here and there regarding the scene with Robert and Ned in the crypt, and then again regarding the Arryns relationship to the Starks, which I can understand, but for the most part she was on it. Doubly impressive considering, even though she is 100% fluent in English, it is a 2nd language for her and she sometimes has trouble with tricky names and slang.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
It was fun watching it with her because I get to experience both perspectives. I agree with what someone said how it was similiar to "The Wire". Last year I watched the whole series over about six months when it was on demand. It takes some patience when you first start and can be overwhelming, but it really is worth it if you stick with it.
I thought "Game of Thrones" did a fantastic job of introducing a lot of characters while also moving the story along so it didn't feel like they were introducing characters.
haha, an oompa loompa. That made me laugh....
I do see what your sayin tho.
Awesome! Thank you for the link!
I also watched it with my husband who hadn't read the books and I explained who people were little by little but I let him pick up on all the weirdness on his own(like the twin's relationship, and the way Viserys is with his sister). I like to see the reactions from him since he hasn't read the books and doesn't know what's coming. I like the surprise of not knowing but, I love knowing all the background at having read the book so I think it's good both ways!
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
Really enjoyed the first episode and my expectations were extremely high, so I was surprised they were met!
However, one thing I don't understand that differed from the book is why they didn't have Jamie save Bran first, before pushing him over the ledge. To me that is a key moment in the book, as it is the first example of the duality of Jamie's character.
Meh, they will have more then enough time to build that duality in Season 2. Let the viewers think he is pure evil right now, especially that he is Cerseis puppet. It will make the transformation that much harder to swallow, and thus way, way, way more interesting in a visual medium. The way characters are written/portrayed in books and movies could not be more vastly different.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
I did read that they were called white walkers 5 times in the books so it is an actual term used. I am pretty sure you are right about them not wanting to cal them others because of Lost.
The White Walkers (others) are the creatures. Mild book spoiler below in white:
When they kill someone they become a wight and they control them. that is why their eyes turn blue, but they are not an other they are just animated by the others and controled by them kind of like a zombie
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Ah that makes more sense, about the wights. I had completely forgotten. Makes me want to go read it all over again. Those sayings are coming back to me as well.
I must say, the saying I most want to hear is "You know nothing, Jon Snow."
I don't think that's a spoiler. It didn't say much.
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
I don't think that phrase is uttered until Storm of Swords
Spoilers below in white agian (just trying to keep the thread clean for those who have not read)
He meets Ygritte at the end of A Clash With Kings but I am pretty sure most of Jon's time with her is spent in Storm of Swords. That is such a sad part of the book but also a part that makes it great.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
It's similiar in my office, but I'm used to it. I'm in an office full of women (no offense, LJ!!!) who are constantly talking about Oprah, Top Chef, and Idol. No one ever talks about what I watch: baseball, Sopranos reruns, the Killing, and, now, Game of Thrones.
That sucks even though I prefer the term White Walkers, because 1.) Game of Thrones has been around a lot longer than Lost and 2.) I am so soured on Lost after those last couple of seasons (see my comments in the Lost thread).
Thanks intodeep for putting spoilers in white. Just to let people know if you reply to a comment with white spoilers (not be be confused with white walkers), you will be able to see it in your reply. Just FYI because I've only read book one, but there are a lot of good surprises that I wouldn't have wanted ruined and sounds like the second book is the same way. But I think putting the spoilers in white is a nice way for people who know what's coming to discuss things as well.
I definitely kept the white writing in mind. I just didn't say anything spoilerish in my replies but, I completely agree!
rrivers - I hate reality tv. Give me a good fantasy\sci fi, horror, suspense anyday!!
Two days to the next ep! I must say my husband is already tired of hearing about it, though I think he is excited to see the next ep! I just don't mention that I've watched the making of and read a ton of reviews...not to mention talk about it here!
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
and Lena Headey..is awesome
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Can't wait!!
Really? That was one I always found super easy when reading. It is pronounced exactly like it is spelled. Baratheon was one that always bothered me.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
Those ones I always pronounced right as well for some reason, and I read the books way back before I had the internet to look it up on.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
I read some early reviews that thougth the pacing in episode two was poor but I thought it was pretty good. I was pretty happy with last nights episode.
Speaking of Tyrion him bitch slapping Joffrey was FANTASTIC.
Jon giving Arya needle
Catlyn giving Jon the icey FU (although not the "It should have been you" line from the book which was really made me hater her)
Arya chasing Nymeria away and Ned dealing with Lady :( Both were sad as i thought they would be
I did miss Renly laughing at Joffrey during the "trial" I guess they did not want to start introducing too many more people and let folks learn the current cast.
I was really happy with the episode
spoilers (big time spoilers do not read if you want to really enjoy the series:
Watching Rob and say goodbye to Jon and Jon and ned say goodbye and Jon and Arya say goodbye etc and realizeing they will never see each other again was really sad to watch.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2