And I am pretty sure if McCain got into office we would not have seen this pork filled "stimuls" package.
Oh, I know we would see one just as bad. It'd just be going to a few different things / different groups. The same people still get fucked. US.
Think it would be safe to assume government would not have gotten bigger under McCain...with this Nancy Pelosi run US everyone gets fucked...Obama who.
I think if McCain won, you would have seen the "left's" version of a tea party, trying to take it over from the freedom movement. You really think this country wouldn't be OUTRAGED if it were going to be taking orders from another RICH, WHITE, AND WORST OF ALL, OLD "REPUBLICAN" for another 4 years MINIMUM? This is why Obama was the victor. The country clearly spoke its mind that it didn't want anything like Bush for at least another 4 years... These Tea Parties may have been TWICE as big if McCain had won-- shit, their may have been riots if Obama DIDN'T get elected, because how many elections in a row can the Republicans STEAL before half this country says "ENOUGH!!! This whole thing is rigged!!!" Actually, it would have been like V for Vendetta-- REMEMBER THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER, a couple of dozen hours after the election. Either that, or a mass exodus to Canada And I'd be right there (protesting, not moving North), just like I'm at these.
Just some food for thought. I'm through trying to change people's minds to see the good in this. Do you see ANY good in these tea parties, soulsinging?
And I wouldn't have been joining the left's tea parties for the same reason. I don't buy into this partisan cheerleading bullshit.
I don't see much good in these tea parties, no. I am opposed to the bailouts, and have been since the very first one. But I hate to see it become a political football so that another jackass like Dubya can get elected in 4 years on a bunch of empty promises. Then you still have a fucked economy, you still have bailouts, and you have a dipshit playing cowboy with our foreign policy and trying to get the Bible elected as law. At least Obama's getting part of it right. Nobody's going to fix the size of government. Nobody. There's no profit in it.
Think it would be safe to assume government would not have gotten bigger under McCain...
history would suggest otherwise
How do you figure
Government spending has increased under every administration for the last half century. Most of them were republicans. Only one president balanced a budget and he was a democrat. The last republican took deficit spending to unthought of heights. And McCain would have done the same. You're talking about the man that said the fundamentals of the economy were strong about a year ago. You think he'd be setting fiscal policy? It would have been Rove's people from day one and they'd have done the same shit they were doing under the last republican admin.
Think it would be safe to assume government would not have gotten bigger under McCain...
history would suggest otherwise
How do you figure
Department of Homeland Security for one.
going from spending, a good indicator of government 'growth'-
Bush 2 turned a 200 billion dollar surplus into a trillion dollar deficit.
Bush 1 invaded a few countries-gotta spend
Reagan probably invented neoliberalism, shifting 1 trillion dollars from the public sector to the private. things like education and roads were affected -for things like corporate grants and handouts.
its everything true conservatives oppose in government, and the scale is massive. and its a movement led primarily by republicans.
and there's no reason to believe mccain would have been any different.
I don't understand why people are making this issue into a blue/red or dem/rep or lib/con arguement. Generically speaking, people were protesting because of government overspending and selling short the citizens..
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I don't understand why people are making this issue into a blue/red or dem/rep or lib/con arguement...
Because many people believe this was a republican organized event instead of grassroots....liberal news stations reported that FOX News organized the parties....rather then taking the words of people who attended they would rather believe Obermann and Madow.
I don't understand why people are making this issue into a blue/red or dem/rep or lib/con arguement...
Because many people believe this was a republican organized event instead of grassroots....liberal news stations reported that FOX News organized the parties....rather then taking the words of people who attended they would rather believe Obermann and Madow.
I don't understand why people are making this issue into a blue/red or dem/rep or lib/con arguement...
Because many people believe this was a republican organized event instead of grassroots....liberal news stations reported that FOX News organized the parties....rather then taking the words of people who attended they would rather believe Obermann and Madow.
I know many people that attended. They did not attend because of some grass roots involvement. They attended because they've been bitching about how we're all screwed to have a Muslim president since Obama was elected and Fox News told them this was a good way to get back. I know people like this personally.
So where were all these teabagging Patriots of Fairness and Country when Bush was at the helm, pissing away all the country's money, and padding the pockets of swine like Dick Cheney and Haliburton?
Personally, I think this whole Tea Party movement's about as grass roots as the hair in Limbaugh's nose.
Ol' Barry"s really got these NeoCon's on the ropes.
It's like watching Ernie Terrell get his ass handed to him by Muhamad Ali.
These pointless parades of the straw grabbing right wing are just further evidence of how lost without a map these folks are.
I don't even think The Pied Piper couldn't lead these rats back to their core?
Never in my life have I seen such disorientation and fragmented ideals within the GOP camp.
Will these guys even have their shit toghether in 4 years?
Oh, I know we would see one just as bad. It'd just be going to a few different things / different groups. The same people still get fucked. US.
this makes me respect the crowds a little more actually.
this is a video from a republican congressmen giving a speech at a tea party.
Think it would be safe to assume government would not have gotten bigger under McCain...with this Nancy Pelosi run US everyone gets fucked...Obama who.
history would suggest otherwise
How do you figure
And I wouldn't have been joining the left's tea parties for the same reason. I don't buy into this partisan cheerleading bullshit.
I don't see much good in these tea parties, no. I am opposed to the bailouts, and have been since the very first one. But I hate to see it become a political football so that another jackass like Dubya can get elected in 4 years on a bunch of empty promises. Then you still have a fucked economy, you still have bailouts, and you have a dipshit playing cowboy with our foreign policy and trying to get the Bible elected as law. At least Obama's getting part of it right. Nobody's going to fix the size of government. Nobody. There's no profit in it.
Government spending has increased under every administration for the last half century. Most of them were republicans. Only one president balanced a budget and he was a democrat. The last republican took deficit spending to unthought of heights. And McCain would have done the same. You're talking about the man that said the fundamentals of the economy were strong about a year ago. You think he'd be setting fiscal policy? It would have been Rove's people from day one and they'd have done the same shit they were doing under the last republican admin.
going from spending, a good indicator of government 'growth'-
Bush 2 turned a 200 billion dollar surplus into a trillion dollar deficit.
Bush 1 invaded a few countries-gotta spend
Reagan probably invented neoliberalism, shifting 1 trillion dollars from the public sector to the private. things like education and roads were affected -for things like corporate grants and handouts.
its everything true conservatives oppose in government, and the scale is massive. and its a movement led primarily by republicans.
and there's no reason to believe mccain would have been any different.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Because many people believe this was a republican organized event instead of grassroots....liberal news stations reported that FOX News organized the parties....rather then taking the words of people who attended they would rather believe Obermann and Madow.
And that's how they divide us.
I know many people that attended. They did not attend because of some grass roots involvement. They attended because they've been bitching about how we're all screwed to have a Muslim president since Obama was elected and Fox News told them this was a good way to get back. I know people like this personally.
Personally, I think this whole Tea Party movement's about as grass roots as the hair in Limbaugh's nose.
Ol' Barry"s really got these NeoCon's on the ropes.
It's like watching Ernie Terrell get his ass handed to him by Muhamad Ali.
These pointless parades of the straw grabbing right wing are just further evidence of how lost without a map these folks are.
I don't even think The Pied Piper couldn't lead these rats back to their core?
Never in my life have I seen such disorientation and fragmented ideals within the GOP camp.
Will these guys even have their shit toghether in 4 years?
No wonder Glen Beck is weeping.