It's not about Obama "doing no wrong", it's the fact that he isn't even through the first 100 days. Give his policies some time to actually take shape, and then if they don't work out go ahead and have your little parties. Granted, many of these people truly don't like taxes, but a good chunk of the protesters there were just not happy with Obama. Like I said before...the guy hasn't even been in office 100 days
365 days in a year, 8 years of Bush = 2,920 days of Bush.
To some of us, Barack's 100th day is like the 3,020th day of Bush's presidency. His policies are NOT all that different than W.'s in the sense that it has been more of a seamless continuation of big, incapable government. This is where the true unity in the "tea party" movement exists. The ever-increasing size of our government and insane spending by both parties is the problem all the way around. Sure Obama hasn't been in office all that long, and his criticism in the first 100 days is exactly what should be done to EVERY president-- especially anyone who comes in promising change. We've just put up with a few years of the lamest of lame ducks, and what people are viewing as an "attack" on Obama is merely the vigilance we are supposed to maintain over our president and elected leaders. We knew we'd get nowhere with Bush in the end of his last term, and anyone who'd follow him, including McCain would be getting the treatment that Barack is getting right now.
No matter what, at least the people of this country are starting to feel and recognize the pain and are reacting, which is a huge step up from the numbness we've had toward being trampled by our leaders the past few decades.
Now the challenge is making this has to last more than a day, and I think it's going to.
Partisanship is inevitable everywhere in American politics. Everyone PLEASE look past the partisanship, cause even the most die-hard brain-dead MORON towing the party line on either side is still 50% right!
365 days in a year, 8 years of Bush = 2,920 days of Bush.
To some of us, Barack's 100th day is like the 3,020th day of Bush's presidency. His policies are NOT all that different than W.'s in the sense that it has been more of a seamless continuation of big, incapable government. This is where the true unity in the "tea party" movement exists. The ever-increasing size of our government and insane spending by both parties is the problem all the way around. Sure Obama hasn't been in office all that long, and his criticism in the first 100 days is exactly what should be done to EVERY president-- especially anyone who comes in promising change.
And you don't think it's telling that for those 2920 days with a "conservative" president, this teabag thing did not exist and not one whisper came from these people about spending... but suddenly not even 100 days into a LIBERAL's term, they're all outraged about wasteful government? Shit, these people didn't even blink when Dubya signed the FIRST bailout of $700 billion.
Don't tell me this is non-partisan. It's an outright lie and you fucking know it.
And you don't think it's telling that for those 2920 days with a "conservative" president, this teabag thing did not exist and not one whisper came from these people about spending... but suddenly not even 100 days into a LIBERAL's term, they're all outraged about wasteful government? Shit, these people didn't even blink when Dubya signed the FIRST bailout of $700 billion.
Don't tell me this is non-partisan. It's an outright lie and you fucking know it.
That's why the republicans are screwed and they know it... The Obama administration's spending is the perfect thing to run against next election cycle... the problem for the republicans is that they can't use that approach without their hypocrisy biting them in the ass. Most republican politicians aren't against a government spending money like a drunken sailor if it's their guy who's doing it.
If the spending keeps going and the economy doesn't turn around, I can see a good run by an independent, Ron Paul-type candidate.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
On a side note, I can't quit laughing at the whole teabagging thing... I mean, they couldn't make it any easier to make fun of with that name. It reminds me of parents who don't think of childish teasing with potential kids names and end up naming their kid Richard Head... Then are surprised when other kids call him Dickhead.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
the people that bring their kids to these protests are douche bags
its exactly what the anti war protesters did. when fox was just pissed. they couldn't understand why they needed little kids. or celebrities. or musicians.
que Ted Nugent and friends and bring in some babies and they have become exactly what Fox news railed against just a few years ago.
ah fuck it. if it wasn't so goddamn important i would have stopped caring along time ago. the hypocrisy knows no bounds. one day its unimaginable, the next they support it and give it a platform. who knows.
at least the anti-war protesters had a fucking message.
365 days in a year, 8 years of Bush = 2,920 days of Bush.
To some of us, Barack's 100th day is like the 3,020th day of Bush's presidency. His policies are NOT all that different than W.'s in the sense that it has been more of a seamless continuation of big, incapable government. This is where the true unity in the "tea party" movement exists. The ever-increasing size of our government and insane spending by both parties is the problem all the way around. Sure Obama hasn't been in office all that long, and his criticism in the first 100 days is exactly what should be done to EVERY president-- especially anyone who comes in promising change.
And you don't think it's telling that for those 2920 days with a "conservative" president, this teabag thing did not exist and not one whisper came from these people about spending... but suddenly not even 100 days into a LIBERAL's term, they're all outraged about wasteful government? Shit, these people didn't even blink when Dubya signed the FIRST bailout of $700 billion.
Don't tell me this is non-partisan. It's an outright lie and you fucking know it.
I believe I said that partisanship is inevitable, my argument was simply that this whole thing wasn't as 'partisan' as some people in this thread are saying. Before you tell me what I "fucking know" let me tell you that I was actually at one of these things, and it wasn't an anti-Obama fest. As for those that brought that sentiment, half of them DID have serious problems with the past 8 years but didn't have a forum this large of a forum to express it against W. As for the other half, I'm with you-- they SHOULD have been outraged the last 8 years if they could only pull their heads out of their asses for 3 seconds, and saw how Bush and Congress spent our money. However, most of Bush's spending was on "protecting Amurrrka," which most people have been falsely led to believe is always worth it. Sacrifice money, and sacrifice liberty for security-- poor move. Bush's approval rating was 27% by the time of the initial banker bailout, and the people WERE pissed enough to actually persuade the House to vote down the first version of the bailout. Sadly in the end, we failed. Bush, McCain, and Obama's signatures were all on TARP. This was a theme at the Tea Party that I attended, and the people speaking all reinforced the ideas of putting constant pressure on our congressmen-- not just the Democrat congressmen, ALL OF THEM.
Generally speaking there were a lot more Ron Paul Republicans at these rallies than the televison will tell you. How partisan was this crowd? In the last election we probably went 1/3 Obama, 1/3 3rd party, and 1/3 Mc
Cain. The fact that the true voice of dissent wasn't at the forefront of Fox's broadcast of this thing, what else is new? For CNN and MSNBC to write the whole thing off as insignificant and put together by a bunch of rednecks is also standard operating procedure. Since the media's main purpose is to polarize us and keep us all divided, we need to look beyond how both "sides" of the media present these rallies to us and decide for ourselves. I had a first-person perspective of the tea party in my area, and it was a pretty huge rally... Close to 3,000 people. Of course there was partisanship, more from the "right" than the "left, heavier from the "right," of course.
My question is this: Why not be the "bigger man" and ignore the ignorant on the opposing side and simply get behind the core sentiment and momentum of rallies like this? At the heart of it all, activism is encouraged. Why not just be more active in keeping your elected representatives serving you the way you want?
the people that bring their kids to these protests are douche bags
All of them? What if they had no one to babysit them? What's so wrong about teaching your kids that the government is corrupt and needs to be held in check by the people? They sure learn enough about complacency in school, and from the television, it's a parent's job to teach them to care once in a while. Maybe if more people cared, tea parties, and teabagging jokes would cease to exist, because the politicians who worked for us did their fuckin jobs right
at least the anti-war protesters had a fucking message.
This one has a message, too. Namely, wake the fuck up and hold these people (politicians) accountable. Again, people who really actually care about this country were probably at the anti-war protests as well. Is being against war and against wreckless spending mutually exclusive? NO. Actually, they go hand in hand in many ways.
Not every teabagger is a gun-toting redneck born again conservative, and not every war protester is a pot-smoking elitist atheist liberal. Agree?
Not every teabagger is a gun-toting redneck born again conservative, and not every war protester is a pot-smoking elitist atheist liberal. Agree?
sure.. I've done a 180 on these. once you get past the hypocrisy of the media's take on it, the point is people are standing to authority. I think that should be encouraged.
Not every teabagger is a gun-toting redneck born again conservative, and not every war protester is a pot-smoking elitist atheist liberal. Agree?
sure.. I've done a 180 on these. once you get past the hypocrisy of the media's take on it, the point is people are standing to authority. I think that should be encouraged.
But he timing and motives of these make it a complete farce and a slap in the face of logic and reason
Not every teabagger is a gun-toting redneck born again conservative, and not every war protester is a pot-smoking elitist atheist liberal. Agree?
sure.. I've done a 180 on these. once you get past the hypocrisy of the media's take on it, the point is people are standing to authority. I think that should be encouraged.
But he timing and motives of these make it a complete farce and a slap in the face of logic and reason
i think their is some legitimacy in these protests. the libertarians, defending the constitution, i'm all for that.
for the most part its a partisan thing, i think, and a lot of people were probably just doing what the tv told them to do. and many i'm sure were just anti-obama for reasons not even known to them.
still, dissent is a good thing. it means people are starting to get pissed off enough to do something about it. which is good, imo. but i agree, the hypocrisy of this situation is pretty thick.
The government is the largest employer-- and there is room to shrink quite a bit, yet keep that status, and still bring us prosperity. I understand where you're going, and you make a great point. I would do it this way:
Start by bringing the soldiers home from all of our bases everywhere, while selling the bases off. End the wars, and all of the insane spending they've created.
Systematically phase out every federal department that exists in every state as well as the federal government, such as the Dept. of Education, Transportation, Agriculture, etc...
Legalize industrial hemp, and lift all federal restrictions on drugs, and leave it up to the states on which ones remain legal.
Stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship work overseas immediately.
Do all of this over a reasonable time table, factor in the extra money that has been already allocated for unemployment, and I think we will be just fine.
vinny, that is one of the most intelligent posts i've seen here...
The government is the largest employer-- and there is room to shrink quite a bit, yet keep that status, and still bring us prosperity. I understand where you're going, and you make a great point. I would do it this way:
Start by bringing the soldiers home from all of our bases everywhere, while selling the bases off. End the wars, and all of the insane spending they've created.
Systematically phase out every federal department that exists in every state as well as the federal government, such as the Dept. of Education, Transportation, Agriculture, etc...
Legalize industrial hemp, and lift all federal restrictions on drugs, and leave it up to the states on which ones remain legal.
Stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship work overseas immediately.
Do all of this over a reasonable time table, factor in the extra money that has been already allocated for unemployment, and I think we will be just fine.
vinny, that is one of the most intelligent posts i've seen here...
Vinny I dont think it woul be a good idea if we got rid dept of education,transportation,agriculture. I mean really :roll:
The government is the largest employer-- and there is room to shrink quite a bit, yet keep that status, and still bring us prosperity. I understand where you're going, and you make a great point. I would do it this way:
Start by bringing the soldiers home from all of our bases everywhere, while selling the bases off. End the wars, and all of the insane spending they've created.
Systematically phase out every federal department that exists in every state as well as the federal government, such as the Dept. of Education, Transportation, Agriculture, etc...
Legalize industrial hemp, and lift all federal restrictions on drugs, and leave it up to the states on which ones remain legal.
Stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship work overseas immediately.
Do all of this over a reasonable time table, factor in the extra money that has been already allocated for unemployment, and I think we will be just fine.
vinny, that is one of the most intelligent posts i've seen here...
Vinny I dont think it woul be a good idea if we got rid dept of education,transportation,agriculture. I mean really :roll:
I think you may have misinterpreted my post. We don't need a Federal Deparment of Education, Agriculture, Transportation, etc... if they already exist at the state levels. Why have the redundancy and waste the money?
The government is the largest employer-- and there is room to shrink quite a bit, yet keep that status, and still bring us prosperity. I understand where you're going, and you make a great point. I would do it this way:
Start by bringing the soldiers home from all of our bases everywhere, while selling the bases off. End the wars, and all of the insane spending they've created.
Systematically phase out every federal department that exists in every state as well as the federal government, such as the Dept. of Education, Transportation, Agriculture, etc...
Legalize industrial hemp, and lift all federal restrictions on drugs, and leave it up to the states on which ones remain legal.
Stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship work overseas immediately.
Do all of this over a reasonable time table, factor in the extra money that has been already allocated for unemployment, and I think we will be just fine.
vinny, that is one of the most intelligent posts i've seen here...
My question is this: Why not be the "bigger man" and ignore the ignorant on the opposing side and simply get behind the core sentiment and momentum of rallies like this? At the heart of it all, activism is encouraged. Why not just be more active in keeping your elected representatives serving you the way you want?
Because the movement has allied itself with conservative talk radio and the republican party, and those are both arenas that have chosen to partner with the insane Christian right nuts and that is something I refuse to give any support to in any way shape or form.
My question is this: Why not be the "bigger man" and ignore the ignorant on the opposing side and simply get behind the core sentiment and momentum of rallies like this? At the heart of it all, activism is encouraged. Why not just be more active in keeping your elected representatives serving you the way you want?
Because the movement has allied itself with conservative talk radio and the republican party, and those are both arenas that have chosen to partner with the insane Christian right nuts and that is something I refuse to give any support to in any way shape or form.
"The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
My question is this: Why not be the "bigger man" and ignore the ignorant on the opposing side and simply get behind the core sentiment and momentum of rallies like this? At the heart of it all, activism is encouraged. Why not just be more active in keeping your elected representatives serving you the way you want?
Because the movement has allied itself with conservative talk radio and the republican party, and those are both arenas that have chosen to partner with the insane Christian right nuts and that is something I refuse to give any support to in any way shape or form.
So you guys can't get behind this because this whole thing is INDIRECTLY connected to the religious right? Ah well, guess I'll have to dump some tea without ya
I hope you find other powerful avenues to fight the good fight. PEACE!
What I find disturbing is that people have to protest high taxes and to much government and people get excited when we get a tax cut. Just try and keep going to your employer every time you need more money because you can't manage your budget most of us would be told to go pound salt. Yet for some reason it has become exceptable for the government to keep taking from the people and to keep spending with no sense of responsibility.
I live in Ontario and wish we had tea parties, in the 6 years since our current premier got elected revenue has gone up 27 billion and he has given us the largest tax increase in our history and beginning in July 2010 will be paying sales tax on just about anything you can name from rent to hair cuts to home heating.
I for one support less government and lower taxes.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
[Because the movement has allied itself with conservative talk radio and the republican party, and those are both arenas that have chosen to partner with the insane Christian right nuts and that is something I refuse to give any support to in any way shape or form.
So you guys can't get behind this because this whole thing is INDIRECTLY connected to the religious right? Ah well, guess I'll have to dump some tea without ya
I hope you find other powerful avenues to fight the good fight. PEACE!
Pretty much. This is clearly a partisan showboating exercise and I seriously doubt their commitment to this or any other issue. The second they get back in office, it will be the same high spending policies loaded with pork. They're just in a position now where they're not in power and can thus point fingers without seeming like the hypocrites they are. This is a last gasp of the republican party trying desperately to regain some credibility and relevance. And after the last 8 years of them sucking off the Christian right, I'm sorry, but I trust them less than I trust the current administration. So no, I won't be joining their little teabagging parties. I have a feeling if it gains them the support they're hoping for, they'll go into office and go right back to what they were doing while they also set us back another few decades with their foreign policy and values voter bullshit. If they want my support, they have to fucking earn it by showing that they're serious about this and not just trying to use it as a political football to get them back in the game so they can keep pulling the same shit they have been since Reagan.
I almost posted this video earlier. Couldn't agree more with the sentiment of the woman being interviewed at the end. She knows what it's all about. The major media news outlets once again spin it to what they want it to mean... You know what? At this point I'll just take the exposure-- there are a lot of people from the hard right who are waking up to how bad Bush was, and a lot of Obama suporters are seeing how Obama is on the path to continuing the same bad economic policies.
I almost posted this video earlier. Couldn't agree more with the sentiment of the woman being interviewed at the end. She knows what it's all about. The major media news outlets once again spin it to what they want it to mean... You know what? At this point I'll just take the exposure-- there are a lot of people from the hard right who are waking up to how bad Bush was, and a lot of Obama suporters are seeing how Obama is on the path to continuing the same bad economic policies.
fucking retards on an 8 year slumber are waking up now.. ..Problem it is its the soft right too.
My heart breaks for the poor right
If McCain was prez it would be worse right now. Even if it was the same there wouldn't be a peep from the right.
I almost posted this video earlier. Couldn't agree more with the sentiment of the woman being interviewed at the end. She knows what it's all about. The major media news outlets once again spin it to what they want it to mean... You know what? At this point I'll just take the exposure-- there are a lot of people from the hard right who are waking up to how bad Bush was, and a lot of Obama suporters are seeing how Obama is on the path to continuing the same bad economic policies.
fucking retards on an 8 year slumber are waking up now.. ..Problem it is its the soft right too.
My heart breaks for the poor right
If McCain was prez it would be worse right now. Even if it was the same there wouldn't be a peep from the right.
Which is exactly why I'm not on board. If McCain had been elected and was doing the exact same thing, I can guarantee this teabag thing would not exist. They'd all be spouting off about how important it is to support American business through loans to small businesses.
The government is the largest employer-- and there is room to shrink quite a bit, yet keep that status, and still bring us prosperity. I understand where you're going, and you make a great point. I would do it this way:
Start by bringing the soldiers home from all of our bases everywhere, while selling the bases off. End the wars, and all of the insane spending they've created.
Systematically phase out every federal department that exists in every state as well as the federal government, such as the Dept. of Education, Transportation, Agriculture, etc...
Legalize industrial hemp, and lift all federal restrictions on drugs, and leave it up to the states on which ones remain legal.
Stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship work overseas immediately.
Do all of this over a reasonable time table, factor in the extra money that has been already allocated for unemployment, and I think we will be just fine.
you've obviously got way too much common sense to be a politician....
And you're hiding agendas don't mention abolishing the fed
Bush 2000 ran on a much more conservative platform than his own father, and if you're like 99% of American voters, you vote on what the candidate says he or she is going to do, not what they will do. You can see how Conservatives liked him in 2000. Then 9/11 happens, and gives him the highest presidential approval rating ever, and he blew it within three years. That brings us to Bush 2004, who arguably didn't even beat John Kerry while we were heavy into the war, and he was doing pretty abysmal in the polls in 2004. Another 4 years to make things worse, and plenty of Republicans were sick of him and Cheney by 2008. If you think that the Obama administration inherited a world of pain, you're right! That includes the angry mob that was waiting to jump on whoever was coming into office, if you ask me. I think if McCain won, you would have seen the "left's" version of a tea party, trying to take it over from the freedom movement. You really think this country wouldn't be OUTRAGED if it were going to be taking orders from another RICH, WHITE, AND WORST OF ALL, OLD "REPUBLICAN" for another 4 years MINIMUM? This is why Obama was the victor. The country clearly spoke its mind that it didn't want anything like Bush for at least another 4 years... These Tea Parties may have been TWICE as big if McCain had won-- shit, their may have been riots if Obama DIDN'T get elected, because how many elections in a row can the Republicans STEAL before half this country says "ENOUGH!!! This whole thing is rigged!!!" Actually, it would have been like V for Vendetta-- REMEMBER THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER, a couple of dozen hours after the election. Either that, or a mass exodus to Canada And I'd be right there (protesting, not moving North), just like I'm at these.
Just some food for thought. I'm through trying to change people's minds to see the good in this. Do you see ANY good in these tea parties, soulsinging?
Which is exactly why I'm not on board. If McCain had been elected and was doing the exact same thing, I can guarantee this teabag thing would not exist. They'd all be spouting off about how important it is to support American business through loans to small businesses.
If McCain got into office we wouldn't have tea parties...we would continue to have anti war rallies but now that Obama is in office the war is not that bad to the left it seems.
And I am pretty sure if McCain got into office we would not have seen this pork filled "stimuls" package.
The government is the largest employer-- and there is room to shrink quite a bit, yet keep that status, and still bring us prosperity. I understand where you're going, and you make a great point. I would do it this way:
Start by bringing the soldiers home from all of our bases everywhere, while selling the bases off. End the wars, and all of the insane spending they've created.
Systematically phase out every federal department that exists in every state as well as the federal government, such as the Dept. of Education, Transportation, Agriculture, etc...
Legalize industrial hemp, and lift all federal restrictions on drugs, and leave it up to the states on which ones remain legal.
Stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship work overseas immediately.
Do all of this over a reasonable time table, factor in the extra money that has been already allocated for unemployment, and I think we will be just fine.
you've obviously got way too much common sense to be a politician....
And you're hiding agendas don't mention abolishing the fed
For once, I didn't-- I showed great restraint in doing so . Besides, there will be plenty of shouting coming from me this coming weekend at the rally in the city. The Audit the Fed Bill seems to be doing really well! Nearly 60 co-sponsors. Pretty awesome for a Ron Paul-penned bill.
365 days in a year, 8 years of Bush = 2,920 days of Bush.
To some of us, Barack's 100th day is like the 3,020th day of Bush's presidency. His policies are NOT all that different than W.'s in the sense that it has been more of a seamless continuation of big, incapable government. This is where the true unity in the "tea party" movement exists. The ever-increasing size of our government and insane spending by both parties is the problem all the way around. Sure Obama hasn't been in office all that long, and his criticism in the first 100 days is exactly what should be done to EVERY president-- especially anyone who comes in promising change. We've just put up with a few years of the lamest of lame ducks, and what people are viewing as an "attack" on Obama is merely the vigilance we are supposed to maintain over our president and elected leaders. We knew we'd get nowhere with Bush in the end of his last term, and anyone who'd follow him, including McCain would be getting the treatment that Barack is getting right now.
No matter what, at least the people of this country are starting to feel and recognize the pain and are reacting, which is a huge step up from the numbness we've had toward being trampled by our leaders the past few decades.
Now the challenge is making this has to last more than a day, and I think it's going to.
Partisanship is inevitable everywhere in American politics. Everyone PLEASE look past the partisanship, cause even the most die-hard brain-dead MORON towing the party line on either side is still 50% right!
And you don't think it's telling that for those 2920 days with a "conservative" president, this teabag thing did not exist and not one whisper came from these people about spending... but suddenly not even 100 days into a LIBERAL's term, they're all outraged about wasteful government? Shit, these people didn't even blink when Dubya signed the FIRST bailout of $700 billion.
Don't tell me this is non-partisan. It's an outright lie and you fucking know it.
That's why the republicans are screwed and they know it... The Obama administration's spending is the perfect thing to run against next election cycle... the problem for the republicans is that they can't use that approach without their hypocrisy biting them in the ass. Most republican politicians aren't against a government spending money like a drunken sailor if it's their guy who's doing it.
If the spending keeps going and the economy doesn't turn around, I can see a good run by an independent, Ron Paul-type candidate.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
its exactly what the anti war protesters did. when fox was just pissed. they couldn't understand why they needed little kids. or celebrities. or musicians.
que Ted Nugent and friends and bring in some babies and they have become exactly what Fox news railed against just a few years ago.
ah fuck it. if it wasn't so goddamn important i would have stopped caring along time ago. the hypocrisy knows no bounds. one day its unimaginable, the next they support it and give it a platform. who knows.
at least the anti-war protesters had a fucking message.
I believe I said that partisanship is inevitable, my argument was simply that this whole thing wasn't as 'partisan' as some people in this thread are saying. Before you tell me what I "fucking know" let me tell you that I was actually at one of these things, and it wasn't an anti-Obama fest. As for those that brought that sentiment, half of them DID have serious problems with the past 8 years but didn't have a forum this large of a forum to express it against W. As for the other half, I'm with you-- they SHOULD have been outraged the last 8 years if they could only pull their heads out of their asses for 3 seconds, and saw how Bush and Congress spent our money. However, most of Bush's spending was on "protecting Amurrrka," which most people have been falsely led to believe is always worth it. Sacrifice money, and sacrifice liberty for security-- poor move. Bush's approval rating was 27% by the time of the initial banker bailout, and the people WERE pissed enough to actually persuade the House to vote down the first version of the bailout. Sadly in the end, we failed. Bush, McCain, and Obama's signatures were all on TARP. This was a theme at the Tea Party that I attended, and the people speaking all reinforced the ideas of putting constant pressure on our congressmen-- not just the Democrat congressmen, ALL OF THEM.
Generally speaking there were a lot more Ron Paul Republicans at these rallies than the televison will tell you. How partisan was this crowd? In the last election we probably went 1/3 Obama, 1/3 3rd party, and 1/3 Mc
Cain. The fact that the true voice of dissent wasn't at the forefront of Fox's broadcast of this thing, what else is new? For CNN and MSNBC to write the whole thing off as insignificant and put together by a bunch of rednecks is also standard operating procedure. Since the media's main purpose is to polarize us and keep us all divided, we need to look beyond how both "sides" of the media present these rallies to us and decide for ourselves. I had a first-person perspective of the tea party in my area, and it was a pretty huge rally... Close to 3,000 people. Of course there was partisanship, more from the "right" than the "left, heavier from the "right," of course.
My question is this: Why not be the "bigger man" and ignore the ignorant on the opposing side and simply get behind the core sentiment and momentum of rallies like this? At the heart of it all, activism is encouraged. Why not just be more active in keeping your elected representatives serving you the way you want?
All of them? What if they had no one to babysit them? What's so wrong about teaching your kids that the government is corrupt and needs to be held in check by the people? They sure learn enough about complacency in school, and from the television, it's a parent's job to teach them to care once in a while. Maybe if more people cared, tea parties, and teabagging jokes would cease to exist, because the politicians who worked for us did their fuckin jobs right
This one has a message, too. Namely, wake the fuck up and hold these people (politicians) accountable. Again, people who really actually care about this country were probably at the anti-war protests as well. Is being against war and against wreckless spending mutually exclusive? NO. Actually, they go hand in hand in many ways.
Not every teabagger is a gun-toting redneck born again conservative, and not every war protester is a pot-smoking elitist atheist liberal. Agree?
Please explain what a teabagging party is. :shock: *big ears*
sure.. I've done a 180 on these. once you get past the hypocrisy of the media's take on it, the point is people are standing to authority. I think that should be encouraged.
But he timing and motives of these make it a complete farce and a slap in the face of logic and reason
i think their is some legitimacy in these protests. the libertarians, defending the constitution, i'm all for that.
for the most part its a partisan thing, i think, and a lot of people were probably just doing what the tv told them to do. and many i'm sure were just anti-obama for reasons not even known to them.
still, dissent is a good thing. it means people are starting to get pissed off enough to do something about it. which is good, imo. but i agree, the hypocrisy of this situation is pretty thick.
vinny, that is one of the most intelligent posts i've seen here...
Vinny I dont think it woul be a good idea if we got rid dept of education,transportation,agriculture. I mean really :roll:
I think you may have misinterpreted my post. We don't need a Federal Deparment of Education, Agriculture, Transportation, etc... if they already exist at the state levels. Why have the redundancy and waste the money?
Thanks, Norm!
Because the movement has allied itself with conservative talk radio and the republican party, and those are both arenas that have chosen to partner with the insane Christian right nuts and that is something I refuse to give any support to in any way shape or form.
So you guys can't get behind this because this whole thing is INDIRECTLY connected to the religious right? Ah well, guess I'll have to dump some tea without ya
I hope you find other powerful avenues to fight the good fight. PEACE!
I live in Ontario and wish we had tea parties, in the 6 years since our current premier got elected revenue has gone up 27 billion and he has given us the largest tax increase in our history and beginning in July 2010 will be paying sales tax on just about anything you can name from rent to hair cuts to home heating.
I for one support less government and lower taxes.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Pretty much. This is clearly a partisan showboating exercise and I seriously doubt their commitment to this or any other issue. The second they get back in office, it will be the same high spending policies loaded with pork. They're just in a position now where they're not in power and can thus point fingers without seeming like the hypocrites they are. This is a last gasp of the republican party trying desperately to regain some credibility and relevance. And after the last 8 years of them sucking off the Christian right, I'm sorry, but I trust them less than I trust the current administration. So no, I won't be joining their little teabagging parties. I have a feeling if it gains them the support they're hoping for, they'll go into office and go right back to what they were doing while they also set us back another few decades with their foreign policy and values voter bullshit. If they want my support, they have to fucking earn it by showing that they're serious about this and not just trying to use it as a political football to get them back in the game so they can keep pulling the same shit they have been since Reagan.
CNN won't show you this
I almost posted this video earlier. Couldn't agree more with the sentiment of the woman being interviewed at the end. She knows what it's all about. The major media news outlets once again spin it to what they want it to mean... You know what? At this point I'll just take the exposure-- there are a lot of people from the hard right who are waking up to how bad Bush was, and a lot of Obama suporters are seeing how Obama is on the path to continuing the same bad economic policies.
fucking retards on an 8 year slumber are waking up now..
My heart breaks for the poor right
If McCain was prez it would be worse right now. Even if it was the same there wouldn't be a peep from the right.
Which is exactly why I'm not on board. If McCain had been elected and was doing the exact same thing, I can guarantee this teabag thing would not exist. They'd all be spouting off about how important it is to support American business through loans to small businesses.
And you're hiding agendas don't mention abolishing the fed
Just some food for thought. I'm through trying to change people's minds to see the good in this. Do you see ANY good in these tea parties, soulsinging?
If McCain got into office we wouldn't have tea parties...we would continue to have anti war rallies but now that Obama is in office the war is not that bad to the left it seems.
And I am pretty sure if McCain got into office we would not have seen this pork filled "stimuls" package.
For once, I didn't-- I showed great restraint in doing so