eh, mine have gone up but my mom recently lost her job and has extended benefits and a huge cut in her cobra payment. which is nice.
I thought most are getting around $20 bucks extra per paycheck
I'm getting $50 and so is my other half is getting about $50...I was surprised because like you, I thought the tax cut would be about 15 to 20 a month...
I am pretty shocked that you people are making jokes about something so serious.
Many people at these tea parties voted for Obama but they did not really know what they were voting for until now.
"lets vote for Obama! He's black, he's cool, he's young, and he seems really down to earth!" :roll:
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I am pretty shocked that you people are making jokes about something so serious.
Many people at these tea parties voted for Obama but they did not really know what they were voting for until now.
"lets vote for Obama! He's black, he's cool, he's young, and he seems really down to earth!" :roll:
you're making things up...just like the teabaggers....
"Many people at these tea parties voted for Obama but they did not really know what they were voting for until now. "....
there is definitely some truth in what AG said. some voted for Obama for NO other reason then he was black and he wasn't a republican. his policies meant absolutely nothing.
These events are whatever you want them to be. They've been going on for years. This year though FOXNEWS has taken the ball and run with it quite a bit, and yes there are tons of people who attend these things that are in complete denial that Bush put is in debt more than any other president EVER.
However, before it all got mainstream attention, the majority of these tea party type events on 4/15 focused on the SCAM that is the IRS. What better day to call attention to it than the day that millions of us were begrudgingly mailing out that check?
Like them or not, get used to them... I don't think they're going to stop anytime soon. And why the hell not get on the bandwagon? I was at one of them yesterday and had tons of people asking me about the signs I was holding up, which were focused on The Federal Reserve and the expanding police state, and not "OBAMA SUX LOL!!!!111 WHUURR'S MY BAILOUT???" To me, this is a great opportunity to unite the people of this country against our greatest enemy: tyranny, over-spending, and over-taxation as a result. Calling out Obama and calling out Bush only creates division. They're all to blame.
Here's the other thing I like about this movement (actually, I don't necessarily like it, but I like its effectiveness): these people participating don't appear to be very "radical," and therefore will be taken more seriously than hardcore hippies. Sad but true-- even if their numbers are less, the crowds that show up to these things are pretty diverse all the way across the board from age to race, from hippy-type to suits and are more likely to be heard.
Bring YOUR solutions on flyers and pamphlets to the next one. Make signs, ask to speak at the podium if they have one. Tune out the "FOX FACTOR" if you don't like it... It's not as heavy as the TV would have you believe, especially when FOX is doing the coverage. Of course they want to take credit for it, they want to increase their ratings-- who doesn't want to see themselves on TV at these things? Fuck Fox. Let YOUR voice be heard.
there is definitely some truth in what AG said. some voted for Obama for NO other reason then he was black and he wasn't a republican. his policies meant absolutely nothing.
some...not many...and I'd be willing to bet my teabag that less that .002% of teabaggers voted for Obama...most of these folks are Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and America Haters (<---- )
there is definitely some truth in what AG said. some voted for Obama for NO other reason then he was black and he wasn't a republican. his policies meant absolutely nothing.
some...not many...and I'd be willing to bet my teabag that less that .002% of teabaggers voted for Obama...most of these folks are Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and America Haters (<---- )
Well, if that's the case, that refutes ledvedderman's point about how most of them had no problem with Bush and his policies. From my understanding most folks who are Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, and America Haters also hated Bush and his policies.
there is definitely some truth in what AG said. some voted for Obama for NO other reason then he was black and he wasn't a republican. his policies meant absolutely nothing.
Sure some did, just like some voted for Bush for no other reason than he was a Christian like them and he wasn't a democrat. The point he was making, and it is correct, is that the people you mention there were not at the teabag parties.
there is definitely some truth in what AG said. some voted for Obama for NO other reason then he was black and he wasn't a republican. his policies meant absolutely nothing.
Sure some did, just like some voted for Bush for no other reason than he was a Christian like them and he wasn't a democrat. The point he was making, and it is correct, is that the people you mention there were not at the teabag parties.
yea I know, I wasn't disputing that. I guess I was just making an irrelevant point :oops:
I'f I'm not mistaken, didn't the President just sign on on the largest tax cut in the nations history? If smaller government is the problem, why didn't these "patriots" stand up and protest the Bush administration doing the biggest increase in the size of government since the new deal?
is that really true? (serious question)
not sure if it's biggest tax cut in history, but my household is bringing in an extra 100 bucks a month (based on last months paystubs)...
I'd be willing to bet, many of these teabaggers (he he he ) had there taxes cut as well....
From the people that I've talked to who went to the one here, their major concern is the 2-ton elephant in the corner that is government spending. Yes, we as a country did go into a deficit under G.W., but if all of the trillions of dollars that obama is trying to push through as "bailouts" goes through he will have put us 8 times deeper debt in 100 or so days in office than Bush did in his entire 8 years! And where is all this magic money coming from? Taxes of course, but somehow Obama's lowering them. It doesn't add up at all. Not to mention, all of these bailouts have done nothing to help the situation. Every time one is announced, it seems to drive the economy lower. Why, you ask? Because the financial experts (the people who really understand how the economy works) know that each time one is proposed it just brings us a step closer to complete financial ruin.
From the people that I've talked to who went to the one here, their major concern is the 2-ton elephant in the corner that is government spending. Yes, we as a country did go into a deficit under G.W., but if all of the trillions of dollars that obama is trying to push through as "bailouts" goes through he will have put us 8 times deeper debt in 100 or so days in office than Bush did in his entire 8 years! And where is all this magic money coming from? Taxes of course, but somehow Obama's lowering them. It doesn't add up at all. Not to mention, all of these bailouts have done nothing to help the situation. Every time one is announced, it seems to drive the economy lower. Why, you ask? Because the financial experts (the people who really understand how the economy works) know that each time one is proposed it just brings us a step closer to complete financial ruin.
um...who pushed for the 700 billion dollar bailout in Sept 08....?
and please tell me what Obama and his administration should have done in the past three months to erase the last 8 years....? I'd love to hear an alternative solution outside of the vague statement "cut taxes"...I really would...
The TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties mean different things to different people but basically it is a large mass of people who are fed up with the how the past two administrations have been throwing money away. They are non partisan. It was started by a house mom in Washington..not the GOP...the Parties are saying democrat’s suck and republicans suck. People are fed up with how both parties in office and in congresses have been spending money like drunken frat boys in a strip club.
I like many people have seen my 401K go in the shitter the past few months. My pay check has been cut 25% for the next 6 months; I have to reign in my spending. Why doesn’t the government cut there spending... instead the past administrations are handing out millions of dollars to ACORN and bonuses to AIG execs and bailing out failing car companies ect...........
Obama may be cutting taxes now with trillions of dollars in spending some day soon the tax man will commeth for all of us.
One party gave up on there principals the other party gave up on the constitution...time to vote them all out.
great post!
i was part of a tea party here in st. louis and it was made clear that it wasnt about bush or obama but it was about the wasteful spending by both parties...i mean obama is off to a record start right now with spending and we are fed up with it all...time to speak up and rise up and show are disdain for the corruption
The TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties mean different things to different people but basically it is a large mass of people who are fed up with the how the past two administrations have been throwing money away. They are non partisan. It was started by a house mom in Washington..not the GOP...the Parties are saying democrat’s suck and republicans suck. People are fed up with how both parties in office and in congresses have been spending money like drunken frat boys in a strip club.
I like many people have seen my 401K go in the shitter the past few months. My pay check has been cut 25% for the next 6 months; I have to reign in my spending. Why doesn’t the government cut there spending... instead the past administrations are handing out millions of dollars to ACORN and bonuses to AIG execs and bailing out failing car companies ect...........
Obama may be cutting taxes now with trillions of dollars in spending some day soon the tax man will commeth for all of us.
One party gave up on there principals the other party gave up on the constitution...time to vote them all out.
great post!
i was part of a tea party here in st. louis and it was made clear that it wasnt about bush or obama but it was about the wasteful spending by both parties...i mean obama is off to a record start right now with spending and we are fed up with it all...time to speak up and rise up and show are disdain for the corruption
ok...what's your solution...? stopping "wasteful spending" is a wee bit broad...
seriously, I hear "stop spending, my kids are going to have to pay for it", but then I hear crickets...I do have to wonder, why so worried about the "kids"....? can't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps...?
Who is the largest employer in the United States?
And if that the largest employer in the United States were to cut jobs, would that help or hurt the economy...?
The TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties mean different things to different people but basically it is a large mass of people who are fed up with the how the past two administrations have been throwing money away. They are non partisan. It was started by a house mom in Washington..not the GOP...the Parties are saying democrat’s suck and republicans suck. People are fed up with how both parties in office and in congresses have been spending money like drunken frat boys in a strip club.
I like many people have seen my 401K go in the shitter the past few months. My pay check has been cut 25% for the next 6 months; I have to reign in my spending. Why doesn’t the government cut there spending... instead the past administrations are handing out millions of dollars to ACORN and bonuses to AIG execs and bailing out failing car companies ect...........
Obama may be cutting taxes now with trillions of dollars in spending some day soon the tax man will commeth for all of us.
One party gave up on there principals the other party gave up on the constitution...time to vote them all out.
great post!
i was part of a tea party here in st. louis and it was made clear that it wasnt about bush or obama but it was about the wasteful spending by both parties...i mean obama is off to a record start right now with spending and we are fed up with it all...time to speak up and rise up and show are disdain for the corruption
ok...what's your solution...? stopping "wasteful spending" is a wee bit broad...
seriously, I hear "stop spending, my kids are going to have to pay for it", but then I hear crickets...I do have to wonder, why so worried about the "kids"....? can't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps...?
Who is the largest employer in the United States?
And if that the largest employer in the United States were to cut jobs, would that help or hurt the economy...?
The government is the largest employer-- and there is room to shrink quite a bit, yet keep that status, and still bring us prosperity. I understand where you're going, and you make a great point. I would do it this way:
Start by bringing the soldiers home from all of our bases everywhere, while selling the bases off. End the wars, and all of the insane spending they've created.
Systematically phase out every federal department that exists in every state as well as the federal government, such as the Dept. of Education, Transportation, Agriculture, etc...
Legalize industrial hemp, and lift all federal restrictions on drugs, and leave it up to the states on which ones remain legal.
Stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship work overseas immediately.
Do all of this over a reasonable time table, factor in the extra money that has been already allocated for unemployment, and I think we will be just fine.
why in the hell would you buy 1 million teabags to protest wasteful government spending? ????????
"We have a million tea bags here, and we don't have a place to put them because it's not on our permit," said Rebecca Wales, lead organizer of D.C. Tea Party.
why in the hell would you buy 1 million teabags to protest wasteful government spending? ????????
"We have a million tea bags here, and we don't have a place to put them because it's not on our permit," said Rebecca Wales, lead organizer of D.C. Tea Party.
ok...what's your solution...? stopping "wasteful spending" is a wee bit broad...
seriously, I hear "stop spending, my kids are going to have to pay for it", but then I hear crickets...I do have to wonder, why so worried about the "kids"....? can't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps...?
Who is the largest employer in the United States?
And if that the largest employer in the United States were to cut jobs, would that help or hurt the economy...?
It will be hard for these kids to pull themselves up by the bootstraps when the government is standing on there neck...
You want a solution, lower taxes by decreasing government spending and put a tax freeze on all spending by the government you like paying taxes Mr. Tree? Do you enjoy seeing that great FICA dollar amount on your pay check just over top that nice State tax? That dollar amount is going to keep increasing and your take home will continue to be less. How will anyone stimulate the economy then? I think it just amazing I have to argue with someone over them wanting to pay more in taxes….it just blows my mind
Sure, Obama had the largest tax cut in our nation’s history, thanks for the extra $30 Barak, I will be sure to save it for a rainy day, no wait, I can’t, the WI Governor is raising my property taxes again...So Barak cut taxes but he also has increased spending more then anyone ever has in our history....where is the money going to come from to pay for all of these purchases?????
So let me ask you this....what is YOUR solution? Sit back and let the government do whatever they want? I sure hope it is not saying teabagging because really…your buddy Rachel Maddow and his freinds stole your thunder long before you said it on this bored
As for the government being the largest employer, Government was not intended to be an employment agency, it was intended to help the helpless (people who can't help themselves) not help the clueless (people who won't help themselves and expect everything to be given to them)[/quote][/quote]
And then you tell me that if I do not like it I should just leave.....where should I go, Canada or Europe
The government is the largest employer-- and there is room to shrink quite a bit, yet keep that status, and still bring us prosperity. I understand where you're going, and you make a great point. I would do it this way:
Start by bringing the soldiers home from all of our bases everywhere, while selling the bases off. End the wars, and all of the insane spending they've created.
Systematically phase out every federal department that exists in every state as well as the federal government, such as the Dept. of Education, Transportation, Agriculture, etc...
Legalize industrial hemp, and lift all federal restrictions on drugs, and leave it up to the states on which ones remain legal.
Stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship work overseas immediately.
Do all of this over a reasonable time table, factor in the extra money that has been already allocated for unemployment, and I think we will be just fine.
makes sense to me, vinnie...thanks for he well thought out response....
ok...what's your solution...? stopping "wasteful spending" is a wee bit broad...
seriously, I hear "stop spending, my kids are going to have to pay for it", but then I hear crickets...I do have to wonder, why so worried about the "kids"....? can't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps...?
Who is the largest employer in the United States?
And if that the largest employer in the United States were to cut jobs, would that help or hurt the economy...?
It will be hard for these kids to pull themselves up by the bootstraps when the government is standing on there neck...
You want a solution, lower taxes by decreasing government spending and put a tax freeze on all spending by the government you like paying taxes Mr. Tree? Do you enjoy seeing that great FICA dollar amount on your pay check just over top that nice State tax? That dollar amount is going to keep increasing and your take home will continue to be less. How will anyone stimulate the economy then? I think it just amazing I have to argue with someone over them wanting to pay more in taxes….it just blows my mind
Sure, Obama had the largest tax cut in our nation’s history, thanks for the extra $30 Barak, I will be sure to save it for a rainy day, no wait, I can’t, the WI Governor is raising my property taxes again...So Barak cut taxes but he also has increased spending more then anyone ever has in our history....where is the money going to come from to pay for all of these purchases?????
So let me ask you this....what is YOUR solution? Sit back and let the government do whatever they want? I sure hope it is not saying teabagging because really…your buddy Rachel Maddow and his freinds stole your thunder long before you said it on this bored
As for the government being the largest employer, Government was not intended to be an employment agency, it was intended to help the helpless (people who can't help themselves) not help the clueless (people who won't help themselves and expect everything to be given to them)
And then you tell me that if I do not like it I should just leave.....where should I go, Canada or Europe
A) it's funny the pro-bootstrap folks have excuses why they can't pull themselves up...
While I'm not a big fan of taxes, I understand they are a necessary else would we pay for roads, police and fire departments, military, social safety nets, and schools...? please don't assume I love taxes, but do know I'm not blind to the fact they are necessary...
C) board
D) help the helpless vs. help the clueless... :? um, ok...nice catchphrase. I guess you're one of those privatize everything sort of folks...well, sadly that doesn't always NC they attempted to do that with the Mental Health System....the result...the helpless get no help...
when basic monetary regulations were only took a few years to bring us were we are today...
My toward a happy medium between Gov't and Business...regulation is a must because business can't be trusted...we already have a checks and balance system in place for the Gov't, it's called voting...that's worked fairly well for a while...
as for where you should go...I say find a country the has not taxes or gov't....I hear Somalia is a free-for-all sort of place...
finally, I know it's hard to swallow, but teabagging jokes never ever get old...
I think it's supposed to be "tear" not "tea". Because all these gatherings are nothing more than a bunch of conservatives whining over the fact that they lost the election.
The party of irrelevance cannot even muster the numbers Obama had during his campaign speeches.
Why are these things even newsworthy?
Total attendance is less than 1% of the total population. No one cares except for whiny conservatives and Republicans.
Not only are they barely a blimp on the radar but the message coming out of these things is all over the place. Conservatives and Republicans can't even define their message for one day. How do they plan on winning future elections?
A good compromise, a good piece of legislation, is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, 'Huh. It works. It makes sense.'
Barack Obama
You want a solution, lower taxes by decreasing government spending and put a tax freeze on all spending by the government you like paying taxes Mr. Tree? Do you enjoy seeing that great FICA dollar amount on your pay check just over top that nice State tax? That dollar amount is going to keep increasing and your take home will continue to be less. How will anyone stimulate the economy then? I think it just amazing I have to argue with someone over them wanting to pay more in taxes….it just blows my mind
Sure, Obama had the largest tax cut in our nation’s history, thanks for the extra $30 Barak, I will be sure to save it for a rainy day, no wait, I can’t, the WI Governor is raising my property taxes again...So Barak cut taxes but he also has increased spending more then anyone ever has in our history....where is the money going to come from to pay for all of these purchases?????
And then you tell me that if I do not like it I should just leave.....where should I go, Canada or Europe
You may not like that extra $30 in your check but that is an extra $360 a year. That might be pocket change to you but every little bit helps. I do not agree with everything the current administration and congress have done for example some of the bailouts, but its a plan. The Republicans have offered nothing except their same old rhetoric that got into this mess. Look at the spending as an investment. Hopefully it will help to create jobs and which will in turn put more tax revenue in the pot to help pay down this debt. For once lets try trickle up econ because as we all know trickle down does not work.
A good compromise, a good piece of legislation, is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, 'Huh. It works. It makes sense.'
Barack Obama
hahaha, that guy is rad. took some guts to do that.
Listen to the boos this guy got... and someone in this thread was trying to tell us this was a non-partisan thing.
the reason this tool got boo's is because he WAS being was obvious all the blame of course just like everything in this world is on Bush...what this guy failed to realize that the Dems controlled the house and senate the two years the bubble was builiding and did nothing as well
the parties werent about Reps and Dems it was about voices being heard to shrink an blown up governement that is just going to keep getting bigger and started with Bush and its continuing with Obama
i spoke to quite a few people who voted for obama and are feeling sheepish about it now as well as people who voted for bush during his 8 years
i just love the people on this board who want to squash anything that doesnt involve bush hate speech but when it comes to obama and dems, uh oh, watch out they can do no wrong
It's not about Obama "doing no wrong", it's the fact that he isn't even through the first 100 days. Give his policies some time to actually take shape, and then if they don't work out go ahead and have your little parties. Granted, many of these people truly don't like taxes, but a good chunk of the protesters there were just not happy with Obama. Like I said before...the guy hasn't even been in office 100 days
I'm getting $50 and so is my other half is getting about $50...I was surprised because like you, I thought the tax cut would be about 15 to 20 a month...
Many people at these tea parties voted for Obama but they did not really know what they were voting for until now.
"lets vote for Obama! He's black, he's cool, he's young, and he seems really down to earth!" :roll:
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
you're making things up...just like the teabaggers....
"Many people at these tea parties voted for Obama but they did not really know what they were voting for until now. "....
However, before it all got mainstream attention, the majority of these tea party type events on 4/15 focused on the SCAM that is the IRS. What better day to call attention to it than the day that millions of us were begrudgingly mailing out that check?
Like them or not, get used to them... I don't think they're going to stop anytime soon. And why the hell not get on the bandwagon? I was at one of them yesterday and had tons of people asking me about the signs I was holding up, which were focused on The Federal Reserve and the expanding police state, and not "OBAMA SUX LOL!!!!111 WHUURR'S MY BAILOUT???" To me, this is a great opportunity to unite the people of this country against our greatest enemy: tyranny, over-spending, and over-taxation as a result. Calling out Obama and calling out Bush only creates division. They're all to blame.
Here's the other thing I like about this movement (actually, I don't necessarily like it, but I like its effectiveness): these people participating don't appear to be very "radical," and therefore will be taken more seriously than hardcore hippies. Sad but true-- even if their numbers are less, the crowds that show up to these things are pretty diverse all the way across the board from age to race, from hippy-type to suits and are more likely to be heard.
Bring YOUR solutions on flyers and pamphlets to the next one. Make signs, ask to speak at the podium if they have one. Tune out the "FOX FACTOR" if you don't like it... It's not as heavy as the TV would have you believe, especially when FOX is doing the coverage. Of course they want to take credit for it, they want to increase their ratings-- who doesn't want to see themselves on TV at these things? Fuck Fox. Let YOUR voice be heard.
some...not many...and I'd be willing to bet my teabag that less that .002% of teabaggers voted for Obama...most of these folks are Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and America Haters (<----
Well, if that's the case, that refutes ledvedderman's point about how most of them had no problem with Bush and his policies. From my understanding most folks who are Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, and America Haters also hated Bush and his policies.
Sure some did, just like some voted for Bush for no other reason than he was a Christian like them and he wasn't a democrat. The point he was making, and it is correct, is that the people you mention there were not at the teabag parties.
yea I know, I wasn't disputing that. I guess I was just making an irrelevant point :oops:
From the people that I've talked to who went to the one here, their major concern is the 2-ton elephant in the corner that is government spending. Yes, we as a country did go into a deficit under G.W., but if all of the trillions of dollars that obama is trying to push through as "bailouts" goes through he will have put us 8 times deeper debt in 100 or so days in office than Bush did in his entire 8 years! And where is all this magic money coming from? Taxes of course, but somehow Obama's lowering them. It doesn't add up at all. Not to mention, all of these bailouts have done nothing to help the situation. Every time one is announced, it seems to drive the economy lower. Why, you ask? Because the financial experts (the people who really understand how the economy works) know that each time one is proposed it just brings us a step closer to complete financial ruin. (Music Page)
Myspace: (Personal Page)
um...who pushed for the 700 billion dollar bailout in Sept 08....?
and please tell me what Obama and his administration should have done in the past three months to erase the last 8 years....? I'd love to hear an alternative solution outside of the vague statement "cut taxes"...I really would...
and were you a teabagger, teabagee or both....?
great post!
i was part of a tea party here in st. louis and it was made clear that it wasnt about bush or obama but it was about the wasteful spending by both parties...i mean obama is off to a record start right now with spending and we are fed up with it all...time to speak up and rise up and show are disdain for the corruption
ok...what's your solution...? stopping "wasteful spending" is a wee bit broad...
seriously, I hear "stop spending, my kids are going to have to pay for it", but then I hear crickets...I do have to wonder, why so worried about the "kids"....? can't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps...?
Who is the largest employer in the United States?
And if that the largest employer in the United States were to cut jobs, would that help or hurt the economy...?
The government is the largest employer-- and there is room to shrink quite a bit, yet keep that status, and still bring us prosperity. I understand where you're going, and you make a great point. I would do it this way:
Start by bringing the soldiers home from all of our bases everywhere, while selling the bases off. End the wars, and all of the insane spending they've created.
Systematically phase out every federal department that exists in every state as well as the federal government, such as the Dept. of Education, Transportation, Agriculture, etc...
Legalize industrial hemp, and lift all federal restrictions on drugs, and leave it up to the states on which ones remain legal.
Stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship work overseas immediately.
Do all of this over a reasonable time table, factor in the extra money that has been already allocated for unemployment, and I think we will be just fine.
"We have a million tea bags here, and we don't have a place to put them because it's not on our permit," said Rebecca Wales, lead organizer of D.C. Tea Party. ... -Dump.html
bomb afghanistan? sure
build a public transit system? oh hell no.
yeah, i thought that was funny too. john stewart said something like: "are they protesting irony?"
well i figured as much, however most of us are not being taxed without representation these days, so i figured it was for a different purpose really.
It will be hard for these kids to pull themselves up by the bootstraps when the government is standing on there neck...
You want a solution, lower taxes by decreasing government spending and put a tax freeze on all spending by the government you like paying taxes Mr. Tree? Do you enjoy seeing that great FICA dollar amount on your pay check just over top that nice State tax? That dollar amount is going to keep increasing and your take home will continue to be less. How will anyone stimulate the economy then? I think it just amazing I have to argue with someone over them wanting to pay more in taxes….it just blows my mind
Sure, Obama had the largest tax cut in our nation’s history, thanks for the extra $30 Barak, I will be sure to save it for a rainy day, no wait, I can’t, the WI Governor is raising my property taxes again...So Barak cut taxes but he also has increased spending more then anyone ever has in our history....where is the money going to come from to pay for all of these purchases?????
So let me ask you this....what is YOUR solution? Sit back and let the government do whatever they want? I sure hope it is not saying teabagging because really…your buddy Rachel Maddow and his freinds stole your thunder long before you said it on this bored
As for the government being the largest employer, Government was not intended to be an employment agency, it was intended to help the helpless (people who can't help themselves) not help the clueless (people who won't help themselves and expect everything to be given to them)[/quote][/quote]
And then you tell me that if I do not like it I should just leave.....where should I go, Canada or Europe
makes sense to me, vinnie...thanks for he well thought out response....
A) it's funny the pro-bootstrap folks have excuses why they can't pull themselves up...
C) board
D) help the helpless vs. help the clueless... :? um, ok...nice catchphrase. I guess you're one of those privatize everything sort of folks...well, sadly that doesn't always NC they attempted to do that with the Mental Health System....the result...the helpless get no help...
when basic monetary regulations were only took a few years to bring us were we are today...
My toward a happy medium between Gov't and Business...regulation is a must because business can't be trusted...we already have a checks and balance system in place for the Gov't, it's called voting...that's worked fairly well for a while...
as for where you should go...I say find a country the has not taxes or gov't....I hear Somalia is a free-for-all sort of place...
finally, I know it's hard to swallow, but teabagging jokes never ever get old...
I think it's supposed to be "tear" not "tea". Because all these gatherings are nothing more than a bunch of conservatives whining over the fact that they lost the election.
The party of irrelevance cannot even muster the numbers Obama had during his campaign speeches.
Why are these things even newsworthy?
Total attendance is less than 1% of the total population. No one cares except for whiny conservatives and Republicans.
Not only are they barely a blimp on the radar but the message coming out of these things is all over the place. Conservatives and Republicans can't even define their message for one day. How do they plan on winning future elections?
Barack Obama
You may not like that extra $30 in your check but that is an extra $360 a year. That might be pocket change to you but every little bit helps. I do not agree with everything the current administration and congress have done for example some of the bailouts, but its a plan. The Republicans have offered nothing except their same old rhetoric that got into this mess. Look at the spending as an investment. Hopefully it will help to create jobs and which will in turn put more tax revenue in the pot to help pay down this debt. For once lets try trickle up econ because as we all know trickle down does not work.
Barack Obama
hahaha, that guy is rad. took some guts to do that.
Listen to the boos this guy got... and someone in this thread was trying to tell us this was a non-partisan thing.
the reason this tool got boo's is because he WAS being was obvious all the blame of course just like everything in this world is on Bush...what this guy failed to realize that the Dems controlled the house and senate the two years the bubble was builiding and did nothing as well
the parties werent about Reps and Dems it was about voices being heard to shrink an blown up governement that is just going to keep getting bigger and started with Bush and its continuing with Obama
i spoke to quite a few people who voted for obama and are feeling sheepish about it now as well as people who voted for bush during his 8 years
i just love the people on this board who want to squash anything that doesnt involve bush hate speech but when it comes to obama and dems, uh oh, watch out they can do no wrong