I know right.... This one takes the cake. Not to mention the Alabama wasen't even a goddamn fishing boat. They were bringing food to these fucking ass holes. They deserve what the fuck they got .
i sympathize with people who are getting fucked over by greed.
How ironic comming from a dude named Commy. Communism is based on greed more than capitalism ever was.
But on topic...
I'm really hoping America goes back to the WWII mentality soon and starts employing the survival of the fittest. The pirates held an American hostage, they had guns, we had guns, we just use them a hell of a lot better. Now everybody's going to cry about it.
I really do find the situation funny, and the more pirates that get plugged in the head, the harder i laugh. If they could post that on youtube it would be the most popular video ever.
What's the difference really? All view their reasons as valid and noble and will justify any aggression used to protect their interests first and foremost.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
In Noam Chomsky's book, "Pirates and Emperors, International Terrorism in the Real World", he tells this story, attributed to St. Augustine. A captured pirate was brought before Alexander the Great. "How dare you molest the sea?, said Alexander. How dare you molest the whole world?" replied the pirate and continued: "Because I do it with a little ship only I am called a thief; you, doing it with a great navy are called emperor."
In Noam Chomsky's book, "Pirates and Emperors, International Terrorism in the Real World", he tells this story, attributed to St. Augustine. A captured pirate was brought before Alexander the Great. "How dare you molest the sea?, said Alexander. How dare you molest the whole world?" replied the pirate and continued: "Because I do it with a little ship only I am called a thief; you, doing it with a great navy are called emperor."
i think this is right on.
I didn't read the whole thread but yep, Five's always known I think he's one smart cookie.
ps....glad you liked the MGMT, Rob
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
What's the difference really? All view their reasons as valid and noble and will justify any aggression used to protect their interests first and foremost.
sigh. does Indian navy patrol its shores and kidnap and kill sailors who happen to pass near its border?
You're playing both sides of the fence on this issue. You can't complain about Somalia's weak government and lawlessness and the issues raised about soveignty, when the same nations complaining about these problems are partly responsible for these occurence. Somalia is a weak government and is run by warlords... some of which use piracy for greed, some of which honestly think the piracy is national defense from other nations stealing their industry and dumping on their shores. Now if Somalia had a strong government, they wouldn't use piracy to deter these problems, they'd have a navy blockading or detering industrialized nations from dumping and stealing their industry. So basically, you challenge their right to piracy as a method of defense because they lack a powerful state government which is partially a result of rich nations flooding their market with arms while then complaining about the result? Can't have it both ways.
sigh. does Indian navy patrol its shores and kidnap and kill sailors who happen to pass near its border?
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
You're playing both sides of the fence on this issue. You can't complain about Somalia's weak government and lawlessness and the issues raised about soveignty, when the same nations complaining about these problems are partly responsible for these occurence. Somalia is a weak government and is run by warlords... some of which use piracy for greed, some of which honestly think the piracy is national defense from other nations stealing their industry and dumping on their shores. Now if Somalia had a strong government, they wouldn't use piracy to deter these problems, they'd have a navy blockading or detering industrialized nations from dumping and stealing their industry. So basically, you challenge their right to piracy as a method of defense because they lack a powerful state government which is partially a result of rich nations flooding their market with arms while then complaining about the result? Can't have it both ways.
sigh. does Indian navy patrol its shores and kidnap and kill sailors who happen to pass near its border?
abook was trying to equate pirates and navys from powerful countries. which is ludicrous. its just shocking to me that people like you will run to the defense of such sick acts of violence. then strongly denounce it when America or an industrialized nation does something.
and they arent using piracy to "deter these problems" (dumping and stealing)...they are doing it for money, plain and simple.
I know what abook was saying and you are ignoring some of the facts here. Please look back at my previous post where I posted several links about the dumping and stealing of industry in Somalia as well as why Somalia is getting its arms from (which leads to its weak government). You are trying to paint this into a black and white issue when it clearly is not. Is some of it simply about the money, absolutely, but not all of it.. probably 50-50 in my opinion, but to ignore that fact is to not look at the situation clearly and unbiased.
abook was trying to equate pirates and navys from powerful countries. which is ludicrous. its just shocking to me that people like you will run to the defense of such sick acts of violence. then strongly denounce it when America or an industrialized nation does something.
and they arent using piracy to "deter these problems" (dumping and stealing)...they are doing it for money, plain and simple.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I know what abook was saying and you are ignoring some of the facts here. Please look back at my previous post where I posted several links about the dumping and stealing of industry in Somalia as well as why Somalia is getting its arms from (which leads to its weak government). You are trying to paint this into a black and white issue when it clearly is not. Is some of it simply about the money, absolutely, but not all of it.. probably 50-50 in my opinion, but to ignore that fact is to not look at the situation clearly and unbiased.
abook was trying to equate pirates and navys from powerful countries. which is ludicrous. its just shocking to me that people like you will run to the defense of such sick acts of violence. then strongly denounce it when America or an industrialized nation does something.
and they arent using piracy to "deter these problems" (dumping and stealing)...they are doing it for money, plain and simple.
ok, you're right. I read those articles and it appears to have some legitimacy from the UN that dumping is taking place. I'd say your 50-50 guess might be close but who knows.
I'm by no means defending these actions, but merely stating there's an entire other side of this story in which is not being discussed or mentioned at all and it's not by accident. Goes to show you how the media works, especially in our nation.
ok, you're right. I read those articles and it appears to have some legitimacy from the UN that dumping is taking place. I'd say your 50-50 guess might be close but who knows.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I'm by no means defending these actions, but merely stating there's an entire other side of this story in which is not being discussed or mentioned at all and it's not by accident. Goes to show you how the media works, especially in our nation.
ok, you're right. I read those articles and it appears to have some legitimacy from the UN that dumping is taking place. I'd say your 50-50 guess might be close but who knows.
one would think that the liberal media would disclose this news..........the dumping is untolerable and the attacks on innocent ships is untolerable.
i would support the pirates if they attacked the ships that are doing the dumping........takes balls.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
Well actually the reason its not mentioned is because the media isn't liberal, instead it's controlled by private interests which protect the rich and powerful of the world. If we had a truly "liberal media" as many claim, we'd the media full of abuses and causes for problems throughout the world, instead we are fed a small portion of the after effect of the problem which directly correlates to us... ie biased news to protect, not inform.
Anyways, you comment about attacking the ships doing the dumping is the same premise abook was talking about. People fight with what means they have necessary and able. During the American revolutionary war, the british would literally call us terrorists and unruly barbarians because we didn't fight them in the manner they wanted us too. Which brings us back to the quote about pirates and navys...
one would think that the liberal media would disclose this news..........the dumping is untolerable and the attacks on innocent ships is untolerable.
i would support the pirates if they attacked the ships that are doing the dumping........takes balls.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Well actually the reason its not mentioned is because the media isn't liberal, instead it's controlled by private interests which protect the rich and powerful of the world. If we had a truly "liberal media" as many claim, we'd the media full of abuses and causes for problems throughout the world, instead we are fed a small portion of the after effect of the problem which directly correlates to us... ie biased news to protect, not inform.
Anyways, you comment about attacking the ships doing the dumping is the same premise abook was talking about. People fight with what means they have necessary and able. During the American revolutionary war, the british would literally call us terrorists and unruly barbarians because we didn't fight them in the manner they wanted us too. Which brings us back to the quote about pirates and navys...
one would think that the liberal media would disclose this news..........the dumping is untolerable and the attacks on innocent ships is untolerable.
i would support the pirates if they attacked the ships that are doing the dumping........takes balls.
again........the somali navy should attack ships that do illegal dumping. and for reasonable discussion's sake, when they do board the ships that the somali navy suspects of dumping and discover that it does not contain illegal or harmful substance. they should let the crew go free.
i have been looking for news where they let "good" ships go free.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
Well actually the reason its not mentioned is because the media isn't liberal, instead it's controlled by private interests which protect the rich and powerful of the world. If we had a truly "liberal media" as many claim, we'd the media full of abuses and causes for problems throughout the world, instead we are fed a small portion of the after effect of the problem which directly correlates to us... ie biased news to protect, not inform.
I wouldnt start throwing out media conspiracies just yet. there is no solid proof of this dumping which is probably why its not widely reported. and "illegal" fishing is certainly a grey area. since when do countries "own" a part of the ocean? but I admit, I'm no maritime law expert, so I'll leave that alone.
Anyways, you comment about attacking the ships doing the dumping is the same premise abook was talking about. People fight with what means they have necessary and able. During the American revolutionary war, the british would literally call us terrorists and unruly barbarians because we didn't fight them in the manner they wanted us too. Which brings us back to the quote about pirates and navys...
bullshit. why cant these pirates just patrol the waters like navy ships do? attack the ships accused of dumping and/or illegal fishing, and leave the cargo ships alone.
Well actually the reason its not mentioned is because the media isn't liberal, instead it's controlled by private interests which protect the rich and powerful of the world. If we had a truly "liberal media" as many claim, we'd the media full of abuses and causes for problems throughout the world, instead we are fed a small portion of the after effect of the problem which directly correlates to us... ie biased news to protect, not inform.
I wouldnt start throwing out media conspiracies just yet. there is no solid proof of this dumping which is probably why its not widely reported. and "illegal" fishing is certainly a grey area. since when do countries "own" a part of the ocean? but I admit, I'm no maritime law expert, so I'll leave that alone.
Anyways, you comment about attacking the ships doing the dumping is the same premise abook was talking about. People fight with what means they have necessary and able. During the American revolutionary war, the british would literally call us terrorists and unruly barbarians because we didn't fight them in the manner they wanted us too. Which brings us back to the quote about pirates and navys...
bullshit. why cant these pirates just patrol the waters like navy ships do? attack the ships accused of dumping and/or illegal fishing, and leave the cargo ships alone.
i do not think it would be wise of the somali navy to attack ships that are "accused" of dumping or illegal fishing, that would be uncivilized.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
Actually there's plenty of laws which regard international waters and fishing buy typically they are not inforced or ignored.
As for your idea about pirates patroling the waters, what exactly makes you think they have to act in kind to opposing ships? You want them to act like a navy, but ignore the fact they are not one. They are typically smaller ships with people carrying lots of guns. The boats doing the fishing and dumping are very big and they can't simply do what you are requesting. It'd be equivelent to one very big person bullying a very small person and in order for the small person to combat this, they fight a bit dirty...and when the big bully doesn't like it, they say - hey you can't fight against me in this manner, it's not fair, yet ignores their part in the exchange.
I wouldnt start throwing out media conspiracies just yet. there is no solid proof of this dumping which is probably why its not widely reported. and "illegal" fishing is certainly a grey area. since when do countries "own" a part of the ocean? but I admit, I'm no maritime law expert, so I'll leave that alone.
bullshit. why cant these pirates just patrol the waters like navy ships do? attack the ships accused of dumping and/or illegal fishing, and leave the cargo ships alone.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Actually there's plenty of laws which regard international waters and fishing buy typically they are not inforced or ignored.
As for your idea about pirates patroling the waters, what exactly makes you think they have to act in kind to opposing ships? You want them to act like a navy, but ignore the fact they are not one. They are typically smaller ships with people carrying lots of guns. The boats doing the fishing and dumping are very big and they can't simply do what you are requesting. It'd be equivelent to one very big person bullying a very small person and in order for the small person to combat this, they fight a bit dirty...and when the big bully doesn't like it, they say - hey you can't fight against me in this manner, it's not fair, yet ignores their part in the exchange.
first of all, don't post infowar links. that immediately marginalizes your credibility.
the boats they are hijacking are oil tankers and cargo ships. the BIGGEST ships in the world. yet they have no problem going after them. and yes, I would give them much more support if they acted like a navy and only were trying to protect their shores instead of hijacking the nearest ship that comes near them.
I typically try and post reliable sources for any information, and in this case it is correct. Just because you don't like the messenger, doesn't mean the message is wrong.
Also, you ask what I'm defending? Truth and facts. Even you alone, in this thread, even if you don't agree with it, basically found out that it simply as the media is explaining it, correct? There's much more to this issue, but if you watch or read 99% of the media, you'd think otherwise.
Lastly, issues like these are a matter of moral equivocation. You think because they're not "playing by the same rules" so to speak, it makes them wrong, where as I see it as two sides both doing wrong doing, of which each is furthering the others response.
first of all, don't post infowar links. that immediately marginalizes your credibility.
the boats they are hijacking are oil tankers and cargo ships. the BIGGEST ships in the world. yet they have no problem going after them. and yes, I would give them much more support if they acted like a navy and only were trying to protect their shores instead of hijacking the nearest ship that comes near them.
what the hell are you trying to defend?
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I typically try and post reliable sources for any information, and in this case it is correct. Just because you don't like the messenger, doesn't mean the message is wrong.
Also, you ask what I'm defending? Truth and facts. Even you alone, in this thread, even if you don't agree with it, basically found out that it simply as the media is explaining it, correct? There's much more to this issue, but if you watch or read 99% of the media, you'd think otherwise.
Lastly, issues like these are a matter of moral equivocation. You think because they're not "playing by the same rules" so to speak, it makes them wrong, where as I see it as two sides both doing wrong doing, of which each is furthering the others response.
hijacking ships and taking people hostage makes them wrong under any circumstances.
yes that is correct... and i will add that the stealing of their fishing industry and dumping is wrong as well. when two children get into a fight, you don't just point at one say you're more wrong and why did you start, you explain to both of them that their partaking in that action is wrong, to both of them.
hijacking ships and taking people hostage makes them wrong under any circumstances.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
This has boondoggle written all over it. I cant imagine how many innocent fisherman could get blasted out of the water for bounties. I guess we should just get rid of our military and hire Blackwater (I forget what their new and improved name is) to protect the United States....good grief.
A little-known congressional power could help the federal government keep the Somali pirates in check — and possibly do it for a discount price.
Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and a growing number of national security experts are calling on Congress to consider using letters of marque and reprisal, a power written into the Constitution that allows the United States to hire private citizens to keep international waters safe.
Used heavily during the Revolution and the War of 1812, letters of marque serve as official warrants from the government, allowing privateers to seize or destroy enemies, their loot and their vessels in exchange for bounty money.
The letters also require would-be thrill seekers to post a bond promising to abide by international rules of war.
In a YouTube video earlier this week, Paul suggested lawmakers consider issuing letters, which could relieve American naval ships from being the nation’s primary pirate responders — a free-market solution to make the high seas safer for cargo ships.
“I think if every potential pirate knew this would be the case, they would have second thoughts because they could probably be blown out of the water rather easily if those were the conditions,” Paul said.
Theoretically, hiring bounty hunters would also be a cheaper option.
National security experts estimate that this week’s ship captain rescue by Navy SEALs cost tens of millions, although a Navy spokesman says the military cannot confirm the exact cost of the mission.
Instead, privateers would be incentivized to patrol the ocean looking for key targets — and money would be paid only to the contractor who completed the job.
“If we have 100 American wanna-be Rambos patrolling the seas, it’s probably a good way of getting the job done,” said Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow and security expert Eli Lehrer. “Right now we have a Navy designed mostly to fight other navies. The weapons we have are all excellent, but they may not be the best ones to fight these kinds of pirates. The only cost under letters of marque would be some sort of bounty for the pirates.”
According to Senate historians, Congress hasn’t issued a letter of marquee since the War of 1812, but the Confederate States of America issued them during the Civil War to deliver supplies behind enemy lines. There are also some indications that a letter was granted to a flying band of armed civilians during World War II to operate the Resolute, a Goodyear Blimp used to patrol the ocean for enemy submarines, but the issuance isn’t apparent in the Congressional Record.
If Congress were to revisit the antiquated process, a serious makeover would be required.
In the past, privateers were allowed to keep the ship and treasure they captured in an enemy encounter.
“That isn’t a viable way of funding in today’s world,” said Lehrer. “These pirates don’t really have treasure chests, and their money is tied up in Swiss Bank accounts. Congress would probably have to attach sizable bounties to people.”
Bounties are not a new idea — there is still a $25 million bounty on Osama bin Laden, and millions have been awarded by the government for other enemy captures.
Fly - thanks for posting that story. Unfortunately this possible reaction doesn't truly address the problem in this matter - Somalia's government, it merely band aid's the issue of piracy or atleast temporarily deters it.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
the more I read and investigate the more I think its ALL about money. they aren't doing this to protect their shores from dumping. I'm starting to believe this dumping is a nice little story cooked up by Ahmedou Ould Abdallah...and the far left websites running with the story.
and I still dont understand how their isnt enough room for everyone to fish. an article posted said some 220 vessels where illegally fishing of the shores. well the ocean is big, I find it hard to believe, Somalis in row boats cant find an area to fish. BUT, it would be nice to see the Somoli fishermen left alone and allowed to fish off its shores. its absolutely wrong for foreign ships to do that. that said, where are the pirates? they should be out there protecting the Somoli fisherman.
the more I read and investigate the more I think its ALL about money. they aren't doing this to protect their shores from dumping. I'm starting to believe this dumping is a nice little story cooked up by Ahmedou Ould Abdallah...and the far left websites running with the story.
and I still dont understand how their isnt enough room for everyone to fish. an article posted said some 220 vessels where illegally fishing of the shores. well the ocean is big, I find it hard to believe, Somalis in row boats cant find an area to fish. BUT, it would be nice to see the Somoli fishermen left alone and allowed to fish off its shores. its absolutely wrong for foreign ships to do that. that said, where are the pirates? they should be out there protecting the Somoli fisherman.
I know right.... This one takes the cake. Not to mention the Alabama wasen't even a goddamn fishing boat. They were bringing food to these fucking ass holes. They deserve what the fuck they got .
How ironic comming from a dude named Commy. Communism is based on greed more than capitalism ever was.
But on topic...
I'm really hoping America goes back to the WWII mentality soon and starts employing the survival of the fittest. The pirates held an American hostage, they had guns, we had guns, we just use them a hell of a lot better. Now everybody's going to cry about it.
I really do find the situation funny, and the more pirates that get plugged in the head, the harder i laugh. If they could post that on youtube it would be the most popular video ever.
http://www.myspace.com/christianjame (Music Page)
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/19598996 (Personal Page)
not that i am a communist, far from it, but how is communism based more on greed than capitalism?
army - terrorist cells
What's the difference really? All view their reasons as valid and noble and will justify any aggression used to protect their interests first and foremost.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i think this is right on.
I didn't read the whole thread but yep, Five's always known I think he's one smart cookie.
ps....glad you liked the MGMT, Rob
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
sigh. does Indian navy patrol its shores and kidnap and kill sailors who happen to pass near its border?
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
abook was trying to equate pirates and navys from powerful countries. which is ludicrous. its just shocking to me that people like you will run to the defense of such sick acts of violence. then strongly denounce it when America or an industrialized nation does something.
and they arent using piracy to "deter these problems" (dumping and stealing)...they are doing it for money, plain and simple.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
ok, you're right. I read those articles and it appears to have some legitimacy from the UN that dumping is taking place. I'd say your 50-50 guess might be close but who knows.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
i would support the pirates if they attacked the ships that are doing the dumping........takes balls.
Anyways, you comment about attacking the ships doing the dumping is the same premise abook was talking about. People fight with what means they have necessary and able. During the American revolutionary war, the british would literally call us terrorists and unruly barbarians because we didn't fight them in the manner they wanted us too. Which brings us back to the quote about pirates and navys...
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
i have been looking for news where they let "good" ships go free.
I wouldnt start throwing out media conspiracies just yet. there is no solid proof of this dumping which is probably why its not widely reported. and "illegal" fishing is certainly a grey area. since when do countries "own" a part of the ocean? but I admit, I'm no maritime law expert, so I'll leave that alone.
bullshit. why cant these pirates just patrol the waters like navy ships do? attack the ships accused of dumping and/or illegal fishing, and leave the cargo ships alone.
Actually there's plenty of laws which regard international waters and fishing buy typically they are not inforced or ignored.
As for your idea about pirates patroling the waters, what exactly makes you think they have to act in kind to opposing ships? You want them to act like a navy, but ignore the fact they are not one. They are typically smaller ships with people carrying lots of guns. The boats doing the fishing and dumping are very big and they can't simply do what you are requesting. It'd be equivelent to one very big person bullying a very small person and in order for the small person to combat this, they fight a bit dirty...and when the big bully doesn't like it, they say - hey you can't fight against me in this manner, it's not fair, yet ignores their part in the exchange.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
first of all, don't post infowar links. that immediately marginalizes your credibility.
the boats they are hijacking are oil tankers and cargo ships. the BIGGEST ships in the world. yet they have no problem going after them. and yes, I would give them much more support if they acted like a navy and only were trying to protect their shores instead of hijacking the nearest ship that comes near them.
what the hell are you trying to defend?
Here's a different site: http://ethiomedia.com/aurora/9105.html
Also, you ask what I'm defending? Truth and facts. Even you alone, in this thread, even if you don't agree with it, basically found out that it simply as the media is explaining it, correct? There's much more to this issue, but if you watch or read 99% of the media, you'd think otherwise.
Lastly, issues like these are a matter of moral equivocation. You think because they're not "playing by the same rules" so to speak, it makes them wrong, where as I see it as two sides both doing wrong doing, of which each is furthering the others response.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
hijacking ships and taking people hostage makes them wrong under any circumstances.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/200904 ... iM0pQDW7oF
A little-known congressional power could help the federal government keep the Somali pirates in check — and possibly do it for a discount price.
Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and a growing number of national security experts are calling on Congress to consider using letters of marque and reprisal, a power written into the Constitution that allows the United States to hire private citizens to keep international waters safe.
Used heavily during the Revolution and the War of 1812, letters of marque serve as official warrants from the government, allowing privateers to seize or destroy enemies, their loot and their vessels in exchange for bounty money.
The letters also require would-be thrill seekers to post a bond promising to abide by international rules of war.
In a YouTube video earlier this week, Paul suggested lawmakers consider issuing letters, which could relieve American naval ships from being the nation’s primary pirate responders — a free-market solution to make the high seas safer for cargo ships.
“I think if every potential pirate knew this would be the case, they would have second thoughts because they could probably be blown out of the water rather easily if those were the conditions,” Paul said.
Theoretically, hiring bounty hunters would also be a cheaper option.
National security experts estimate that this week’s ship captain rescue by Navy SEALs cost tens of millions, although a Navy spokesman says the military cannot confirm the exact cost of the mission.
Instead, privateers would be incentivized to patrol the ocean looking for key targets — and money would be paid only to the contractor who completed the job.
“If we have 100 American wanna-be Rambos patrolling the seas, it’s probably a good way of getting the job done,” said Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow and security expert Eli Lehrer. “Right now we have a Navy designed mostly to fight other navies. The weapons we have are all excellent, but they may not be the best ones to fight these kinds of pirates. The only cost under letters of marque would be some sort of bounty for the pirates.”
According to Senate historians, Congress hasn’t issued a letter of marquee since the War of 1812, but the Confederate States of America issued them during the Civil War to deliver supplies behind enemy lines. There are also some indications that a letter was granted to a flying band of armed civilians during World War II to operate the Resolute, a Goodyear Blimp used to patrol the ocean for enemy submarines, but the issuance isn’t apparent in the Congressional Record.
If Congress were to revisit the antiquated process, a serious makeover would be required.
In the past, privateers were allowed to keep the ship and treasure they captured in an enemy encounter.
“That isn’t a viable way of funding in today’s world,” said Lehrer. “These pirates don’t really have treasure chests, and their money is tied up in Swiss Bank accounts. Congress would probably have to attach sizable bounties to people.”
Bounties are not a new idea — there is still a $25 million bounty on Osama bin Laden, and millions have been awarded by the government for other enemy captures.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Yeah, its all about protecting the fish :roll:
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
the more I read and investigate the more I think its ALL about money. they aren't doing this to protect their shores from dumping. I'm starting to believe this dumping is a nice little story cooked up by Ahmedou Ould Abdallah...and the far left websites running with the story.
and I still dont understand how their isnt enough room for everyone to fish. an article posted said some 220 vessels where illegally fishing of the shores. well the ocean is big, I find it hard to believe, Somalis in row boats cant find an area to fish. BUT, it would be nice to see the Somoli fishermen left alone and allowed to fish off its shores. its absolutely wrong for foreign ships to do that. that said, where are the pirates? they should be out there protecting the Somoli fisherman.
I'm with Jlew on this one...