Morons who bring people into their row/seats...



    Cosmo wrote:
    What I have done in the past was to swap tickets with friends. I'll sit up there for part of the show and let them have my seat and I take theirs.
    I have also asked about open seats near me... at the RAC gig, I was in the 6th row and there were 8 open seats in my row when Eddie was onstage. I got my friends down there and we stayed there most of the night. The seats were Beck fans who came in later. Everyone went to their regular seats, but we all got to see Ed's set from the 6th row.

    Was that the empty row that Tom Cruise/Penelope Cruz and their people sat in once Beck came onstage?

    I was right in front of them.
    mensane wrote:
    regardless of how you spin it, bringing people to your seat ("stubbing down") affects the people around you. if you are in the 5th row, and all the people in front of you bring one person to their seat, you are now 9th row...that sucks. this sense of entitlement gets on my nerves. people talk about how their friend "deserves" to get the experience of being up close...then give them your seats.

    at the kissimmee vfc show in 2004, we had 3rd row center. security was basically non-existent, and people were bringing everyone they knew down front. and they thought that it would be ok to spread over into our 2 seats. so on either side of us, people were 3 deep all the way to the aisle...and there we the middle, dancing and rocking out like we were in the eye of a hurricane.

    I don't see how 5th row becomes 9th are still the same distance from the stage. However, it does get annoying if 2 people stand side-by-side in front of 1 seat...thats blocks the view of others.

    At the LA1 in 2006, some woman was jawing with the 2 people next to her in the row behind me. Since she was short and petit, I offered to let her stand right in front of me......PJ security spotted her immediately, and asked her to go back to her seat.

    If someone tries to sneak into my row and share my space, I will ask them to keep moving if it is too cramped.
  • celebrationcelebration Posts: 318
    ...are morons

    There, I said it. They suck.
    Celebration, the ball's in play
    ...are morons

    There, I said it. They suck.

    Its compounded 10 fold when the people the morons bring into the row are also morons.
  • celebrationcelebration Posts: 318
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Its compounded 10 fold when the people the morons bring into the row are also morons.

    They congregate in small groups in order to feel more powerful by numbers

    Not One Of Us

    no no no they're...
    Celebration, the ball's in play
  • NiteLite10NiteLite10 Posts: 144
    Cosmo wrote:
    You are still trying to spin it off as some kind of act of kindness and caring. But is it an act of kindness and sharing is it imposes on others? You really know it doesn't bother anyone else because, in most cases, they won't say anything to you about it... right?
    And if you met me and offered me to come down and squeeze into one seat... I'd thank you and respectfully decline. Because it would be selfish of me to infringe on the other.
    As for "... isn't the other big complaint that people are moving in and out of rows? " to cover yourself for not moving back to their seat. Come on... that's a reach. Once out someone else in is not a constant stream of interruptions.
    And it's not like sharing a meatball sandwich with your friend... you know, cut it half... half for me, half for you.
    It would be more like you taking a bite... chewing on it for a while... then spitting into your friend's mouth and him chewing up and swallowing it. Then he takes a bite.. spits it up and you swallow it. That may be okay for the two of you, but it might not work for the people around you.

    Ok... I am not ashamed of anything I've done. I am 99% cool to everyone at shows. There are 1% that may or may not be ticked off by something I do anyway. ... I can't help that.

    I don't think I'm doing some great act of kindness ... I think it just doesn't have to be that big a deal. I don't think there's this huge absolute rule of what you can and can't do. There are gray areas. Some people think it's rude to sit, some think it's rude to stand or jump. I'm sometimes annoyed by someone taking a billion pictures in front of me and blocking my view. Or holding a sign up... does that mean that they are morally wrong? How about people running in and out to get beer? talking to friends? passing out at their seats? None of these things are technically "against the rules" yet they certainly impose on others quite a bit more than a little seat sharing.

    A few days ago in Mansfield my friend hugged me in the fifth row during Ted Leo and she shook my hand that was holding a beer. ... it spilled about 5 drops on the seat in front of me. The girl who's seat it was gave me a nasty look and proceeded to look pissed off for at least 5 minutes. (I apologized immediately) Technically, was I wrong to spill beer on her seat!... yes? Is it a big deal... no!

    And it is like splitting a meatball sandwitch in half with a friend. It is absolutely possible to fit 2 people into one seat area at some venues. The only difference is an extra head or two... which is pretty marginal for the most part.

    This is pretty much the same argument as smoking weed at shows. Some think it's terrible and rude (and "oh my god" illegal). Others think it's just part of the concert experience. For me... I don't smoke weed at shows... but I'm not bothered by it for the most part and think it is fine as long as people try to be cool to others around them.
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,128
    for the nyc show's .. the left & right wings for both nights, many would just come and just block the stairs. security guards only could do so much. seen this guard in section 70 for night 2, that had problems telling people to get back to their seats. many didn't have tickets for the section, just kept going down the stairs, blocking the row's. many couldn't get out for a drink. it was pathetic.
  • NiteLite10NiteLite10 Posts: 144
    Hawkshore wrote:
    I call BULLSHIT!!! ....unless you are both the size of Mini Me you are encroaching on somebody’s space and being an asshole by diminishing their experience. As other people have said give these people you want to help your seat if you really want to be a philanthropist ……and not an asshole!!! :)

    you don't have to be Mini-Me and encroaching is relative also --- you lost an inch or two? whatever. I would give up an inch or two for another fan. But of course not my whole seat.

    There's always enough space up front for a few more... just not a whole lot more. I don't see why I'm a worse judge than anyone else of who should squeeze in there.

    I'm not trying to say this is always cool. I have been bothered by a bunch of assholes trying to squeeze in also. Not everyone is that bad.

    As far as morons... the world is full of morons,... and assholes. but of course seat sharers are among the worst of all... ;)
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    NiteLite10 wrote:
    Ok... I am not ashamed of anything I've done. I am 99% cool to everyone at shows. There are 1% that may or may not be ticked off by something I do anyway. ... I can't help that.

    I don't think I'm doing some great act of kindness ... I think it just doesn't have to be that big a deal. I don't think there's this huge absolute rule of what you can and can't do. There are gray areas. Some people think it's rude to sit, some think it's rude to stand or jump. I'm sometimes annoyed by someone taking a billion pictures in front of me and blocking my view. Or holding a sign up... does that mean that they are morally wrong? How about people running in and out to get beer? talking to friends? passing out at their seats? None of these things are technically "against the rules" yet they certainly impose on others quite a bit more than a little seat sharing.

    A few days ago in Mansfield my friend hugged me in the fifth row during Ted Leo and she shook my hand that was holding a beer. ... it spilled about 5 drops on the seat in front of me. The girl who's seat it was gave me a nasty look and proceeded to look pissed off for at least 5 minutes. (I apologized immediately) Technically, was I wrong to spill beer on her seat!... yes? Is it a big deal... no!

    And it is like splitting a meatball sandwitch in half with a friend. It is absolutely possible to fit 2 people into one seat area at some venues. The only difference is an extra head or two... which is pretty marginal for the most part.

    This is pretty much the same argument as smoking weed at shows. Some think it's terrible and rude (and "oh my god" illegal). Others think it's just part of the concert experience. For me... I don't smoke weed at shows... but I'm not bothered by it for the most part and think it is fine as long as people try to be cool to others around them.
    If it's not that big of a deal... then, just go sit in their seat.
    And no... unless you and your friend both have only one leg each... and one arm each... and one of you was born without a head... you cannot split a seat. You are trying to both (2 of you) occupy one seat.
    That's why the sandwich scenario I drew up was correct. Either that or you eat the whole sandwich... begin to digest it... puke it out and your friend eats it. That is both of you sharing one complete sandwich.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • 3inputchick3inputchick Posts: 845
    We had 3 in2 seats in Hartford... no complaints....
    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad. An optimist is one who hopes they are.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    We had 3 in2 seats in Hartford... no complaints....
    Yeah but.. come on. Read your name.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Okum wrote:
    I had 3rd/4th row for the recent shows I saw, I did want my friends to watch show from my seat, so I switched with them for a few songs and sat in their seats while they enjoyed mine. Don't think it is fair to disrupt someones concert experience.

    Yeah, I tried this in Boston II.
    Had 5th row ticket (thanks FAITHFUL PJ FAN !)
    and switched out when the 1st encore arrived,
    so that my buddy's wife could check out the sweet seats for the encores.

    On my way out of the row some real sweet young lady asked me, "are you coming back?"

    When i replied, "No, i'm trading with a friend, so they can sit up front."

    I swear the darling told me, "That's WEAK!"

    I said, "Huh?"

    and she said,

    "That's WEAK!"

    PJ fans being the lovely people they are,
    i'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt,
    assume that my hearing is shit,
    and pretend like what she said was, "That's SWEET!"

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • 3inputchick3inputchick Posts: 845
    Cosmo wrote:
    Yeah but.. come on. Read your name.
    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad. An optimist is one who hopes they are.
  • ZanneZanne Posts: 899
    hrd2imgn wrote:
    yeah your friends may like it but the rest of us you have now displaced don't like it. Don't pull this rock and roll excuse either(I am sick of poeple using this as a cop out expression to do whatever they want), it is not a GA show so don't expect people who paid for seats to be happy at all when your friends butt in. Happened at MSG both nights and these tall dudes came in the row and stood right in front of the shortest people like clockwork. Pay for your SEAT and stay in it. Pay for Gen Admin, go where the hell you want in the GA section. Oh and for the record, the granny in front of them got on their asses and they left!

    This happened to me at MSG1. I did not get an usher and have them run the row and check tickets, but honestly, it made for a bad experience that night. I asked the dude to move because I paid for my seat' to which he responded he could not get the "40" people to the left of him to move over and I should stand in front of my boyfriend because he is taller than me! First let me say that both mine and my boyfriends seats were paid for.. there were to be 8 people to the left of this asshat, not 40. If this ever happens to me again, I'll have an usher check tix down the line. I didn't want to because I didn't want to disturb the people there that actually paid for their seats, but I think all in all we were already disturbed by these jerks. Maybe if I would have reported it, it would have been a short distraction and then been better for the people who were assigned seats there. I don't like being taken advantage of and I don't like being disrespected. It won't happen again without issue. In all fairness, for all I know, he may have been one of the people with tix in my row, might have brought in others, might have just thought it was cool to make space for people to come in that didn't belong there.. but in any given scenario it was at my expense when he decided it was OK to stand in front of me in my own seat and refuse to yield when politely asked.

    Just me
  • libragirllibragirl Posts: 4,632
    SOLAT319 wrote:
    NO I wouldn't! Because whereas that may be the "cool" thing to do for yourself, it's certainly not fair to anyone else standing next to you, who went through all kinds of shit to get those tickets. Also, there is never enough space. One person per one seat. Is that really hard to understand?

    I know..I hate when people do that shit. It happened to me at Jones Beach in 2000..all these friggin people came from nowhere trying to jam their way into my row..I was friggin smushed....
    These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
  • NiteLite10NiteLite10 Posts: 144
    Cosmo wrote:
    If it's not that big of a deal... then, just go sit in their seat.
    And no... unless you and your friend both have only one leg each... and one arm each... and one of you was born without a head... you cannot split a seat. You are trying to both (2 of you) occupy one seat.
    That's why the sandwich scenario I drew up was correct. Either that or you eat the whole sandwich... begin to digest it... puke it out and your friend eats it. That is both of you sharing one complete sandwich.

    Sharing doesn't have to be a big deal... giving up my location completely is...

    Let's explore this meatball sandwich analogy some more. (getting hungry)

    Picture this... nobody is sitting down ... two people, one in front of the other, can occupy the space in front of the seat (especially if the seat folds up). Think a guy with his arms around his girlfriend... except it's not actually necessary to wrap your arms around each other. Cozy, but doable. After all, if a big overweight guy can fit in a space, why can't two smaller/normal sized people?

    Think... putting lettuce and tomatoes and cheese on your meatball sandwich in addition to the meatballs. Then still just cutting it right in half and sharing. yummy. :D

    I love condiments and extras and half a sandwich is just about right for me... maybe that's why this makes perfect sense to me but not you??
  • NiteLite10NiteLite10 Posts: 144
    I have to say it again... I agree that there are many many circumstances where people sneaking in is obnoxious and disturbs others. But it is possible to do it and be relatively respectful. that's all! that's my whole point!
  • se7v7ense7v7en Philadelphia, PA Posts: 329
    NiteLite10 wrote:
    Chill... some people definitely take it too far but if you had 3rd row seats and a couple friends who were big fans, wouldn't you want to share the "specialness" of your seats with them? It depends on whether there is enough space and whether people are polite about it of course.

    For the record I did not sneak up anyone this tour although I have done it a couple times in the past. I've always kept the friends crammed into my "seat area" and tried to minimize disruption to anyone else. consider sharing the love a little...

    It hammened in front of me at msg and it suuuckkked. And they trie to cram in but it suckked
  • se7v7en wrote:
    It hammened in front of me at msg and it suuuckkked. And they trie to cram in but it suckked

    the "P" key is on the top row.
    the "M" key is on the bottom row.
    You press one with your pointer finger, and one with your pinky!

    as far as the word "trie" goes,
    your kieboward engineooity is astownding.

    [sorry. no disrespect. no love loss. just bored as fuck at work.]
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    Yeah, I tried this in Boston II.
    Had 5th row ticket (thanks FAITHFUL PJ FAN !)
    and switched out when the 1st encore arrived,
    so that my buddy's wife could check out the sweet seats for the encores.

    On my way out of the row some real sweet young lady asked me, "are you coming back?"

    When i replied, "No, i'm trading with a friend, so they can sit up front."

    I swear the darling told me, "That's WEAK!"

    I said, "Huh?"

    and she said,

    "That's WEAK!"

    PJ fans being the lovely people they are,
    i'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt,
    assume that my hearing is shit,
    and pretend like what she said was, "That's SWEET!"

    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
  • SENROCK! wrote:
    That's how Mike McCready has been all tour.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    NiteLite10 wrote:
    Ok... I am not ashamed of anything I've done. I am 99% cool to everyone at shows. There are 1% that may or may not be ticked off by something I do anyway. ... I can't help that.

    I don't think I'm doing some great act of kindness ... I think it just doesn't have to be that big a deal. I don't think there's this huge absolute rule of what you can and can't do. There are gray areas. Some people think it's rude to sit, some think it's rude to stand or jump. I'm sometimes annoyed by someone taking a billion pictures in front of me and blocking my view. Or holding a sign up... does that mean that they are morally wrong? How about people running in and out to get beer? talking to friends? passing out at their seats? None of these things are technically "against the rules" yet they certainly impose on others quite a bit more than a little seat sharing.

    A few days ago in Mansfield my friend hugged me in the fifth row during Ted Leo and she shook my hand that was holding a beer. ... it spilled about 5 drops on the seat in front of me. The girl who's seat it was gave me a nasty look and proceeded to look pissed off for at least 5 minutes. (I apologized immediately) Technically, was I wrong to spill beer on her seat!... yes? Is it a big deal... no!

    And it is like splitting a meatball sandwitch in half with a friend. It is absolutely possible to fit 2 people into one seat area at some venues. The only difference is an extra head or two... which is pretty marginal for the most part.

    This is pretty much the same argument as smoking weed at shows. Some think it's terrible and rude (and "oh my god" illegal). Others think it's just part of the concert experience. For me... I don't smoke weed at shows... but I'm not bothered by it for the most part and think it is fine as long as people try to be cool to others around them.

    I'll go ahead and agree with this. It's not a big deal if the situation allows for it. Although I'd maybe ask the people around me if they were cool with it.

    I'll use this situation for example. Night 1 of the 06' Gorge, I'd never picked up my own 10c tickets before. So I leave the campsite and see the longest line I'd ever seen. I went to the front and saw it was a clusterfuck and started walked towards the end of the line, while walking my camping neighbors on both sides we in line and asked me if I'd like to stand with them. I asked the 4 groups of people behind me and they were cool with it, as I was only one person.
  • mensanemensane Posts: 912
    the amusing thing about this thread is that people who defend the people bringing their friends into the row justify it by saying "what is it going to hurt to have ONE more person there." but what if EVERY person in the row brought just ONE extra person? would they fit comfortably? no. but as long as ONLY you are allowed to do it. entitlement...plain and simple.

    if only one person is standing in front of a seat, the person behind you can usually see the stage by looking between the people in front of them. but when more than one person is crammed into the seat in front of you, your view is gone.
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    coach pj wrote:
    You do not have to be close to enjoy a show.
    EXACTLY! Two of the best concerts I was at were Bruce Springsteen in the Millenium Stadium Cardiff and the who at oxegen. For both, I was miles back... but I was with the right company, in the right frame of mind, at the perfect level of tipsiness, and had loadsa room to dance/jump around. And it was just as good... different kinda good... as being front row.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    arhoops wrote:

    Then they left for a little but came back for the encores.

    To top it all off, they tried to pull a stunt that got me, and the other lovely PJ fans around me, pissed. When the lights went up my gf and I were talking about what an incredible night it had been... I then turned to my seat where I had placed my new PJ shopping bag and t-shirt to see they were missing. I looked down the aisle to see the two douche bags trying to get out quick before everyone... I chased them down the aisle and told them to give me my shit back... they tried to play it off like they didn't know it was mine, and said that they asked everyone and no one claimed it... bullshit!

    Meanwhile I was happy to notice that most people in my area had taken an interest in this and were ready to help me out if need be.... it wasn't needed tho... they gave me my shit back, I once again told them to fuck off... and that was that...

    Seriously... bullshit... only downer of that night.
    :eek: Holy fuck, they tried to rob you :mad: PRICKS!
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    Yeah, I tried this in Boston II.
    Had 5th row ticket (thanks FAITHFUL PJ FAN !)
    and switched out when the 1st encore arrived,
    so that my buddy's wife could check out the sweet seats for the encores.

    On my way out of the row some real sweet young lady asked me, "are you coming back?"

    When i replied, "No, i'm trading with a friend, so they can sit up front."

    I swear the darling told me, "That's WEAK!"

    I said, "Huh?"

    and she said,

    "That's WEAK!"

    PJ fans being the lovely people they are,
    i'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt,
    assume that my hearing is shit,
    and pretend like what she said was, "That's SWEET!"

    :eek: I don't get how it's weak :D people are weird.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    Zanne wrote:
    This happened to me at MSG1. I did not get an usher and have them run the row and check tickets, but honestly, it made for a bad experience that night. I asked the dude to move because I paid for my seat' to which he responded he could not get the "40" people to the left of him to move over and I should stand in front of my boyfriend because he is taller than me! First let me say that both mine and my boyfriends seats were paid for.. there were to be 8 people to the left of this asshat, not 40. If this ever happens to me again, I'll have an usher check tix down the line. I didn't want to because I didn't want to disturb the people there that actually paid for their seats, but I think all in all we were already disturbed by these jerks. Maybe if I would have reported it, it would have been a short distraction and then been better for the people who were assigned seats there. I don't like being taken advantage of and I don't like being disrespected. It won't happen again without issue. In all fairness, for all I know, he may have been one of the people with tix in my row, might have brought in others, might have just thought it was cool to make space for people to come in that didn't belong there.. but in any given scenario it was at my expense when he decided it was OK to stand in front of me in my own seat and refuse to yield when politely asked.

    whatever about whether it's ok or not... if you're in someone elses seat and they ask you to move... you MUST move... end of story! If this happened to me, I'd have no problem HAVING them moved.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • See now I have not had this problem because my seats always suck... But should I win the lotery one day and I am getting edged out my personal space in any way I am going straight to securuty you selfish pricks. I know... I'm the bad guy. If everyone did that, this would not be as big of a problem as it is. Instead you have people telling stories of their night ruined and the ruiners are telling stories of how it was no big deal. I say fuck them.
  • keeponrockinkeeponrockin Posts: 7,446
    Yeah, I tried this in Boston II.
    Had 5th row ticket (thanks FAITHFUL PJ FAN !)
    and switched out when the 1st encore arrived,
    so that my buddy's wife could check out the sweet seats for the encores.

    On my way out of the row some real sweet young lady asked me, "are you coming back?"

    When i replied, "No, i'm trading with a friend, so they can sit up front."

    I swear the darling told me, "That's WEAK!"

    I said, "Huh?"

    and she said,

    "That's WEAK!"

    PJ fans being the lovely people they are,
    i'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt,
    assume that my hearing is shit,
    and pretend like what she said was, "That's SWEET!"

    Whenever I'm front row for a show, for the encore I'll usually grab someone behind me that I've been chillin with all day and throw them on the rail and move back a bit! The look on their face is worth it every time.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    yeah ... wanna be generous? ... swap tickets ... cosmo has got it figured out ...

    imagine if everyone wanted to be cool like all the seat stuffers?? ... but of course - you guys are cool and everyone else is a snob or an elitist ... rock and roll!

    granted - i'm spoiled ... i'm normally within the first 5 rows of shows but have swapped and sat waaaaay back ... something to be said for being up close for sure ...

    so, those who have shitty numbers or seats - be real nice to those who have good seats and for the new front row policy - speaking as someone with a relatively low number ... it's AWESOME ... maybe make it the first 2 rows even ...
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