That's a pretty simplistic way of putting it. Girls will never understand what this is like for a guy. But since you like making it sound so shallow and selfish... how about taking a similar look from the guy's perspective: "You're sweet like a cute little pet and all, and I appreciate you serving as my personal token guy perspective so that I can tell you how horrid my boyfriend is and how I wish I could find a guy that treats me like you do, but you are so completely unattractive to me that I would rather fuck ANYONE than you."
whoa whoa there pardner. are you out of your mind? do you seriously think this doesnt happen in reverse? how many god damn films has hollywood made where the ugly duckling girl is the guys best friend cause thats all he sees her as, cause he doesnt see her as an attractive woman, UNTIL she takes off her glasses, colours her hair and voila! OMG!! shes a hottie and how blind was i(as the guy) to not have been able to see it.
but you know with an unattractive attitude like that id be surprised if girls WOULDNT rather fuck anyone but you!!
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Is it not possible for a girl to respect a guy as a friend and without wanting to date him?
Of course it is. But we're talking about why it's perfectly legitimate for the guy to be hurt and uncomfortable after pouring his heart out to this girl, letting her know he loves her and wants to be with her, and she says no and proceeds to fill his ear with ever detail of her current relationship and how lacking her bf is. Why does this "respect" only go one way? Why does he have to put up and swallow anything she wants to feed him and he's not allowed to feel hurt or jilted in any way without it proving that he was never her friend and only wanted to fuck her (a conclusion that I didn't draw as the OP never mentioned fucking and only wanted to be her bf)? Why can't he expect that she might respect his feelings a bit as his friend and tone down the conversation about her current bf a bit so as not to hurt someone that she supposedly cares about? Did I take the crazy pills or something this morning?
whoa whoa there pardner. are you out of your mind? do you seriously think this doesnt happen in reverse? how many god damn films has hollywood made where the ugly duckling girl is the guys best friend cause thats all he sees her as, cause he doesnt see her as an attractive woman, UNTIL she takes off her glasses, colours her hair and voila! OMG!! shes a hottie and how blind was i(as the guy) to not have been able to see it.
but you know with an unattractive attitude like that id be surprised if girls WOULDNT rather fuck anyone but you!!
I can only think of one and it was a crappy movie. It was also a movie, not real life. And while I'm sure it does happen in reverse too, I've seen more cases of it happening the other way. Also, when guys hear it, they seem to react differently... e.g. I stop talking about girls I think are hot to the girl I've rejected, for the very reasons stated above. Women generally seem to expect that you can just turn your feelings off once they shoot you down and act like nothing happened.
As to who would like to fuck me, might want to be careful lest you put your foot in your mouth.
And now to inject a little humor:
"You know what a platonic friend is to a woman? It's like a dick in a glass case... in case of emergency."
dude, i'm a girl, and i'm telling you now forget about her being your girlfriend. don't waste you fucking time if she fancied you than she would've already dumped her boyfriend and been with you. you either except she is only ever going to be your friend or move on.
really just put some distance between you & her just a bit and find yourself another girl that can fill that void, don't be the guy who she goes running to everytime her current BF back hands her ......
really just put some distance between you & her just a bit and find yourself another girl that can fill that void, don't be the guy who she goes running to everytime her current BF back hands her ......
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
I'll be the first to say it. Get the F away from her. If she's doing this to him with you, then she'll do it to you with someone else.
She's obviously looney. There's plenty of them out there.... throw out a line... and don't do this to yourself OR TO THAT OTHER GUY.
I'll be the first to say it. Get the F away from her. If she's doing this to him with you, then she'll do it to you with someone else.
She's obviously looney. There's plenty of them out there.... throw out a line... and don't do this to yourself OR TO THAT OTHER GUY.
i've got a very dear friend of mine who comes into that 1% category he is really cool, i'm glad that i met a guy who i can only be friends with .....forever i hope. let's look at it this way all my boyfriends came and went he stayed with me, having him as my friend gives me a peace of mind.
i've got a very dear friend of mine who comes into that 1% category he is really cool, i'm glad that i met a guy who i can only be friends with .....forever i hope. let's look at it this way all my boyfriends came and went he stayed with me, having him as my friend gives me a peace of mind.
1. Are you 100% positive he would not like to sleep with you?
My advice... give it some time, if you answer "yes".
2. Are you sure he's not gay?
3. Are you reasonably attractive?
These are all important questions to figure this cat out.
I've said this on here before - at some point all men think about sleeping with any cute or hot girl they know. why can't women understand this?
oh, i do. that's why once i had to walk away from the entire group of people i met only to avoid two guys who were hitting on me, and i didn't know how to tell them i wasn't interested. and i regret walking away now, cause those people were interesting
1. Are you 100% positive he would not like to sleep with you?
My advice... give it some time, if you answer "yes".
2. Are you sure he's not gay?
3. Are you reasonably attractive?
These are all important questions to figure this cat out.
3 years ago i met him, he asked me out i said no because i just started seeing one of his friend's. then later on he was in relationship and i was in and out of few flings here and there.
he may want to sleep with me, but i know he wouldn't want to break our friendship because of that, plus relationship wise we are after different things i think.
he is definitely not gay, and i'm reasonably attractive. i love him but in such a way that i don't have to see him each week, because i know he is going to be there for me. lets put it this way i wouldn't mind being with him now, but knowing how fucking difficult relationships can be i'd rather leave him to be my friend forever.
anyone see young people fucking!? ... the best friend couple was the best ...
at the end of the day - people are CRAZY not to try and forge a relationship with a best friend ... only dishonesty and lack of respect would cause that friendship to end ... if two people are open and honest about everything - then the friend relationship never has to end ...
the hardest part in developing a meaningful relationship is developing the kind of love that stems from respect and belief in the other person ... why not take advantage of that?
in a way he is better off, because i respect him, everyone else who's been my boyfriend i don't.
anyways, what do you all want from a girl who can't make friends easily amongst women? i don't think my female "friends" know what bonding means.
i have to be extra fucking nice to my female friends, and if i piss them off only once they don't wanna sort it out they just ignore me. bitches, sorry
3 years ago i met him, he asked me out i said no because i just started seeing one of his friend's. then later on he was in relationship and i was in and out of few flings here and there..
He asked you out while you were in a relationship with one of HIS friends? That's messed up.
he may want to sleep with me, but i know he wouldn't want to break our friendship because of that, plus relationship wise we are after different things i think.
he is definitely not gay, and i'm reasonably attractive. i love him but in such a way that i don't have to see him each week, because i know he is going to be there for me. lets put it this way i wouldn't mind being with him now, but knowing how fucking difficult relationships can be i'd rather leave him to be my friend forever.
Well, here's the thing. He already showed he "was" interested in you. That doesn't fade. It's only been 3 years. Report back in 3 more years. Remember when it does happen.... "saveuplife told me so".
He asked you out while you were in a relationship with one of HIS friends? That's messed up.
he may want to sleep with me, but i know he wouldn't want to break our friendship because of that, plus relationship wise we are after different things i think.
Well, here's the thing. He already showed he "was" interested in you. That doesn't fade. It's only been 3 years. Report back in 3 more years. Remember when it does happen.... "saveuplife told me so".
i was single when he saw me and then when he spoke to me again i was erm... dating. so he didn't know.
I used to have a friend I told everything, he was one of the best friends I ever had and I KNEW had feelings for me, he'd told me. I still told him about meeting someone and going to see them, I used to text him everyday... I wasn't rubbing it in, I was just telling my friend about my life and feelings. Except I hid my real feelings for him, from him and myself.
That friend has been my boyfriend now for over 10 months. His patience paid off. He's the most incredible person in the world and still my best friend... I just fell in love with him.
I'm not saying your outcome will be the same but don't lose hope. Sometime's it just takes time.. Sometimes it doesn't. I'm not saying it will end how you want it to, for now you should just be happy that you have such a wonderful person in your life. What will be, will be.
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
in a way he is better off, because i respect him, everyone else who's been my boyfriend i don't.
anyways, what do you all want from a girl who can't make friends easily amongst women? i don't think my female "friends" know what bonding means.
i have to be extra fucking nice to my female friends, and if i piss them off only once they don't wanna sort it out they just ignore me. bitches, sorry
you are definitely not the only woman that has that problem ... i think you should give your friend a try ... when all is said and done - we want to be with someone who accepts us for who we are ... he knows all your faults and your strengths ... that stuff is priceless
I will never allow a woman to be my "close friend" because what is happening to you JS is what happens to all of us men at some point in our lives and it can happen more than once (if you allow it to happen again).
A similar incident happened to me a few years ago. Me and a girl met when we were eleven years old. She was my first female friend, (I am more of a man's man than a ladies man). It was platonic for around five years until I began to fall for her and gradually over a year I had fallen for her. As she went through her teenage years she flourished into a beautiful, gentle and intelligent women with a love for adventure and life. The problem is she had a boyfriend at the time and she had been dating him for two years by then. The following year was obsolete and hellish to the extremes, high moods met with low moods to create all the magnitude of an atomic bomb landing on Hiroshima such was the feelings of frustration, hopelessness and gloom that I endured.
Two years had past since I had fallen for this girl, I was still her closest friend and I was still there for her and never once abused my position as her friend and then a further six months before passed before she broke up with her boyfriend. He had been cheating on her for three months prior to their break up and my friend found out when she went snooping through his MSN message history! I was there for her, I comforted her through the rough times that lasted for about three months and during that time the chemistry between us began to become stronger, she became more responsive to wards me and one night in October we kissed for the first time, I remember it well, it was shortly after we met up with all our friends to go and watch a band performance in a music club in Camden Town. A few days later we went bowling together and spent the day and night together in her empty house (her parents had gone to visit her mother's sister). Yeah, we had sex and she was my first and my last! We even held hands and talked about getting together. We never got together because in the midst of our courtship, her ex boyfriend came back onto the scene and she chose him over me, because she loved him and she loved me as a friend and nothing more. She broke my heart and I felt lied to and cheated on. I took me a long time to get over what happened and to move on, because I had rebuild everything, my self esteem, my confidence, my enjoyment of life and my trust in people.
I don't blame her for what happened to me, I blame myself for what happened, because I should have prevented my feelings for her growing and flourishing into a false dawn. I learnt a lot from this experience! I learnt that I was nothing more than rebound and it is not wise to get involved with someone who is fresh out of a long term commitment and I learnt that having women as a close friend has more negative connotations than it does positive ones.
Make sure a similar incident doesn't happen to you, because believe me it's absolute torture and I wouldn't wish what happened to me on anyone else! I still have emotional scars from the experience.
in a way he is better off, because i respect him, everyone else who's been my boyfriend i don't.
anyways, what do you all want from a girl who can't make friends easily amongst women? i don't think my female "friends" know what bonding means.
i have to be extra fucking nice to my female friends, and if i piss them off only once they don't wanna sort it out they just ignore me. bitches, sorry
See here's my opinion, and yes, it's just one person's opinion:
Guys who have female friends are typically passive aggressive. TYPICALLY (not all the time), they want the girl, but don't have the balls to say so. So, they sit and wait (procrastinate) until the "right" time comes. They rarely ever act on the right time, because the right time has already passed.
Girls who have only male friends are typically in need of some sort of male-approval and typically don't have much confidence. They want to be around guys because they know guys will consistently flirt with anything that has boobs and is around. This makes them feel good about themselves, but ironically it completely hurts their chances at meeting a "new" guy. These girls end up getting upset when the guys all end up in relationships and they are left alone.
you are definitely not the only woman that has that problem ... i think you should give your friend a try ... when all is said and done - we want to be with someone who accepts us for who we are ... he knows all your faults and your strengths ... that stuff is priceless
whatever, i'm going to talk nonsense now, but i wish one day i can find a masculine woman with a male outlook on life with whom i will connect and be friends till death
whatever, i'm going to talk nonsense now, but i wish one day i can find a masculine woman with a male outlook on life with whom i will connect and be friends till death
my roommate last year told me that permanently being in the friend zone is like a company interviewing you and then hiring a less-qualified employee. however, the company will use you as a model example and will keep complaining to you about the employee they hired over you. and i find it scary how true this is. !
nailed it...
I find too many women want a "gay male friend" type.. to tell all their troubles..
Its like a rest stop between boyfriends..
As Oprah-fied as woman in america profess to be ..
they will always divide men into two categories..
1) Men they will have sex with..
2) Men they won't have sex with..
ask yourself this questions..
if you are not getting any..
which line are you go stand in?
I want to be the guy who gets the dirty side of a girl..
"This here's a REQUEST!"
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
whoa whoa there pardner. are you out of your mind? do you seriously think this doesnt happen in reverse? how many god damn films has hollywood made where the ugly duckling girl is the guys best friend cause thats all he sees her as, cause he doesnt see her as an attractive woman, UNTIL she takes off her glasses, colours her hair and voila! OMG!! shes a hottie and how blind was i(as the guy) to not have been able to see it.
but you know with an unattractive attitude like that id be surprised if girls WOULDNT rather fuck anyone but you!!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Of course it is. But we're talking about why it's perfectly legitimate for the guy to be hurt and uncomfortable after pouring his heart out to this girl, letting her know he loves her and wants to be with her, and she says no and proceeds to fill his ear with ever detail of her current relationship and how lacking her bf is. Why does this "respect" only go one way? Why does he have to put up and swallow anything she wants to feed him and he's not allowed to feel hurt or jilted in any way without it proving that he was never her friend and only wanted to fuck her (a conclusion that I didn't draw as the OP never mentioned fucking and only wanted to be her bf)? Why can't he expect that she might respect his feelings a bit as his friend and tone down the conversation about her current bf a bit so as not to hurt someone that she supposedly cares about? Did I take the crazy pills or something this morning?
I can only think of one and it was a crappy movie. It was also a movie, not real life. And while I'm sure it does happen in reverse too, I've seen more cases of it happening the other way. Also, when guys hear it, they seem to react differently... e.g. I stop talking about girls I think are hot to the girl I've rejected, for the very reasons stated above. Women generally seem to expect that you can just turn your feelings off once they shoot you down and act like nothing happened.
As to who would like to fuck me, might want to be careful lest you put your foot in your mouth.
And now to inject a little humor:
"You know what a platonic friend is to a woman? It's like a dick in a glass case... in case of emergency."
9/24/96 MD. 9/28/96 Randalls. 8/28-29/98 Camden. 9/8/98 NJ. 9/18/98 MD. 9/1-2/00 Camden. 9/4/00 MD. 4/28/03 Philly. 7/5-6/03 Camden. 9/30/05 AC.
10/3/05 Philly. 5/27-28/06 Camden. 6/23/06 Pitt. 6/19-20/08 Camden. 6/24/08 MSG. 8/7/08 EV Newark, NJ. 6/11-12/09 EV Philly, PA. 10/27-28-30-31/09 Philly, PA., 5/15/10 Hartford,5/17/10 Boston, 5/18/10 Newark, 5/20-21/10 MSG
I'll be the first to say it. Get the F away from her. If she's doing this to him with you, then she'll do it to you with someone else.
She's obviously looney. There's plenty of them out there.... throw out a line... and don't do this to yourself OR TO THAT OTHER GUY.
Would you, by chance, want to sleep with the "most beautiful women you have ever been around"? lol
i've got a very dear friend of mine who comes into that 1% category
Can I then?
I've said this on here before - at some point all men think about sleeping with any cute or hot girl they know. why can't women understand this?
1. Are you 100% positive he would not like to sleep with you?
My advice... give it some time, if you answer "yes".
2. Are you sure he's not gay?
3. Are you reasonably attractive?
These are all important questions to figure this cat out.
oh, i do. that's why once i had to walk away from the entire group of people i met only to avoid two guys who were hitting on me, and i didn't know how to tell them i wasn't interested. and i regret walking away now, cause those people were interesting
They are delusional.
It actually has gotten to the point where it really bothers me. I have no real reason why, but it does. It's not that hard to figure out!
i actually think they are all completely nuts but that probably explains why I am still single.
3 years ago i met him, he asked me out i said no because i just started seeing one of his friend's. then later on he was in relationship and i was in and out of few flings here and there.
he may want to sleep with me, but i know he wouldn't want to break our friendship because of that, plus relationship wise we are after different things i think.
he is definitely not gay, and i'm reasonably attractive. i love him but in such a way that i don't have to see him each week, because i know he is going to be there for me. lets put it this way i wouldn't mind being with him now, but knowing how fucking difficult relationships can be i'd rather leave him to be my friend forever.
And if she's known how you feel for this long and still kept you really close, that's kinda crummy imo.
at the end of the day - people are CRAZY not to try and forge a relationship with a best friend ... only dishonesty and lack of respect would cause that friendship to end ... if two people are open and honest about everything - then the friend relationship never has to end ...
the hardest part in developing a meaningful relationship is developing the kind of love that stems from respect and belief in the other person ... why not take advantage of that?
anyways, what do you all want from a girl who can't make friends easily amongst women? i don't think my female "friends" know what bonding means.
i have to be extra fucking nice to my female friends, and if i piss them off only once they don't wanna sort it out they just ignore me. bitches, sorry
He asked you out while you were in a relationship with one of HIS friends? That's messed up.
he may want to sleep with me, but i know he wouldn't want to break our friendship because of that, plus relationship wise we are after different things i think.
Well, here's the thing. He already showed he "was" interested in you. That doesn't fade. It's only been 3 years. Report back in 3 more years. Remember when it does happen.... "saveuplife told me so".
i was single when he saw me and then when he spoke to me again i was erm... dating. so he didn't know.
That friend has been my boyfriend now for over 10 months. His patience paid off. He's the most incredible person in the world and still my best friend... I just fell in love with him.
I'm not saying your outcome will be the same but don't lose hope. Sometime's it just takes time.. Sometimes it doesn't. I'm not saying it will end how you want it to, for now you should just be happy that you have such a wonderful person in your life. What will be, will be.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
you are definitely not the only woman that has that problem ... i think you should give your friend a try ... when all is said and done - we want to be with someone who accepts us for who we are ... he knows all your faults and your strengths ... that stuff is priceless
A similar incident happened to me a few years ago. Me and a girl met when we were eleven years old. She was my first female friend, (I am more of a man's man than a ladies man). It was platonic for around five years until I began to fall for her and gradually over a year I had fallen for her. As she went through her teenage years she flourished into a beautiful, gentle and intelligent women with a love for adventure and life. The problem is she had a boyfriend at the time and she had been dating him for two years by then. The following year was obsolete and hellish to the extremes, high moods met with low moods to create all the magnitude of an atomic bomb landing on Hiroshima such was the feelings of frustration, hopelessness and gloom that I endured.
Two years had past since I had fallen for this girl, I was still her closest friend and I was still there for her and never once abused my position as her friend and then a further six months before passed before she broke up with her boyfriend. He had been cheating on her for three months prior to their break up and my friend found out when she went snooping through his MSN message history! I was there for her, I comforted her through the rough times that lasted for about three months and during that time the chemistry between us began to become stronger, she became more responsive to wards me and one night in October we kissed for the first time, I remember it well, it was shortly after we met up with all our friends to go and watch a band performance in a music club in Camden Town. A few days later we went bowling together and spent the day and night together in her empty house (her parents had gone to visit her mother's sister). Yeah, we had sex and she was my first and my last! We even held hands and talked about getting together. We never got together because in the midst of our courtship, her ex boyfriend came back onto the scene and she chose him over me, because she loved him and she loved me as a friend and nothing more. She broke my heart and I felt lied to and cheated on. I took me a long time to get over what happened and to move on, because I had rebuild everything, my self esteem, my confidence, my enjoyment of life and my trust in people.
I don't blame her for what happened to me, I blame myself for what happened, because I should have prevented my feelings for her growing and flourishing into a false dawn. I learnt a lot from this experience! I learnt that I was nothing more than rebound and it is not wise to get involved with someone who is fresh out of a long term commitment and I learnt that having women as a close friend has more negative connotations than it does positive ones.
Make sure a similar incident doesn't happen to you, because believe me it's absolute torture and I wouldn't wish what happened to me on anyone else! I still have emotional scars from the experience.
See here's my opinion, and yes, it's just one person's opinion:
Guys who have female friends are typically passive aggressive. TYPICALLY (not all the time), they want the girl, but don't have the balls to say so. So, they sit and wait (procrastinate) until the "right" time comes. They rarely ever act on the right time, because the right time has already passed.
Girls who have only male friends are typically in need of some sort of male-approval and typically don't have much confidence. They want to be around guys because they know guys will consistently flirt with anything that has boobs and is around. This makes them feel good about themselves, but ironically it completely hurts their chances at meeting a "new" guy. These girls end up getting upset when the guys all end up in relationships and they are left alone.
I've never understood either.
whatever, i'm going to talk nonsense now, but i wish one day i can find a masculine woman with a male outlook on life with whom i will connect and be friends till death
i know lots ... but no one in london ...
don't be greedy send few of them over here!
nailed it...
I find too many women want a "gay male friend" type.. to tell all their troubles..
Its like a rest stop between boyfriends..
As Oprah-fied as woman in america profess to be ..
they will always divide men into two categories..
1) Men they will have sex with..
2) Men they won't have sex with..
ask yourself this questions..
if you are not getting any..
which line are you go stand in?
I want to be the guy who gets the dirty side of a girl..
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford