Feelings for a best friend.

Suck. BAD.
I have so many feelings for this girl, but im forever in the friend zone. Shes a real beauty. Sucks when she complains about her bf to me. She knows how I feel about her, but still it just blows. But the fact that we are best friends, at least makes me happy. Maybe one day....
But right now what is easing my mind is, Crazy Mary from the Gorge.
I have so many feelings for this girl, but im forever in the friend zone. Shes a real beauty. Sucks when she complains about her bf to me. She knows how I feel about her, but still it just blows. But the fact that we are best friends, at least makes me happy. Maybe one day....
But right now what is easing my mind is, Crazy Mary from the Gorge.
2008 - MSG 6/24-6/25
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
Post edited by Unknown User on
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
2 months later she accidentally fell pregnant and now they are engaged.
Moral of the story. Don't wait until it is too late.... I lost my chance. And I haven't come close to finding someone who was as perfect as she :(
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
Dude this is exactly how I felt. The kid is now over 3, so for nearly 4 years I have regretted it. "Get over it" I hear people say, but I have dated a few girls, but nobody was as perfect as this girl. I lived 4 years thinking 'What if?" Don't make the same mistake as I. If it doesn't work out, then I'm sure you will be friends eventually, no matter how awkward.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
Been there, done that... you're in the friend zone. If you can handle just being friends with this chick, by all means keep being the guy that gets to hear about all of her current shitty boyfriends. If not, I think the best thing for you to do is to step away for a while and stop torturing yourself.
Sounds harsh, but every minute you spend with her is giving you little glimmers of hope... and if she knows how you feel already and decided to keep being your buddy, then it ain't gonna happen. Don't sit around and "wait" for her to maybe come around and decide to date you, or wait around for her to run through 10+ guys... cut it loose. If you have 5-6 friends already, you have enough. You don't need one more.
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
I think there's more than one Sloan song about it now that I think about it...
OP, do what you want. All I'm saying is, you've already laid your cards on the table. You're ALWAYS going to want your relationship to go to that next level. She knows you want that and she doesn't feel the same way. She sees you like one of her girlfriends that she can gossip with and go to the mall with and "you give like such great advice 'cause you're a guy and stuff and you really help me see how guys REALLY are" and all that shit. You will put up with that because you think that if you play the game that she'll come around and start to see you as BF material. You're both looking for something completely different out of the friendship.
You can get mad at me... you can tell me I'm wrong... but I know I'm right. The same shit you're saying has come out of my mouth VERBATIM. We can smell our own. And I'm telling you, if's a lonely road.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
If she misses you she will let you know it when you return.
If things don't change at that point, change them and move on.
but dont do that "maybe one day..." stuff to yourself... it really just makes it harder
karmas a bitch though... i cant tell ya how many lady friends of mine have come on to me only for me to say no (i dont mean that to sound cocky... they werent the cute ones... and i didnt mean that to sound assholey)
just take care of yourself... the way i see it, if a chick takes years to come around to you shes probably not worth the time... not to say she cant stay a friend... but dont be looking for more... im kindof a sucker for the love at first sight romantic shit though
i hope that made you laugh a little bit man!
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
had an ex that eventually dated my roommate... and she would talk to me about their problems :rolleyes:
Yeah, but when you tell her "you can talk to me about anything", you kind of invite that stuff. If she didn't see him as a permanent friend before that statement, he locked himself in the friend closet and threw away the key by saying it to her... I can't blame the girl on this one.
Is it the one in my signature?
HAHA!! I bet that was fun!
i know he said that but at least the girl should be sensitive as to what the "anything" topics that she could talk to him about, it's like she's torturing the guy by making him listen about her and her bf
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
What are they going to talk about though??? Shoes? Makeup? Fantasy football? Taking a shit? Those are things that girls & girls/guys & guys talk about. She loves the situation because she has someone to get the "guy's POV" from, as well as getting a little bit of an ego stroke because this dude is in love with her. The OP loves the situation because he figures if he waits her out and puts in his time that suddenly she's gonna wake up and see what she's been missing.
If he's really her friend, he should be her friend. She should be able to talk to him about anything. He's not "putting up with" her. He shouldn't leave just because she doesn't want to get with him. What kind of friend would that make him? And why would she ever want to be with someone who turned out to not be as good a friend as she thought he was?
All of the serious, long-term relationships I've ever been in have started kind of like this. We were friends first, usually best friends. Sometimes they hit on me and I said I just wanted to be friends and continued to talk to them like I did before. Eventually I fell in love with them, because they were such good friends. These are the kinds of relationships, for me anyway, that are lasting and real - not the "if you don't want to fuck me, I don't want to be your friend" kind.
That's a pretty simplistic way of putting it. Girls will never understand what this is like for a guy. But since you like making it sound so shallow and selfish... how about taking a similar look from the guy's perspective: "You're sweet like a cute little pet and all, and I appreciate you serving as my personal token guy perspective so that I can tell you how horrid my boyfriend is and how I wish I could find a guy that treats me like you do, but you are so completely unattractive to me that I would rather fuck ANYONE than you."
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
all am saying is that the girl should also consider how the guy feels everytime she shares about her boyfriend...how would she feel if it's the other way around? wouldn't she rather wish that the guy will not talk about his girlfriend to her knowing that she likes him...and am sure there are plenty of topics they can talk about aside from makeup and whatnot...
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
Cute little pet? Personal token? Fuck ANYONE? My god, man, if that's what you hear every time a girl wants to be your friend then maybe some therapy is in order.
Is it not possible for a girl to respect a guy as a friend and without wanting to date him?
I swear, some of the comments I hear on this board make me want to never date (or be friends with) men again. :(