As far as why do we get picked on a bit more? Because we're different. I used to be bummed about it as a kid, but now I very much enjoy the fact that I don't look like everyone else.
many in the UK are grey or bald well before their 30's, there's some sickeners in respect to that! Btw, I'm not ginger, but I'd rather be than a.......
I had never heard the term "ginger" before the South Park episode. Which is odd since I lived in Ireland. :eek:
BUT I had never heard of people being teased/made fun of until a few months ago on this board (I think someone posted an article about gingers being harrassed or something).
One of my best friends is a redhead, and she and her brother have never been made fun of or anything; I've known her since high school and she has always been super proud to be a redhead!
Personally I like redhead hair better on women than men, and I agree that redheads/gingers are either really atrractive or really not...
I must say I think the British chick on Lost is very pretty...her eyes are wild and soooo pretty too!
YOu must have lived under a rock in Ireland... Was it the Blarney Stone?
Your friends have blocked it all out.... surely when they walk past people every day some says under their breath in a harsh way... "fucking ginger!"
Yes there are some hot redheads, but some very ugly ugly ones too... :d
I happen to have three friends that are natural red heads and they are beautiful All different shades of red and very different looks but all of them are very pretty women.
I once was in lust with a sort of red haired fellow... that boy made me swoon and well a few other things too
That was pretty funny. It is kind of true. We don't do well in the sun. You don't see many "daywalkers"
Anyone who met me when I was in San Diego for the solo show was sure to comment on my massive sunburn As soon as my skin hit that CA sun it was burned.
That was pretty funny. It is kind of true. We don't do well in the sun. You don't see many "daywalkers"
Anyone who met me when I was in San Diego for the solo show was sure to comment on my massive sunburn As soon as my skin hit that CA sun it was burned.
I burn like a ginger on occassion.... must be cos i have ginger pubes... :eek:
How great is that?! I had a red headed girl friend (two words) in my youth who was quite cute and rowdy. The gang referred to her as firecrotch. The cute redheads always seem to be able and master the girl next door/sex kitten hybrid look. Famous women like Ann Margaret, Nicole Kidman, that girl from Wedding Crashers- they are hot "gingers". And yes, Ginger was a hot ginger. I remember seeing an abnormal amount of hot red heads in Copenhagen also.
It's a pathetic, childish, sly and nasty way of allowing prejudice to be acceptable.
I've heard al the stuff, same as we all have, but it's always annoyed me a bit. People who subscribe to such thoughts must be incredibly thoughtless at the very least, also I wonder how most find it acceptable to ridicule and stigmatise a person based on the colour of their hair?? Do you have the same warped fears of someone with a different skin colour?? Oh no, of course not, perish the sure?
How great is that?! I had a red headed girl friend (two words) in my youth who was quite cute and rowdy. The gang referred to her as firecrotch. The cute redheads always seem to be able and master the girl next door/sex kitten hybrid look. Famous women like Ann Margaret, Nicole Kidman, that girl from Wedding Crashers- they are hot "gingers". And yes, Ginger was a hot ginger. I remember seeing an abnormal amount of hot red heads in Copenhagen also.
heh ur from texas yet you named Two Aussie Gingers.... you must have a thing for aussies too.... Wedding Crashers Fire Crotch is Isla Fisher... (spelling?) heh she is hot yes.. and so is Nicole Kidman..
It's a pathetic, childish, sly and nasty way of allowing prejudice to be acceptable.
I've heard al the stuff, same as we all have, but it's always annoyed me a bit. People who subscribe to such thoughts must be incredibly thoughtless at the very least, also I wonder how most find it acceptable to ridicule and stigmatise a person based on the colour of their hair?? Do you have the same warped fears of someone with a different skin colour?? Oh no, of course not, perish the sure?
Spoken like a bitter-ginger....
My suggestion to you Jamie uk... buy some hair dye...
Is it an urban legend that Gingers cannot dye their hair? hahaha
I don't know why anyone would say that "ginger's stink of piss". I shower on a daily basis, and I do not stink of anything, especially not piss.
It was a joke. My twin brother and my boyfriend are both ginger... jeez :rolleyes:
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Rumour has it... Kat and Sea are going to ban all gingers from the pit after they read this thread....
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
My suggestion to you Jamie uk... buy some hair dye...
Is it an urban legend that Gingers cannot dye their hair? hahaha
Haha, whilst we're on about talking in stereotypes I suppose an Australian with a big mouth, and over inflated sense of their own importance is very apt
The only thing I may need hair dye for is to take out the impending threat of greyness, silly boy/girl.
thinking back to Little Britain....
"Get out of my store ginger!.. we don't serve your kind around here!" or words to that effect... ha
The piss smell can never be washed off and you are immune to it! :eek: I think the medical term is Gingerpissitis
Because you're all angry... firey people!
Your friends have blocked it all out.... surely when they walk past people every day some says under their breath in a harsh way... "fucking ginger!"
Yes there are some hot redheads, but some very ugly ugly ones too... :d
That is one ugly baby!!
Reading 2006 - WOOOOW!!!!!
Paris 2006 - Fucking amazing
Wembley 2007
some GIRLS can pull it off very nicely indeed, there used to be a hot redhead on the board, cant remember her username, but yeah she was one.
Reading 2006 - WOOOOW!!!!!
Paris 2006 - Fucking amazing
Wembley 2007
I once was in lust with a sort of red haired fellow... that boy made me swoon and well a few other things too
I have a t-shirt that says "The legendary Spit Fire Redhead"... it suits me.
I have auburn (not fire engine) red hair. Its workin for me so far...freckles and all.
We are a spirited bunch..but I wouldn't say an angry one. Just don't piss us off! We live passionately, thats all.
HAHAHAHA thanks for posting that.
OK, that made me laugh
i fucking love cartman
That was pretty funny. It is kind of true. We don't do well in the sun. You don't see many "daywalkers"
Anyone who met me when I was in San Diego for the solo show was sure to comment on my massive sunburn
Fabulous. So you are a fire crotch..literally.
How great is that?! I had a red headed girl friend (two words) in my youth who was quite cute and rowdy. The gang referred to her as firecrotch. The cute redheads always seem to be able and master the girl next door/sex kitten hybrid look. Famous women like Ann Margaret, Nicole Kidman, that girl from Wedding Crashers- they are hot "gingers". And yes, Ginger was a hot ginger. I remember seeing an abnormal amount of hot red heads in Copenhagen also.
I've heard al the stuff, same as we all have, but it's always annoyed me a bit. People who subscribe to such thoughts must be incredibly thoughtless at the very least, also I wonder how most find it acceptable to ridicule and stigmatise a person based on the colour of their hair?? Do you have the same warped fears of someone with a different skin colour?? Oh no, of course not, perish the sure?
Fair enough.... australian guys are studs by the way
I fancy aussies... of the ginger or non-ginger variety.
My suggestion to you Jamie uk... buy some hair dye...
Is it an urban legend that Gingers cannot dye their hair? hahaha
It was a joke. My twin brother and my boyfriend are both ginger... jeez :rolleyes:
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Haha, whilst we're on about talking in stereotypes I suppose an Australian with a big mouth, and over inflated sense of their own importance is very apt
The only thing I may need hair dye for is to take out the impending threat of greyness, silly boy/girl.
sometimes stereotyping works to a persons advantage....
as far as a "ginger ban" I fully expect a revolt if such a ban occured
Free the gingers! We need lovin too! haha