i am transferring my 30-something desire for children onto my cat since babies won't be happening.
i have fully accepted that I am a couple cats short of being the crazy old cat lady.
if Knuckles played well with others i would probably have a houseful!
if my cat wasn't so territorial and jealous at 2 years old, i would at least have one more. my friend brought her cat over one day and mine hid under something and growled the whole time! she sounded like a phone vibrating....it took us a few minutes to figure out what that sound was!
No need to be void, or save up on life...
You got to spend it all
if my cat wasn't so territorial and jealous at 2 years old, i would at least have one more. my friend brought her cat over one day and mine hid under something and growled the whole time! she sounded like a phone vibrating....it took us a few minutes to figure out what that sound was!
I feel your pain! Knuckles went head first through the basement screen at another cat he saw outside:
I feel bad because i have a friend who needs to get rid of two of her cats because one of them isn't good with her baby and she doesn't want to separate them. I adore both of them, but my place isn't nearly big enough for three cats when mine is so neurotic and territorial.
I have a beautiful siamese. The only problem is that he tends to scream nonstop. It's so enjoyable...
I cat-sat for a friend with a siamese and Zuke had to go back home to my friend's uber-allergic roommate because he howled so much i was almost evicted.
We had one when i was growing up and not only did he play the piano every morning at 5 a.m., he tried to take my sister's eye out on more than one occasion. Poor Solomon went to live on a farm after that.
"Understands and responds to a variety of vulgar and profane verbal commands. Has a very soft and furry belly, like a teddy bear - however he will bite your face if you try to touch it."
Rygar--I assume your cat never came home? Sorry if not.......
Nope, kitty gone, I assume we lost her to the wildlife. Thanks :(
BUFFALO - That is their preferred bed condition. However, the window was open and the potential for outdoor adventure (in their minds) was too good to pass up. The one on the right meows his fat head off to get out the door, and when he is finally let out he goes out the door and lays down.....
Nope, kitty gone, I assume we lost her to the wildlife. Thanks :(
BUFFALO - That is their preferred bed condition. However, the window was open and the potential for outdoor adventure (in their minds) was too good to pass up. The one on the right meows his fat head off to get out the door, and when he is finally let out he goes out the door and lays down.....
I am so sorry.
RIP kitty.
I just let Lola in through the screen and she has a big gash on her forehead...poor little baby.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Nope, kitty gone, I assume we lost her to the wildlife. Thanks :(
BUFFALO - That is their preferred bed condition. However, the window was open and the potential for outdoor adventure (in their minds) was too good to pass up. The one on the right meows his fat head off to get out the door, and when he is finally let out he goes out the door and lays down.....
thats cool , i dont make my bed either . I see no point to
sorry you lost your cat
"Understands and responds to a variety of vulgar and profane verbal commands. Has a very soft and furry belly, like a teddy bear - however he will bite your face if you try to touch it."
That was funny
i know, it's hilarious! and i love how the cat has toilet paper on it's face from the shredding!
and i'm so sorry about your cat! :(
No need to be void, or save up on life...
You got to spend it all
Lolsters maverick
I used to have a high balcony and worried about letting the cats on it, cause I didn't consider them to be terribly bright, but they were ok.
We had our 2nd call tonight about a potential Tifa-sighting. This time there was a cat at the destination, although it wasn't ours. This kitty was EXCEPTIONALLY malnourished, and having trouble using it's back legs. The folks who called us had given it two glasses of milk, and it was a purr machine. They say they can't take it (they always say that) but who knows. At least now it's getting some nutrition. I felt pretty bad not taking it home.
you don't like this cat at all do ya?
great pictures!
You got to spend it all
Here's the three amigos (middle one is the one who we just lost, the baby, sigh).
i am transferring my 30-something desire for children onto my cat since babies won't be happening.
i have fully accepted that I am a couple cats short of being the crazy old cat lady.
if Knuckles played well with others i would probably have a houseful!
sorry to hear you lost one Rygar! I hope she comes back to you soon.
seems a lot of PJ fans have tiger-striped kitties.
if my cat wasn't so territorial and jealous at 2 years old, i would at least have one more.
You got to spend it all
I feel your pain! Knuckles went head first through the basement screen at another cat he saw outside:
I feel bad because i have a friend who needs to get rid of two of her cats because one of them isn't good with her baby and she doesn't want to separate them. I adore both of them, but my place isn't nearly big enough for three cats when mine is so neurotic and territorial.
I cat-sat for a friend with a siamese and Zuke had to go back home to my friend's uber-allergic roommate because he howled so much i was almost evicted.
We had one when i was growing up and not only did he play the piano every morning at 5 a.m., he tried to take my sister's eye out on more than one occasion. Poor Solomon went to live on a farm after that.
Lanners---nice kitty cat!!! My 2 cats are brats too and won't tolerate new ones.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
poor kitty! :(
You got to spend it all
That was funny
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
BUFFALO - That is their preferred bed condition. However, the window was open and the potential for outdoor adventure (in their minds) was too good to pass up. The one on the right meows his fat head off to get out the door, and when he is finally let out he goes out the door and lays down.....
RIP kitty.
I just let Lola in through the screen and she has a big gash on her forehead...poor little baby.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
thats cool , i dont make my bed either . I see no point to
sorry you lost your cat
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
i know, it's hilarious! and i love how the cat has toilet paper on it's face from the shredding!
and i'm so sorry about your cat! :(
You got to spend it all
My old family cat got cuts and scrapes constantly, he was a jolly warrior!
Thanks Trix, Buffalo and you are. Kitty will be missed.
this is maverick requesting flyby
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
I used to have a high balcony and worried about letting the cats on it, cause I didn't consider them to be terribly bright, but they were ok.
Took this the other day and did not even know I caught her in Mid-Yawn!!!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
I want a bengal, courtesy of someone (I think RolandTDK20Drummer...) posting about them.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
AH! your cat looks just like one of my cats!
Hondo at Christmas time.
Hondo at Christmas time.
They were alot younger in these pictures