what do you do for christmas day/eve (hanukka, etc)

Christmas eve is the big event in my family (we've never done much on christmas day except exchange gifts) but this year, for the first time ever, my immediate family has not a plan for xmas eve (or day)...I'm a little depressed about it....something about sitting there ALL night staring at my parents and trying to have fun....it's not sitting well. that's what I don't like about holidays once all the cousins and stuff abandon you....it's like a holiday, so you can't really *do* anything else, but it's not like there's really anything going on at your parents' house...very weird. Same problem I have with thanksgiving has now crept into the holiday I actually like! I used to love seeing relatives I haven't seen in a year and eating good food and stuff. but this year, I don't get to see anyone.
so what do you all do? let me live vicariously...
so what do you all do? let me live vicariously...
Post edited by Unknown User on
you could go to the Lynn christmas parade.. its all the rage and only the coolest of cool do it
christmas day hubby usually makes a nice breakfast, then he and i open cards/stockings/exchange gifts....just relax. about 3 we head over to my middle sister's and spend the day with her, her hubby, her father-in-law and my mom. we eat and drink lots, exchange gifts and good convo.....then back home and relax some more. mellow yet fun, just as i like it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
hehe I always go to that actually...it's a little short though! not exactly an all-night event
true but having candy thrown in your face is worth the price of admission
Christmas Eve: Get up late, doss about, wrap presents, go to pub with friends, get locked
Christmas Day: Get up relatively early (10am), open presents, go to yearly mass, go visiting, then depending on where we are having dinner that year - go home, or go to my cousins. Eat, Drink, Be Merry
this year we plan to have everything ready before christmas eve so we don't leave the house and spend the day getting everything ready for christmas day so we can just sit back and enjoy it. For the first time though my father won't be with us :( cos he's spending it with his girlfriend and her family... but my brother and his girlfriend will be there
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
My family always opened presents a few days before xmas, and then drove to St. Louis to my grandma's house for the holiday, so the xmas eve/xmas day was always super boring to me as a kid, since I already had all of my presents...lol. And my mom's birthday is on xmas, so I always sort of just felt like that was her birthday more than Jesus'.
My husband's family always makes sort of a big deal about xmas eve and they exchange gifts, and then the presents from Santa (including stockings, which are a HUGE deal in their family) are opened on xmas day. I like this, so we've kind of adopted it as our thing, too.
In the pre-baby days, we used to go to Mia Francesca (a great Italian place in Wrigleyville) on xmas eve and then cook a big dinner on Christmas. I think this year we will order out on xmas eve (with the in-laws), and then we'll make a big breakfast at our house on xmas morning, and then my father-in-law will make some filets for dinner. He's an awesome cook, so I'm excited about that.
it's weird when you go out the next day and there's candy all over the street!
But this year both have died so not sure what we will do. Plus my mom was taken from my house in handcuffs and is living with my sister so I really have no family.
I think we will have to start new traditions this year. I am thinking of doing steaks for dinner on Christmas Eve this year instead of the usual stuff that we just had on Thanksgiving.
We don't even have a tree up yet. I am not feeling in the mood to do anything this year at all!
I love the whole getting drunk thing. I wish my family were like that. it would be more fun in the old days when our house was packed with people.
sigh...I guess I just miss the old days. christmas is kinda pointless now. I see my parents and my brother and my grandmother quite often, especially now that's back in state, so it's like any other day, really.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I think getting drunk sounds fun, too...lol. My immediate family really doesn't drink, so it's not really fun to drink around them. But, they won't be here.
My husband and father-in-law can really put it away, and no doubt my husband will be making his famous "Greg Nog", which is more booze than egg nog, so I think I'll join them...lol.
i really shouldn't be drinking or eating anything bad this christmas with the half marathon coming up...I guess that's a benefit of not having any guests, there won't be any bad foods! (no matter what I tell myself, every year I end up with a glass of egg nogg). I actually decided that I'm going to have a full fat, full sugar, WITH whip gingerbread latte from starbucks on christmas eve
I'm going to throw caution to the wind and eat whatever I want on xmas eve and xmas. Those are the only two days we'll be around lots of tempting food, so I don't feel like it'll hurt me too badly.
That sounds good. I think I'll "join" you and have a full fat white mocha! Those are my favorite!
I usually do that on christmas. the only thing is that I don't want to OVER do it. you know what I mean? Like just eating a ton of crap because I gave myself permission to do so is going to be something I'll regret the next day. Like I have to remember my intuitive eating book that says even things that look delicious might not really be.
i think that is wise, one must allow themselvs to indulge and live! it Is only 2 days, and hell...life is short, enjoy!
and i know we should'nt refer to foods as good and bad, etc....but yea...it's just fun!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Exactly. I don't want to eat a bunch of stuff just because it's there and it's "my chance" to eat it...lol. That's not even enjoyable.
It IS fun!
it IS! i am such a hedonist.....if it feels good, tastes good....i am IN! i think this is going to be a very good weekend/holiday!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Me too!
I wish I could live like that! whenever I have tried there have been negative consequences :(.
I have a sign I made on my bedroom door that I read every morning that has my "rules" on it so I don't do the "feels good, tastes good...i am IN!" thing, because that is my natural tendency. sometimes it doesn't work, but trying makes me feel better.
of course ya do....lathering in chocolate is both, eh?
i do know i AM getting chocolate for christmas.
seriously, i so love christmas! or i should ay all the *stuff* about christmas! the trees, the lights...giving gifts....food and drink...time with friends an family....sooooo GOOD! EVERY day since we put up our tree december 1st...i have spent some time in the LR, all the lights off except for the tree, some candles, some music....just magical. i love the holiday season.
*greentea...it's an overall mantra for living, i don't indulge every day. life is all about balance.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Tell them that you can't make it to Christmas Eve because you've got some big plans...and then don't tell them what they are.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
then I'll just be sitting at home, what would be the difference? (plus no one would believe me. who has other plans on xmas eve?)
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
yeah I would agree that moderation is key for most people. my experience in life is that I'm not most people...things tend to go very badly for me when I slack off in any area of life for any amount of time. work, exercise, food, dental hygiene, personal finances...no matter how hard I try sometimes I give in and then I'm screwed. For example, I didn't floss for a month because I ran out of floss and kept forgetting to buy it. of course I ended up with a root canal and a crown (and the cost of the two). I get in late one night and don't wash my face before bed, whamo the next morning I have boils on my face. I have to keep reminding myself not to do anything stupid or irresponsible.
I love the holiday season, too. I have lots of happy memories and am enjoying making new ones every year.
Oh, and re: chocolate ganache... If there is a heaven, it is made of chocolate ganache.
what is ganache?