Post Your Daily Workout(s)



  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    PJGARDEN wrote:
    Ok guys I need a little motivation. I work out twice a day, and have for a long time, but I have been at a pateau for a while and I'm starting to get frustrated. I do cardio and strength training and work out with a personal trainer twice a week. I think I just need a little inspiration to get me motivated again. I don't miss workouts I just don't think I'm putting as much in to it as I used to. Any advice???

    Set a goal to participate in a local event like a 5k run, an organized bike ride, an adventure race or something different. Switch it up a bit.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • dirtdirt Posts: 398
    This has been my program the past two weeks. I run on days day off per week. Not looking to max out muscle mass -- just keep fit.

    Box Squat 30 lbs ea 3/12
    Cable Flies 40’s 3/12
    MB Toe Touches 6 lb 3/20

    Lunge to Side Lunge n/a 3/24
    Incline Bench Press 40 lbs ea 3/12
    MB Jack Knife 6 lb 3/20

    Monster Walk 'blue' 3/12
    Dip Assist 80 lbs 3/12
    Russian Twist w/MB 6 lb 3/60 sec

    Bosu Runs n/a 3/30
    Shoulder Press 30 lb ea 3/12
    SB Holds n/a 3/60 secs
    drive less - RIDE MORE!
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    I can't WAIT to get back into working out. This week I've only been walking at a fast paced for 75 min each day. I'm still getting over a sinus-infection bug that really hit me hard, so I just haven't had the energy to go to the gym yet (I think today is the first day I can breathe with my mouth closed, so that's a good sign!! :) ) I'm REALLY hoping I can go the gym tonight. I would love to do spin class but if I'm not up to it at least do a light workout. I just feel so icky not having gone lately. I miss it!!
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    sweet FA today, a little annoyed 'cos i skipped 2 days last week, killed myself yesterday (fark it was like hot here) but i might do a little cycling in front of the office later tonight :o
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    PJGARDEN wrote:
    Ok guys I need a little motivation. I work out twice a day, and have for a long time, but I have been at a pateau for a while and I'm starting to get frustrated. I do cardio and strength training and work out with a personal trainer twice a week. I think I just need a little inspiration to get me motivated again. I don't miss workouts I just don't think I'm putting as much in to it as I used to. Any advice???
    Everyone reaches a plateau. Your body has limits.. all you can do is change up your routine. Twice a day is a bit much unless you are working different parts. Workout 3 or 4 times a week. Give your body time to rest!.. I used to work out everyday and saw much better results by moving it to every other day. Working out wears down the body. Resting in between builds the body.

    If you're working out so much for health and appearance, try eating healthier instead of beating your body up twice a day.
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    Wow! I am beat today. Yesterday I hiked with the dogs 2.25 miles and then ran 8 miles. After that I walked door to door campaigning for 4 hours. Part of that was at an apartment complex with 10 units. Each unit had an upstairs with 15 stairs. I climbed 9 of them for a total of 135 steps. My glutes were stiff last night and they are sore today!

    I need to ride my bike today, but it is a little cool and I don't have my winter riding gear out yet. But other than cool and breezy it is a beautiful day! I hiked with the dogs 3 miles this morning and enjoyed every minute of it, except for the glutes being sore.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    sweet FA today, a little annoyed 'cos i skipped 2 days last week, killed myself yesterday (fark it was like hot here) but i might do a little cycling in front of the office later tonight :o

    and i beat that by 0.67km last night :D

    sleeping like a baby since starting this
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    PJGARDEN wrote:
    Ok guys I need a little motivation. I work out twice a day, and have for a long time, but I have been at a pateau for a while and I'm starting to get frustrated. I do cardio and strength training and work out with a personal trainer twice a week. I think I just need a little inspiration to get me motivated again. I don't miss workouts I just don't think I'm putting as much in to it as I used to. Any advice???

    I was in the same boat about 10 months ago - not that bored but just plateaued with my fitness so I started doing exercises for time and continually getting the times down at each attempt.

    First time I ever did 'filtiy fifties' it took me a little under an Im not too far over 30 mins. Ive been having a lot of fun.

    You are obviously fit so wouldnt have a problem with these it would just be a matter of monitoring times. Plus you can make up any format you wish but I like to at least once a week do Fifties, Fran or GI Jane.

    Speaking of and 9 others played dodgeball today for 20mins. I ended up with 20 burpees and 20 pushups. Farkin funny stuff.
    Not us but check it out
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    DonJon wrote:

    HAHA good stuff, kinda scary how close they stand :eek: or that's just me being girly..

    bought a pedometer today, should be interesting..
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    HAHA good stuff, kinda scary how close they stand :eek: or that's just me being girly..

    bought a pedometer today, should be interesting..

    Thats just you being girly. They dont hurt that much when your adrenalin is pumping.

    10,000 steps a day is the recommended for a 'healthy lifestyle'????
    Reminds me - I had one once, wore it for about a week. Must try find it
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Nice mellow day to get in the zone for my taxation exam tomorrow

    500mtr treadmill
    20 V situps
    10 pushups
    500mtr row
    5 sets

    3 x 10 reverse grip chins

    3 x 60kg deadlifts
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    DonJon wrote:
    Thats just you being girly. They dont hurt that much when your adrenalin is pumping.

    10,000 steps a day is the recommended for a 'healthy lifestyle'????
    Reminds me - I had one once, wore it for about a week. Must try find it


    i got 15K yesterday, up to 13.5K today.. i think my step size is fucked or it's too sensitive 'cos that's way too many.. though i'm on my feet all day?

    i keep beating my PB on the bike, doing good
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    STELLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAA.!!! .There is a big bike race on in January down your way....are you in secret training??

    GI JANE today ***drum roll please**** 18.52mins and Im stoked.

    Did this last time back in may and was around the 30 minute mark. Im obviously a little fitter but most importantly Ive got myself to the stage where I dont break for as long and I NEARLY got thru it all with no more than about 8 breathers (one I stopped for about 1 min actually - on about number 60 from memory).

    Besides a hell load of thrusters, this is the highest intensity Ive done for a while. Puts Filthy Fifties to shame even tho that takes 40 mins
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    I picked this thing up from Sports Authority today..

    I wasn't to sure about it, but decided to give it a try and it works awesome! You don't have to drill or nail anything into the wall. It grips on gravity and you can do pull-ups/chin-ups with three different grip angles.
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    I picked this thing up from Sports Authority today..

    I wasn't to sure about it, but decided to give it a try and it works awesome! You don't have to drill or nail anything into the wall. It grips on gravity and you can do pull-ups/chin-ups with three different grip angles.

    Interesting. Was just about to ask you how it secures itself. So it can obviously hold a fair bit of weight and movement then???

    I purchased a foam roller the other day and have been spending a fair bitta time lying on it for the back. Took it down the park sunday morning to train with the flatmate. We ended up doing pushups AND lunges with it so it has more than one use :D
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    DonJon wrote:
    Interesting. Was just about to ask you how it secures itself. So it can obviously hold a fair bit of weight and movement then???

    I purchased a foam roller the other day and have been spending a fair bitta time lying on it for the back. Took it down the park sunday morning to train with the flatmate. We ended up doing pushups AND lunges with it so it has more than one use :D
    It says up to 300 lbs.. The way the thing is set up, the back pushes against one side of the wall, while the front pushes against the other, creating a grip. The top of the door panel only seems to hold it in place while most of the force is working horizontally with the wall. It has a cushioned bar that spreads across a good area of the wall. Doesn't seem to cause any damage. If feels pretty damn sturdy.
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    It says up to 300 lbs.. The way the thing is set up, the back pushes against one side of the wall, while the front pushes against the other, creating a grip. The top of the door panel only seems to hold it in place while most of the force is working horizontally with the wall. It has a cushioned bar that spreads across a good area of the wall. Doesn't seem to cause any damage. If feels pretty damn sturdy.

    Damn good stuff. Gotta give those engineers a thumbs up!!!

    It would handle jumping or kipping chins too then you'd assume?!?!?!
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJon wrote:
    STELLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAA.!!! .There is a big bike race on in January down your way....are you in secret training??

    GI JANE today ***drum roll please**** 18.52mins and Im stoked.

    Did this last time back in may and was around the 30 minute mark. Im obviously a little fitter but most importantly Ive got myself to the stage where I dont break for as long and I NEARLY got thru it all with no more than about 8 breathers (one I stopped for about 1 min actually - on about number 60 from memory).

    Besides a hell load of thrusters, this is the highest intensity Ive done for a while. Puts Filthy Fifties to shame even tho that takes 40 mins

    congrats on the record! and well done for obviously surviving your exam :D

    i promise i'm not secretly training and i also promise i have finally asked the right person about what i'm doing in terms of interval training and if it's benefiting me

    so he suggested i should have started off with 1 min hardcore to 6 mins light cycling - but i'm not that unfit so i'm happily doing 3 mins hardcore to 5 mins light.. got told off for doing 2:2 as at this stage i'm not quite ready to have such a short break period..

    i should have a ratio of 5 mins full pelt to 5 rest soon.. told to never let the ratio increase over 1:1 sooooo... we'll see how i am come Jan :D
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    congrats on the record! and well done for obviously surviving your exam :D

    i promise i'm not secretly training and i also promise i have finally asked the right person about what i'm doing in terms of interval training and if it's benefiting me

    so he suggested i should have started off with 1 min hardcore to 6 mins light cycling - but i'm not that unfit so i'm happily doing 3 mins hardcore to 5 mins light.. got told off for doing 2:2 as at this stage i'm not quite ready to have such a short break period..

    i should have a ratio of 5 mins full pelt to 5 rest soon.. told to never let the ratio increase over 1:1 sooooo... we'll see how i am come Jan :D

    Well arent you a good little cherub then. You might have to be a tour leader for some tourists in'll need to get some wheels for the thing tho.

    Pretty sure Ill pass exam - 4 months off now!!!!!!!!!!!

    15 thrusters 35kg
    20 V Sit Ups
    15 kettle bell swings 24kg
    600 mtr run
    5 sets

    3 x 15 reverse grip chins

    20 x 50kg deadlifts

    1.5km jog on the treadmill
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJon wrote:
    Well arent you a good little cherub then. You might have to be a tour leader for some tourists in'll need to get some wheels for the thing tho.

    Pretty sure Ill pass exam - 4 months off now!!!!!!!!!!!



    done sweet FA the past 2 days.. i hope this isn't a pattern :D
  • smoked a fatty.
    hauled 3cords of wood for the woodburner.
    played some PS2. (finger work outs are important too)
    Vote for PJ to play in Alaska

    11/91 chicago
    7/11/95 chicago
    6/29/98 chicago
    5/30/00 london UK
    6/4/00 manchester UK
    10/8/00 alpine valley
    10/9/00 chicago
    6/18/03 chicago

  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,294
    40 minutes stationary bike.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,294
    40 minutes stationary bike
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,294
    40 minutes stationary bike and 15 minutes rowing machine.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    Friday: 40 minutes on the trainer- "Force" program.

    Saturday: Hiked 9 miles.

    Sunday: 46 minutes on the trainer - "Intervals" program, but an easy one. And hiked approx. 3 miles in the p.m.

    Today: Was supposed to swim this morning, but slept too late. I guess I will make today my rest day and try to swim on Friday instead.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,294
    40 minutes stationary bike
    2 miles running on treadmill
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    Tuesday: 52 minutes on the trainer - Spin Ups

    Today: 1,000 yards in the pool - 28 minutes.

    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Had a week off here but back tomorrow.

    Had some nice runs on my holiday around beautiful Byron Bay but seriously keen to get back to the gym
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • nice excuse DonJon.. i've had a week off too due to having my head in a toilet bowl 'cos everyone loves a nice old case of gastro

    i'll start up again Monday..

    need 1 more weekend off :D
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Oh No! Any idea what caused that?

    Im going back today.....feeling guilty
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
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