Aren't you sweet? Nice to know I am someone's although I suspect you may have your own motives for naming me as your fav girl
Truth or dare hey? Be careful if you play with the big kids
Own motives? What motives should I have?
I am carefull...
And here's the first thing you don't know (knew): most persons who know me, can't figure out who I actually am.... I'm always surprised to hear that from people who know me a long time......
And here's the first thing you don't know (knew): most persons who know me, can't figure out who I actually am.... I'm always surprised to hear that from people who know me a long time......
Trying to find out my secrets, using your own motives
Interesting it is... I self just can't figure out why...
Well I am not about to bare my inner wants on here.. well not the specific ones anyway
It is. I think that is good. You don't want to figure yourself out too easily. It is all about the journey. One can be constantly evolving yet essentially the same.
Well I am not about to bare my inner wants on here.. well not the specific ones anyway
It is. I think that is good. You don't want to figure yourself out too easily. It is all about the journey. One can be constantly evolving yet essentially the same.
Oh, okay, you also can send an pm
It is good?? To be honest, I enjoy the people who can't figure me out...
I'll try, I started drinking water (Spa red) and cranberry juice instead of wine and beer....
The cranberry juice will do you the world of good disconnected! All that Vitamin C! And water's always good for you!
You'll be sharper than a tack in no time!
oh i like it girlie posse we can make bad ass tshirts
That sounds like an excellent plan!!
We could have a pic of the boys on the front and PJ girlie posse on the back! And we could even have our log in names over our left breast or something!! OMG!!! I'm SUCH A NERD!!!! :eek:
We could have a pic of the boys on the front and PJ girlie posse on the back! And we could even have our log in names over our left breast or something!! OMG!!! I'm SUCH A NERD!!!! :eek:
The cranberry juice will do you the world of good disconnected! All that Vitamin C! And water's always good for you!
You'll be sharper than a tack in no time!
I know cranberry juice will do me good, I drink with a reason...
Well, I don't know what you do know, so I don't know what you do know
I'm comfy on the pillow yet and got myself a glass of spa.... So go ahead!
Well just tell me everything in that case
You are going to have to do more than just beg :eek:
Everything? That will take at least 29,5 years to tell everything.....
Like what?
Ok do you have a fave PJ girl?
I am thinking
Do I have a fav PJ girl? On this forum?
I'm curious...
That is what I asked you??
I don't want to turn this into truth or dare, could get dangerous :eek:
My fav girls on the forum.... stb
Truth or dare? I always loved that game
Aren't you sweet?
Truth or dare hey? Be careful if you play with the big kids
Own motives? What motives should I have?
I am carefull...
And here's the first thing you don't know (knew): most persons who know me, can't figure out who I actually am.... I'm always surprised to hear that from people who know me a long time......
Trying to find out my secrets, using your own motives
That is interesting... quite interesting.
No motives... just curious...
Interesting it is... I self just can't figure out why...
Well I am not about to bare my inner wants on here.. well not the specific ones anyway
It is. I think that is good. You don't want to figure yourself out too easily. It is all about the journey. One can be constantly evolving yet essentially the same.
Oh, okay, you also can send an pm
It is good?? To be honest, I enjoy the people who can't figure me out...
oh yeah.. you go check your PMs :rolleyes:
I think it is good. Sometimes you can have understanding without the exchange of words. I think it is interesting though.
Hmmm, my eyes aren't moving from the phrase "Private Messages"
That sure is true, me and my brother sometimes don't have to change words...
hahaha.. when I know, you will know.
There is a closeness there when you don't have to exchange words.
Sorry!! No can do!! I took the oath and sealed it with the secret handshake!!
What goes on in the girlie posse, stays in the girlie posse!
The cranberry juice will do you the world of good disconnected! All that Vitamin C! And water's always good for you!
You'll be sharper than a tack in no time!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
oh i like it girlie posse
That sounds like an excellent plan!!
We could have a pic of the boys on the front and PJ girlie posse on the back!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
better yet bowling shirts
Oooh!! Does that mean we get the shoes too??? Can we?? Can we??? huh? huh???
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
hell yes
lets do this shit up right
i actually like to bowl i suck but it's fun
I've always enjoyed bowling but never seem to get good at it!
But the "fashion" sounds faaabulous darlink!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well, there's something inside me, what tells me, you know....
Oh, good, because I use usually less words....
No one will figure out if you send a pm
I know cranberry juice will do me good, I drink with a reason...
That's for sure!
Looks like they forgot all about you, so sorry :(
When all else fails, read the instruction
today's a holiday in the US
July 4th
everybody has cook outs and get hammered so that's where most of us are we'll resume shortly
Well, you'll never forget me...
Well no, they wouldn't figure it out, but I'd know, and secret women's business is just that, secret!
I just take the capsules! So much easier and a lot less calories!
Well you didn't need to agree so readily!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift