Heath Ledger is Dead



  • found in mary-kate olsen's apartment. ah man, this can get ugly.

    What?? he was?
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    Austicman wrote:
    Very Sad. He was in a few good flicks.
    Lords of Dogtown
    Two Hands(Aussie Movie)
    'The Patriot' I think its called, with Mel Gibson
    Candy(About a heroin addict)

    There's been a few more.I sure we'll hear all about them in the next few weeks

    I guess he took his marriage break up hard. Or the drugs were the reason for it. Just very sad.

    RIP Heath
    Add Monster's Ball to the list of great films he was in.
    He played the prison guard and son of Billy Bob Thorton.
    that's the movie, Halle Berry won the Oscars.
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • wow. i did not see that coming
  • PJPixiePJPixie Posts: 3,026
    found in mary-kate olsen's apartment. ah man, this can get ugly.

    are you serious??? whoa.............bad news man!
    The best use of Life is Love.
    The best expression of Love is Time.
    The best time to Love is Now.

    I'm never as good as when you're there.........
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,408
    Yeah, not only was it going to be huge based on the AMAZING trailers and the chills I get in the short clips you see of him, but it's going to be really weird seeing this now. Just sad and strange all around.
    It reminds me of Brandon Lee and "The Crow", dude would have been huge.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • rival.rival. Chicago Posts: 7,775
    gabers wrote:
    Are you joking?

    What a shame, what a waste. So young, so full of promise. But worst of all, he's leaving behind a 2-year old daughter.

    TMZ is reporting that he was found in an apartment that she owned. more details to follow.

    such a shame and a waste.

    Fox just reported the same about mary-kate.
  • PJPixie wrote:
    are you serious??? whoa.............bad news man!

    I guess she owned the apartment and he was renting from her.

    *EDIT* Nope it wasn't owned by her, they just reported.
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Fuck! Glad he finished Dark Knight in time! Brokeback was fantastic. He was starting to get really good imo....such a shame! :(
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  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    found in mary-kate olsen's apartment. ah man, this can get ugly.

    He was found dead in his bed in one of his residences in Soho by his housekeeper at 3:35 PM ET today. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they believe it was not a crime, adding that prescription pills were found near his body.

    According to NYPD a masseuse arrived at Ledger's apartment and was let in by a housekeeper. When Ledger didn't answer his bedroom door, the housekeeper and the masseuse opened it and found him unconscious. They attempted to wake him; when they couldn't, they called 911.

  • rival.rival. Chicago Posts: 7,775
    cutback wrote:
    He was found dead in his bed in one of his residences in Soho by his housekeeper at 3:35 PM ET today. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they believe it was not a crime, adding that prescription pills were found near his body.

    According to NYPD a masseuse arrived at Ledger's apartment and was let in by a housekeeper. When Ledger didn't answer his bedroom door, the housekeeper and the masseuse opened it and found him unconscious. They attempted to wake him; when they couldn't, they called 911.


    CNN reporting apartment owned by mary-kate. guess he was renting from her???

  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    CNN reporting apartment owned by mary-kate. guess he was renting from her???


    don't know....strange all around really...
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    just so weird cuz you never heard about him having drug issues or anything really, other than him breaking up with his fiancee.

    i heard something on MSNBC where his agent i guess was worried because he kept turning down roles but not accepting anything either, like he was getting ready to check out :(
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    this is such a shame! to echo the others, i really never expected to hear his name associated with a drug overdose...but then again, we all have our burdens, pains and sorrows.

    it's such a waste to lose such a great talent at such a young age, even worse, it's such a shame to lose a young father! his poor daughter...

    RIP Heath.
    i. am. mine.
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    just so weird cuz you never heard about him having drug issues or anything really, other than him breaking up with his fiancee.

    i heard something on MSNBC where his agent i guess was worried because he kept turning down roles but not accepting anything either, like he was getting ready to check out :(

    That would be incredibly sad if true. Bad enough if something were accidental, but to have a deliberate plan like that and go through with it.... :(
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Devastated. Brilliant actor.

    RIP Heath.
  • wow. this is so sad. he was such a good actor.
    i can never watch lords of dogtown the same way now. :(
  • sad day in hollywood... new york to be precise. i was hoping to work with him someday.

    i had itunes on shuffle while i was typing this... and this sang began to play. so i thought i'd dedicate it to heath ledger.

    This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
  • uninnocentuninnocent Posts: 1,565
    sad news, i'm looking forward to the dark night even more now.
  • DavanitaDavanita Posts: 854
    i was absolutely devastated when i heard this on BBC World about an hour ago... :( well, i still am. probably will be even more when i get to watch The Dark Knight.

    great actor, great loss.

    it would be nice if at the end credits they would dedicate TDK to him.
    Jon Stewart: "[about Russia's new president]...Dmitri Medevvvevv.... Dmitri Meh..... Dmitri M.! Or... as George W. Bush would probably pronounce it... Eddie Vedder."
  • FinsburyParkCarrotsFinsburyParkCarrots Seattle, WA Posts: 12,223
    you've never even heard of the latest dead Hollywood actors. I saw loads of bulletins on myspace saying "Heath Ledger is dead" and I thought they were celebrating the end of some draconian, Ted Heath-era Conservative government taxation from the early 1970s. Now I learn it's someone famous in tinseltown...

    Youngsters, don't think me disrespectful, but I had to say that on behalf of all the other curmudgeonly ole sods on this forum, feeling slightly threatened by being out of the loop here ...
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    you've never even heard of the latest dead Hollywood actors. I saw loads of bulletins on myspace saying "Heath Ledger is dead" and I thought they were celebrating the end of some draconian, Ted Heath-era Conservative government taxation from the early 1970s. Now I learn it's someone famous in tinseltown...

    Youngsters, don't think me disrespectful, but I had to say that on behalf of all the other curmudgeonly ole sods on this forum, feeling slightly threatened by being out of the loop here ...

    ah c'mon fins....i'm older than you and even farther out of the loop but even i know who he is.....;) :)
  • Very sad indeed.. My stepdaughter absolutely fell in love with him on "10 Things..." when she was in high school.. We all watched that one about a million times.. Actually not a bad flick.. The Patriot, A Knight's Tale, etc... That movie Candy keeps coming on HBO every other day it seems... Looks like I'll have to watch the whole thing one of these days...

    And forgive my entertainment ignorance, but Brad Renfro kicked it too last week huh? Wow... Sad times indeed..
    "On the edge of a know-nothin' town, Feelin' quite superior in Den Haag"

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  • GraySaturdayGraySaturday Posts: 2,878
    wow, thats really sad.. How horrible for his family, especially his little girl..

    very sad.
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    i feel bad for his kids and family... thats a total shame... poor kids :(
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • FinsburyParkCarrotsFinsburyParkCarrots Seattle, WA Posts: 12,223
    cutback wrote:
    ah c'mon fins....i'm older than you and even farther out of the loop but even i know who he is.....;) :)

    I only go to see pretentious arty films, with scantily clad French women. You know that.

    Anyway, back to Thatcher Statute. I mean Heath Ledger. *Dons black armband.*
  • Poncier wrote:
    It reminds me of Brandon Lee and "The Crow", dude would have been huge.

    I still watch that every year around Halloween. It is kind of creepy, between the themes in the movie and the young star being killed on the set.

    As for Heath, I loved Brokeback Mountain and I can't wait to see The Dark Knight. He was awesome in the 6 minute trailer.

    Very sad
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    I only go to see pretentious arty films, with scantily clad French women. You know that.

    Anyway, back to Thatcher Statute. I mean Heath Ledger. *Dons black armband.*
    Monster's Ball was a small artsy film, sort of. Halle Berry won Oscars for that.
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    nobody mentioned Four Feathers.


    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • I think his best character was Skip in Lords of Dogtown. A very underrated movie, or at least it's not as well known as it probably should be. Emile Hirsch was one of the stars too. It was also Mitch Hedberg's last time on screen before he died.

    It's about the early generation of skate boarders in Cali. in the 70s. Good movie, easy watch.
    Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North."
  • EarthgirlEarthgirl Posts: 695
    that is so sad, he was so young.. I never saw that one coming. I feel bad for his 2 year old daugther Matilda and his ex wife Michelle... so sad. I liked all of his movies.
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