Heath Ledger is Dead



  • chris05chris05 Posts: 347
    holy fuck....i got the cold shivers when i read that.
    Who cares if the world is going down the toilet? Eddie Vedder got his mojo back!
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    I have loved him since I saw him in "10 things I hate about you"....I can't believe this. What is the deal? My stomach is sick...I feel like crying! :(

    Brokeback Mountain was a good movie!
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • Hitch-HikerHitch-Hiker Posts: 2,873
    brainofPJ wrote:
    Jack Nicholson did it...
    Also not funny. the man died for fuck's sake.

    He was a really good actor, with big things ahead of him. What a terrible waste.
    RIP Heath. My thoughts go out to his family, especially his baby daughter.
    I'll Ride The Wave Where It Takes Me
  • smg9779smg9779 Posts: 235
    wow. RIP Heath.

    11/18/97 Oakland
    07/13/98 Los Angeles
    07/14/98 Los Angeles
    10/31/99 Bridge School
    10/28/00 San Bernardino
    10/31/00 Mountain View
    10/21/01 Bridge School
    06/01/03 Mountain View
    07/15/06 SF I
    07/16/06 SF II
    07/18/06 SF III
    10/21/06 Bridge School
    04/07/08 Berkeley
    04/08/08 Berkeley
  • holy shit.

    I just found out.

    This is a sad day.

    A sad day indeed.

  • Reports of pills around his body. Such a sad story developing.
  • PJPixiePJPixie Posts: 3,026
    wash_ wrote:
    He was excellent in lords of the dogtown. Was thinking about him last weekend in that film. Was going to buy it.

    Im blooming shocked.

    My kids watch that movie over and over. At first, Heath's character just creeped me out but that is just a testament as to what a great actor he was.
    So very sad!!
    The best use of Life is Love.
    The best expression of Love is Time.
    The best time to Love is Now.

    I'm never as good as when you're there.........
  • R.i.p.
  • wash_ wrote:
    He was excellent in lords of the dogtown. Was thinking about him last weekend in that film. Was going to buy it.

    Im blooming shocked.

    Yea, he was really good in that movie.. probably his best role.
    Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North."
  • very sad, RIP
  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,642
    and a young father, how sad.
    Nice shirt.
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    "why so serious?"

    one of his greatest lines ever...

    R.I.P. Heath

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • AusticmanAusticman Posts: 1,327
    Very Sad. He was in a few good flicks.
    Lords of Dogtown
    Two Hands(Aussie Movie)
    'The Patriot' I think its called, with Mel Gibson
    Candy(About a heroin addict)

    There's been a few more.I sure we'll hear all about them in the next few weeks

    I guess he took his marriage break up hard. Or the drugs were the reason for it. Just very sad.

    RIP Heath
    I can't go the library anymore, everyone STINKS!!
  • oh my god, is that real? that is horrible!!!
    "I'll ride the wave where it takes me.."
  • Hitch-HikerHitch-Hiker Posts: 2,873
    What a tragedy. Great actor with a great future. He'll be missed :(
    R.I.P. Heath
    I'll Ride The Wave Where It Takes Me
  • pjtaperpjtaper Posts: 3,020
    yeah, I was going to say The Partiot, one hell of a movie!
    A Knights Tale also comes to mind...
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    Wow didn't realized he and Ben Harper owned a record label together.

    RIP Mate.
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • Cropduster84Cropduster84 Posts: 1,283
    drtyfrnk29 wrote:
    Holy crap, that is wild. I may get shit for this but I liked his role in Ten Things I Hate About You was his best role. What a shame.

    He was stunning in Brokeback Mountain.....

    His performance in Dark Knight looks set to be legendary, the trailer is amazing....

    RIP dude
    'The more I studied religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.' - Sir Richard Francis Burton
  • pjoasisrulepjoasisrule Posts: 3,412
    very shocking indeed, out of all celebs I really would not have expected to hear he was dead............on the other hand, I am still waiting for the day when I hear about Britney Spears dead (and the month of 24/7 news coverage we will get about it)
    Alpine Valley 2000
    Summerfest 2006

    "Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
  • So sad. So senseless.
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    omg :( That's insane! I always really liked him as an actor...Patriot, Knight's Tale and I am SO insanely pumped to see him as Joker in the new Batman. This just really depresses me. So much talent and a long future ahead of him. Always seemed like a good guy. Wonder what went wrong. :(

    Of course guys like this go so young and the train wrecks of the world (Brit, Lohan) just keep on doing stupid shit and keep on ticking. :rolleyes:
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqbcV39Sq1o

    im sure he didnt want to go so soon. RIP.
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,436
    Wow. Just wow.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • anothercloneanotherclone Posts: 1,688
    This seems pretty trivial at this point, but I did hear that The Dark Knight is in post production. So, can you imagine how bitter sweet its going to be when this actually does get released? That movie is going to be huge.

    Kudos to whomever here mentioned the movie "Candy", that movie was so dark. He was great in it.
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    how awful, he was so young and with a kid too :(
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091

    tragic news daily.
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • rival.rival. Chicago Posts: 7,775
    found in mary-kate olsen's apartment. ah man, this can get ugly.
  • drivingrldrivingrl Posts: 1,448
    He was totally not on my celebrity death watch list. Damn.
    drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
    kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.

  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    This seems pretty trivial at this point, but I did hear that The Dark Knight is in post production. So, can you imagine how bitter sweet its going to be when this actually does get released? That movie is going to be huge.

    Yeah, not only was it going to be huge based on the AMAZING trailers and the chills I get in the short clips you see of him, but it's going to be really weird seeing this now. Just sad and strange all around.
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • gabersgabers Posts: 2,787
    found in mary-kate olsen's apartment. ah man, this can get ugly.

    Are you joking?

    What a shame, what a waste. So young, so full of promise. But worst of all, he's leaving behind a 2-year old daughter.
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