Wow. Who cares? I'm just drunk and laughing at it all. Get a guitar? Get a clue. Be your best you (OK, I think I just gagged when I wrote that). Is there really some sort of band war going on here? Worst. Fight. Ever. Notice how those are one-word sentences. That makes each word seem more important.
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
Wow. Who cares? I'm just drunk and laughing at it all. Get a guitar? Get a clue. Be your best you (OK, I think I just gagged when I wrote that). Is there really some sort of band war going on here? Worst. Fight. Ever. Notice how those are one-word sentences. That makes each word seem more important.
You didn't play sports past the high school level did you? If at all. It's all about competition. I thrive on it. I do it in business too. I don't like to be told somebody's better. I want to be shown. This isn't a fight. It's a open contest. A fight would be my ape like knuckles draggin across the face of a smart ass pussy boy who think Wolfmother is better than Black Sabbath or whatever.
This doesn't really involve you anyway. Either post your shit or bow out. There's no band war going on here. I just like logging on here and making jokes and having peace...not having to deal with 10 different sissies who are so insecure in their own skin that they can't show us what they've got. Wouldn't that make for an interesting thread? I thought so. So why fuck with it. Drink 3 more and pass out.
I had no idea Bronson Arroyo posted on the PJ board. Did you really just bring up prep sports, Bronson? Two to go and I pass out.
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
I usually post in the musicians forum and i don't recall seeing any of your work there. I try to check most things but i may have missed it. Do you ever post your tunes in that forum? The people are really cool and very appreciative of other peoples work, and the only criticism is constructive. They are good people. You should post some of your things there because there may be some like me who don't wander over in here too often. (and that's for no other reason than there are always too many god damn posts to read! , you folks are good people too! )
Don't worry about people being nasty. Some people just can't help themselves. I'm a musician and i'm happy with what i put out there. I'm don't want to be in competition with anyone else nor do i look to be, because what i play, i play for me. I don't play to make other people happy. I do it to make me happy. Music shouldn't be about making other people happy. If you are feeling it and it's feeling good with you, then that's all that matters.
Stay proud of your work and don't worry about the negativity. Who cares what they think.
I usually post in the musicians forum and i don't recall seeing any of your work there. I try to check most things but i may have missed it. Do you ever post your tunes in that forum? The people are really cool and very appreciative of other peoples work, and the only criticism is constructive. They are good people. You should post some of your things there because there may be some like me who don't wander over in here too often. (and that's for no other reason than there are always too many god damn posts to read! , you folks are good people too! )
Don't worry about people being nasty. Some people just can't help themselves. I'm a musician and i'm happy with what i put out there. I'm don't want to be in competition with anyone else nor do i look to be, because what i play, i play for me. I don't play to make other people happy. I do it to make me happy. Music shouldn't be about making other people happy. If you are feeling it and it's feeling good with you, then that's all that matters.
Stay proud of your work and don't worry about the negativity. Who cares what they think.
I appreciate that. And for the most part, the feedback has been awesome. I think the guitar "virtuosos" are the ones I have faults with. They're obviously taking some of their own shortcomings out on people like me who play live once every 6 months for about 20 minutes. I'm just sharing what I did. I'm not looking for a Grammy. But I'm also not looking for a dude in his early 30's who's never gonna be shit to tell me I'm not shit. But you're right, I don't play for them anyway so fuck 'em. Thanks for the kind words.
Basketball? Football? Baseball? What kind of ball are you talking about? And what does that have to do with playing competitive guitar? And what does that have to do with anything, anyway? You can do this; I can do that; we can both agree that American Idol lets too many people think they're talented. No Pit-on-Pit crime!
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
Basketball? Football? Baseball? What kind of ball are you talking about? And what does that have to do with playing competitive guitar? And what does that have to do with anything, anyway? You can do this; I can do that; we can both agree that American Idol lets too many people think they're talented. No Pit-on-Pit crime!
I'm offering you a competition and you're continually sidestepping it. Either post your shit if you're competitive or don't and prove my theory.
I'm not a musician. And even if I was, I'd hope I'd have something better to do than get into a pissing contest on a band board. Can't we just all get along?
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
I'm not a musician. And even if I was, I'd hope I'd have something better to do than get into a pissing contest on a band board. Can't we just all get along?
You played me my friend. Touche. It won't happen again.
Now go buy a motherfucking guitar and report back in a few years;)
I'm not a musician. And even if I was, I'd hope I'd have something better to do than get into a pissing contest on a band board. Can't we just all get along?
Ohhh, and you have nothing better to do at 3:00 in the goddamn morning.
Unfortunately, you're right: I don't have anything better to do. One more and I can pass out.
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
Sydney 11/02/2003
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
One thing I've noticed is that when you play out and there are 10 other performers, everybody goes out of their way to say nice things to everybody instead of saying nothing at all if they sucked. They encourage you. But here, you get a few that just like to put your shit down. But I'll bet lyrically, on a ballad type song, my song is better than any ballad daytimedilemma could put together. Put it on here and prove me wrong. If I'm wrong, I'll say I'm wrong. If not, then why the fucking hate. It's not like I fucked your mom.
on my playing skills. You folks realize that I'm not a musician. I don't get around with my buddies and jam for hours. I don't write songs everyday. Fuck, I've never had a lesson. Then I get this shit "Post some more of your lame ass 3 chord songs" and all that shit which is hilarious because most of your great songs are just that. 3 or 4 chord songs that move people. Look, I suck on guitar. But, I can probably sing better than most of you. youtube it and prove me wrong. I'll do the same. But I'm sick of the guys who have great skill on the guitar but couldn't sing a corpse to sleep. Stop hating bitches. You don't like what I post, post something better. Maybe we should have a board contest of who can sing and playing Whipping, Betterman, Indifference, TYAAM, Master of War, original stuff, or whatever. I'm game. I'm not embarrassed to post some shit on here. And then the people can judge. I'm game. Just let me know. I'd like to put all the smart assed comments to rest. I challenge you all and am willing to accept defeat in grace.
Your music is quite enjoyable. Your ability to stay retired, not so much. It's all been said before, but FUCK EM'.
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
I love how this whole thread is basically aimed at me. Good job, sir. Really...couldn't this just be done in PMs? Oh wait, we tried that and it ended with you threatening me with violence.
...couldn't this just be done in PMs? Oh wait, we tried that and it ended with you threatening me with violence.
I thought that's what PM's were for? If I was mistaken I would like to ask the forgiveness of all those I've threatened over the years. Especially the ladies.
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
I love how this whole thread is basically aimed at me. Good job, sir. Really...couldn't this just be done in PMs? Oh wait, we tried that and it ended with you threatening me with violence.
Wooo Pearl Jam fans!
brought my name into it also.
kind of funny to me...
from one thread to next.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
I checked some of your stuff out and it sounds great to me. You have a very strong voice, and that certainly helps as well. I've sung in public before while playing, but only in the local coffeehouse back home...and at my favourite four-year-old's birthday party this past year. I tend to stick with just instrumental, because I know singing's not a strong point for me.
But anyway, I think there's a difference that has to be distinguished between those who can play well in a technical "rock-snob" sense and those who can put together a great song. Just because a song isn't a Steve Vai sound-alike (could that guy GET anymore annoying???) doesn't mean it's not good: I know many many people in the PJ community who say that Black is their favourite song, and it is by no means all that difficult to play. I can play decently I guess, but if I really judged myself by the virtuoso types, I suck. However, I can play just about anything I would have any desire to play, and I can put a song together that, in my own eyes, is a good one, which is more than enough for me. The only people I really ever find myself judging are the ones on the radio lately.
BUT...I think that any one of us takes the risk in posting our own material that there are going to be people who love it, and people who openly insult it. It's like that with all music; I personally don't know too many people who think Eddie Vedder is anything special (they rag on his singing...and of course his guitar abilities as well) yet I think every song he writes or touches pretty much turns to gold. I'm not saying that it's fair, but everyone runs that risk.
The best advice I can offer is to sluff off those comments as best you can and get back to the music. Don't get caught up in the insults of a few. There are ALWAYS critics, and out of those, there's always a few who get just a little bit nastier. You just have to laugh it off and think harder about whether or not you want to post material again, not that this should stop you by any means.
Keep on rockin'!
2003: Toronto
2005: Kitchener/Hamilton/Toronto
2006: Toronto 1 & 2
2008: Hartford/EV Toronto 1 & 2
2009: Toronto/Philadelphia 3 & 4
2010: Buffalo
2011: Montreal/Toronto 1 & 2/Hamilton
2013: London/Buffalo/Vancouver/Seattle 2016: Toronto 1 & 2 2022: Hamilton/Toronto 2023: EV Seattle 1&2
you're challenging people to a musical showdown? seriously? and what will that *prove* exactly? that you, or they, may be better/worse than other amateurs.....and this will make you feel better/superior...why?
playing music is not a competitive sport - it's a passion and love. i am by no means a musician, but my husband is...and quite good. he's been a bass player off and on since HS. his aspirations go no farther than a gig or two a month, perfecting his technique....always improving/growing. whoever suggested you post your music on the musician's forum is right - there you would get support and constructive criticism from like-minded musicians. here, you will get either the ego-stroke, or the you suck comments...neither are really useful.
what i honestly don't understand is why you care what total strangers on a message board say about your music. people who like you will tell you are good, and people who don't, or who simply like to start shite...will tell you you suck....none is truly objective opinions on your music/technique. honest feedback, if possible in the musician's forum. if all you want to read is how good it is, keep posting it only in AET, and ignore the haters. by starting this thread, you gave your haters even more ammunition, b/c they now know just how much it bothers you. IGNORE them. if they offer no constructive critique, their comments are worth nothing. enjoy your playing for what it brings to YOUR life.
Shit bro, you sound great. On guitar and vocals.
I sing and play as well and I think you got some talent.
Keep it up.
I have found in life that there are always people who do not like to see others succeed. Maybe b/c they are to scared to try what you do, or maybe b/c they have been put down there whole life. Who knows, but all I say to them is fuck off!
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I thought that's what PM's were for? If I was mistaken I would like to ask the forgiveness of all those I've threatened over the years. Especially the ladies.
why do you and cory always crack me up?
must be because Lou is gone :(
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
i am.
what exactly about my post makes you think otherwise? especially since i mention my HUSBAND in my post here? hahahaha.
but more importantly...i honeslty do not get the importance of someone's gender here for conversation? here's a thought...i remember on RM, some guy posed as a girl...for about a year! hahaha. and good on that really. so many people are not 'real' here, truly themselves....they 'play a character' so what difference does what gender they are mean, unless you're flirting of course.
anyhoooooooo...totally off topic. mea culpa. point is, as a musician, an artist....the only 'opinions' that should matter are those of your fellow musicians, whom you respect...who can help you grow/improve...offer honest assement and constructive criticism. the rest, let'sd face it...all in fun and feels good to be told how 'great' you are...and may sting a bit if someone says 'you suck'....but unless from someone you care about and/or respect...really doesn't matter in the least. and as i've said, i am no musician, but an artist....and after grad school, you just learn to toughen up and learn/accept the good and the bad critiques. it's how we grow/learn/improve.
I think if you are going to post your stuff online you have to be ready for negative feedback. With all this cruising around message boards I do I have learned that no matter WHAT someone is going to disagree, or be negative, or something along those lines. Its just the way it goes.
And after seeing somebody ask that the lost in columbus sticky be taking down on the porch because there are starting to be too many stickies, I have decided that nothing on this message board at this point in terms of negativity will surprise me.
I love you SENROCK;)
Why would you start was has no end?
You didn't play sports past the high school level did you? If at all. It's all about competition. I thrive on it. I do it in business too. I don't like to be told somebody's better. I want to be shown. This isn't a fight. It's a open contest. A fight would be my ape like knuckles draggin across the face of a smart ass pussy boy who think Wolfmother is better than Black Sabbath or whatever.
This doesn't really involve you anyway. Either post your shit or bow out. There's no band war going on here. I just like logging on here and making jokes and having peace...not having to deal with 10 different sissies who are so insecure in their own skin that they can't show us what they've got. Wouldn't that make for an interesting thread? I thought so. So why fuck with it. Drink 3 more and pass out.
Why would you start was has no end?
I did because I figured you didn't play college ball and I know goddamn well you didn't play pro.
You give up too easy. You don't know how to compete. Simple as that. I doubt you played high school ball.
Why would you start was has no end?
I usually post in the musicians forum and i don't recall seeing any of your work there. I try to check most things but i may have missed it. Do you ever post your tunes in that forum? The people are really cool and very appreciative of other peoples work, and the only criticism is constructive. They are good people. You should post some of your things there because there may be some like me who don't wander over in here too often. (and that's for no other reason than there are always too many god damn posts to read!
Don't worry about people being nasty. Some people just can't help themselves. I'm a musician and i'm happy with what i put out there. I'm don't want to be in competition with anyone else nor do i look to be, because what i play, i play for me. I don't play to make other people happy. I do it to make me happy. Music shouldn't be about making other people happy. If you are feeling it and it's feeling good with you, then that's all that matters.
Stay proud of your work and don't worry about the negativity. Who cares what they think.
I appreciate that. And for the most part, the feedback has been awesome. I think the guitar "virtuosos" are the ones I have faults with. They're obviously taking some of their own shortcomings out on people like me who play live once every 6 months for about 20 minutes. I'm just sharing what I did. I'm not looking for a Grammy. But I'm also not looking for a dude in his early 30's who's never gonna be shit to tell me I'm not shit. But you're right, I don't play for them anyway so fuck 'em. Thanks for the kind words.
Why would you start was has no end?
I'm offering you a competition and you're continually sidestepping it. Either post your shit if you're competitive or don't and prove my theory.
We'll do the same song.
What'll it be?
There's your fucking competition.
Why would you start was has no end?
Hope to hear from you.
I warn you, my voice is panty throwing worthy;)
Why would you start was has no end?
You played me my friend. Touche. It won't happen again.
Now go buy a motherfucking guitar and report back in a few years;)
Why would you start was has no end?
Ohhh, and you have nothing better to do at 3:00 in the goddamn morning.
Why would you start was has no end?
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
they just don't understand you. Forget 'em. They aren't worth it.
Haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love ...I just wanna pee on you
be-WARE gets two sacks today as romo throws for 4 TD's
Mention my name without me fucking being here?
You sir, have crossed the line.
Your music is quite enjoyable. Your ability to stay retired, not so much.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Wooo Pearl Jam fans!
I thought that's what PM's were for? If I was mistaken I would like to ask the forgiveness of all those I've threatened over the years. Especially the ladies.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
brought my name into it also.
kind of funny to me...
from one thread to next.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
But anyway, I think there's a difference that has to be distinguished between those who can play well in a technical "rock-snob" sense and those who can put together a great song. Just because a song isn't a Steve Vai sound-alike (could that guy GET anymore annoying???) doesn't mean it's not good: I know many many people in the PJ community who say that Black is their favourite song, and it is by no means all that difficult to play. I can play decently I guess, but if I really judged myself by the virtuoso types, I suck. However, I can play just about anything I would have any desire to play, and I can put a song together that, in my own eyes, is a good one, which is more than enough for me. The only people I really ever find myself judging are the ones on the radio lately.
BUT...I think that any one of us takes the risk in posting our own material that there are going to be people who love it, and people who openly insult it. It's like that with all music; I personally don't know too many people who think Eddie Vedder is anything special (they rag on his singing...and of course his guitar abilities as well) yet I think every song he writes or touches pretty much turns to gold. I'm not saying that it's fair, but everyone runs that risk.
The best advice I can offer is to sluff off those comments as best you can and get back to the music. Don't get caught up in the insults of a few. There are ALWAYS critics, and out of those, there's always a few who get just a little bit nastier. You just have to laugh it off and think harder about whether or not you want to post material again, not that this should stop you by any means.
Keep on rockin'!
2005: Kitchener/Hamilton/Toronto
2006: Toronto 1 & 2
2008: Hartford/EV Toronto 1 & 2
2009: Toronto/Philadelphia 3 & 4
2010: Buffalo
2011: Montreal/Toronto 1 & 2/Hamilton
2013: London/Buffalo/Vancouver/Seattle
2016: Toronto 1 & 2
2022: Hamilton/Toronto
2023: EV Seattle 1&2
playing music is not a competitive sport - it's a passion and love. i am by no means a musician, but my husband is...and quite good. he's been a bass player off and on since HS. his aspirations go no farther than a gig or two a month, perfecting his technique....always improving/growing. whoever suggested you post your music on the musician's forum is right - there you would get support and constructive criticism from like-minded musicians. here, you will get either the ego-stroke, or the you suck comments...neither are really useful.
what i honestly don't understand is why you care what total strangers on a message board say about your music. people who like you will tell you are good, and people who don't, or who simply like to start shite...will tell you you suck....none is truly objective opinions on your music/technique. honest feedback, if possible in the musician's forum. if all you want to read is how good it is, keep posting it only in AET, and ignore the haters. by starting this thread, you gave your haters even more ammunition, b/c they now know just how much it bothers you. IGNORE them. if they offer no constructive critique, their comments are worth nothing. enjoy your playing for what it brings to YOUR life.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Shit bro, you sound great. On guitar and vocals.
I sing and play as well and I think you got some talent.
Keep it up.
I have found in life that there are always people who do not like to see others succeed. Maybe b/c they are to scared to try what you do, or maybe b/c they have been put down there whole life. Who knows, but all I say to them is fuck off!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
why do you and cory always crack me up?
must be because Lou is gone :(
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
I'm so confused to some of the gender on here...
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
i am.
what exactly about my post makes you think otherwise?
especially since i mention my HUSBAND in my post here? hahahaha.
but more importantly...i honeslty do not get the importance of someone's gender here for conversation? here's a thought...i remember on RM, some guy posed as a girl...for about a year!
anyhoooooooo...totally off topic. mea culpa. point is, as a musician, an artist....the only 'opinions' that should matter are those of your fellow musicians, whom you respect...who can help you grow/improve...offer honest assement and constructive criticism. the rest, let'sd face it...all in fun and feels good to be told how 'great' you are...and may sting a bit if someone says 'you suck'....but unless from someone you care about and/or respect...really doesn't matter in the least. and as i've said, i am no musician, but an artist....and after grad school, you just learn to toughen up and learn/accept the good and the bad critiques. it's how we grow/learn/improve.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
And after seeing somebody ask that the lost in columbus sticky be taking down on the porch because there are starting to be too many stickies, I have decided that nothing on this message board at this point in terms of negativity will surprise me.
But, your songs did sound good.