UFC 75 - London: Rampage Jackson Vs. Dan Henderson / Mirko Cro Cop Vs. Cheick Kongo



  • ReleasH wrote:
    Remember that you're talking to a type-A here, so 6 for 9 is just an okay performance on my part ;)

    :D haha
  • ReleasHReleasH Posts: 743
    As always, it was a pleasure watching UFC and posting with you mookie. :)

    I'm somewhat surprised we didn't have more people in here with the event being free. But a good night overall, regardless.
  • ReleasH wrote:
    As always, it was a pleasure watching UFC and posting with you mookie. :)

    I'm somewhat surprised we didn't have more people in here with the event being free. But a good night overall, regardless.

    same here. :)

    ceg is absent, but good to see metsy and LBC back around. :)
  • Hamill didn't do anything when he got Bisping down, if he'd done just a little, he would have won...though Bisping really didn't do much offensively, and the split decision was a fair assessment, but come on 30 - 27?
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • Kongo with the improved ground defense, and even was agressive taking Cro Cop down, but it was Kongo physical dominance that Cro Cop couldn't deal with in the end. Looking forward to Kongo's continued improvement
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • Marcus Davis with the great turn around, wow
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • haven't read anyone's posts yet, been waiting for this next fight, Rampage vs Henderson...my head tells me Dan, but my instinct says Rampage, if he can come in as focused as he did with Chuck. Hope it's a great fight, being the first ufc/pride championship.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • wow, first round down with Rampage and Dangerous, some haymakers that didn't land, great mui-tai knees by Dan to Rampage's outside left thigh, impressive ground defense by Rampage when Dan got side control.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • end of two, quiet at the start, not to impressed, and a little surprised at Dan's inability to do damage when he had side control, Rampage threw some great forearms/elbows/punches to the body for the short time he had top control on the ground
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • better third round, dan still has nothing when he has control on the ground, a great exchange of blows on their feet at the start by both fighters, Rampage some light damage on the ground, but Dan great reversal and kamora attempt, I'm thinking 2 -1 Rampage so far
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • four to Rampage, controlled Dan the entire round, nice standing exchange toward the end by both fighters.

    4-1 Rampage, Dan needs a tko of some type
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • oops, meant 3-1 Rampage last post, but after round 5, the best round of the fight, Dan finally got agressive, took chances, and I loved the Rampage didn't back down, even though he had the fight won. Both fighters hurt each other at least once this round, Dan caught Rampage twice nicely, both fighters took some shots, Dan showed some nice ground and pound, and Rampage showed some more great ground defense...Rampage 4 - 1.

    205 is seriously loaded with talent, there will be no mediocre opponents contending for the title anytime soon.

    great fight, loved all the different aspects each fighter brought to it, I think Dan was too conservative in his approach, though it he would have kept up the mui-tai knees to the outer leg for the 2nd and 3rd rounds, it may have been helpful for the end of the fight.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • love Rampage... "I didn't know Dan's face would beat up my hands" lol
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • nice picks, releash. :) i think i just had the main event spoiled by my old buddy, LBC, unless he's joking around...i'm not going back to check the rest of this page in case cropdustress has been in here.

    alexander by submission is going against the grain, but you almost had your cote submission last time so you never know...

    enjoy the show! :)
    Yeah, I wasnt here til just now. and I didnt spoil it for you this time :D

    But oh man. Cro Cop :( :o
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • love Rampage... "I didn't know Dan's face would beat up my hands" lol

    :D funny stuff.

    i guess you were watching the west coast feed, beachdweller? seems as though everyone has taken off, probabaly to watch the show again. :) good point about dan's knees. he was getting a lot of power into those from such an odd angle. could have paid off in the fourth and fifth.
  • ReleasH wrote:
    I didn't catch that. Did he have it on during his entrance? btw, he needs better entrance music!

    WHAT?!?! Duran Duran RULE!! i loved his music!! :D

    heheh... you're probably too young to be a Duran Duran fan.... :o:p
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • great final round. i really enjoyed that fight, but it was frustrating watching kongo try for the takedown in the clinch against the fence. he usually throws some very nice elbows in that position and i think he could have done a lot of damage there. still, quite a performance by cheick kongo to outstrike, and especially out kick, mirko cro cop.

    hey! quick question about being in the clich against the fence.... how come they split up Mirko and Kongo so often when they were in that position, but they'll let Randy Couture stay in it for a full 5 (boring) minutes?!? :confused:
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • ReleasH wrote:
    crap, if Bisping lets this go to decision, he's going to lose on points.

    HOLY FUCKING COW!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe BISPING won by split decision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't believe it either... i know we were cheering for Bisping... but I think Hamill got robbed on that decision.... :(
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • ReleasH wrote:
    Where is CEG tonight?? I guess I'm gonna have to be girly without her .... GSP was looking HOT tonight. And Henderson isn't bad either ;)

    Good morning guys!! sorry i wasn't here last night.... I logged on before the show to see if you guys were 'warming up' - but then i saw LBC's posts about the Cro Cop fight and quickly left again so as to not ruin any more.... :mad:

    hehehe... yah, i got all giggly when they showed GSP.... who were those guys he was with? ;)
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • ReleasHReleasH Posts: 743
    WHAT?!?! Duran Duran RULE!! i loved his music!! :D

    heheh... you're probably too young to be a Duran Duran fan.... :o:p

    heheheh . . .duran duran is terrible entrance music not matter how old/young you are! :p

    hamill and bisping was a strange fight. I guess hamill wanted to prove he has a standup game but like beachdweller said, he probably lost because he kept letting bisping back up from the ground. I smell a rematch!

    as always gsp was looking gorgeous in the crowd. he was sitting with brandon vera. i'm not sure who the other guy was ...mookie will probably know. although they all had too much clothing on . . .we need octagon boys!!! ;)
  • hey! quick question about being in the clich against the fence.... how come they split up Mirko and Kongo so often when they were in that position, but they'll let Randy Couture stay in it for a full 5 (boring) minutes?!? :confused:

    sorry, ceg, i forgot to attempt to answer this when you asked about randy before. it's always at the referee's discretion as to when a fight is stood up due to inactivity or failure to improve position on the ground or against the fence. in randy's case, he's well known by the refs for being a grappler who works for the takedown and stays "busy" in the clinch using "dirty boxing" (what we would call hockey fighting ;)), elbows, shoulder strikes, etc.

    in the case of the fight with gonzaga, both guys are grapplers who were waiting for their opponent to make a mistake and take advantage. well, mostly randy was the one controlling and waiting for gabriel to either be off balance or to be out of position so that randy could get either an inside leg trip or slam on gabriel. so in a fight like that where the referee knows that both guys are working hard to change body locks, get over and under hooks and striking enough to keep the action going the referee is not likely to break it up.

    in the kongo vs. cro cop fight, both guys are strikers for the most part. the clinch game for kongo is one that he uses mostly against weaker strikers who he can force against the cage and use elbows and knees to stay busy or finish the fight. with mirko, he was basically just holding him there, not working effectively enough for a takedown or creating space to strike. mirko wasn't working to escape and was just holding off the ineffective takedown attempts. this inactivity, or stalemate, combined with the groin shots that mirko was taking ;), probably would leave the ref more inclined to break the clinch and restart the action.

    there is also something to be said for randy's age, reputation and experience that probably gives him a bit more leniancy in how a referee is going to handle how much time he gives him to improve position or stay busy. in the fight with tim sylvia, though, randy was stood up a couple of times due to a lack of progress in position...and the crowd booed a stand up for the first time i can recall! :D i don't mean to say that randy gets an advantage, but it's just that that has often been his modus operandi...to wear down his opponent with clinch tactics and get them to the point where they are tired enough that he can outwork them and ground and pound to victory or get the decision. he is always smart with his gameplans and is often fighting the bigger and younger opponent. coming from another fighter, the same tactics might seem a little more boring, but because it's randy and he is often the smaller guy and the underdog people rally behind him and get excited about a fighting style they might otherwise find doesn't suit their taste.

    anyway, hope that helps a bit and makes some sense. maybe if someone else has more technical knowledge they'll be able to explain it better. just thought i would share a few thoughts. :)
  • ReleasH wrote:
    heheheh . . .duran duran is terrible entrance music not matter how old/young you are! :p

    hamill and bisping was a strange fight. I guess hamill wanted to prove he has a standup game but like beachdweller said, he probably lost because he kept letting bisping back up from the ground. I smell a rematch!

    as always gsp was looking gorgeous in the crowd. he was sitting with brandon vera. i'm not sure who the other guy was ...mookie will probably know. although they all had too much clothing on . . .we need octagon boys!!! ;)

    not sure who the other guys was, actually, but he didn't seem to want to be on camera as brandon had to drag him into the shot. :D

    mirko...if you're reading this...releash is only joking about your taste in music. please don't be angered with the rest of us for her sense of humour, sir. :):D

    edit: i was just watching a couple of the fights again, and i believe it's roger huerta that bradon dragged into the picture. i didn't recognize him clean shaven and with a vest on?
  • Hamill got screwed. I didn't see a close fight between him and Bisping... I saw Hamill dominating Bisping and totally agree with the judge who scored it 30-27 for Hamill.

    Marcus Davis v. Paul Taylor was the best fight of the night, even though it lasted less than one round.
  • ReleasHReleasH Posts: 743
    not sure who the other guys was, actually, but he didn't seem to want to be on camera as brandon had to drag him into the shot. :D

    mirko...if you're reading this...releash is only joking about your taste in music. please don't be angered with the rest of us for her sense of humour, sir. :D

    edit: i was just watching a couple of the fights again, and i believe it's roger huerta that bradon dragged into the picture. i didb't recognize him clean shaven and with a vest on?

    mirko ... I am not joking about your taste in music. Duran Duran, SERIOUSLY!!?? ;) But I would be happy to pick out some new music for you ... might I suggest Slaves and Bulldozers? :)

    Well, if Roger Huerta was the guy that Brandon pulled into view, then he definitely looks better scruffy and in tiny little shorts! :p
  • Sorry, I'm late on this thread.

    I got up early on Sunday morning after feeding the boy and watched this show on TiVo. I really was looking forward to the Matt Hamill/Michael Bisping fight.

    Were the judges watching the same fight? Bisping had very little offense...Hamill owned him from beginning to end.

    What's the deal?

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • ReleasH wrote:
    mirko ... I am not joking about your taste in music. Duran Duran, SERIOUSLY!!?? But I would be happy to pick out some new music for you ... might I suggest Slaves and Bulldozers?

    Well, if Roger Huerta was the guy that Brandon pulled into view, then he definitely looks better scruffy and in tiny little shorts! :p

    first of all - i just had a really good laugh, becuase i didn't look at the name of the person who posted this, and I was expecting it to be PBM's post above - and i thought wow! PBM is a Huerta fan too?? ;):D haha... sorry PBM... :o

    i am not suprised that it was Roger... that dude was cute... that's why i asked... :p
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • Sorry, I'm late on this thread.

    I got up early on Sunday morning after feeding the boy and watched this show on TiVo. I really was looking forward to the Matt Hamill/Michael Bisping fight.

    Were the judges watching the same fight? Bisping had very little offense...Hamill owned him from beginning to end.

    What's the deal?


    i was reading a little blurb today about dana white commenting on the fight, and he said he saw hamill winning...i think he said he would have given it to him 29-28. he said he was very unhappy with the judges decision, and that they are setting up a rematch asap.
  • i was reading a little blurb today about dana white commenting on the fight, and he said he saw hamill winning...i think he said he would have given it to him 29-28. he said he was very unhappy with the judges decision, and that they are setting up a rematch asap.

    The last couple of times I saw Bisping fight he dominated. Not so this time. He was on the defensive most of the bout.

    Hamill would have beaten him in the TUF finals and should have gotten the victory on Saturday.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • there was already one of these on the top page...so I thought I'd add another!
    "It's all happening"
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
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