Ever broken a bone?

Just wondering, as I'm laid up here in the age old male tradition of wearing a bag of frozen peas on my foot!
Seems in my ever more pathetic desire to stay young and fit, I have probably broken a bone, somewhere just between the ball of my foot and my big toe.
It's a strange kind of pain, like a dull ache, and throbbing....ouchie!
Seems in my ever more pathetic desire to stay young and fit, I have probably broken a bone, somewhere just between the ball of my foot and my big toe.
It's a strange kind of pain, like a dull ache, and throbbing....ouchie!
I came, I saw, I concurred.....
Post edited by Unknown User on
How did you break your foot?
Broken Arm once
My knee probably looks like a shredded beef taco on the inside.
nice imagery
I hear it pop every morning, and every time I go snowboarding. I just lather it up with Sour Cream and it's good to go
Throw in a little Frank's Hot Sauce and you won't feel a thing
Playing 5 a side football with a bunch of mates, who are also old enough to know better. I was running onto a ball to shoot, I gave it my full pelt, and this awkward scrawney little guy lunged across to block it...I hit the ball very hard, and also his outstretched foot at the same time. Knocked him off his feet...the tosser!
Somehow I guessed it would be football related.
Sorry to hear that Jamie. Is it your first broken bone?
No, believe it or not I once broke my arm playing football! Unlike this one here, there was no mistaking it, the bone just above my wrist was clearly snapped, you could see it pointing the wrong way under the skin.
Maybe you should give up football and take up curling then.
curling is dangerous.
i watched a girl from my work slip on the ice and land on the back of her head.
but never ever tell a man to give up football.. thats like us telling women to give up moaning... its never going to happen
Well, I kinda gave it up, this 5 a side stuff is different. I can't give this up, I need it.
And as for injuries when i was playing.....I won't list them all, I had more than Bryan Robson...actually, you probably have no idea with that analogy, so let's just say I had lots.:)
You're right. I have no idea who he is. I've never broken a bone either. :cool:
Holy Fuck! Ouch!
Although you made out better than a kid in my Jr. High. The truck driver that ran into him said "that's what you get for skateboarding" after the kid died :(
Ok, I feel like a blouse now, with my frozen peas!
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
football in 3rd grade - busted up left ankle.
3 wheeler accident head on into a metal culvert/drainage pipe - left knee = got smoked, chip out of it and a dent like in it.
some drunk prick wanted to fight - broke my nose.
broken heart a few times.
lotsa stiches, lotsa blood, lotsa being knocked unconscience.
lotsa road rash.
this thread is hilarious.
reminds me of the movie JAWS where they are compairing scars.
funny shit this thread...
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
* Left tibia and fibia - Brother stepped on it as a baby
* Collarbone, twice - One mountain bike and one bouncy castle injury
* 4 ribs - Fell out of a tree
* Both wrists 4 times each - Xcountry and downhill mountain biking
* Left knee - Snowboarding
* Chipped my left elbow - Mountain Biking
* Middle, ring and pinky fingers on right hand - Pissed
* Ring knuckle on right hand - Punched a table
* Fractured my skull - Mountain Biking
* Fractured my cheek - Riding my bike as a child
* Smashed all 4 front teeth out - Same time as fracturing cheek bone
No compound fractures as yet... damn i'm gonna be excited when I finally get one of those babies! :rolleyes: lol
Also.... nearly sliced thumb off with stanley blade (fantastic scar on right hand), smashed face in numerous times on bike, ripped several ligaments tendons and muscles and had stupid number of stitches and industrial sized dressings....
Basically, I'm a liabilty.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
and i thought i was bad off.
easy does it dude.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
And compond fractures...oh, I saw a few of those during football games, not a pretty sight.
I challenge you to watch this without cringing at least once.
Mountain biking can be really dangerous, especially when you're throwing yourself off huge verts onto piles of rocks or into quarries. Tbh alot of my injuries have been done while getting my confidence up on my bike when I was younger, not getting my ass far enough back over the saddle, leaning too far into bends etc.
I've seen a few compound fractures.... I agree, not pleasant.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
I didnt!
hahaha! thats ace!
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
Then..you are sick my friend.
btw, foot update: Peas aren't bringing the swelling down, and there's some rather magnificent bruising just starting to appear.
erm.... yes? lol
I used to work in a mortuary and after years of seeing my own dangling limbs and blood, nothing shocks me! LMAO
They don't make gals like me anymore...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
A broken foot isn't supposed to keep the mail from arriving!!
remind me never to go for a gentle cycle ride with you