Is It Really Better To Have Loved And Lost Than



  • TrailerTrailer Posts: 1,431
    genie wrote:
    you knew i would like that? :eek: that kinda shit creeps me out, it makes me paranoid thinking what else you might know or predict about me.

    saying this however, there is one person in here that i think i can predict...well because i think he's a bit of a dork, in a loving way of course ;):D

    I was joking haha... I know nothing about you and can not predict anything. Matter of fact, I'm kinda scared of you;):D **runs and hides**
    Whoa, chill bro... you know you can't raise your voice like that when the lion's here.
  • I won't forget you, baby... I won't forget you
    I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    To Never Have Loved At All ...??

    Yes. It's always better. :)
  • SpunkieSpunkie i come from downtown. Posts: 6,832
    not if you are not loved in return.

    tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all...that implies that YOU are doing both the loving and the losing.

    so, with that in mind - no. I would rather not have loved at all if, even tho I have loved, I was not loved in return. adding salt to the wound is the fact that my love was not enough to not have lost in the end.

    so now i have loved, not been loved back, and then lost that one-sided love.

    nope. I would rather be loved, than to love.
    I like to keep in mind another sage's advice: if you can't have the one you love...honey. love the one you're with (I add this part) but make sure that they love you more, and they know how to take out the fucking garbage...I mean, really how fucking difficult is this??


    I don' think the expression states anything about not being loved in return.

    St. Francis has a prayer about it being better to love than be loved. I'd have to disagree with most of your post, except the song quote and the god-damn garbage. I mean really, what else are men for? That and their C++ck, that is.
    I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef 
    Animals were hiding behind the Coral 
    Except for little Turtle
    I could swear he's trying to talk to me 
    Gurgle Gurgle
  • tish wrote:
    I don' think the expression states anything about not being loved in return.

    St. Francis has a prayer about it being better to love than be loved. I'd have to disagree with most of your post, except the song quote and the god-damn garbage. I mean really, what else are men for? That and their C++ck, that is.

    I was going with the Lord.
    "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Lord Tennyson, that is.

    I stated IF...I was saying that IF I was doing more of the loving, and yet I still lost...I would rather have never been/seen/tried.

    defeatist. . .well, sure i am. ;)

    the St. Francis prayer
    "Lord, make me a channel of thy peace - that where there is hatred, I may bring love - that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness - that where there is discord, I may bring harmony - that where there is error, I may bring truth - that where there is doubt, I may bring faith - that where there is despair, I may bring hope - that where there are shadows, I may bring light - that where there is sadness, I may bring joy. Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted - to understand, than to be understood - to love, than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life. Amen.

    does mention that it is better to love than to be loved, but the condition placed is the same one for any self-less act. so, if you are looking for selfless, then, I concur...but I was talking about loving someone who doesn't think you are ever good enough, and then they leave you...and you are stuck holding a bag full o' nuthin' and that bag is your self respect.

    If love is reciprocated, then you can trust and be selfless.

    but that is a quandary...chicken or the egg ain't it??
  • TrixieCatTrixieCat Posts: 5,756
    Yes, it is better to have loved.
    There is no other feeling like it in the world.
    If you can love once, you can love again.
    Cue the tune:

    Cheers to love.
    Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
    And I don't feel right when you're gone away
  • it is better to have loved and lost....than to have never loved at all.....

    unless of course..... you are in prison....

    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • gabersgabers Posts: 2,787
    I won't forget you, baby... I won't forget you

    I can't believe you're only the second person to reference Poison on this. :D
  • FinsburyParkCarrotsFinsburyParkCarrots Seattle, WA Posts: 12,223
    writersu wrote:
    yes, and as Mick Jagger so elequently put it,

    "If you can't rock me, somebody will............"

    Or, as Wayne/Jayne County put it better,

    "If you don't want to fuck me, baby fuck off." :D
  • SpunkieSpunkie i come from downtown. Posts: 6,832
    Or, "If she won't do it, her sister will."
    I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef 
    Animals were hiding behind the Coral 
    Except for little Turtle
    I could swear he's trying to talk to me 
    Gurgle Gurgle
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    writersu wrote:
    I don't know why I am responding since I am in a fog now and not clear of the answer at all........

    still, this is too tempting to not answer to.........

    There have been times I thought I was in love, when I was younger and it was just a disaster. Those were not the relationships that I like to think of really, if they were to be done over, I would have done like this cool guy I use to work with use to say, "played it better". He use to say, "it's all in the way you play it". Now I get it. I allowed myself to be made a joke from the same guys who sure enjoyed the joke sometimes. enough said on that.

    and then there is my current situation where I have been married for 17 years (damn, that sounds so long) and I am seperated for almost a year now, and I see that we never ever had the real love that people dream of, hope for and sometimes really do get. I just don't know how they get it, because I sure didn't know it at the time; that it wasn't really love like it should have been. But when I am sad and lonely, I think that if carma,or fate or whatever it is suppose to be called, plays a part in this life thing, then it is as it should have been because I have 4 wonderful kids that have been worth all of the disappointment, sadness, and whatever else I now feel because the marriage gave me these kids. I can't look at my ex husband or whatever the hell I am suppose to call him; sorry I SO do not know that answer, really, and say that he and I had these kids because he just doesn't have what it takes to be considered a good father; he is so out of touch with's sad really. So I feel that I had the kids alone, mostly, except for the chemical part, and now I still do. And even though I really am quite repulsed at him (after all of the times I wanted things to work with him and he was cold), because he killed the whole thing I am so glad that I have my kids because although they will grow and get on with their lives, as they should really, I hope they will always be in my life and I in theirs in appropriate ways as they grow.

    I still wonder about the love thing.........I wonder if when they are grown up and I think about getting into another relationship maybe if I will find real love.

    Yep, there it is. Pretty much the way I see it.

    I'd love to think it's better to have loved and lost than to have never have loved at all but sometimes you love so much and it all ends so badly that you wish you'd never felt love at all EVER. The ending tends to null and void the love you felt.

    Sometimes you lose and you are grateful that you loved anyway. But mostly losing means it probably wasn't really love anyway.
    I'd like to have a "better to have loved and won" kinda life but seems that only happens to some lucky people.

    Sometimes it's better to have loved and lost and sometimes it's better to have never loved at all.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    Jeanie wrote:
    Yep, there it is. Pretty much the way I see it.

    I'd love to think it's better to have loved and lost than to have never have loved at all but sometimes you love so much and it all ends so badly that you wish you'd never felt love at all EVER. The ending tends to null and void the love you felt.

    Sometimes you lose and you are grateful that you loved anyway. But mostly losing means it probably wasn't really love anyway.
    I'd like to have a "better to have loved and won" kinda life but seems that only happens to some lucky people.

    Sometimes it's better to have loved and lost and sometimes it's better to have never loved at all.

    kind of like that old song, "I learned the truth at 17. That love was meant for beauty queens and high school girls with clear skin smiles , who married young and then retired................." by that dyke chick but the words are true.................
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    writersu wrote:
    kind of like that old song, "I learned the truth at 17. That love was meant for beauty queens and high school girls with clear skin smiles , who married young and then retired................." by that dyke chick but the words are true.................

    Janis Ian. At Seventeen. :) A very cool song and a very cool chic.

    I don't even know if what I said made sense. I just know that how something ends colours how you view it.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • writersuwritersu Posts: 1,867
    Jeanie wrote:
    Janis Ian. At Seventeen. :) A very cool song and a very cool chic.

    I don't even know if what I said made sense. I just know that how something ends colours how you view it.

    yeah, that's her......profound song. I don't think I heard of her on any other songs although I am very sure that she had to do something. Can you think of any others?

    so I stand SO corrected on the dyke thing; she looks nothing like a dyke here; I think when I saw her she looked like one but she actually looks sort of pretty here......

    or have I just gotten older and broadened my sense of beauty???

    yeah, that is it I am sure...........
    Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......

    Together we will float like angels.........

    In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    writersu wrote:
    yeah, that's her......profound song. I don't think I heard of her on any other songs although I am very sure that she had to do something. Can you think of any others?

    so I stand SO corrected on the dyke thing; she looks nothing like a dyke here; I think when I saw her she looked like one but she actually looks sort of pretty here......

    or have I just gotten older and broadened my sense of beauty???

    yeah, that is it I am sure...........

    This is my favorite of hers. :)

    And yeah, I'm pretty sure I saw an interview with her recently-ish where she comes out so I think she is gay......I think. I agree, she's an attractive woman and I see that now but didn't when I was younger. :D

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    Well if first we can all agree on what 'love' is first. Then I reckon it's better to have never loved.
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    elmer wrote:
    Well if first we can all agree on what 'love' is first. Then I reckon it's better to have never loved.

    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    nfanel wrote:
    definitely better to have loved and lost.
    heartbreak is the WORST feeling in the world, but it's worth it for what's on the flipside.

    100% Correct.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    elmer wrote:
    Well if first we can all agree on what 'love' is first. Then I reckon it's better to have never loved.

    I have no problem with loving my family and then to have lost some of them. A thousand times I'd rather have loved them than not. But some of those romantic love entaglements I'd prefer I'd never laid eyes on let alone loved and lost.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • yes, yes and YES!
    i cannot imagine going thru my entire life without truly feeling *love* and receiving, if it means the heartache that follow whether love is lost or ended. love is just TOO good not to experience, no matter the aftermath. and, if you're lasts a loooooooooonnnng time. i've loved 3 men, truly, in my lifetime...and thankfully, one of em is going on 21 years of love. some of em VERY rough years, but the love.......always there.....and always worth it.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    writersu wrote:
    kind of like that old song, "I learned the truth at 17. That love was meant for beauty queens and high school girls with clear skin smiles , who married young and then retired................." by that dyke chick but the words are true.................

    WTF is this shit? Nothing spices up a conversation like some good ole fashioned bigotry. Heard any other poignant songs from some negroes or fags that you would like to discuss?
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    mookie9999 wrote:
    WTF is this shit? Nothing spices up a conversation like some good ole fashioned bigotry. Heard any other poignant songs from some negroes or fags that you would like to discuss?

    given some of the things I've seen you post, it's amusing that you've jumped on that. Filtering perhaps?

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    Jeanie wrote:
    given some of the things I've seen you post, it's amusing that you've jumped on that. Filtering perhaps?

    I invite you to bring up any time that I've used bigotry, racism, sexism, etc. on here. I make non-stop jokes (or attempts at them) but I frown upon words such as those being thrown around here.
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    mookie9999 wrote:
    I invite you to bring up any time that I've used bigotry, racism, sexism, etc. on here. I make non-stop jokes (or attempts at them) but I frown upon words such as those being thrown around here.

    I can think of plenty of times mookie when things that you have said could be construed as offensive but I don't feel the need to jump down your throat about it. You perceive yourself differently to how others do and I really cannot see the point to jumping down su's throat about what she's said in this thread unless of course you're feeling righteous today and you're looking for a fight.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    Jeanie wrote:
    I can think of plenty of times mookie when things that you have said could be construed as offensive but I don't feel the need to jump down your throat about it. You perceive yourself differently to how others do and I really cannot see the point to jumping down su's throat about what she's said in this thread unless of course you're feeling righteous today and you're looking for a fight.

    I don't doubt that things that I have said could be offensive to some. If anyone ever feels the need to call me out I have no issues discussing it with them. However, the only people that I can think of that aren't offended by words such as dyke and use them so haphazzardly are bigots. Not looking for a fight. Just would prefer to not see words like that. That's all. Peace.
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    mookie9999 wrote:
    I don't doubt that things that I have said could be offensive to some. If anyone ever feels the need to call me out I have no issues discussing it with them. However, the only people that I can think of that aren't offended by words such as dyke and use them so haphazardly are bigots. Not looking for a fight. Just would prefer to not see words like that. That's all. Peace.

    As I'm quite sure I've said things that others have found offensive, my point being that it's not been my intention to be offensive and I'm sure it's not been yours either AND I'm quite sure that whatever you think su is trying to say it probably isn't what you think it is. It's a word, she's used it, you don't like it, fine but don't be labelling her because you don't like it hey? Maybe wait and see what she has to say about it all? I didn't take her usage of the word to mean that she was a bigot she was simply trying to place the singer of the song.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    yeah, Cuntish. Cunt-ned!!! Please pay special attention to the 'ned', I feel that in years to come it will appear as a preface to all that ye say.......

    who asked yous to bastardize me language anyway!!!, yeh, get me ye fuckers!!!!

    stay 'in hiding' cos if I catch up wit yer I'm gonna take yo asa mullenkampz!!
  • Elmer!!!!!

    what the hell! How many drinks have you had today?!

  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    tish wrote:
    I mean really, what else are men for? That and their C++ck, that is.

    oh yeah, I totally are only any good for their crack ;):D
    angels share laughter
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