you dont? youve never closed your eyes while listening to music and seen the music? bring the audio and visual arts together: wassily kandinsky! there was a painter who tried to *see* music, and express it visually through his work. art about art. and it comes full circle.
hmm... its not something i can describe cause if i try i will fall short in expressing it correctly and completely. they have been linear and checkered patterns. the most common colours for me are red, white and black... varying shades. they move and form and break apart in time with the music... funnily enough. that might be a subpar explanation but tis the best i can do.
I get that a lot since I do most of my listening in the dark. It's kinda cool
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
well you know what angelica im not a mind reader and i dont know anyone who is. so its fine that to you explaining the ideal of Art is redundant for you but i sought an understanding from you through my question and you brushed it aside as it were inconsequential. dont just assume people know that you interchange terms according to your own definitions. i dont ask questions lightly and when required to do so nor do i answer them lightly. i figured seeings how you brought the term up you could explain it. apparently i was mistaken.
but Cate you know me kind of,
and yes i am a mind reader..
(but you knew that already)..(i think)..(maybe not) bring the audio and visual arts together: wassily kandinsky! there was a painter who tried to *see* music, and express it visually through his work. art about art. and it comes full circle.
art for art's sake.
art IS.
and it brings up the question what IS Art? and why does context matter? or does it? is it the michelangelo masterpiece? the graffitti on the the walls of the pedestrian tunnel? shepard fairey's OBEY GIANT? the purple horse your 4 year old beams with pride over? is it john cage's 4'33"?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
and it brings up the question what IS Art? and why does context matter? or does it? is it the michelangelo masterpiece? the graffitti on the the walls of the pedestrian tunnel? shepard fairey's OBEY GIANT? the purple horse your 4 year old beams with pride over? is it john cage's 4'33"?
of course.
my first post in this thread much earlier i said roughly the same. art IS. and the debate as to 'what is' art will go on indefinitely....but to me, what is art? art....just.....IS. it is beyond definition and debate. want to debate what is good or bad art, another topic entirely in my mind....but art just IS.
of course.
my first post in this thread much earlier i said roughly the same. art IS. and the debate as to 'what is' art will go on indefinitely....but to me, what is art? art....just.....IS. it is beyond definition and debate. want to debate what is good or bad art, another topic entirely in my mind....but art just IS.
is there such a thing as bad Art if Art just IS?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
There are no bad reasons for appreciating any art. There may be bad art though.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
This is where all emanates from the original ideal/form etc., in this case, of art.
For example, in Plato's assertion...the form or ideal of the tree exists, which includes all possible tree variables, including decay, defacement, etc....the negatives of the ideal. And yet the form or ideal, by encompassing it all, goes beyond it and beyond all possibilities.
"For example, a particular tree, with a branch or two missing, possibly alive, possibly dead, and with the initials of two lovers carved into its bark, is distinct from the abstract form of Tree-ness. A Tree is the ideal that each of us holds that allows us to identify the imperfect reflections of trees all around us."
This is also why "not-God" does not exist as an ultimate Truth.
*runs for cover*
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
beyond that, staying with the 'art IS' my mind, why not? just because it IS, doesn't mean there can't be descriptors of IT. adjectives are always welcome.
for me, i rarely speak in absolutes, all shades of grey in this wonderful existence, all various modes of thought.....rarely one *right* way to live, to think and certainly not for discussion of such malleable topics. so the statement 'art IS'.....encompasses all, and yet remains quite neutral. it IS. what of that 'IS' is up to you. so good, bad, and any other words can all be mixed in, does not in any way diminish that 'art IS.'
and round and round and round and round......we go!
btw - i don't believe in ultimate truths. perception is everything, and nothing.....and very, very subjective and insular. what is one 'ultimate truth' is someone else's false perception, ad nauseum. lots of lofty thoughts and discussions.....but all theories and ideas, so very open to various viewpoints, not definitive. very much like art.
beyond that, staying with the 'art IS' my mind, why not? just because it IS, doesn't mean there can't be descriptors of IT. adjectives are always welcome.
for me, i rarely speak in absolutes, all shades of grey in this wonderful existence, all various modes of thought.....rarely one *right* way to live, to think and certainly not for discussion of such malleable topics. so the statement 'art IS'.....encompasses all, and yet remains quite neutral. it IS. what of that 'IS' is up to you. so good, bad, and any other words can all be mixed in, does not in any way diminish that 'art IS.'
and round and round and round and round......we go!
btw - i don't believe in ultimate truths. perception is everything, and nothing.....and very, very subjective and insular. what is one 'ultimate truth' is someone else's false perception, ad nauseum. lots of lofty thoughts and discussions.....but all theories and ideas, so very open to various viewpoints, not definitive. very much like art.
oh i hear you. tis all subjective. i look at some Art and people rave about it and im dumbfounded. its like what the fuck are they thinking? but then i look at artists like hockney and lichtenstein, even jeffrey smart... and their work appears simple(though i know it cant be?) but for me i cant help but be drawn to it.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
btw - i don't believe in ultimate truths. perception is everything, and nothing.....and very, very subjective and insular. what is one 'ultimate truth' is someone else's false perception, ad nauseum. lots of lofty thoughts and discussions.....but all theories and ideas, so very open to various viewpoints, not definitive. very much like art.
I accept that you don't agree. I wonder, then, since numerous philosophers speak to ultimate truth beyond human perspective, do you think they are then wrong?
When you say beyond descriptors art just "is", are you saying that's just your opinion, or do you believe that is a fact or truth?
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
oh i hear you. tis all subjective. i look at some Art and people rave about it and im dumbfounded. its like what the fuck are they thinking? but then i look at artists like hockney and lichtenstein, even jeffrey smart... and their work appears simple(though i know it cant be?) but for me i cant help but be drawn to it.
simplicity in beauty, beauty in simplicity. never knock it. good stuff.
I accept that you don't agree. I wonder, then, since numerous philosophers speak to ultimate truth beyond human perspective, do you think they are then wrong?
When you say beyond descriptors art just "is", are you saying that's just your opinion, or do you believe that is a fact or truth?
i believe it's their opinion. if i don't believe in 'ultimate truth' can i say one is right or wrong? it's their own thought process to believe what they want to believe. i don't look for acceptance nor agreement. my opinion is simply my opinion, based on my own individual thoughts and experiences. i love philosophy since really it is a glimpse into another's mind and thought process, doesn't mean i have to agree or accept any of it though, nor does it at all imply i think others are right or wrong. again, i don't see most things in absolutes. my personal beliefs are just that. my. personal. beliefs.
*I* believe art just IS.......but what you or anyone else believes is your own affair. to me it is a fact, but i don't look at this as some absolute truth. things are what they are. if you want to label it, feel free....i just find no need. and i certainly do not view art and it's existence etc with some ideal truth or anything like that. while it can be entertaining to me to think and discuss such, it really is not how i personally view life and the world, so it doesn't hold much meaning to me. for me, art stems from within humanity, very much along the lines of what cate has posted. however, i do not discount one's rights to have another viewpoint. i may disagree, but in the really doesn't much matter. my own perspective will be as it is.
simplicity in beauty, beauty in simplicity. never knock it. good stuff.
i believe it's their opinion. if i don't believe in 'ultimate truth' can i say one is right or wrong? it's their own thought process to believe what they want to believe. i don't look for acceptance nor agreement. my opinion is simply my opinion, based on my own individual thoughts and experiences. i love philosophy since really it is a glimpse into another's mind and thought process, doesn't mean i have to agree or accept any of it though, nor does it at all imply i think others are right or wrong. again, i don't see most things in absolutes. my personal beliefs are just that. my. personal. beliefs.
*I* believe art just IS.......but what you or anyone else believes is your own affair. to me it is a fact, but i don't look at this as some absolute truth. things are what they are. if you want to label it, feel free....i just find no need. and i certainly do not view art and it's existence etc with some ideal truth or anything like that. while it can be entertaining to me to think and discuss such, it really is not how i personally view life and the world, so it doesn't hold much meaning to me. for me, art stems from within humanity, very much along the lines of what cate has posted. however, i do not discount one's rights to have another viewpoint. i may disagree, but in the really doesn't much matter. my own perspective will be as it is.
Fair enough.
So then, it sounds like you don't think it's a universal truth beyond your opinion/perception that all things are subjective.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr bring the audio and visual arts together: wassily kandinsky! there was a painter who tried to *see* music, and express it visually through his work. art about art. and it comes full circle.
art for art's sake.
art IS.
i was *about* to mention kandinsky, i know i can count you on to represent when i'm not here cheers!
and i'm with you, art is. whatever follows that "is" is up to the viewer or the creator of said art there's no right or wrong, i think because it is such a visceral thing. it's about how it makes you FEEL, and there's no right/wrong in that
btw - i don't believe in ultimate truths. perception is everything, and nothing.....and very, very subjective and insular. what is one 'ultimate truth' is someone else's false perception, ad nauseum. lots of lofty thoughts and discussions.....but all theories and ideas, so very open to various viewpoints, not definitive. very much like art.
as i said....i don't believe in the concept of universal truths. so i don't 'think' anything about it beyond it's non-existence. everything else is clearly opinion, perception...and yes....all entirely subjective. your pov to me is enitrely subjective as well, along with whatever supporting 'evidence' you have presented. you may believe it, but doesn't make it true. nor does my belief, or disbelief, make something true or negate something that is. perception is everything. you might call that a universal truth, but i just don't see things that way. and so it goes........
i was *about* to mention kandinsky, i know i can count you on to represent when i'm not here cheers!
and i'm with you, art is. whatever follows that "is" is up to the viewer or the creator of said art there's no right or wrong, i think because it is such a visceral thing. it's about how it makes you FEEL, and there's no right/wrong in that
kandinsky is the shit. :cool: i don't know if i necessarily think he was 'successful' in illustrating music thru painting. but then again, i think merely the attempt to do such, is a success....if that makes sense to you as it does to me. either way, made some gloriously beautiful paintings, and THAT is a success for the viewer, and kandinsky seemed rather pleased with his sure, win-win.
i DO think of art as visceral....but i also see it as intellectual too. it can be both, one or the other....or something else entirely. see...think.....feel......question. i think all of that is what art is about for me. truly 'great' art may make me do all 4.......even maybe just 1, yet so powerfully, tis still great. i most definitely see it as human, and purely human expression. whatever *it* is......i love it.
as i said....i don't believe in the concept of universal truths. so i don't 'think' anything about it beyond it's non-existence. everything else is clearly opinion, perception...and yes....all entirely subjective. your pov to me is enitrely subjective as well, along with whatever supporting 'evidence' you have presented. you may believe it, but doesn't make it true. nor does my belief, or disbelief, make something true or negate something that is. perception is everything. you might call that a universal truth, but i just don't see things that way. and so it goes........
Right, so you don't believe in ultimate truths. Therefore when you think all things are subjective, you see that as your personal opinion, and not an ultimate truth. Correct? I'm making sure I understand what you're saying.
This is a bit of a catch-22 that I have..
If you believe we can't see beyond our subjectivity, then we can't be sure of anything, except what we know subjectively. Therefore we can't know whether everything actually is subjective or if objectivity exists beyond what we have seen.
And for that matter, math and science are considered to be objective studies by most people's standards, in the sense that they are not subjective.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Right, so you don't believe in ultimate truths. Therefore when you think all things are subjective, you see that as your personal opinion, and not an ultimate truth. Correct? I'm making sure I understand what you're saying.
as i said....i don't believe in the concept of universal truths. so i don't 'think' anything about it beyond it's non-existence. everything else is clearly opinion, perception...and yes....all entirely subjective.
If you believe we can't see beyond our subjectivity, then we can't be sure of anything, except what we know subjectively. Therefore we can't know whether everything actually is subjective or if objectivity exists beyond what we have seen.
And for that matter, math and science are considered to be objective studies by most people's standards, in the sense that they are not subjective.
again, i would NEVER call ANYthing an 'ultimate truth' b/c i don't believe in 'ultimate truth' you can assign whatever definition/meaning to my words as YOU wish. for me, they stand on their own as is. i've said it often enough, i offer only my opinion, and see all else here as opinion as well. most especially for something such as art, meaning, etc.
as you yourself often say, we are human and cannot think/see beyond our own humanity. i know you often go on further about reaching beyond all that, etc....but i don't believe in all that. but for the purpose of discussion....we ARE human, and thus our perceptions are it. just like for a dog what he/she knows/ it. is there more to it? perhaps, maybe, of course? i think it depends on your perspective. we cannot think and know any other way except what our human minds are capable of.
as to math and science and all else. i do believe in objectivity in theory, but with we humans in the mix, there will always remain some degree of subjectivity, b/c we are confined to our own abilities.'s just not my thing, the whole 'universal truth' and all that. as i said, to a degree i find it interesting discussion but as it really holds no meaning for doesn't take me far.
beyond that, yes...i see you are linking art to that and all good. for me, that is not at all what art is, or this conversation was for me......and not at all what i was interested in, so yea.....guess that's it.
i will say this though, absolutely...i don't think we can *know* anything absolute. we may think we do, or can, but i believe we are too limited to do so. so sure, we may assign lots of meaning or objectivity or whatever else, but so much of it.....does it even matter? it is amazing what we as a species have learned, accomplished, etc....but really, so what? i think it all depends what you think is important. to me, the purpose of life is simply to live. i don't assign an even greater value to it. sometimes i think the species who according to us have lower level thinking skills have it far better 'figured out'....just live. kinda like art just 'is'...for me, life just should 'be.'
btw - it is all 'catch-22'....circular convo, whatever you want to call it. thus why my little 'you spin me round' quote. you want to label it, i don't....and there it is. so i guess yes, i see it as my personal opinion.....simply because i don't have a belief in universal truths.
getting back to the subject:
Art is anything that makes you proud to be a human.
i STILL just don't *get* the pride......and even if i did, 'proud' accomplishments of humanity i do not necessarily view all as 'art.' then again, of course, that would simply be my very subjective opinion on what 'art is'.....beyond it merely being.
This thread has melted my brain, and as many as 4 other of my bodily organs.
i'd be interested to know what, specifically, other organs were melted.
and more importantly, do you consider it art?
in all seriousness though, what is there to be 'proud' of being human? you ARe human, no choice, no control, no why pride? i simply AM. i sorta 'get' where the author of said quote was going with it, i just find it a really poor choice of words....and definitely do not see art in such a light.
however, i think chadwick stated earlier...we all delved waaayyyy too deeply and to get over it. he's probably right. great way to pass a friday at work tho, so it's all good.
i'd be interested to know what, specifically, other organs were melted.
and more importantly, do you consider it art?
in all seriousness though, what is there to be 'proud' of being human? you ARe human, no choice, no control, no why pride? i simply AM. i sorta 'get' where the author of said quote was going with it, i just find it a really poor choice of words....and definitely do not see art in such a light.
however, i think chadwick stated earlier...we all delved waaayyyy too deeply and to get over it. he's probably right. great way to pass a friday at work tho, so it's all good.
Come now - if my brain's gone to goo, how do you expect me to know what other organs suffered?
I think the original quote just phrased it wrong... you could make a better case for saying that art is something that makes us consider our humanity, or give us a new awareness of our humanity, or anything poxy and pretentious like that, but pride certainly shouldn't come into it.
You can be proud that a human could create a particular work of art, I suppose - as in, "Wow, imagine the dedication it took to 'do' the Sistine Chapel".
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Come now - if my brain's gone to goo, how do you expect me to know what other organs suffered?
I think the original quote just phrased it wrong... you could make a better case for saying that art is something that makes us consider our humanity, or give us a new awareness of our humanity, or anything poxy and pretentious like that, but pride certainly shouldn't come into it.
You can be proud that a human could create a particular work of art, I suppose - as in, "Wow, imagine the dedication it took to 'do' the Sistine Chapel".
pretty well done for a goo-brain.
yes. exactly along the lines of what i was thinking. thus i sorta 'get' her meaning, but most definitely poor word choice imho.
it IS amazing what humans can create and accomplish. also horrifying. even within art....some amazing, and some amazingly horrifying...but all still art, eh? however, i still see no sense in feeling a 'collective pride'....but i guess i just don't see things in that sense.
again, i would NEVER call ANYthing an 'ultimate truth' b/c i don't believe in 'ultimate truth' you can assign whatever definition/meaning to my words as YOU wish. for me, they stand on their own as is. i've said it often enough, i offer only my opinion, and see all else here as opinion as well. most especially for something such as art, meaning, etc.
as you yourself often say, we are human and cannot think/see beyond our own humanity. i know you often go on further about reaching beyond all that, etc....but i don't believe in all that. but for the purpose of discussion....we ARE human, and thus our perceptions are it. just like for a dog what he/she knows/ it. is there more to it? perhaps, maybe, of course? i think it depends on your perspective. we cannot think and know any other way except what our human minds are capable of.
as to math and science and all else. i do believe in objectivity in theory, but with we humans in the mix, there will always remain some degree of subjectivity, b/c we are confined to our own abilities.'s just not my thing, the whole 'universal truth' and all that. as i said, to a degree i find it interesting discussion but as it really holds no meaning for doesn't take me far.
beyond that, yes...i see you are linking art to that and all good. for me, that is not at all what art is, or this conversation was for me......and not at all what i was interested in, so yea.....guess that's it.
i will say this though, absolutely...i don't think we can *know* anything absolute. we may think we do, or can, but i believe we are too limited to do so. so sure, we may assign lots of meaning or objectivity or whatever else, but so much of it.....does it even matter? it is amazing what we as a species have learned, accomplished, etc....but really, so what? i think it all depends what you think is important. to me, the purpose of life is simply to live. i don't assign an even greater value to it. sometimes i think the species who according to us have lower level thinking skills have it far better 'figured out'....just live. kinda like art just 'is'...for me, life just should 'be.'
btw - it is all 'catch-22'....circular convo, whatever you want to call it. thus why my little 'you spin me round' quote. you want to label it, i don't....and there it is. so i guess yes, i see it as my personal opinion.....simply because i don't have a belief in universal truths.
getting back to the subject:
Art is anything that makes you proud to be a human.
i STILL just don't *get* the pride......and even if i did, 'proud' accomplishments of humanity i do not necessarily view all as 'art.' then again, of course, that would simply be my very subjective opinion on what 'art is'.....beyond it merely being.
Personally, I don't really resonate to the quote either.
I appreciate views that do not see this...and yet transcendent schools of thought, which have been many through time, go by the "the drop of water is also the ocean" view.
What this means in terms of transcendence, is that we all are more than physical. And by aligning with transcendent aspects of our nature, we certainly can transcend our humanness, even while being human. Upon doing so, then we, like the drop of water realizing it's oceanic nature, get to experience what is beyond our individuality.
yes. exactly along the lines of what i was thinking. thus i sorta 'get' her meaning, but most definitely poor word choice imho.
it IS amazing what humans can create and accomplish. also horrifying. even within art....some amazing, and some amazingly horrifying...but all still art, eh? however, i still see no sense in feeling a 'collective pride'....but i guess i just don't see things in that sense.
i don't wanna think i wanna feel.
I certainly don't want any part of a collective pride over a lot of "works of art" - most of 'em just inspire a blissful indifference in me.
I don't see that art should inspire any more "pride" than a well-done job of mowing the lawn, or the ability to put one foot in front of the other to move from place to place - it's all hard-wired into us to an extent.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
yes. exactly along the lines of what i was thinking. thus i sorta 'get' her meaning, but most definitely poor word choice imho.
it IS amazing what humans can create and accomplish. also horrifying. even within art....some amazing, and some amazingly horrifying...but all still art, eh? however, i still see no sense in feeling a 'collective pride'....but i guess i just don't see things in that sense.
i don't wanna think i wanna feel.
Agreed, and obviously artists approach things from vastly different perspectives. My art poems/prose/songs tend to point out what I believe are social ills and human problems. My art tends to be the opposite of feeling proud about being human. That's just my artistic direction.
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kandinsky is the shit. :cool: i don't know if i necessarily think he was 'successful' in illustrating music thru painting. but then again, i think merely the attempt to do such, is a success....if that makes sense to you as it does to me. either way, made some gloriously beautiful paintings, and THAT is a success for the viewer, and kandinsky seemed rather pleased with his sure, win-win.
i DO think of art as visceral....but i also see it as intellectual too. it can be both, one or the other....or something else entirely. see...think.....feel......question. i think all of that is what art is about for me. truly 'great' art may make me do all 4.......even maybe just 1, yet so powerfully, tis still great. i most definitely see it as human, and purely human expression. whatever *it* is......i love it.
i agree, not sure on the success kandinsky had but just the thought to try to make music visual....very cool. i believe there are other artists now trying to make art based on music notes, computer generated i think? i'll have to look it up when i get home
and true, it's intellectual as well! it's all part of it, i guess when i see it just broken up into pure theory then it starts to lose something, like it's being neutered in a way? i'm not doing well in expressing myself today haha it's definitely human, encompasses both good and bad, sacred and profane, just like people do
Personally, I don't really resonate to the quote either.
I appreciate views that do not see this...and yet transcendent schools of thought, which have been many through time, go by the "the drop of water is also the ocean" view.
What this means in terms of transcendence, is that we all are more than physical. And by aligning with transcendent aspects of our nature, we certainly can transcend our humanness, even while being human. Upon doing so, then we, like the drop of water realizing it's oceanic nature, get to experience what is beyond our individuality.
while i don't subscribe to the thinking, i HAVE read/studied a lot of it...especially back in my college days, and during my philosophy yes, i do understand what you are expressing. i merely disagree, of just don't believe, in it.
as far as the drop of the water and the me that is not 'transcending' what you are, just feeling what you are and realizing, identifying...collectively...that you ARE just one part of the greater community. drop of water, lots of drops of water, ocean.........grain if sand, lots of grains of sand, beach/desert.......person, people, humanity. to me....still feeling a part of, not transcending it.
however, like most's all perspective, eh?
i think much of philosophy is very much like art. malleable, personal, community-minded...intellectual and emotional....all a part of the human collective thought....and instinctual to the human brain. we can think and feel a great deal...we can think and perhaps feel way beyond what we are, but we ARE....simply human, and really it could all come down to ego - thinking we are so much more than we are, etc. thus why i oftentimes think.....'lower' animals, such as my doggies mentioned above.....just might be 'smarter'....b/c they simply don't bother, and appreciate life BEing. or who knows, perhaps they philosopise even more than us? thing is, no matter how 'beyond' we may think we think/feel......we can't possibly *know*...b/c it all occurs within our human minds, consciously or unconsciously.
anyhoo.....all of this craziness adds to living, and most especially to art. visual, auditory, written////so it's all good.
and say it all just fine!
i get ya though, when you start to 'intellectualize' it too much, it does lose a lot...b/c you go beyond that initial visceral reaction. i had a few college profs who would do so, and on the one hand it made your work 'seem' so much more important....but then thinking more, i'd simply think to myself, yea...perhaps....but really, it's just a picture of a chair too. haha. certain art i think almost requires you to intellectualize it, that's what it wants from the viewer, perhaps why it also leaves many wanting...whereas other works simply want you to feel and sure, we all respond to what *gets* to us more, what has more meaning and resonance. and sure, pass the codeine.
while i don't subscribe to the thinking, i HAVE read/studied a lot of it...especially back in my college days, and during my philosophy yes, i do understand what you are expressing. i merely disagree, of just don't believe, in it.
as far as the drop of the water and the me that is not 'transcending' what you are, just feeling what you are and realizing, identifying...collectively...that you ARE just one part of the greater community. drop of water, lots of drops of water, ocean.........grain if sand, lots of grains of sand, beach/desert.......person, people, humanity. to me....still feeling a part of, not transcending it.
however, like most's all perspective, eh?
i think much of philosophy is very much like art. malleable, personal, community-minded...intellectual and emotional....all a part of the human collective thought....and instinctual to the human brain. we can think and feel a great deal...we can think and perhaps feel way beyond what we are, but we ARE....simply human, and really it could all come down to ego - thinking we are so much more than we are, etc. thus why i oftentimes think.....'lower' animals, such as my doggies mentioned above.....just might be 'smarter'....b/c they simply don't bother, and appreciate life BEing. or who knows, perhaps they philosopise even more than us? thing is, no matter how 'beyond' we may think we think/feel......we can't possibly *know*...b/c it all occurs within our human minds, consciously or unconsciously.
anyhoo.....all of this craziness adds to living, and most especially to art. visual, auditory, written////so it's all good.
I hear what you are saying
I always see and agree with all subjectivity, for the record.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Whoa whoa whoa, hold the phone a second You saw Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma?
Something I'll never get to do :(
And yeah, it's about the princess character from the opera decreeing that none of her subjects shall sleep until they discover the name of some prince who wishes to marry her, otherwise they shall all be beheaded or some shit. The whole of Turandot is incredible. I have now idea why I always shied away from opera until recently. I can imagine hearing that piece sung live must have been amazing.
Nah, it wasn't pavarotti :( BUT in Italy they don't take opera lightly... the guy singing was, to my untrained ear, as good as pavarotti. I don't think it matters who sings it once their voice is able for it... it's just an absolutely amazing song.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Comments bring the audio and visual arts together: wassily kandinsky! there was a painter who tried to *see* music, and express it visually through his work. art about art. and it comes full circle.
art for art's sake.
art IS.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
but Cate you know me kind of,
and yes i am a mind reader..
(but you knew that already)..(i think)..(maybe not)
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
and it brings up the question what IS Art? and why does context matter? or does it? is it the michelangelo masterpiece? the graffitti on the the walls of the pedestrian tunnel? shepard fairey's OBEY GIANT? the purple horse your 4 year old beams with pride over? is it john cage's 4'33"?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
of course.
my first post in this thread much earlier i said roughly the same. art IS. and the debate as to 'what is' art will go on indefinitely....but to me, what is art? art....just.....IS. it is beyond definition and debate. want to debate what is good or bad art, another topic entirely in my mind....but art just IS.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
is there such a thing as bad Art if Art just IS?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
For example, in Plato's assertion...the form or ideal of the tree exists, which includes all possible tree variables, including decay, defacement, etc....the negatives of the ideal. And yet the form or ideal, by encompassing it all, goes beyond it and beyond all possibilities.
"For example, a particular tree, with a branch or two missing, possibly alive, possibly dead, and with the initials of two lovers carved into its bark, is distinct from the abstract form of Tree-ness. A Tree is the ideal that each of us holds that allows us to identify the imperfect reflections of trees all around us."
This is also why "not-God" does not exist as an ultimate Truth.
*runs for cover*
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
all is subjective eh?
as are most discussions.
beyond that, staying with the 'art IS' my mind, why not? just because it IS, doesn't mean there can't be descriptors of IT. adjectives are always welcome.
for me, i rarely speak in absolutes, all shades of grey in this wonderful existence, all various modes of thought.....rarely one *right* way to live, to think and certainly not for discussion of such malleable topics. so the statement 'art IS'.....encompasses all, and yet remains quite neutral. it IS. what of that 'IS' is up to you. so good, bad, and any other words can all be mixed in, does not in any way diminish that 'art IS.'
and round and round and round and round......we go!
btw - i don't believe in ultimate truths. perception is everything, and nothing.....and very, very subjective and insular. what is one 'ultimate truth' is someone else's false perception, ad nauseum. lots of lofty thoughts and discussions.....but all theories and ideas, so very open to various viewpoints, not definitive. very much like art.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
oh i hear you. tis all subjective. i look at some Art and people rave about it and im dumbfounded. its like what the fuck are they thinking? but then i look at artists like hockney and lichtenstein, even jeffrey smart... and their work appears simple(though i know it cant be?) but for me i cant help but be drawn to it.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
When you say beyond descriptors art just "is", are you saying that's just your opinion, or do you believe that is a fact or truth?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
simplicity in beauty, beauty in simplicity. never knock it. good stuff.
i believe it's their opinion.
*I* believe art just IS.......but what you or anyone else believes is your own affair. to me it is a fact, but i don't look at this as some absolute truth. things are what they are. if you want to label it, feel free....i just find no need. and i certainly do not view art and it's existence etc with some ideal truth or anything like that. while it can be entertaining to me to think and discuss such, it really is not how i personally view life and the world, so it doesn't hold much meaning to me. for me, art stems from within humanity, very much along the lines of what cate has posted. however, i do not discount one's rights to have another viewpoint. i may disagree, but in the really doesn't much matter. my own perspective will be as it is.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
So then, it sounds like you don't think it's a universal truth beyond your opinion/perception that all things are subjective.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
and i'm with you, art is. whatever follows that "is" is up to the viewer or the creator of said art
you spin me round like a record baby, right round.....;)
as i said....i don't believe in the concept of universal truths. so i don't 'think' anything about it beyond it's non-existence. everything else is clearly opinion, perception...and yes....all entirely subjective. your pov to me is enitrely subjective as well, along with whatever supporting 'evidence' you have presented. you may believe it, but doesn't make it true. nor does my belief, or disbelief, make something true or negate something that is. perception is everything. you might call that a universal truth, but i just don't see things that way.
kandinsky is the shit. :cool: i don't know if i necessarily think he was 'successful' in illustrating music thru painting. but then again, i think merely the attempt to do such, is a success....if that makes sense to you as it does to me. either way, made some gloriously beautiful paintings, and THAT is a success for the viewer, and kandinsky seemed rather pleased with his sure, win-win.
i DO think of art as visceral....but i also see it as intellectual too. it can be both, one or the other....or something else entirely. see...think.....feel......question. i think all of that is what art is about for me. truly 'great' art may make me do all 4.......even maybe just 1, yet so powerfully, tis still great. i most definitely see it as human, and purely human expression. whatever *it* is......i love it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Right, so you don't believe in ultimate truths. Therefore when you think all things are subjective, you see that as your personal opinion, and not an ultimate truth. Correct? I'm making sure I understand what you're saying.
This is a bit of a catch-22 that I have..
If you believe we can't see beyond our subjectivity, then we can't be sure of anything, except what we know subjectively. Therefore we can't know whether everything actually is subjective or if objectivity exists beyond what we have seen.
And for that matter, math and science are considered to be objective studies by most people's standards, in the sense that they are not subjective.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
is that not clear enough?
again, i would NEVER call ANYthing an 'ultimate truth' b/c i don't believe in 'ultimate truth' you can assign whatever definition/meaning to my words as YOU wish. for me, they stand on their own as is. i've said it often enough, i offer only my opinion, and see all else here as opinion as well. most especially for something such as art, meaning, etc.
as you yourself often say, we are human and cannot think/see beyond our own humanity. i know you often go on further about reaching beyond all that, etc....but i don't believe in all that. but for the purpose of discussion....we ARE human, and thus our perceptions are it. just like for a dog what he/she knows/ it. is there more to it? perhaps, maybe, of course? i think it depends on your perspective. we cannot think and know any other way except what our human minds are capable of.
as to math and science and all else. i do believe in objectivity in theory, but with we humans in the mix, there will always remain some degree of subjectivity, b/c we are confined to our own abilities.'s just not my thing, the whole 'universal truth' and all that. as i said, to a degree i find it interesting discussion but as it really holds no meaning for doesn't take me far.
beyond that, yes...i see you are linking art to that and all good. for me, that is not at all what art is, or this conversation was for me......and not at all what i was interested in, so yea.....guess that's it.
i will say this though, absolutely...i don't think we can *know* anything absolute. we may think we do, or can, but i believe we are too limited to do so. so sure, we may assign lots of meaning or objectivity or whatever else, but so much of it.....does it even matter? it is amazing what we as a species have learned, accomplished, etc....but really, so what? i think it all depends what you think is important. to me, the purpose of life is simply to live. i don't assign an even greater value to it. sometimes i think the species who according to us have lower level thinking skills have it far better 'figured out'....just live. kinda like art just 'is'...for me, life just should 'be.'
btw - it is all 'catch-22'....circular convo, whatever you want to call it. thus why my little 'you spin me round' quote. you want to label it, i don't....and there it is. so i guess yes, i see it as my personal opinion.....simply because i don't have a belief in universal truths.
getting back to the subject:
Art is anything that makes you proud to be a human.
i STILL just don't *get* the pride......and even if i did, 'proud' accomplishments of humanity i do not necessarily view all as 'art.' then again, of course, that would simply be my very subjective opinion on what 'art is'.....beyond it merely being.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i'd be interested to know what, specifically, other organs were melted.
and more importantly, do you consider it art?
in all seriousness though, what is there to be 'proud' of being human? you ARe human, no choice, no control, no why pride? i simply AM. i sorta 'get' where the author of said quote was going with it, i just find it a really poor choice of words....and definitely do not see art in such a light.
however, i think chadwick stated earlier...we all delved waaayyyy too deeply and to get over it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Come now - if my brain's gone to goo, how do you expect me to know what other organs suffered?
I think the original quote just phrased it wrong... you could make a better case for saying that art is something that makes us consider our humanity, or give us a new awareness of our humanity, or anything poxy and pretentious like that, but pride certainly shouldn't come into it.
You can be proud that a human could create a particular work of art, I suppose - as in, "Wow, imagine the dedication it took to 'do' the Sistine Chapel".
pretty well done for a goo-brain.
yes. exactly along the lines of what i was thinking. thus i sorta 'get' her meaning, but most definitely poor word choice imho.
it IS amazing what humans can create and accomplish. also horrifying. even within art....some amazing, and some amazingly horrifying...but all still art, eh?
i don't wanna think i wanna feel.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I appreciate views that do not see this...and yet transcendent schools of thought, which have been many through time, go by the "the drop of water is also the ocean" view.
What this means in terms of transcendence, is that we all are more than physical. And by aligning with transcendent aspects of our nature, we certainly can transcend our humanness, even while being human. Upon doing so, then we, like the drop of water realizing it's oceanic nature, get to experience what is beyond our individuality.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I certainly don't want any part of a collective pride over a lot of "works of art" - most of 'em just inspire a blissful indifference in me.
I don't see that art should inspire any more "pride" than a well-done job of mowing the lawn, or the ability to put one foot in front of the other to move from place to place - it's all hard-wired into us to an extent.
Agreed, and obviously artists approach things from vastly different perspectives. My art poems/prose/songs tend to point out what I believe are social ills and human problems. My art tends to be the opposite of feeling proud about being human. That's just my artistic direction.
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and true, it's intellectual as well! it's all part of it, i guess when i see it just broken up into pure theory then it starts to lose something, like it's being neutered in a way? i'm not doing well in expressing myself today haha it's definitely human, encompasses both good and bad, sacred and profane, just like people do
while i don't subscribe to the thinking, i HAVE read/studied a lot of it...especially back in my college days, and during my philosophy yes, i do understand what you are expressing. i merely disagree, of just don't believe, in it.
as far as the drop of the water and the me that is not 'transcending' what you are, just feeling what you are and realizing, identifying...collectively...that you ARE just one part of the greater community. drop of water, lots of drops of water, ocean.........grain if sand, lots of grains of sand, beach/desert.......person, people, humanity. to me....still feeling a part of, not transcending it.
however, like most's all perspective, eh?
i think much of philosophy is very much like art. malleable, personal, community-minded...intellectual and emotional....all a part of the human collective thought....and instinctual to the human brain. we can think and feel a great deal...we can think and perhaps feel way beyond what we are, but we ARE....simply human, and really it could all come down to ego - thinking we are so much more than we are, etc. thus why i oftentimes think.....'lower' animals, such as my doggies mentioned above.....just might be 'smarter'....b/c they simply don't bother, and appreciate life BEing. or who knows, perhaps they philosopise even more than us? thing is, no matter how 'beyond' we may think we think/feel......we can't possibly *know*...b/c it all occurs within our human minds, consciously or unconsciously.
anyhoo.....all of this craziness adds to living, and most especially to art.
and say it all just fine!
i get ya though, when you start to 'intellectualize' it too much, it does lose a lot...b/c you go beyond that initial visceral reaction. i had a few college profs who would do so, and on the one hand it made your work 'seem' so much more important....but then thinking more, i'd simply think to myself, yea...perhaps....but really, it's just a picture of a chair too.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I always see and agree with all subjectivity, for the record.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you