***2007 Chicago WHITE SOX Season***



  • whats one difference between the cubs and sox?

    the sox have won a world series since moving into thier new ballpark :)

    buerhle's gonna throw a gem tommorow.
  • YieldInHidingYieldInHiding Posts: 1,841
    Sox will come back from their slump when they get a stab at the Twinkies. :D

    I'm worried about Portly Ponson on the road in his first start as a Twin.
    No longer overwhelmed it seems so simple now.
  • AJ again in the clutch!!

    always nice to pick up ground on those silly twinkies...even its only half a game!
  • “For me, they are the most underrated team in baseball. They find a way to beat you. That’s the type of team that will not beat itself. They will make you beat them. I have a lot of respect for them.'’
    They have the best two players in the game right now and nobody knows about it. And that’s a shame. They got the catcher and the first baseman. They are tremendous players. Their right fielder is coming along to being a great player. The center fielder is the best in the game right now. They have a great second baseman.

    This kid (Morneau) wins the MVP and nobody talks about him. We talk about the same people all the time. We talk about Manny (Ramirez), Big Papi (David Ortiz), Barry (Bonds). They never say anything about Mauer and company. That’s a shame people don’t give those kids the credit they deserve.

    They play the game right. They get you in the right situations to beat you. The piranhas attack. That’s the way they attack. They go little by little and then you’re dead. They pitch, the make the play. They pitch and make a play. They move the guy over then boom, 2-0. Nathan is in the game, game is over.'’
    So this life is sacrifice...
    6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
  • YieldInHidingYieldInHiding Posts: 1,841
    It's on this weekend....

    Twins vs White Sox. Battle # 1 of 2007.
    No longer overwhelmed it seems so simple now.
  • Galaxie2X4Galaxie2X4 Posts: 151
    Wow, I have a new respect for Ozzie after reading the quotes posted by darth. Ozzie is right about that.
    "My Cadillac's sittin in the back, it isn't me, I'm going home in my Galaxy"
    S. Hoon

    "My body's nobody's body but mine. You run your own body, let me run mine" Chicago '95

    Franken '08
  • YieldInHidingYieldInHiding Posts: 1,841
    So will there be a doubleheader or what?
    No longer overwhelmed it seems so simple now.
  • at some point, yes unless both teams share an off day. too cold to play a DH now...course, your silly ball club wouldnt know about that since they're sissies and play inside a giant hefty bag..
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    at some point, yes unless both teams share an off day. too cold to play a DH now...course, your silly ball club wouldnt know about that since they're sissies and play inside a giant hefty bag..
    Baseball, being outside in the sun, feeling the breeze on your face, go hand in hand.. I don't know how it could be the same inside of a cave.
  • Great win today. Vazquez threw a gem, and it was good to see he avoided the 'Danny Wright inning' as well. Still not all that confident in Thornton, but man that Sox pen looks awesome. Sisco is really coming out out the gate strong. Hopefully Danks will have a nice MLB debut, and the Good Guys can finish off this little 2 game mini-sweep tommorow
  • Great win today. Vazquez threw a gem, and it was good to see he avoided the 'Danny Wright inning' as well. Still not all that confident in Thornton, but man that Sox pen looks awesome. Sisco is really coming out out the gate strong. Hopefully Danks will have a nice MLB debut, and the Good Guys can finish off this little 2 game mini-sweep tommorow

    Sisco is a stud, it was ashame the Cubs lost him in the Rule 5. Good pickup for the Sox. I saw Aardsma was throwing some heat the other day too.
  • bases loaded no out, and aardsma struck out the side with just 11 pitches on thursday afternoon. reminded me of el duque against boston in the playoffs...you dont see pitchers throw like that too often at all
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    Good game!!!

    Twinkies having some trouble I see.
  • you know, all these games the indians have to make up could really help the sox. 4 games against seattle need to be made up...thats most likely some double headers and them losing an off day or 2. starters on short rest, bullpen getting heavy use could really hurt the tribe later in the year-- especially if these games are made up in august or sept.

    hoping to see the contreres of the 2nd half of 2005 tonite in oakland

  • hoping to see the contreres of the 2nd half of 2005 tonite in oakland

    do you sox fans honestly believe this is going to happen? I know Humpty Dumpty Prior isn't going to be put back together again.......
  • why not...he was that way in the first half of last year too.

    stick to the cubs thread. and if wade miller were your contreras, you silly cubs would be in good shape. go bob howry!
  • sox win, twins lost. GREAT nite

    oh, and contreras pitched very very well tonite :)
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    sox win, twins lost. GREAT nite
    Contreras looked GOOD tonight! :D

    I wonder if the Cubs 300 million dollar spending spree helped them out with opening day today?
  • It doesn't suprise me that he dug down to redeem himself after embarassment but the fact remains that you sox fans will have no idea what Contreras is going to show up on a game to game basis.

    As for poking fun at the Cubs spending........Lilly has two good starts so far this year. That's one more than your ace.
  • lilly isnt your ace. he'll be hovering around .500 (14-12, 13-12, something like that) with a 4.5ish era. maybe thats what you expect out of him, but he's certainly getting well overpaid if he puts up those sorts of numbers.

    your "ace", on the other hand, seemed to talk to talk but couldnt walk the walk against the brew crew. i love it when zambrano spouts off about how good he is then gets shelled. just STFU and pitch, dumbass. and the money guys out of your bullpen last year are stinking up the joint this year

    contreres had one bad start. that doesnt concern me at all. pitchers are gonna have bad games. and as i said before, you need to be worrying about the cubs far more than i have to worry about the SOX.
  • see douche? worry about the cubs. marquis sucked today. 3 errors...and keystone cops in the outfield....yes! thats how you build a winner!

    garland to extend this winning streak tonite
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • Well Sox fans it looks like we Twins fans can relate with you watching our respective teams hitters flail like a 5th grade girls softball team. Thank God it's only April 10.
    So this life is sacrifice...
    6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
  • im more pissed off ozzie didnt use a defensive replacement for peter pan in left field for the 9th inning. im not sure what brian anderson's role on this team is anymore.

    speedy, you dont have any room to talk. your bullpen has sucked, and isturis was playing hot potato with a baseball 3 times today..
  • see douche? worry about the cubs. marquis sucked today. 3 errors...and keystone cops in the outfield....yes! thats how you build a winner!

    garland to extend this winning streak tonite

    you should be directing your douche comments to your doughboy closer.
  • no, its directed at you...and rightly so. you're make yourself out to be this high and mighty cubs fan, yet i havent seen a post from you in that cubs thread for months.
  • no, its directed at you...and rightly so. you're make yourself out to be this high and mighty cubs fan, yet i havent seen a post from you in that cubs thread for months.

    I posted in there after Rich Hill's first start. I fear if i post too much in the Cubs thread i'm going to start going on Lou is an idiot tirades that i will regret. Did you sox fans happen to hear that he's playing the "we suck cause its cold out" card?

    I'm actually going to a game the 21st........probably pretty hard to make it to the cell from where your at. You probably shouldn't question fandom, its a rediculous argument to get into.

  • i guess the cold front blew through wrigley in the top of the 5th inning today lol

    for all the bashing you do on world series winner jose contreras, your "ace" zambrano is yet to throw a quality start, let alone get a W.
  • i guess the cold front blew through wrigley in the top of the 5th inning today lol

    for all the bashing you do on world series winner jose contreras, your "ace" zambrano is yet to throw a quality start, let alone get a W.

    Zambrano beat the Brewers in his second start 6-3, and went 7 innings. So if you want you can argue that wasn't a quality start (even though it was) but he certainly did get a win. He just pitched like shit his first game vs the Reds, and then today he pitched like shit in 1 inning vs the Reds. So overall he has sucked ass, and did the exact same bullshit last year, I don't think he even got his first win until May last year. But he does have a win.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    Good win tonight against Cleveland!
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