Someone saying that we should bomb all the "animals" over there doesn't make much for an argument.
you are absolutely right
an argument nonetheless
when I see one person from the way left, for example, pose his/her argument in a well-organized manner, versus someone on the way right posing his/her argument (or lack of an argument) in a belligerent and incoherent manner, I still see two points of view which are ridiculous, but only 1 intelligent person.
Back in 2000 I was bitten by a spider while sleeping. The bite spread in a linear rash and caused me a great deal of discomfort. I had to go to the doctors, get medicine, take prednisone and eventually any antibiotic after weeding-off the prednisone.
Should I kill all spiders that I ever see, anywhere and any place.
If I ever get bit by a dog. Should I then kill every dog I ever see? Seems like the 3inputchick thing to do.
when I see one person from the way left, for example, pose his/her argument in a well-organized manner, versus someone on the way right posing his/her argument (or lack of an argument) in a belligerent and incoherent manner, I still see two points of view which are ridiculous, but only 1 intelligent person.
You know, I've never really thought of myself as being 'left'. I've always leaned more towards considering myself 'West', as in, slightly further in that general direcftion.
NOte how you deleted everything else I said..... typical lib-
Ok, so the American soldiers right now are responsible for 1 million Iraqi deaths (more or less)... does that mean the Iraqis would be justified in bombing all of North America?
I live in NYC- ask 99.9% of the people here. They would say wipe the entire middle east out.
I know it's not realistic, and I know that there are many innocent people over there who are outraged by what their people did.... but there is no way in hell I want to relive 9/11 and if that means bombing them all- so be it. Ask a NY'er to tell you about 9/11.... the horror is as real as it was as the afternoon of that horrible day....
I'm not a monster- I work with run away and homeless children... sit on the board of 3 local charities including Tuesday's Children- a not for profit serving children who lost a parents on 9/11. I see every day first hand what those monsters did to this city..... with that I believe it with 100% of my heart that we should have went over on 9/12/2001 and bombed the hell hell out of those animals.
I live in Baghded- ask 99.9% of the people here. They would say wipe the entire western world out.
I know it's not realistic, and I know that there are many innocent people over there who are outraged by what their people did.... but there is no way in hell I want to relive the invasion and if that means terrorizing them all- so be it. Ask as Iraqi citizen to tell you about Fallujah.... the horror is as real as it was as the afternoon of that horrible day....
Hamas is not a monster- We build hospitals and schools... serving children who lost a parents killed by the west. I see every day first hand what those monsters did to this city..... with that I believe it with 100% of my heart that we should go over and terrorize the hell hell out of those animals.
I live in NYC- ask 99.9% of the people here. They would say wipe the entire middle east out.
I know it's not realistic, and I know that there are many innocent people over there who are outraged by what their people did.... but there is no way in hell I want to relive 9/11 and if that means bombing them all- so be it. Ask a NY'er to tell you about 9/11.... the horror is as real as it was as the afternoon of that horrible day....
I'm not a monster- I work with run away and homeless children... sit on the board of 3 local charities including Tuesday's Children- a not for profit serving children who lost a parents on 9/11. I see every day first hand what those monsters did to this city..... with that I believe it with 100% of my heart that we should have went over on 9/12/2001 and bombed the hell hell out of those animals.
But, if we 'bomb the hell' out of the middle east, there's a good chance we'd kill MANY more innocent civilians than were killed on 9/11. How exactly does that make us any better? I'm aware they attacked first, etc.. etc.. But still, killing thousands of people, putting those innocent kids through the exact same thing, makes us no better then them IMO.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Here is a novel idea for both of them: Make sure that children in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in Islamic schools all around the world have decent fourth-grade textbooks.
Or, you know, just don't fuck with their countries so that they don't have to spread propaganda in the first place.
Just a thought though. Then again, I could be thinking a bit TOO much.
Oh, and not to mention the fact that Islam teaches that Christians and Jews are "people of the book" and not, you know, people you should kill. But that goes against the fact that Islam wants Muslims to kill everyone in the world in a bloody, bloody war and that Muslims are warmongers, so it CAN'T be true.
Spend some time in a thread next time. So you think we should spend time reading your post, but our posts aren't worth your time? That sounds pretty arrogant.
Arrogant: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner.
Yes, I guess I am, so I would agree with that.
you are absolutely right
an argument nonetheless
when I see one person from the way left, for example, pose his/her argument in a well-organized manner, versus someone on the way right posing his/her argument (or lack of an argument) in a belligerent and incoherent manner, I still see two points of view which are ridiculous, but only 1 intelligent person.
Should I kill all spiders that I ever see, anywhere and any place.
If I ever get bit by a dog. Should I then kill every dog I ever see? Seems like the 3inputchick thing to do.
Although that name does have me intrigued:D
You know, I've never really thought of myself as being 'left'. I've always leaned more towards considering myself 'West', as in, slightly further in that general direcftion.
O.k, if it makes you happy... :rolleyes:
...and the cycle of violence continues...
Ummm...yep. If we're just talking spiders here.
"As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
This is a nice article in response to the report describing the Saudi Textbooks.
It talks about teaching hate towards non-believers, as opposed to just dismissing them or pitying them.
Just a thought though. Then again, I could be thinking a bit TOO much.
Oh, and not to mention the fact that Islam teaches that Christians and Jews are "people of the book" and not, you know, people you should kill. But that goes against the fact that Islam wants Muslims to kill everyone in the world in a bloody, bloody war and that Muslims are warmongers, so it CAN'T be true.
Arrogant: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner.
Yes, I guess I am, so I would agree with that.
There are former PLO terrorists who disagree with you.
You do know spiders play an important role in their envirnoment, right?