Cnn Admits Obama Got Thumped In Pa.



  • GauchoBGauchoB Posts: 224
    All of those sum up the state of Pennsylvania perfectly.

    The swing moderates that a Democrat needs to win.
  • GauchoBGauchoB Posts: 224
    A president and VP from the same state is extremely unlikely. I'll bet you 100 bucks that doesn't happen. Some better choices: Bill Richardson (shore up the latino vote, plus NM is technically a swing state), Jim Webb (good military experience, from VA, a key swinger), Michael Bloomberg (great econ cred, plus he would fit with Obama's conciliatory approach)

    Right on here. This is the only guy either candidate should consider as VP. Good call. My call all along.
  • VictoryGinVictoryGin Posts: 1,207
    It would be interesting to see what would happen if the primary season were just beginning, instead of ending.

    It seems like Hillary has more momentum now than Barry, just not enough to overcome that giant deficit she started out with. I'd bet dollars to donuts if they started it all over again right now, Hillary would beat him in Iowa ... and all those other states he won based off the Iowa momentum would be back in play, too.

    I'm not saying this to be negative about Obama. I just think a lot of people who voted for him earlier might not now. It's interesting.

    the winner always has momentum coming right off the win.

    did you forget new hampshire was after iowa? i don't recall obama winning that from iowa momentum.

    obama supporters don't seem to be as fickle as you imply. they actually believe in him.
    if you wanna be a friend of mine
    cross the river to the eastside
  • VictoryGinVictoryGin Posts: 1,207
    GauchoB wrote:

    if you wanna be a friend of mine
    cross the river to the eastside
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    GauchoB wrote:

    I am afraid you and the Clinton campaign are the ones who should revisit poli sci. While the Clinton campaign has only cared about big states with a large number of delegates, the Obama campaign hs focused on every state. The grassroots organization has won them numerous states.

    The Clinton campaign had NO PLAN for post Super Tuesday. All of this big state talk is nonsense anyway. If Hillary thinks that she is the only Democrat who can win NY, California, NJ, or Mass than she is as clueless as she appears to be. Ohio and Pennsylvania have registered enough new Democrats that no matter who the nominee is, they will have a good shot. Those states are tailor made for Clinton, but if it is Obama-McCain, they would favor Obama. I also like how Clinton thinks her winning Texas means anything. There is no chance in hell of either Democrat carrying Texas.
  • Who really cares? Sorry, but this guy isn't electable come November. If the Democrats nominate him as expected, then McCain unfortunately wins it in a cakewalk. The problem is with Howard Dean and the DNC disinfranchising millions upon millions of voters in Michigan & Florida. This election is shaping up to be as big a disaster as the infamous 1988 Michael Dukakis campaign.

    Sounds like I'm a Republican, right? Wrong! I'm a liberal Democrat who can see this train wreck coming from a mile away. What seemed absolutely laughable less than a year ago appears to be coming true: John McCain will be the next President, which makes nobody happy...Democrat or Republican. What is he, about 107 years old?

    Obama hasn't won a single big State, except his own home of Illinois. Isn't anybody paying attention to that? It's all hype, and will cost the Democrats the election in November.
  • VictoryGinVictoryGin Posts: 1,207
    Obama hasn't won a single big State, except his own home of Illinois. Isn't anybody paying attention to that? It's all hype, and will cost the Democrats the election in November.

    first of all, again with the big state thing. you think certain big blue states will turn red? ha.

    you also seem to forget that obama won texas in the end.

    you may also want to consider new states obama could pick up in a general, like, say, oregon.
    if you wanna be a friend of mine
    cross the river to the eastside
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    VictoryGin wrote:
    first of all, again with the big state thing. you think certain big blue states will turn red? ha.

    you also seem to forget that obama won texas in the end.

    you may also want to consider new states obama could pick up in a general, like, say, oregon.

    I agree, and somehow the guy who thinks Jim Webb should be VP thinks that we need to go back to poli sci. Jim Webb would bring nothing to the ticket. Virginia? Which Obama should win anyway?

    Do you want ad after ad for a lack of Washington experience with an Obama/Webb ticket? While Webb is against this war, there isn't anything that doesn't make me think he might have his finger on another.
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    VictoryGin wrote:
    the winner always has momentum coming right off the win.

    did you forget new hampshire was after iowa? i don't recall obama winning that from iowa momentum.

    obama supporters don't seem to be as fickle as you imply. they actually believe in him.

    New Hampshire might as well be called Clinton-sylvania. That was never going to go to Obama. But there were several states in the week after Iowa that were in play, and most people chose to ride the Obama wave, in part because he was the hot candidate at that point. I'm wondering if some (not all) would feel different knowing then what they know now.

    He was running as the "change" candidate, the "anti-business as usual" candidate. I think the past few months have shown him to be a politician just like the rest of them. Which isn't a big deal to me, but might be for the idealists that first jumped on the wagon.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    Who really cares? Sorry, but this guy isn't electable come November. If the Democrats nominate him as expected, then McCain unfortunately wins it in a cakewalk. The problem is with Howard Dean and the DNC disinfranchising millions upon millions of voters in Michigan & Florida. This election is shaping up to be as big a disaster as the infamous 1988 Michael Dukakis campaign.

    The problem for the Dems, then, is going to be that Hillary is even LESS electable. McCain will kill her. It might make her cry (again).
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • If you think Obama is going to win VA handily I think you're sadly mistaken. VA has always been and will always be a swing state. As for saying he wouldn't add anything else you really need to do some research. People often critique Obama's lack of foreign policy experience, Webb was the secretary of the navy during the Regan administration as well as the secretary of DRA. Or am I mistaken in that working for a presidential administration isn't Washington experience? Although I think it'd be best if he picked someone with a more economic background, Webb would be a good choice.
    I agree, and somehow the guy who thinks Jim Webb should be VP thinks that we need to go back to poli sci. Jim Webb would bring nothing to the ticket. Virginia? Which Obama should win anyway?

    Do you want ad after ad for a lack of Washington experience with an Obama/Webb ticket? While Webb is against this war, there isn't anything that doesn't make me think he might have his finger on another.
  • Oregon hasn't voted for a Republican president since Ronald Regan. We haven't had a republican governor since 1987 and 4/5 of our CD's are held by popular democrats (CD5 will be open this Nov. though). How is OR a new state Obama could pick up in a general election? Now Colorado, that would fit the bill.
    VictoryGin wrote:
    you may also want to consider new states obama could pick up in a general, like, say, oregon.
  • Okay, paint an electoral map where the democrats cab win without those states that I mentioned that Obama won. Kerry nearly lost WI in 2004 and would have suffered an even more devastating electoral defeat had he lost it. I'm well aware of which states are larger in population/electoral college votes. Thanks for the attitude though.
    GauchoB wrote:
  • JzacurJzacur Posts: 64
    They do not call the middle of Pennsylvania Pennsyltucky without reason. I live in western PA, we may have a large number of Democrats but these are old ideologically conservative democrats who vote for the Clinton name. For Barack to get more than 25 percent in the county which I live (Westmoreland, one of the largest Democrat counties in PA) is amazing. This is a county that has voted Bush hard the past two election and voted Lynn Swann by a sizable margin in his slaughtering to Ed Rendell. There are more confederate flags and gun racks here than you thought possible north of the Mason Dixon line.
    9/28/05 PNC Park Pittsburgh- 6/23/06 Mellon Arena Pittsburgh- 8/02/07 The Vic- 8/05/07- Lollapalooza 6/22/08 DC
  • VictoryGinVictoryGin Posts: 1,207
    Oregon hasn't voted for a Republican president since Ronald Regan. We haven't had a republican governor since 1987 and 4/5 of our CD's are held by popular democrats (CD5 will be open this Nov. though). How is OR a new state Obama could pick up in a general election? Now Colorado, that would fit the bill.

    that wasn't phrased well in my rush. what i meant is that assuming people actually send in their ballots, obama should do quite well in oregon. that could 1. have him pick up another nice primary win. 2. pretty much assure that oregon is blue in the fall. yes, it has been blue in the last few elections, but i don't think it's quite something you can always bank on.

    i wonder if obama will accept clinton's request for 2 more debates in oregon. that will be interesting. she wants one all on rural issues.
    if you wanna be a friend of mine
    cross the river to the eastside
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    When I say they will attack Webb, I mean they will attack them for a total of 6 years US Senate. Joe Voter won't remember Webb from the 80's.

    Virginia is very much leaning blue. You can't forget that Mark Warner is going to be on the ticket, the Dem gov who left office with a 80% approval rating. A ballot with Obama and Warner at the top in Virginia will really boost the Democratic party in Virginia.
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    GauchoB wrote:
    He can't possibly say with a straight face that he is a better choice against McCain anymore if he can't win a single major Democratic state that you have to carry to win as a Democrat. He did not win a SINGLE ONE.
    so when barack and hillary agreed to the rules. its ok for hillary to not agree now? because she has lost so many times and so many delegates?
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    macgyver06 wrote:
    who is cnn?
    stupid much?
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • I'm aware of the current scene happening in Virginia. Are you aware that they haven't voted for a democrat since 1964? Obviously these trends are broken constantly, but VA turning blue is hardly a known quantity.

    Joe Voter may not remember he served in Regan's administration but you can bet your ass the cable news stations will run his bio the 48 hours after Obama picks him as veep as well as the DNC running several ads featuring his bio and also mentioning his son served in Iraq. Its likely that both the repubs at the top of the ticket can't claim the personal commitment to our military that he can.
    When I say they will attack Webb, I mean they will attack them for a total of 6 years US Senate. Joe Voter won't remember Webb from the 80's.

    Virginia is very much leaning blue. You can't forget that Mark Warner is going to be on the ticket, the Dem gov who left office with a 80% approval rating. A ballot with Obama and Warner at the top in Virginia will really boost the Democratic party in Virginia.
  • Assuming people actually send in their ballots? Our mail in vote system has stellar turn out (around 80% of registered voters). We also have an incredibly contentious statewide democratic US senate and Attorney General (go John Kroger!) primary as well as a contested Mayoral election in Portland (go Sam Adams!) and a primary in our 5th CD (Darlene Hooley's retirement will make this one of the most contested elections this fall as this CD went for bush 51-49 in thee fall, both parties will sink tons of dough into this race). I know McCain is polling evenly against Clinton here in some polls right now but thats mostly Obama folks like me who just say they'll vote for McCain if Clinton is the nominee (sorry Survey USA, I just can't resist fucking with you). He'll obliterate her in CD's 1, 3 and 4 and tie in CD 5. The only place she has a shot is CD 2, lots of retirees from Cali.

    VictoryGin wrote:
    that wasn't phrased well in my rush. what i meant is that assuming people actually send in their ballots, obama should do quite well in oregon. that could 1. have him pick up another nice primary win. 2. pretty much assure that oregon is blue in the fall. yes, it has been blue in the last few elections, but i don't think it's quite something you can always bank on.

    i wonder if obama will accept clinton's request for 2 more debates in oregon. that will be interesting. she wants one all on rural issues.
  • TDMize15TDMize15 Posts: 166
    I'm aware of the current scene happening in Virginia. Are you aware that they haven't voted for a democrat since 1964? Obviously these trends are broken constantly, but VA turning blue is hardly a known quantity.

    Joe Voter may not remember he served in Regan's administration but you can bet your ass the cable news stations will run his bio the 48 hours after Obama picks him as veep as well as the DNC running several ads featuring his bio and also mentioning his son served in Iraq. Its likely that both the repubs at the top of the ticket can't claim the personal commitment to our military that he can.

    Ok, so regardless of what I think about McCain.

    He is a POW, and he has two sons currently serving in Iraq... I think he wins the "personal commitment" to our military category.
    All the rusted signs, we ignore throughout our lives, choosing the shiny ones instead...

    And he who forgets, will be destined to remember...
  • Thanks for catching me on that. I meant to say that they can't EXCLUSIVELY claim the personal military commitment thing. I shouldn't type and eat popcorn at the same time.....
    Ok, so regardless of what I think about McCain.

    He is a POW, and he has two sons currently serving in Iraq... I think he wins the "personal commitment" to our military category.
  • VictoryGinVictoryGin Posts: 1,207
    Assuming people actually send in their ballots? Our mail in vote system has stellar turn out (around 80% of registered voters). We also have an incredibly contentious statewide democratic US senate and Attorney General (go John Kroger!) primary as well as a contested Mayoral election in Portland (go Sam Adams!) and a primary in our 5th CD (Darlene Hooley's retirement will make this one of the most contested elections this fall as this CD went for bush 51-49 in thee fall, both parties will sink tons of dough into this race). I know McCain is polling evenly against Clinton here in some polls right now but thats mostly Obama folks like me who just say they'll vote for McCain if Clinton is the nominee (sorry Survey USA, I just can't resist fucking with you). He'll obliterate her in CD's 1, 3 and 4 and tie in CD 5. The only place she has a shot is CD 2, lots of retirees from Cali.

    i wasn't saying everyone wouldn't be turning in their ballots. geez. hey, i'll probably be picking them up for some. i guess i felt i had to state the obvious. seems to not help. and thanks, i'm familiar with the other races here.
    if you wanna be a friend of mine
    cross the river to the eastside
  • How is saying "assuming people send in their ballots" stating the obvious? I had no idea you were actually from this state.
  • doctkedoctke Posts: 6
    Virginia and other swing states

    If Obama is the nominee don't think for a second that the Wilder effect won't come into play.
    6/14/98 DC 9/19/98 DC
    9/4/2000 DC
    4/26/03 Pittsburgh 6/5/03 San Diego 6/6/03 Vegas, 7/1/03 DC 7/5/03 Camden 7/6/03 Camden,
    7/8/03 NYC 7/9/03 NYC 7/12/03 Hershey
    10/1/04 Reading
    10/3/05 Philly
    5/27/06 Camden 5/28/06 Camden 5/30/06 DC
    7/6/06 Vegas 12/2/06 Hawaii 12/9/06 Hawaii
    6/19/08 Camden
  • Obama just got endorsed by first Chinese-American congressman and representative of my CD David Wu. My guess is Wyden and DeFazio wait until June.
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    Obama just got endorsed by first Chinese-American congressman and representative of my CD David Wu. My guess is Wyden and DeFazio wait until June.

    It's always good to get endorsed but getting one from the "Kilngons in the White House" guy may not hold as much water as other endorsements:
    - Busted down the pretext
    - 8/28/98
    - 9/2/00
    - 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
    - 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
    - 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
    - 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
    - 8/2/07, 8/5/07
    - 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
    - 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
    - 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
    - 9/11/11, 9/12/11
    - 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
  • I remember that, man, how embarrassing. I wonder if the Clinton's reminded him of some other star trek villain and thats what Clinched it. The borg perhaps?
    Solat13 wrote:
    It's always good to get endorsed but getting one from the "Kilngons in the White House" guy may not hold as much water as other endorsements:
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,308
    PA: Clinton cut into Obama's lead by 10 delegates. Still trails by about 130.
    NC: Even if Clinton takes Indiana by double digits, Obama will have taken back any ground (and perhaps then some) she gained in NC alone.

    Game over.
  • GauchoBGauchoB Posts: 224
    VictoryGin wrote:

    Who cares about Texas. It's a red state no matter what.
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