Big thumping. Unless she picks up superdelagates her "thumping" will just end up being money out of her pocket because she still won't win.
Well, the theory is that a big thumping would allow more superdelegates to jump on her bandwagon. It will also turn up the fundraising. The race is still on. It certainly doesn't look good for her, but it looks a little better than it did before today's primary.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Big thumping. Unless she picks up superdelagates her "thumping" will just end up being money out of her pocket because she still won't win.
Say what you want but stupid is not a word ever associated with the Clintons. They know the numbers. Its a convention play. They know it. She can't win on the numbers.....and neither can he. So the game continues...The fact that Obama TV (CNN) finally stepped up and admitted Barry (Barak) has a problem in major states is a big swing. He can't possibly say with a straight face that he is a better choice against McCain anymore if he can't win a single major Democratic state that you have to carry to win as a Democrat. He did not win a SINGLE ONE.
Should be an interesting couple of weeks and there could be a major shift in thinking in the party. Expect to hear ALOT of talk about Florida and Michigan...
he can't win a single major Democratic state that you have to carry to win as a Democrat. He did not win a SINGLE ONE.
Uh.....IL, WI, MN, WA, DC/MD plus swing states like MO and VA. I'm not saying her victories haven't been impressive either. Supporters on both sides should stop claiming that the states won by the other candidates somehow don't matter.
Uh.....IL, WI, MN, WA, DC/MD plus swing states like MO and VA. I'm not saying her victories haven't been impressive either. Supporters on both sides should stop claiming that the states won by the other candidates somehow don't matter.
I agree with this comment. From everything I have read long before this primary mess started is that the three biggest states for Dems this year are Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Missouri.
As for the PA primary, she did what she had to do. Obama was able to erase a 30 point lead for Clinton and all of their PA connections to 10 in about 7 weeks. That itself is pretty damn impressive. The Clinton camp will spin it that he outspent them 3:1 and still couldn't win, so he must be a flawed candidate. However, he was able to bring the race closer than it was and caused her campaign to spend a lot of money. Now her campaign is in the red, Obama will roll out more supers (like he does after every loss), and he will have a chance to lock this up with wins in IN and NC.
Does anyone think that Hilary and Obama will talk behind doors?
It appears Hillary wants to be prez and Obama the VP. (She even stated this)
Obama wants to stand clear of Hillary as a VP if he runs as the democrat prez. candidate.
I don't see Obama bowing down and allowing her as the vp. But I do see it forced down his throat. I bet Obama will pick a very liberal REPUBLICAN from Illinois to counter Hillary as the VP.... Guess who???
I don't see Obama bowing down and allowing her as the vp. But I do see it forced down his throat. I bet Obama will pick a very liberal REPUBLICAN from Illinois to counter Hillary as the VP.... Guess who???
A president and VP from the same state is extremely unlikely. I'll bet you 100 bucks that doesn't happen. Some better choices: Bill Richardson (shore up the latino vote, plus NM is technically a swing state), Jim Webb (good military experience, from VA, a key swinger), Michael Bloomberg (great econ cred, plus he would fit with Obama's conciliatory approach)
A president and VP from the same state is extremely unlikely. I'll bet you 100 bucks that doesn't happen. Some better choices: Bill Richardson (shore up the latino vote, plus NM is technically a swing state), Jim Webb (good military experience, from VA, a key swinger), Michael Bloomberg (great econ cred, plus he would fit with Obama's conciliatory approach)
I was thinking Kirk Dillard would be his VP. I wouldnt bet on it though. I could see Bloomberg being asked though.
I was thinking Kirk Dillard would be his VP. I wouldnt bet on it though. I could see Bloomberg being asked though.
Kirk Dillard? Seriously? Yeah he appeared in an Obama ad, but he is setting himself up for a statewide run of something. He has no federal experience at all. My guess? Kirk Dillard will be running for Congress.
I think Bill Richardson, or the female gov. from Kansas are a couple good options.
this election bores me. the characters have grown stale. Another Clinton? Nader AGAIN?! dragging out this democrat nomination shit is killing the ratings. when is the next one?
this election bores me. the characters have grown stale. Another Clinton? Nader AGAIN?! dragging out this democrat nomination shit is killing the ratings. when is the next one?
the brokered democratic national convention involving santos, russell, and hoynes did very well for the ratings. people tune in for drama. look at the debates.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
the brokered democratic national convention involving santos, russell, and hoynes did very well for the ratings. people tune in for drama. look at the debates.
Much like all the other worthless "REALITY" shows on TV though..... give me the professionals for my drama.... now that's change I can believe in.
Media shills lobbing softball questions to politicial shills is like watching professional bowling....why?
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
the brokered democratic national convention involving santos, russell, and hoynes did very well for the ratings. people tune in for drama. look at the debates.
i think the show started going downhill after they offed Romney as the main villian. McCain is kinda dull for the badguy/
It would be interesting to see what would happen if the primary season were just beginning, instead of ending.
It seems like Hillary has more momentum now than Barry, just not enough to overcome that giant deficit she started out with. I'd bet dollars to donuts if they started it all over again right now, Hillary would beat him in Iowa ... and all those other states he won based off the Iowa momentum would be back in play, too.
I'm not saying this to be negative about Obama. I just think a lot of people who voted for him earlier might not now. It's interesting.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
i think the show started going downhill after they offed Romney as the main villian. McCain is kinda dull for the badguy/
They should have kept romney and made him grow one of those black, wispy mustaches like the villains in old timey movies. He could have tied Hillary to the train tracks. It would have been great. Especially when nobody came to save her
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
It would be interesting to see what would happen if the primary season were just beginning, instead of ending.
It seems like Hillary has more momentum now than Barry, just not enough to overcome that giant deficit she started out with. I'd bet dollars to donuts if they started it all over again right now, Hillary would beat him in Iowa ... and all those other states he won based off the Iowa momentum would be back in play, too.
I'm not saying this to be negative about Obama. I just think a lot of people who voted for him earlier might not now. It's interesting.
Barry? If you're going that route, you should spell it all out - Barry HUSSEIN Osama-lama-ding-dong. Oh, and I believe Hilarious Clinton is offically called PIAPS. Her, B.O. and Jean Francois Cary all belong to the DemonRAT party, alternately known as the dhimmicrats, where they slaughter innocent children for their sodomite gods before declaring fealty to the Islamofacists.
Uh.....IL, WI, MN, WA, DC/MD plus swing states like MO and VA. I'm not saying her victories haven't been impressive either. Supporters on both sides should stop claiming that the states won by the other candidates somehow don't matter.
its like watching an extremely slow motion train wreck.
Big thumping. Unless she picks up superdelagates her "thumping" will just end up being money out of her pocket because she still won't win.
Well, the theory is that a big thumping would allow more superdelegates to jump on her bandwagon. It will also turn up the fundraising. The race is still on. It certainly doesn't look good for her, but it looks a little better than it did before today's primary.
Say what you want but stupid is not a word ever associated with the Clintons. They know the numbers. Its a convention play. They know it. She can't win on the numbers.....and neither can he. So the game continues...The fact that Obama TV (CNN) finally stepped up and admitted Barry (Barak) has a problem in major states is a big swing. He can't possibly say with a straight face that he is a better choice against McCain anymore if he can't win a single major Democratic state that you have to carry to win as a Democrat. He did not win a SINGLE ONE.
Should be an interesting couple of weeks and there could be a major shift in thinking in the party. Expect to hear ALOT of talk about Florida and Michigan...
Uh.....IL, WI, MN, WA, DC/MD plus swing states like MO and VA. I'm not saying her victories haven't been impressive either. Supporters on both sides should stop claiming that the states won by the other candidates somehow don't matter.
I agree with this comment. From everything I have read long before this primary mess started is that the three biggest states for Dems this year are Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Missouri.
As for the PA primary, she did what she had to do. Obama was able to erase a 30 point lead for Clinton and all of their PA connections to 10 in about 7 weeks. That itself is pretty damn impressive. The Clinton camp will spin it that he outspent them 3:1 and still couldn't win, so he must be a flawed candidate. However, he was able to bring the race closer than it was and caused her campaign to spend a lot of money. Now her campaign is in the red, Obama will roll out more supers (like he does after every loss), and he will have a chance to lock this up with wins in IN and NC.
Non-college educated
older 61%
made up their minds last minute and had ABC debate influence
Gun owners
All of those sum up the state of Pennsylvania perfectly.
.....Hillary Clinton wins Pennsylvania as expected.
Well, a few points less than expected, but who's counting......
.....except that counting determines delegates in a proportional primary.
On to Guam!!
who is cnn?
Aren't most of those former manufacturing too? They like NAFT(my ass free trade)A?
How many voted for Hillary because she had female sex organs?
It appears Hillary wants to be prez and Obama the VP. (She even stated this)
Obama wants to stand clear of Hillary as a VP if he runs as the democrat prez. candidate.
I don't see Obama bowing down and allowing her as the vp. But I do see it forced down his throat. I bet Obama will pick a very liberal REPUBLICAN from Illinois to counter Hillary as the VP.... Guess who???
A president and VP from the same state is extremely unlikely. I'll bet you 100 bucks that doesn't happen. Some better choices: Bill Richardson (shore up the latino vote, plus NM is technically a swing state), Jim Webb (good military experience, from VA, a key swinger), Michael Bloomberg (great econ cred, plus he would fit with Obama's conciliatory approach)
I was thinking Kirk Dillard would be his VP. I wouldnt bet on it though. I could see Bloomberg being asked though.
Kirk Dillard? Seriously? Yeah he appeared in an Obama ad, but he is setting himself up for a statewide run of something. He has no federal experience at all. My guess? Kirk Dillard will be running for Congress.
I think Bill Richardson, or the female gov. from Kansas are a couple good options.
the brokered democratic national convention involving santos, russell, and hoynes did very well for the ratings. people tune in for drama. look at the debates.
cross the river to the eastside
Much like all the other worthless "REALITY" shows on TV though..... give me the professionals for my drama.... now that's change I can believe in.
Media shills lobbing softball questions to politicial shills is like watching professional bowling....why?
i think the show started going downhill after they offed Romney as the main villian. McCain is kinda dull for the badguy/
It seems like Hillary has more momentum now than Barry, just not enough to overcome that giant deficit she started out with. I'd bet dollars to donuts if they started it all over again right now, Hillary would beat him in Iowa ... and all those other states he won based off the Iowa momentum would be back in play, too.
I'm not saying this to be negative about Obama. I just think a lot of people who voted for him earlier might not now. It's interesting.
for the least they could possibly do
They should have kept romney and made him grow one of those black, wispy mustaches like the villains in old timey movies. He could have tied Hillary to the train tracks. It would have been great. Especially when nobody came to save her
for the least they could possibly do
So true
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde