just remeber, when you bash Christ, you don't get 40 lashes



  • 810wmb810wmb Posts: 849
    mammasan wrote:
    Actually Canadien soldier fought during D-Day. I believe it was either Juno or Gold Beach that was taken primarily by Canadien forces. You grasp of history is either extremely lacking or you are just trolling. Either way it's just sad.

    you know what? bullshit!

    either read the whole thread or whatever

    you know what else?

    fuck canada

    big fucking deal, this dude goes off on the U.S. saying we should be ashamed of ourselves..he made the point more frozenheads died during the war the our troops

    they fucked around for a long time before uncle sam came and showed 'em how it's done.

    it's called wwII - the very name implies that the WORLD was in it.

    bottom line the motherfucker would prob still be going on today if we hadn't stepped in

    edit - once again we did too little too late, or we are sticking our nose in somebody else's biz...i wish we wouldn't help not a single bitch in this world...let the fuckers kill each other until they are done. when a earthquake, oil spill, big wave or whatever damn thing comes - keep our asses at home, let 'em all fend for themselves.

    fuck 'em all

    bunch of ungrateful crybabies
    i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    810wmb wrote:
    you know what? bullshit!

    either read the whole thread or whatever

    you know what else?

    fuck canada

    big fucking deal, this dude goes off on the U.S. saying we should be ashamed of ourselves..he made the point more frozenheads died during the war the our troops

    they fucked around for a long time before uncle sam came and showed 'em how it's done.

    it's called wwII - the very name implies that the WORLD was in it.

    bottom line the motherfucker would prob still be going on today if we hadn't stepped in

    I did read the whole thread and not one single person down played the role the US played in the war. Everyone has admitted that the US played an important role in defeating Hitler. The point that people where trying to make is that the US was not the lone hero here. Russia, UK, and Canada all played a role in the defeat of Germany. To not acknowledge that fact is a slap in the face to all the soldiers of those countries who sacrificed their lives. So you are the one being disrespectfull not the other members who have stated that other countries came to the call and many men from many nationalities scarificed their lifes, not just Americans.

    Also as other and myself have pointed out had Hitler listened to his military commanders and not invaded Russia not even our involvment would have stopped Hitler's crusade. The Germany military was better trained and better armed than ours. We would have never been able to penetrate Fortress Europe with the Russian invading from the East. This would have also impacted our efforts in the Pacific as we would have had to draw on resources from that theatre to aid in our efforts in Europe.

    So in short you are wrong by not giving credit where credit is due. Yes US involvment helped win the war but don't forget about the other countries that where involved in the effort because without them there would have been no victory.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    810wmb wrote:
    edit - once again we did too little too late, or we are sticking our nose in somebody else's biz...i wish we wouldn't help not a single bitch in this world...let the fuckers kill each other until they are done. when a earthquake, oil spill, big wave or whatever damn thing comes - keep our asses at home, let 'em all fend for themselves.

    fuck 'em all

    bunch of ungrateful crybabies

    Well anyone who would say we did too little or we waited to long doesn't know their history either. FDR wanted to help out the French and Brits but unfortunetly he knew that Congress would never allow it. This was seen as a European problem but FDR had the forsight to know that once Hitler was done with Europe the US would be next on his list. The US government and military supplied the British to the best of their abilities while simulateuosly preparing our own military for the possibility of our own entrance into the war.

    It is unfortunate that it did take several years before we jumped into the fray but I believe thatup untill that point we where under-prepared to participate in a full out war anyway. It was probably better that we did wait a bit build up our military so once we did enter the war we would do so with the trained forced and equipment necessary to wage a successful campaign.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    810wmb wrote:
    bunch of ungrateful crybabies

    You expect the entire world to thank the Americans for their part in WWII and believe me, they do thank the Americans, yet you have no respect for any of the other Allied Forces and in fact the only one here who is down playing anyone's role is you.

    Frankly, it's just pathetic.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    Songburst wrote:
    It's hilarious to me that somebody so ignorant can so confidently bash this crap out on the keyboard from day to day. Canada actually sacrificed a higher percentage of the population to the war than the US did. Of course we fought throughout the whole war though, so I guess those numbers are inflated. All that red, white and blue rah rah rah bullshit that you get fed from diapers really skews your perspective on the world.
    WWII would not have been won without the US. They were pretty much the only Allied country with both raw materials and production facilities (Canada was miles behind the States in manufacturing capabilities). It was a collective effort to win the war but the Americans involvement was irreplaceable because what they provided the other Allied countries could not.

    I love Canada's role in WWI and WWII but realistically we provided the easiest resource to use in a war, men to die.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
  • 810wmb810wmb Posts: 849
    surferdude wrote:
    WWII would not have been won without the US. They were pretty much the only Allied country with both raw materials and production facilities (Canada was miles behind the States in manufacturing capabilities). It was a collective effort to win the war but the Americans involvement was irreplaceable because what they provided the other Allied countries could not.

    I love Canada's role in WWI and WWII but realistically we provided the easiest resource to use in a war, men to die.

    in a nutshell............
    i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
  • 810wmb810wmb Posts: 849
    Collin wrote:
    Frankly, it's just pathetic.

    don't call me frankly
    i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
  • NCfanNCfan Posts: 945
    810wmb wrote:
    hey, if it wasn't for us you would be singing heil hitler

    Ah ha, this is how this thread got turned into the WWII pissin match. In the future, please don't use this argument as it reflects poorly on all Americans. If this is what you think, then so be it. Humility is the word I'm lookin for here.
  • 810wmb810wmb Posts: 849
    NCfan wrote:
    Ah ha, this is how this thread got turned into the WWII pissin match. In the future, please don't use this argument as it reflects poorly on all Americans. If this is what you think, then so be it. Humility is the word I'm lookin for here.

    look on the second page *i think* the dude is going on about how oppressive the U.S. is etc.

    i understand yr point, but fuck that.

    a *little* gratitude would be nice every now and then.

    the next fucking time the U.K. is getting the hell bombed out of them, you think they'll look to us for help?

    i forgot - fuck canada
    i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
  • NCfanNCfan Posts: 945
    810wmb wrote:
    look on the second page *i think* the dude is going on about how oppressive the U.S. is etc.

    i understand yr point, but fuck that.

    a *little* gratitude would be nice every now and then.

    the next fucking time the U.K. is getting the hell bombed out of them, you think they'll look to us for help?

    i forgot - fuck canada

    Fantastic, now this board has a conservative version of Byrnzie.
  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    810wmb wrote:
    you know what? bullshit!

    either read the whole thread or whatever

    you know what else?

    fuck canada

    big fucking deal, this dude goes off on the U.S. saying we should be ashamed of ourselves..he made the point more frozenheads died during the war the our troops

    they fucked around for a long time before uncle sam came and showed 'em how it's done.

    it's called wwII - the very name implies that the WORLD was in it.

    bottom line the motherfucker would prob still be going on today if we hadn't stepped in

    edit - once again we did too little too late, or we are sticking our nose in somebody else's biz...i wish we wouldn't help not a single bitch in this world...let the fuckers kill each other until they are done. when a earthquake, oil spill, big wave or whatever damn thing comes - keep our asses at home, let 'em all fend for themselves.

    fuck 'em all

    bunch of ungrateful crybabies

    It is very refreshing seeing someone sticking up for the U.S. A lot of people on this board think it's cool to hate America.

    I don't think you should be so harsh, but it's nice to see someone still loves this country.
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    genie wrote:
    in a way i was putting them all into potential terrorist breeding ground :) , but when i was writing about neuclear power i had one particular country in my mind which was Iran

    ah i see. this was my problem in grasping what it was you were trying to convey. you spoke about them making nuclear bombs. my immediate reaction was you were lazy in lumping them all together. this british woman was teaching in the sudan, which is in africa, not in iran nor anywhere else in the middle east. but i guess theyre all the same aren't they those people? cause as we know all christians are the same.
    and lets not forget the people calling for this woman's execution are fundamentalists. they are not representative of the general population anymore than bible bashing christian zealots are representative of countries in the West. but as you know tis always these reactionaries that get the ear and eye of the media, who love nothing more than freaking out the public with their propaganda and keeping the hate and ignorance alive.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • 810wmb wrote:

    i forgot - fuck canada

    Please don't ever visit.

    Thanks in advance. :p
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • 810wmb810wmb Posts: 849
    Please don't ever visit.

    Thanks in advance. :p

    no fucking worries there.

    i wouldn't shit on canada if it needed fertilizer
    i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
  • 810wmb wrote:
    no fucking worries there.

    i wouldn't shit on canada if it needed fertilizer

    Cool...still want our oil and water?
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • 810wmb810wmb Posts: 849
    Cool...still want our oil and water?

    sure, we take it from worse fuckers than canadians, eh?

    y'all have the complex up there...it must be hard stuck on to the greatest country in the world...piggybacking on the giant.

    finally coughed up where you live, i'm not freaking surprised.
    i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
  • 810wmb wrote:
    sure, we take it from worse fuckers than canadians, eh?

    y'all have the complex up there...it must be hard stuck on to the greatest country in the world...piggybacking on the giant.

    finally coughed up where you live, i'm not freaking surprised.

    I think I've finally identified the driver in this video...(hint) next time less alcohol would be a good idea.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    mammasan wrote:
    Well anyone who would say we did too little or we waited to long doesn't know their history either. FDR wanted to help out the French and Brits but unfortunetly he knew that Congress would never allow it. This was seen as a European problem but FDR had the forsight to know that once Hitler was done with Europe the US would be next on his list. The US government and military supplied the British to the best of their abilities while simulateuosly preparing our own military for the possibility of our own entrance into the war.

    It is unfortunate that it did take several years before we jumped into the fray but I believe thatup untill that point we where under-prepared to participate in a full out war anyway. It was probably better that we did wait a bit build up our military so once we did enter the war we would do so with the trained forced and equipment necessary to wage a successful campaign.

    I have read a few books on FDR's struggle to get the US involved in the war despite public opinion. Realistically, the US was involved in WW2 from the get go via supplying Allies (and to a lesser extent, the Germans) with materials for the war. If the US did not set foot in Europe, Germany would have fell a year (maybe 2) later. At the end of the day, it was the Russians who took the Germans out.
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • PearlerPearler Posts: 191
    She should have known better. She comes from a highly educated white western society and she holds the position of a high caste, in a teacher. We know exactly what sort of primitive, uncivilised, hate filled, freaked up desperate fuckozoids they are.... why even consider flaunting with their cut throat and brutal social system to start with.

    I hope its televised. I wanna hear her screams.

    Cheers, Edward "Mohomad" DaBear (bum) loving queers.
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    Pearler wrote:
    She should have known better. She comes from a highly educated white western society and she holds the position of a high caste, in a teacher. We know exactly what sort of primitive, uncivilised, hate filled, freaked up desperate fuckozoids they are.... why even consider flaunting with their cut throat and brutal social system to start with.

    I hope its televised. I wanna hear her screams.

    Cheers, Edward "Mohomad" DaBear (bum) loving queers.

    I know somebody who sells goats.

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    I think I've finally identified the driver in this video...(hint) next time less alcohol would be a good idea.

    Or ya get sprayed, CLASSIC :)

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    g under p wrote:
    Or ya get sprayed, CLASSIC :)


    LOL. Hey, he knows his rights. Dammit.

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • NoKNoK Posts: 824
    genie wrote:
    and this is exactly how war is created in the first place.

    but anyway i rest my case, i've got to do some damn work now.

    I just felt like pointing this out after you lumped the whole middle east under "potential terrorist breeding grounds"... the parts I've put in bold are interesting.


    A British Muslim politician has voiced hope for the early release of a British teacher jailed in Sudan for allowing her class to name a teddy bear Mohammed.

    Gillian Gibbons, on her seventh day of detention, was quoted as saying she was being well-treated and wished she could continue her work at the school in Sudan.

    Lord Ahmed, a member of Britain's upper house of parliament, said that despite hopeful signs for an early release there was heavy pressure on Sudanese authorities from religious groups not to show leniency to Gibbons, convicted of insulting Islam.

    Ahmed, from the ruling Labour Party, and Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, an opposition Conservative, met Gibbons, a 54-year-old from Liverpool sentenced to 15 days in jail and deportation, and said she seemed in good spirits.

    The two MPs are in Khartoum as part of an initiative by Muslim parliamentarians in Britain to secure Gibbons' release. "There are lots of positive signs," Ahmed said.

    "But the Sudanese government is under extreme pressure from those who demonstrated in the streets and those religious people who delivered strong sermons yesterday where they said they should rescind the 15 days and take her back to court," he told reporters.

    "We are optimistic that there will be a positive outcome."

    Gibbons was quoted as saying she was fine.

    "I've been given so many apples I feel I could set up my own stall," Gibbons said in a statement to her legal team, reported by British television.

    "The guards are constantly asking if I have everything I need," she added.

    "The Sudanese people in general have been pleasant and very generous, and I've had nothing but good experiences during my four months here. I'm really sad to leave and if I could go back to work tomorrow then I would."

    Gibbons' lawyers and British embassy staff have refused to give details of her location after hundreds of Muslims took to the streets of the capital, many waving swords and green Islamic flags, calling for her death.

    Warsi said she and Ahmed had met Gibbons in a meeting room in Khartoum.

    "She seemed to be in remarkably good spirits. She was very good humoured. I told her that she was on the international media scene and that was a lot to take in for a lady born in Sheffield. It was a bit of shock," Warsi said. Ahmed said they hoped to meet Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir in the next 24 hours.

    Gibbons' chief defence lawyer, Kamal al-Jazouli, said she was in a well-guarded location, separate from other prisoners.

    "I have no inside information," he said. "But I think there will be a pardon. The president has the power to change sentences and pardon defendants.

    "I think the Sudanese government must now be as concerned for her safety as the British government. There are so many factions and sects and the government cannot control them. It would be a nightmare for Sudan if anyone harmed her," he said.

    Gibbons let her seven-year-old pupils pick their favourite name for a teddy bear and they decided on Mohammed.

    She circulated a letter to parents in September, telling them that the children would be bringing the teddy bear home at weekends as part of the exercise. Two months later, a member of the school staff handed the letter to Sudan's Ministry of Education.

    Gibbons was arrested last Sunday and charged on Wednesday with insulting religion, inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs. She was convicted on Thursday of insulting religion.
  • geniegenie Posts: 2,222
    NoK wrote:
    I just felt like pointing this out after you lumped the whole middle east under "potential terrorist breeding grounds"... the parts I've put in bold are interesting.


    A British Muslim politician has voiced hope for the early release of a British teacher jailed in Sudan for allowing her class to name a teddy bear Mohammed.

    Gillian Gibbons, on her seventh day of detention, was quoted as saying she was being well-treated and wished she could continue her work at the school in Sudan.

    Lord Ahmed, a member of Britain's upper house of parliament, said that despite hopeful signs for an early release there was heavy pressure on Sudanese authorities from religious groups not to show leniency to Gibbons, convicted of insulting Islam.

    Ahmed, from the ruling Labour Party, and Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, an opposition Conservative, met Gibbons, a 54-year-old from Liverpool sentenced to 15 days in jail and deportation, and said she seemed in good spirits.

    The two MPs are in Khartoum as part of an initiative by Muslim parliamentarians in Britain to secure Gibbons' release. "There are lots of positive signs," Ahmed said.

    "But the Sudanese government is under extreme pressure from those who demonstrated in the streets and those religious people who delivered strong sermons yesterday where they said they should rescind the 15 days and take her back to court," he told reporters.

    "We are optimistic that there will be a positive outcome."

    Gibbons was quoted as saying she was fine.

    "I've been given so many apples I feel I could set up my own stall," Gibbons said in a statement to her legal team, reported by British television.

    "The guards are constantly asking if I have everything I need," she added.

    "The Sudanese people in general have been pleasant and very generous, and I've had nothing but good experiences during my four months here. I'm really sad to leave and if I could go back to work tomorrow then I would."

    Gibbons' lawyers and British embassy staff have refused to give details of her location after hundreds of Muslims took to the streets of the capital, many waving swords and green Islamic flags, calling for her death.

    Warsi said she and Ahmed had met Gibbons in a meeting room in Khartoum.

    "She seemed to be in remarkably good spirits. She was very good humoured. I told her that she was on the international media scene and that was a lot to take in for a lady born in Sheffield. It was a bit of shock," Warsi said. Ahmed said they hoped to meet Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir in the next 24 hours.

    Gibbons' chief defence lawyer, Kamal al-Jazouli, said she was in a well-guarded location, separate from other prisoners.

    "I have no inside information," he said. "But I think there will be a pardon. The president has the power to change sentences and pardon defendants.

    "I think the Sudanese government must now be as concerned for her safety as the British government. There are so many factions and sects and the government cannot control them. It would be a nightmare for Sudan if anyone harmed her," he said.

    Gibbons let her seven-year-old pupils pick their favourite name for a teddy bear and they decided on Mohammed.

    She circulated a letter to parents in September, telling them that the children would be bringing the teddy bear home at weekends as part of the exercise. Two months later, a member of the school staff handed the letter to Sudan's Ministry of Education.

    Gibbons was arrested last Sunday and charged on Wednesday with insulting religion, inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs. She was convicted on Thursday of insulting religion.

    maybe she was giving this report and had a gun pointed at her head, and that's why she said all those good things about them....hehehe. ;)
    ok, i am only joking now. thank you for pointing out those lines to me.
  • NoKNoK Posts: 824


    Sudan frees Briton in teddy row

    KHARTOUM, Sudan (CNN) -- A British teacher in Sudan jailed over the naming of a teddy bear has been released from police custody, the British Embassy in Khartoum said, several hours after Sudan's president Omar al-Bashir pardoned her.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    Songburst wrote:
    I have read a few books on FDR's struggle to get the US involved in the war despite public opinion. Realistically, the US was involved in WW2 from the get go via supplying Allies (and to a lesser extent, the Germans) with materials for the war. If the US did not set foot in Europe, Germany would have fell a year (maybe 2) later. At the end of the day, it was the Russians who took the Germans out.

    Not necessarily. The German military basically had to fight a war on two fronts. To the east the Russians and to the west the UK, US, Canada, and the rest of the Allied forces. Had the US not entered the war the Germans could have focused the majority of their military on the eastern front. This may, or may not, have been able to repell the Russians. The point is no one country is responsible for the victory. Every country that was involved in the Allied effort constributed to the victory. Even Hitler contributed to the victory by invading Russia and mismanaging the Battle of Britain. Any one who claims that US involvment was the only reason why Germany lost or anyone who downplays US involvment either has no knowledge of history or is incredibly stupid.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    good news people. she's been given a pardon and is going home. :)
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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