just remeber, when you bash Christ, you don't get 40 lashes

you can also name a teddy bear "Jesus" without fear
oh yeah, i can't spell "remember" either
you can also name a teddy bear "Jesus" without fear
oh yeah, i can't spell "remember" either
i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'll take the lashings please.
Hey maybe some of those people enjoy the lashes. Much cheaper to just say "Fuck Allah" than paying a good dominatrix to do it.
good point!
Also this more of an example of mankind, more specifically a government, corrupting a religion in order to oppress it's people. Islam is no better or worse a religion than Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.. The problem is that to many oppressive regimes around the world use Islam to control it's people and indoctrinate them from birth to think that their distorted interpretation of Islam is the true form of the religion. You can damn Allah and Mohammed every waking moment in any country that provides a free society and not suffer from being lashed. That just proves that the problem is governments not the religion itself.
Until then, I plan on being a finger in the eye of religious fanatics in my own back yard, thanks.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
So an all loving god sends the people/souls he allegedly loves and created in his own image, to hell; for not believing in him or following him? Wow, what an egomaniac! Exactly what kind of love would that be?
Sounds exactly like the kind of "love" that smacks the wifey upside the head and punches her in the face, if dinner isn't on the table by exactly 5:30 PM and if she dares to talk back. Ah yes, that kind of love:rolleyes:
Human character flaws and human weaknesses attributed to and applied to an alleged "God". Maybe because it was written by a human being?
Nah, I'm talking crazy talk, here.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Try bashing Christ in a Catholic school and see how many lashings you get.
Right on! It's the people in power that are shoving this shit down the throats of those that are not. It's funny because the more the world opens up (globalization) the more people will be able to detect their own oppression. This is how the Soviet Union fell, and this is how radical religous govermental regimes will fall as well.
I really believe a day will come, many decades from now where this type of bullshit doesn't exist anymore - at least not on the level of a country's governement.
I mean, a national government that rules by religious edict is so fucking flawed and transparently backwards.
you must've grown up in the old catholic school days. i never once was lashed, saw anyone lashed, or heard of anyone being lashed in 13 years of catholic school.
however, as someone pointed out, this has far less to do with religion and far more to do with poor government.
I hope so too. I truely feel deep sorrow for the people who have to suffer under such oppression. The really sad part is that many don't even realize that they are being oppressed simply because they have been brainwashed from the moment they left the womb that this is the only way to live.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Zero. It isn't the 1960's anymore, although I wish they could still paddle kids in school.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
LMAO!! this is what i was going to say.
in christianity you are not supposed to name your kids jesus, yet it happens in south america and central america all of the time, only its pronounced "hey-zeus"
muslims name their children mohammad all of the time.
yet in both religions you can not name an inatimate object jesus or mohammad?? the way i was taught, people should not be named after these sacred people because they are destined to fail in living up to those names. to me, it would almost be better the name something that can not screw up (like a teddy bear) after these sacred beings.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Great fun slapping Mohammad around.
This is a perfect example of why Theocracies suck ass.
Keep Religion OUT of Law Making.
Hail, Hail!!!
the religion should be so perfect, so complete, leave no space to abuse like god itself so that humans or governments cannot abuse it.
you think since the creator of religion is God itself, an example of perfection, it should not be so hard to create a religion like that...Well, but there is none around so far...
Welcome to atheism
These religions could be perfect but imperfections in humans could result in comprehending perfection in an imperfect way. Hope that makes sense to you.
The religion itself may have been perfect. Over time mankind has taken what he wants from the earliest teachings and morphed it into what fits him best. Take the teachings of Jesus Christ. Look how far his teaching have been distorted throughout history by mankind. What he preached could be considered perfect. Love thy neighbor and treat others as you wish to be treated. Simple and perfect, but it was mankind who took this and transformed it into what best fit his agenda. Same goes with Islam or Judaism or any other religion. We will never know what the true intent or message of the original preachers where because man and time have earased it and all we have left is what has been distorted through the ages by greed, power and corruption. So mankind is to blame, not the religion itself.
What is the United States of America, Alex?
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I still say, welcome to atheism. I am stubborn bastard