Over 400 Scientists disput global warming



  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    This is a good site for arm chair deniers.

    plenty of comparison photos to enjoy

    The deniers are the people in the Bush Administration, not the people on this message board. No one denys the fact that global climate is warming and that the melting polar caps will lead to rising sea levels and violent changes in our weather system... but, people will argue about the cause of it. Man induced or cyclical nature... that's what people argue about.
    And most of the people here agree... conservation and reducing the amounts of pollutants we emmit is a good thing... even if it does not curtail the current warming trend. The only one who argue against these things do so because of the economic impact... nothing else.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Jeanie wrote:
    Yes, I see. :) So vehemently and at Christmas too. :D

    Merry Christmas Cosmo. :)
    I'm guessing you have never seen me argue with the ones who claim that their religion is the truth and the only path towards God. I believe spirit of Christmas belongs to everyone and that God loves us all... regardless of which path we choose to take... even when we choose to take the road that leads away from Him.
    Facts? No. I state them as beliefs, hopes and personal feelings... never as facts.
    Merry Christmas.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Cosmo wrote:
    I'm guessing you have never seen me argue with the ones who claim that their religion is the truth and the only path towards God. I believe spirit of Christmas belongs to everyone and that God loves us all... regardless of which path we choose to take... even when we choose to take the road that leads away from Him.
    Facts? No. I state them as beliefs, hopes and personal feelings... never as facts.
    Merry Christmas.

    Lighten up love, you're starting to sound a little fanatical there. :p

    I've seen you argue and I've seen you argue and then I've seen you argue some more, I just really don't get what you get out of it. Nothing personal, I just find it mystifying.

    I'm not a believer in God, so I couldn't be bothered debating his existence or non existence or his supposed ownership over Christmas for that matter. Personally I think you need a good dose of egg nog and a little giggle before you get so serious your head explodes. ;)

    And you can get all cranky with me if you like but I can't be stuffed with that this time of year either. I posted some links, you clarified your position, which wasn't very clear before and as far as I can see we're good now.

    And I do hope you have a Merry Christmas. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Jeanie wrote:
    Lighten up love, you're starting to sound a little fanatical there. :p

    I've seen you argue and I've seen you argue and then I've seen you argue some more, I just really don't get what you get out of it. Nothing personal, I just find it mystifying.

    I'm not a believer in God, so I couldn't be bothered debating his existence or non existence or his supposed ownership over Christmas for that matter. Personally I think you need a good dose of egg nog and a little giggle before you get so serious your head explodes. ;)

    And you can get all cranky with me if you like but I can't be stuffed with that this time of year either. I posted some links, you clarified your position, which wasn't very clear before and as far as I can see we're good now.

    And I do you hope you have a Merry Christmas. :)
    I'm not cranky and I wasn't arguing with you. I just like a good debate and will succumb to those arguements that lead me towards the truth. And yes... my goal is to find truth... not relative truths... I want absolute truths. I know I will never find it... but, I know it's out there so I keep on looking. You might see that as being too serious... but, I see it as my quest.
    I also like to pick up the torch of Diogenes (actually a lantern), and look for the one honest man. I already know I am not honest... I will tell someone that things will be alright, when I know they are in dire straits... I will not tell a gal it is her fat ass that makes her ass look fat in those pants. I admit to not being honest at all times. But, if I truely love you... I will let you know.
    Honesty... I'm looking for that, too. I believe when I find honesty... I will find truth. But, I know I will die before I find either.
    One thing I truely despise... bullshit. The world already has more than enough bullshit piled up in it and there are more than it's share of bullshitters out there... and I will call them on their bullshit every time. Christmas or not... if someone tries to drop a load of crap on me... I'm throwing it right back. I do not like the smell nor taste of bullshit and spit it back in their faces.
    Yeah... I admit it... that is part of my nature.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Cosmo wrote:
    I'm not cranky and I wasn't arguing with you. I just like a good debate and will succumb to those arguements that lead me towards the truth. And yes... my goal is to find truth... not relative truths... I want absolute truths. I know I will never find it... but, I know it's out there so I keep on looking. You might see that as being too serious... but, I see it as my quest.
    I also like to pick up the torch of Diogenes (actually a lantern), and look for the one honest man. I already know I am not honest... I will tell someone that things will be alright, when I know they are in dire straits... I will not tell a gal it is her fat ass that makes her ass look fat in those pants. I admit to not being honest at all times. But, if I truely love you... I will let you know.
    Honesty... I'm looking for that, too. I believe when I find honesty... I will find truth. But, I know I will die before I find either.
    One thing I truely despise... bullshit. The world already has more than enough bullshit piled up in it and there are more than it's share of bullshitters out there... and I will call them on their bullshit every time. Christmas or not... if someone tries to drop a load of crap on me... I'm throwing it right back. I do not like the smell nor taste of bullshit and spit it back in their faces.
    Yeah... I admit it... that is part of my nature.

    :D LOL! Bloody hell! Sorry! :o I'm not laughing at you, well I am, but I'm not trying to be mean. It just all sounds exhausting is all. I just don't reckon it's as cut and dried as that. People aren't all one way or all the other way. We all bullshit sometimes and sometimes we tell absolute truth, most of the time, most of us sit somewhere in the middle. A little bit of bullshit, a little bit of truth and probably a whole lot of mundane, going through the motions stuff. These aren't things that you can have 100% of the time. They wax and wane. Like everything in life. Anyway as far as I can see it's all about perception and that's all about filters and that's all about experiences so everyone is going to be different. I mean I wish you well on your quest and not trying to put you down, but it seems a little futile to me. Really idealistic and that's great, but ultimately futile and unfullfilling. I mean can anyone ever know the absolute truth? Because my absolute truth isn't going to be your absolute truth is it? So I can't image that there is one universal absolute truth can you? And as for bullshit, well there's always bullshit, it's only the depth of that varies. ;) Nothing's changed but the surrounding bullshit, that has grown. I dunno Cosmo, I could be very wrong, you might ultimately prove to be right. But it just sounds like a whole lot of hard work for not enough satisfaction to me. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Jeanie wrote:
    :D LOL! Bloody hell! Sorry! :o I'm not laughing at you, well I am, but I'm not trying to be mean. It just all sounds exhausting is all. I just don't reckon it's as cut and dried as that. People aren't all one way or all the other way. We all bullshit sometimes and sometimes we tell absolute truth, most of the time, most of us sit somewhere in the middle. A little bit of bullshit, a little bit of truth and probably a whole lot of mundane, going through the motions stuff. These aren't things that you can have 100% of the time. They wax and wane. Like everything in life. Anyway as far as I can see it's all about perception and that's all about filters and that's all about experiences so everyone is going to be different. I mean I wish you well on your quest and not trying to put you down, but it seems a little futile to me. Really idealistic and that's great, but ultimately futile and unfullfilling. I mean can anyone ever know the absolute truth? Because my absolute truth isn't going to be your absolute truth is it? So I can't image that there is one universal absolute truth can you? And as for bullshit, well there's always bullshit, it's only the depth of that varies. ;) Nothing's changed but the surrounding bullshit, that has grown. I dunno Cosmo, I could be very wrong, you might ultimately prove to be right. But it just sounds like a whole lot of hard work for not enough satisfaction to me. :)
    Which is fine by me. As I said... it's my quest and I don't expect you or anyone else to look for it... or even understand where I'm coming from. I'm just putting it out there and letting you decide. Something you see as hard and unfulfilling... I find interesting and educational. It is a futile quest... which I have admitted to... it's the journey I enjoy. I still like to believe that there is that one person out there. I go through a lot of people looking for them... which is fine by me because I have come across some wonderful and interesting people along the way. I do meet some of those in the middle, mostly mundane people... I am not interested in the mundane because the mundane is not interesting to me.
    And you just proved my point. By your own admission... you are not honest and you don't know the truth and you spew bullshit. I'm not honest and I don't know the truth... but, I don't bullshit. I admit, I lie... but I don't make up shit... that is bullshitting. No one is honest and anyone that tells you they are... are not being honest.
    And you don't have any absolute truths unless it applies to me and everyone else in the world. That is relative truth... like someone beliving in Jesus and someone believing in Mohammed. To each... they only think their truths are absolute... but they are not. Those truths are relative to them. If you are okay with adding to the bullshit of the world... fine. Just don't expect me to buy into it.
    The thing is, I do know there are absolute truths out there. Death is truth... is there something beyond it? Are there more stars in the Universe or grains of sand on the Earth? Why are we here? Maybe these are too heavy for you... which your response leads me to believe. If you are being truthful with me... or just more of your bullshit. I don't know. But, it does indicate one thing to me... I will never find anything from you.
    And we DO know there is absolute truth... we find it in mathematics. No matter how you spin it.. 1 + 1 will always equal 2. That is an absolute.
    I guess this is all going nowhere with you on this. Doesn't matter... I'll leave it at that. I'm heading out to listen to some live music... Jon Brion is up at Largo tonight. I might find that honest person tonight. If not... I'll be in the company of some of those people I've met on my quest. And the truth is... my relative truth is... there is going to be some really wonderful music in the air in that room. That counts for something... well, at least it does to me.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Cosmo wrote:
    Which is fine by me. As I said... it's my quest and I don't expect you or anyone else to look for it... or even understand where I'm coming from. I'm just putting it out there and letting you decide. Something you see as hard and unfulfilling... I find interesting and educational. It is a futile quest... which I have admitted to... it's the journey I enjoy. I still like to believe that there is that one person out there. I go through a lot of people looking for them... which is fine by me because I have come across some wonderful and interesting people along the way. I do meet some of those in the middle, mostly mundane people... I am not interested in the mundane because the mundane is not interesting to me.
    And you just proved my point. By your own admission... you are not honest and you don't know the truth and you spew bullshit. I'm not honest and I don't know the truth... but, I don't bullshit. I admit, I lie... but I don't make up shit... that is bullshitting. No one is honest and anyone that tells you they are... are not being honest.
    And you don't have any absolute truths unless it applies to me and everyone else in the world. That is relative truth... like someone beliving in Jesus and someone believing in Mohammed. To each... they only think their truths are absolute... but they are not. Those truths are relative to them. If you are okay with adding to the bullshit of the world... fine. Just don't expect me to buy into it.
    The thing is, I do know there are absolute truths out there. Death is truth... is there something beyond it? Are there more stars in the Universe or grains of sand on the Earth? Why are we here? Maybe these are too heavy for you... which your response leads me to believe. If you are being truthful with me... or just more of your bullshit. I don't know. But, it does indicate one thing to me... I will never find anything from you.
    And we DO know there is absolute truth... we find it in mathematics. No matter how you spin it.. 1 + 1 will always equal 2. That is an absolute.
    I guess this is all going nowhere with you on this. Doesn't matter... I'll leave it at that. I'm heading out to listen to some live music... Jon Brion is up at Largo tonight. I might find that honest person tonight. If not... I'll be in the company of some of those people I've met on my quest. And the truth is... my relative truth is... there is going to be some really wonderful music in the air in that room. That counts for something... well, at least it does to me.

    ok, so I was sitting here trying to type out this long winded response addressing what you said point by point as best I could but I'm exhausted and I have to go to sleep now. So I'll just say two things. Firstly have a great night out. :) Music is a fanastic experience and what I would consider a basic necessity of life. It gives us sustainence.
    So have a wonder night. :)

    Secondly I'm very interested in what you've had to say here but I'm really struggling with fatigue so probably not capable of responding adequately now. But if I forget to come back to it remind me would you? Or not, if you can't be stuffed. :D I would agree that death was an absolute truth and that 1 + 1 = 2 and that there are mathematical certainties.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    Lets say they are right and that global warming does not exist.. does that mean we should keep destroying natural resources?.. no.. either way, we'll be extinct by the time things get really bad. Earth will go back to normal.. Environmentalism is not about saving the environment, but our own survival..

    Fuck most conservatives! (not all are against environmentalism)

    Even when I was younger and considered myself a conservative, I still disagreed with most of them on the environment.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Cosmo wrote:
    I am a skeptic by nature. I place a lot of weight on facts... and facts present a compelling arguement in my book. So, since you have already posted the results of your research... simply point me towards them so that I, and others reading this, can read and validate your studies. I do not believe they exist because I have not personally witnessed anything you claim to possess that back up your "opinions". It's the same reason I will argue with a person who tells me that their religion is the "truth". That is a relative truth, not an absolute. And if others here have read them... point me towards them and maybe they can point me towards your research.
    And, trust me... jealousy of unsustantiated claims is not part of my nature. I question things.... but, I do not question facts. If, as you state, these are opinions... state them as such instead of claiming them to be factual data. Show us the factual data. I do not argue against facts. For example, I will argue your "opinions" on such things as the 3 largest lakes in Africa have evaporated into mud puddles because the facts say otherwise. So, why should anyone agree with your claims of the mass extiction of 4.4 billion people?
    Will people be displaced due to rising sea levels? Yes. But, it does not spell out 4.4 billion deaths. Rising sea levels is not in the arguement. It is your assumption that it will cause the deaths of 2/3 of the global population that I find not credible.
    So, point me towards your studies... your research... your technical data and your model and I will read them. If you present a compelling arguement with factual data... I promise you... I will make an public acknowledgement that I was wrong and your are right. And just to let you know, when I make a promise... I keep it. THAT is part of my nature.

    i am stating opinion i believe to be fact. i should not have to complie years of research and post that on a message board where opinions are presented. i would have to publish a book. HOWEVER; why does my model recognise and take into consideration the displacement of weight by the meltwater on the earths crust? why does my model take into consideration all the pollution in that ice; which includes massive amounts of CO2 from the extinction 55 million years ago and massive amounts of methane and CO2 from the extinction 65 million years ago. both of which were caused by global warming? it also includes large quantities of lead from the invention of the internal combustion engine until leaded fuel was banned? there has not been 1 publication anywhere which mentions these two factors and i challenge you to find one.
    my uncle and Godfather is a retired government scientist. his wife is still a government scientist but will be retiring in a year or two. i'm privy to information and software not released to the public. i follow nasa's findings and the results of expeditions published in science journals most people here don't subscribe to. i get these sent to me by my uncle. i will not pay the hundreds of dollars to subscribe and i doubt anyone else here would either. so once again; how is that confirmable? i certainly wont breach copyright laws to retype the articles here just to have someone like you say i made it up because you won't pay the subscription price to verify it.
    i post my opinions i believe to be fact. i can discuss the subject intelligetly with an intelligent person. if you don't believe my opinions; fine; most scientists can't agree. but intelligent people don't make childish attacks on others. einstien presented many theories that couldn't be proven. many were proven later on. but i don't recall him being attacked in a childish way by those who couldn't understand his theories. yes; he was challenged; but not in a childish attack as you presented.
    i don't care if you believe me. i don't care if anyone believes me. if i liked people; i would live near people. i think losing 2/3 of the population is great for the earth. it'll cut pollution by 2/3 and those who die will be the biggest offenders. i think returning to hunter/gatherers is just what the earth needs to heal. and when our ice caps are gone; the oceans will no longer circulate; causing an ice age. these are my predictions. predictions don't need to be verified. they can't be. you either believe and prepare; or you don't believe and write them off as the rantings of a madman. but if you noticed; out of all the people on this board; you're the only one who's made childish personal attacks. most of us here respect eachothers opinions; whether we agree with them or not. maybe you should think about that.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Lets say they are right and that global warming does not exist.. does that mean we should keep destroying natural resources?.. no.. either way, we'll be extinct by the time things get really bad. Earth will go back to normal.. Environmentalism is not about saving the environment, but our own survival..

    Fuck most conservatives! (not all are against environmentalism)

    Even when I was younger and considered myself a conservative, I still disagreed with most of them on the environment.

    it will happen in our lifetime. we're half way into it. we've lost more than half of our ice since 2000. if you've ever put ice in a cooler; you know that once melting starts; it melts faster and faster.
    i'm a conservationist; not an enviornmentalist. but i also believe in logical progression backed by historical events. the last 4 times the earth was subjected to global warming; the ice melted within a decade. it's 7 years since the melting started and more than half the ice has melted. you can compare satellite photos to verify this. history repeats itself once again.
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    there has not been 1 publication anywhere which mentions these two factors and i challenge you to find one. .

    Sorry dude, but these theories you're presenting aren't new to me, and I don't study or research global warming at all. The only theory I hadn't heard is the one about the lead, I guess I missed a documentary on BBC or discovery.

    And no, I cannot give you the name of the documentaries, but if you occasionally watch discovery, you'll see.

    Oh, the difference is they don't think it will happen this fast.

    I saw the one about the ocean's circulation last week. Very interesting indeed, but again, they didn't think it will happen while we or our children are alive.

    I'm not saying you get your theories from TV, but it's not new.




    Warming hits 'tipping point'
    Siberia feels the heat It's a frozen peat bog the size of France and Germany combined, contains billions of tonnes of greenhouse gas and, for the first time since the ice age, it is melting.



    And this is what I found in a very hasty search... in google.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • that's like saying you don't believe in air. has half the worlds ice melted in the last 7 years? YES. are corals dying because the water is deeper and the sun can't reach them? YES. are the indian islands preparing to evacuate because of rising sea level? YES. are islands off new guinea currently evacuating because of rising sea levels? yes has the worlds 3 largest lakes (in africa) evaporated into mud puddles. YES.
    towns in alaska have already been evacuated. would you like me to go on?
    i don't think i should have to.
    The earth has always had climate changes. I don't believe in evolution, either.
    Nothing stays the same forever, change is a part of life, why wouldn't the earth change to accommodate its inhabitants?
    Unlike many others, I don't believe the earth is being over populated, either. It was meant to be lived in. That's why it was created.
    When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Collin wrote:
    Sorry dude, but these theories you're presenting aren't new to me, and I don't study or research global warming at all. The only theory I hadn't heard is the one about the lead, I guess I missed a documentary on BBC or discovery.

    And no, I cannot give you the name of the documentaries, but if you occasionally watch discovery, you'll see.

    Oh, the difference is they don't think it will happen this fast.

    I saw the one about the ocean's circulation last week. Very interesting indeed, but again, they didn't think it will happen while we or our children are alive.

    I'm not saying you get your theories from TV, but it's not new.




    Warming hits 'tipping point'
    Siberia feels the heat It's a frozen peat bog the size of France and Germany combined, contains billions of tonnes of greenhouse gas and, for the first time since the ice age, it is melting.



    And this is what I found in a very hasty search... in google.

    thank you for the information. i stand corrected. i'm not one for the tele. i'll watch everybody loves raymond before bed but that's about it. i am happy to hear that others researching the subject are coming to the same conclusions.
    in my model; the pressures from the redistribution of the weight of the water; will trigger volcanic activity. kind of like popping a pimple. many of our volcanos are overdue and i think that pressure/weight; is all they need. this is actually good. the ash will block the sun and start cooling the earth.
    the reason my timeline doesn't match what the others are saying; is because i used historical events to base my predictions. it's easy for you to verify how much ice we lost in 7 years. scientists only recently confirmed that the ice melted in a decade in the past. until recently; it was thought to take thousands of years. but i base my calculations on extinctions. i truely believe we are headed for a major extinction. as the climates change; native plants will die. i see many wildfires because of this. some places may get more rain; overwatering plants. some will get less. some places will get colder; while some get warmer. the common factor is that native plants live in that particular climate; not the new climate.
    in a thread back in 2005 (maybe early 2006); we were talking about the ice predicted to melt by 2050 and 2100. i then predicted the ice suppose to melt by 2050 would be melted by the end of 2007. all that ice was gone by the beginning of 2007.
    i may be wrong. i'm not a professional. science was a major over 30 years ago. i have a lot of time on my hands and i can spend days picking over little details. i like to keep my mind challenged and this has been a pet project. when something new is discovered; i'll plug that in and see what i get.
    but i'll say it again. i'm not a professional; and; i use logical progression and historical events to form my opinion (theories, predictions; or whatever you want to call them).

    thank you again for the information. i'd never ask you for the names of the documentories. i respect you and if you had remembered the names; you most likely would've posted them. especially since you took the time to search for links. i really appreciate that. it seems some peoples' purpose here is to try to embarras or discredit the others. i'm not like that. this is very serious to me. so serious i'm betting my life that i'm right. if you; or 95% of the board tell me something; i believe it's true. i don't ask for proof because you don't have a reason to lie to me. neither do 95% of the others.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    The earth has always had climate changes. I don't believe in evolution, either.
    Nothing stays the same forever, change is a part of life, why wouldn't the earth change to accommodate its inhabitants?
    Unlike many others, I don't believe the earth is being over populated, either. It was meant to be lived in. That's why it was created.

    all climate changes have been caused by events. recordable events. and all climate changes have caused disaster prior to the earth beginning its healing process. 4 have been mass extinctions. people die all the time too so with that attitude; you can say you're willing to just die; or if the longer predictions are correct; your children or grandchildren. but i'm not done here and i can survive this.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Sounds like a fantastic place you live in fantastic. Too many cookie cutter homes in poorly built subdivisions in my neighborhood now to see the stars anymore.

    And you may be out of the rat race but you certainly do not sound retired to me.

    retirement is a relative term. you may retire and go fishing every sunny day. my dad would hate that. his idea of retirement is similar to mine. he retired the white collar for the blue collar. he works part time in the shop doing 1 or 2 piece prototypes. i wanted a couple buffalo. people started asking me for buffalo meat so i got more. then i started shipping nationwide so i bought more. but it's still play for me. when it becomes work i'll sell the business and do something else.
  • all climate changes have been caused by events. recordable events. and all climate changes have caused disaster prior to the earth beginning its healing process. 4 have been mass extinctions. people die all the time too so with that attitude; you can say you're willing to just die; or if the longer predictions are correct; your children or grandchildren. but i'm not done here and i can survive this.
    According to the evolution theory, THEORY, which I don't believe.
    I believe there has been ONE mass extinction, it wasn't as long ago as people like to think, and I believe there will be one more.
    When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    According to the evolution theory, THEORY, which I don't believe.
    I believe there has been ONE mass extinction, it wasn't as long ago as people like to think, and I believe there will be one more.

    there's been 5.
  • According to theories.
    When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
  • bayleafbayleaf Posts: 128
    According to the evolution theory, THEORY, which I don't believe.
    I believe there has been ONE mass extinction, it wasn't as long ago as people like to think, and I believe there will be one more.

    Yes, it is indeed a theory...but you do know what a scientific theory is don't you........? Highlighting that it is a theory adds virtualy no more legitimacy to your claims.

    Reminds me of this quote "they make it sound like a 'theory' is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night""
    ~*~*~*~*~*OFFICIAL KIWI JAMMER No 6*~*~*~*~*~
  • bayleaf wrote:
    Yes, it is indeed a theory...but you do know what a scientific theory is don't you........? Highlighting that it is a theory adds virtualy no more legitimacy to your claims.

    Reminds me of this quote "they make it sound like a 'theory' is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night""
    I know what a scientific theory is, and I know what I believe is a theory as well. Let's face it, there are some things that will never be proven. We have to make the decision concerning what we believe. I choose not to believe the majority of scientists.
    When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
  • Cosmo wrote:
    The deniers are the people in the Bush Administration, not the people on this message board. No one denys the fact that global climate is warming and that the melting polar caps will lead to rising sea levels and violent changes in our weather system... but, people will argue about the cause of it. Man induced or cyclical nature... that's what people argue about.
    And most of the people here agree... conservation and reducing the amounts of pollutants we emmit is a good thing... even if it does not curtail the current warming trend. The only one who argue against these things do so because of the economic impact... nothing else.

    I did not direct that site posting as an argument against your stance on Global warming. I understand you are not a global warming denier and the link in the post is for a great site that you can share with others. It has a great data base of old photos matched with very recent ones.

    I still think your “be happy they are not dead” comment was a shallow comment. Even if they should have left long before the obvious end, the flippant comment about there lives is not going to help the world move forward and survive this rather pivotal moment in the coarse of human history.
    I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

    The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
  • The earth has always had climate changes. I don't believe in evolution, either.
    Nothing stays the same forever, change is a part of life,
    why wouldn't the earth change to accommodate its inhabitants?
    Unlike many others, I don't believe the earth is being over populated, either. It was meant to be lived in. That's why it was created.

  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    Smellyman wrote:

    And on the eighth day, God created contradiction.
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • Obviously, I'm surrounded by idiots.
    When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
  • I dispute the whole Global Warming thing....just my 2cents...LOL
    Master of Zen
  • Obviously, I'm surrounded by idiots.

    Well you are from Texas
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    Obviously, I'm surrounded by idiots.

    I'm surrounded by ForestBrains.
  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    Obviously, I'm surrounded by idiots.

    Quite obviously. Only an idiot would question the validity of the rock solid proof of Creation.
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,453
    I think this is basically what Cosmo is trying to say. Except a little more funny. (Sorry, Cosmo :)

  • godpt3godpt3 Posts: 1,020
    400 scientists my ass!!!!

    *scoffs at dumb-as-fuck "economists"*

    "If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
    —Dorothy Parker

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