Over 400 Scientists disput global warming

knock yrselves out
knock yrselves out
i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
Post edited by Unknown User on
That's great! We can all carry on polluting and destroying the environment then!
Sweet Jesus !! That 400 is out of a world total of like 420, right? We've been bamboozled @!!!!!!!!!
I am glad there is skepticism. That's what's great about scientific theory. There are always skeptics. And sometimes, theories are proven wrong. It doesn't make these scientists right though. Look, there is a direct coorelation with and increase of CO2 in the atmosphere and increased global temps. That is as simple as you can make it. There are a million varying factors that can impact the final outcome, but this is a statistic that you simply can't dispute.
The title of your thread is misleading. These scientist disput the idea of man made global warming. They believe that there is a climate shift occuring but that it is a natural cycle not a result of man's activity.
Honestly I think it's high time we stop arguing about what is causing the climate shift and focus more on how we will deal with the climate shift. There is very little chance that it can be reversed, if it is man made, and no chance if it is a natural cycle. We need to focus on we will adapt to say another ice age because from the looks of thing one may be coming and if we are ill prepared all of humanity will suffer because of our ignorance.
Try not exhaling any CO2 for an hour. That would be less polluting. See if any harm comes of it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
400 scientists out of what? 4 million? so we have 400 idiots that can't see the ice melting. those 400 idiots can't read growth rings of corals. those 400 idiots have never been to a city and seen the brown clouds hanging over them. these 400 idiots paid to speak this before congress so the oil companies cannot be held responsable.
let's see how many idiots believe them.
you are so right. but we can prove man is the cause in several ways. first is ice core samples which are almost gone. the pollution in the atmosphere collects in the ice. another way is the process of elimination. we haven't had enough volcanic activity to cause it; we haven't had massive releases of frozen methane. every time this cycle occured; we've found a reason. volcanic activity is natural; but at least once it has caused global warming and an extinction followed. i don't however know how they can call this a natural cycle of earth. the causes in each case of global warming has been different.
it's easy to prove the cause; but the cause doesn't matter anymore because it cannot be reversed. we are passed the point of no return and those not prepared will die. i predict 2/3 of the earths population. this includes the tens of thousands that have already died as a result of global warming.
instead of looking for the cause; you should be looking at the outcome. what happened the 4 times the earth was faced with global warming? where were the sea levels? where were the coastlines? these are the questions to be asked now.
lol... where did this clown come from
it's increase performance and decrease gas milage.
and i think everyone knows he was being sarcastic.
You keep saying it, but it never gets any less entertaining.
I believe that it is a natural cycle of the earth, but that mankind has had a significant impact on this cycle in someway. I believe that we have either excellerated the process or intensified it. Either way we need to start focusing on how we can adapt to any changes that will occur because of it. It is not our generation that will suffer but those after us and the least we can do is to start figuring out way on how we, and future generations, will deal with the changes.
Also, forget about global warming for a minute, man has clearly made an impact on earth, we're fucking up our fresh water and our air, we're chopping down woods etc.
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Right. Trends in Industry/Human Activity vs. CO2 levels speak for themselves. Even if a small handfull of the world's scientists want to refute the idea that increased human activity is causing the rapid rate of atmospheric CO2 increase, it's more than just that. Habitat destruction, pollution, and overexploitation are detrimental in so many other ways.
The title of every thread he posts is misleading. I don't know if he's a troll or truly does not undersatnd what he reads.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
Which is exactly why we need to forget about the cause of the climate shift. Everyone can agree that there is a change in our climate, so why waste time bickering back and forth about the cause. Just leave that behind and start moving forward and work on solutions to how we will deal with the changes.
when we remove the CC; we also make other modifications. i've never seen a race car with a cc.
however; i'll agree that other modifications need to be made or you'd be right.
we have to agree to disagree. ice core samples clearly show this started with the industrial revolution. when europe heated with coal; the skies were black and everything covered in soot. there are many writings describing this. and again, ice core samples confirm this. but the biggest change came with industrialization.
we can all agree on the cycle of nature. man is the only animmal that breaks that cycle. man is the only animal in history that pollutes. every other animal lives within the cycle of nature. no other animal burns wood or coal for heat. no other animal burns coal for electricity. yet we'll burn coal even though we know it spews mercury; among other pollutants; into our atmosphere.
so; since we are the only animals that break the cycle of nature; we are the only ones to blame for the disasters we create.
You have just won, triumphed over, and pwnt the thread.
Someone give this man (gal?) a blowjob, he (she) has earned it.
Holy shit, 2/3rds? That's like, 4 billion people. You must mean business, and I THANK YOU for opening my eyes. You really know what you're talking about. That, or you are a panicky, alarmist douchebag, but I doubt it.
I'm gonna go jack off in my church's basement now. Onelongsong has predicted the end. God help us.
that's what i believe too
on the title, shit,
"they don't think it's MANMADE global warming"
boy, i was thinking "i'm mislead these guys"
i "undersatnd" you can't spell