I will tolerate a lot, but this I won't tolerate either. And like the poster above cutback said... I also have no tolerance for intolerance...
I also don't tolerate stupidity very well. I admit that. lol
One of the things that I do find really funny though is when somebody who is KNOWN to be a bigot comes to tolerant people says, why wont you tolerate me and my views and expects them to say... oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was supposed to tolerate hate.
well said! I don't want to be bigheaded but this thread MAY come from a discussion we were having on the AET of all bloody places about the girl who gave birth in a McDonalds toilet and tried to flush the baby down the toilet? I didn't defend her actions but some of us tried to make the intolerants see that we can't judge somebody for doing something like that and that we shouldn't string her up :rolleyes:
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
because what the fuck does it matter to you if two men want to marry eachother? How does this hurt you or effect your life in any way? Your stance that they SHOULDN'T marry, effects their life if you get your way, doesn't it? If you don't want to be in a gay marriage well don't marry someone of the same sex... simple as that.
Post edited by Sea on
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
So if you don't believe that women should be allowed to work, should that right be taken away from ME?
If you don't believe that God exists, should people not be allowed attend a church of their choice anymore?
If you don't believe in aliens, do they cease to exist?
Who the fuck died and made YOU God? I don't agree with everything that people do, but I believe in karma and if something's wrong, it WILL come back to bite them in the arse. Why should YOU be judge, jury and executioner?
Can you honestly say you have NEVER EVER done anything wrong in your life?
Post edited by Sea on
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
this sounds almost to be in the same vein as maslow's self-actualization. what exactly is this theory you're describing and where do these figures come from? i'm not going to attempt to describe or explain on what level what percentage of people think or behave; i simply stand by my contention that to feel hatred for someone for natural and biological reasons they could never alter or control is radically different than feeling hatred and frustration toward's people who harbor these prejudices. i am not going to know if i will dislike another person before i know them or hear what they're all about. they could be of any age, sex, race, or sexual orientation. but i WILL admit that i am intolerant and prejudice towards certain people in that if someone is the kind of person who will immediately hate others for those very reasons, i will have a significant distaste for them.
I'm talking about Clare Graves and his human development model.
Here's a bit about it from Ken Wilbur's book, "Spiral Dynamics", describing Graves' model: (edit: I made an error...the Ken Wilbur book is called "A Theory of Everything"--the model is Spiral Dynamics and is explained in this book.)
"Graves outlined around eight major "levels or waves of human existence," as we will see in a moment. But it should be remembered that virtually all of these stage conceptions--from Abraham Maslow to Jane Loevinger to Robert Kegan to Clare Graves--are based on extensive amounts of research and data. These are not simply conceptual ideas and pet theories, but are grounded at every point in a considerable amount of carefully checked evidence. Many of the stage models, in fact, have been carefully checked in first-, second-, and third-world countries. The same is true with Graves model; to date, it has been tested in more than fifty thousand people from around the world, and there have been no major exceptions found to the general scheme. "
It definitely aligns with Abraham Maslow's numbers. As well, the numbers for codependency--wherein people get tangled up in one another and their issues and are unhealthy--is estimated to be about 95%. So there seems to be similarities in these models, pointing to the same phenomena.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Let's look at this way, All people should have the right to an equal standard of living. Just because you don't like a particular way that someone lives thier live does not mean they should not have the same rights as you.
You really do come across as a very ignorant person.
Post edited by Sea on
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
where did i say i can force my opinion on you? i specifically said, you can be the piece of ignorant trash you are. no skin off my neck. i won't force you to treat homosexuals as humans or blacks as equals. i can't. you, however, are trying to force your opinions by denying them equality and simple human dignity. kudos though... you are quickly becoming the king of posting bullshit answers to honest responses that you clearly lack the mental capacity to counter. try arguing my points. but i know you wont... you learned debate from rush and sean and bill, where all you have to do is cry about how oppressed white christians are and accuse anyone who thinks you're a homophobic and racist redneck of being a freedom-hater.
no, since there are things that are empirically RIGHT or WRONG, so "opinions" such as bigotry and racism don't deserve the same respect (or any, for that matter) that, say, a pro-life or anti-drug stance deserve. ALL trains of thought are not of equal merit, and that's not a matter of opinion, it's fact.
you really seem to struggle with the whole right/wrong concept, don'tcha?
edited to add bolding & color.
Post edited by Sea on
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
of COURSE. i couldn't care less how ANYone choose to think for themselves, no matter how much i personally may disagree with said thoughts/beliefs/opinions. here's the big BUT though. i don't care what you believe, BUT i DO care if you try to force your beliefs on me or others through legislations limiting the rights of others who you disagree/disapprove of. otherwise, go ahead and be a hating individual, the only person you hurt with such disgust is yourself.
btw - your analogy of the emplyer being 'forced to alter his beliefs' if he has to pay benefits to a homosexual couple is just plain FALSE. he can still be anti-homosexual, anti-gay marriage....as anti whatever and filled with hate for others as much as he wants. thing is, his personally held beliefs cannot be used to deny said group their rights, that's all. no one is forcing him to change his stance, only to follow the law IF such a law existed...as it well should. as MANY have already stated...change the group from 'gay' to women, blacks, jews, interracial couples, whatever/whomever you want.......and while it is anyone's right to be anti-whatever, bigoted and hate-filled on such ignorant basis' alone.....it STILL is absolutely wrong to try and deny ANY group basic rights that are afforded to the majority. your religion and your personal morality have NO right to interfere with basic rights for ALL citizens. healthcare definitely amongst them.
i am QUITE pleased that my past 2 employers offered health benefits to same sex couples since sadly my state has not yet offered the rights of marriage to them...yet. and i am sorry, anyone 'anti-gay marriage'....is just wrong imo. sure, you're allowed to be wrong ....but it's still wrong. don't want them to be able to marry in your FAITH is fine and a whole other ballgame...but LEGAL marriage, simply recognized by the state/fed government...i think is only right. 2 consenting ADULTS who participate in society should be afford those rights like any other couple.
so yea, i just don't *get* how anyone's beliefs are forced to change or be altered in any way...simply b/c they must follow the law. if only such a law existed. the fact that it doesn't, to me, is the real problem. i don't care if someone finds it morally reprehensible.....no one is forcing you to live the lifestyle...only to allow them to live their lives with the same rights/freedoms as anyone else. seems fair enough to me.
No it sounds like you would like to deny people there rights, so you can keep your outmoded views.
It's as if your saying that people should still belive the world is flat. When it is clearly not.
Post edited by Sea on
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Plain andsimple, because the law forces him to employ and pay benefits for those he disapproves of. That is taking away HIS right to believe a certain way and disagree.
And to those who asked....yes I believe this goes for anyones ideals. Be it the boss doesn't want to employ interracial couples, women, men, jews....whatever. He should have the right to decide. Being forced to accept people he doesn't agree with, is stripping him of his right to choose.
no, it doesn't...and if you cannot differentiate the two..well i've got nothing to help you with that. reread your own words, and see how what you say makes any sense? NONE of that has any bearing on someone's personal belief systems.
his right to believe what he believes remains INTACT...you are simply suggesting that he gets to pick and choose what RIGHTS are afforded to everyone. perhaps he should'n't run a business if he wants to discriminate....just as i guess he better hope no gays, blacks, woemn or jews buy his products either...b/c certainly shouldn't want their $$$ since he so disapproves of them.
believe what you want to....but don't try and force said beliefs on others. so if one believes women shouldn't work, or that they shouldn't have to employ jews..or blacks...or gays...or pay for any of their benefits SIMPLY on the basis of their gender, their religion, the color of their skin, sexual orientation, etc...well thankfully, our collective society has said NO to that. he should vote for different laws if that's what he wants....but he has to accept what society says in regards to LAW....NOT his personal beliefs. believe away!
what truly is fascinating to me...truly...is WHY anyone gives a flying fuck what someone else's sexual orientation is, what religion they practice, etc, etc. it has ZERO bearing on your life. no one is forcing you to participate in said lifestyle...no one even cares if it disgusts you. why can't people take a live and let live attitude when it comes to consenting adults? no one is looking for 'acceptance' but rather, simply, respect to live their lives as they see fit. DENYING someone basic rights is just WRONG. personal beliefs are just that...and have no business in business. amazing....
who says he has to accept them? he can go home and hate them all he wants. should your employer have the power to decide whom you may marry? if he hates lutherans, you think he should be able to fire you for marrying a lutheran? shit, what if he hates fat chicks becos he thinks they're gluttonous sinners? should he be able to throw out any overweight customers? fire you for dating a porker? where does it stop?
Kids, this thread is a waste of my time and yours, but if you learn something from it, well and good.
Tolerance is something that's used to help smooth over confrontations so we can all learn from each other.
We tolerate other people's way of life because they have the right to express themselves in a peaceful and loving way and we can learn from it.
We do NOT tolerate people's way of life if it expresses to curb the rights of others. They're not being peaceful, they don't love anyone other than themselves. Eg: racists, bigots, Westboro baptist Church and of course, the State of Alabama.
I worked in a call center. on one side of me was a woman who was a" reborn christian",on the other side was a young man who was a jehovah witness .this woman every day use to badger this poor boy about his religion .
I listened to her for 2 months.and so it was christmas " she was on him.so I went and found a card with a beautiful snow seen , I gave it to him ,turned to her and said "by the way i am wiccan i do not beleave in your religion,you have sat next to me for 2 years i have said nothing but nice things to you .does this make me evil in yur eyes ? she sat there with her mouth open.
I turned to him and told him to open the card, reluctantlyhe did.He looked up at me and smiled ,turned the card to this lady and the card just said "cool yule dude ".him and I started to laugh she turned around to her computer said nothing.she left him alone after that {didn't say much to me either}.her car wouldn't start a few weeks later and it was he and i who helped her .so it doesn't matter what you beleive in, just as long as you beleive with all your heart!
Plain andsimple, because the law forces him to employ and pay benefits for those he disapproves of. That is taking away HIS right to believe a certain way and disagree.
And to those who asked....yes I believe this goes for anyones ideals. Be it the boss doesn't want to employ interracial couples, women, men, jews....whatever. He should have the right to decide. Being forced to accept people he doesn't agree with, is stripping him of his right to choose.
Wait. So you just said that... It should be ok for an employer to discriminate based on race.
Wow. You found gay marriage disgusting. I find THIS disgusting.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
How is his right to believe differently compromised? It isn't at all!
Having to pay into something he doesn't believe in does not make him have to believe in or agree with it. He is free to speak out against it and try to have the law changed back to how he wants it. In relation to the thread topic, he is not tolerating gay marriage. How are the gay people being intolerant by asking to be allowed to marry? A gay person asking to marry is not forcing any BELIEF upon YOU. Same as the drug issue brought up earlier today. If drugs are legalized, it does not mean that you condone their use to live in a non-prohibitionist society. You are not having any belief forced upon you, as drug users are having the belief that drug use is wrong thrust upon them.
i don't agree with the thread-starter completely but coming from this line of logic you're providing, it's like asking me to give money to someone who wants to have an abortion.
or consider how in some state where gay marriages are being permitted.... many of these "pro" gay marriages are also fighting to have the law force preachers and pastors to marry gay couples even if they don't agree with it. and if they are opposed to it then these gay couples have the right to sue them, or have their licenses revoked, which would then mean they can no longer preach, teach, or marry in a local/organized church.
at some extent juberoo has a really good point. although (s)he might be stepping over the line a little bit. it doesn't matter who you are, pro-choice/pro-life, liberal/conservatist, at some point or another you will show signs of intolerance. that's who we are... humans. no one is above anyone else.
my philosophy has always been this, "believe in whatever you want to believe as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else." i think that is basic tolerance.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
my philosophy has always been this, "believe in whatever you want to believe as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else." i think that is basic tolerance.
My choice is what I choose to do
If I'm causin no harm why should it bother you
Your choice is who you choose to be
If your causin no harm, you're alright with me
I agree. However, discriminating while hiring IS hurting someone.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
or consider how in some state where gay marriages are being permitted.... many of these "pro" gay marriages are also fighting to have the law force preachers and pastors to marry gay couples even if they don't agree with it. and if they are opposed to it then these gay couples have the right to sue them, or have their licenses revoked, which would then mean they can no longer preach, teach, or marry in a local/organized church.
oh come one man. this is such a cop out. we all know there is no way 1) they'd ever pass it and 2) it would ever hold up under the SC. if this really spooks you, you're nuts.
however, if you're pointing to it as a sign of hypocrisy, then yeah, im with you. that's fucking stupid. if you want your religion to marry you, change the church or change your religion. you can't legislate that. it's one of the pillars of the US constitution.
oh come one man. this is such a cop out. we all know there is no way 1) they'd ever pass it and 2) it would ever hold up under the SC. if this really spooks you, you're nuts.
however, if you're pointing to it as a sign of hypocrisy, then yeah, im with you. that's fucking stupid. if you want your religion to marry you, change the church or change your religion. you can't legislate that. it's one of the pillars of the US constitution.
yeah, that's what i said. i'm not entirely sure or where this came from... they sent that info to my dad's email so i wouldn't be able to verify how accurate it is. but that's exactly what i told my dad... that they'd never pass that law. it's ridiculous. but then again, i don't know how true it is.... i just used that as an example.
nothing spooks me though... haven't you known enough about me to know that?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
My choice is what I choose to do
If I'm causin no harm why should it bother you
Your choice is who you choose to be
If your causin no harm, you're alright with me
I agree. However, discriminating while hiring IS hurting someone.
i'm not saying taht you're causing harm. i'm saying IF IT DOES cause harm then you've got a problem for believing it. just like a racist, or a bigot.... like i said, i don't entirely agree with the thread-starter, but he does have a few good points.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
Alright dipshit I've tried to play nice but now you're just pissing me off. What is this vebal dieorrea. Hey! Why don't we let the police put the Jews into camps so you don't have to look at them. Make seperate towns for the Blacks and whites. We can call it apartness. And all the gays can stay where they belong planning your Mother partys so their 'FABULOUS'.
And the clincher. I bet you any money in the world that you think you and fundementist muslims have absolutely nothing in common. There's no way that they could possibly see the world the way you do.
You really need to sit under a tree and have a good think about life, your own exsistence and how unaware you are of the people around you.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
If you don't believe that God exists, should people not be allowed attend a church of their choice anymore?
If you don't believe in aliens, do they cease to exist?
Who the fuck died and made YOU God? I don't agree with everything that people do, but I believe in karma and if something's wrong, it WILL come back to bite them in the arse. Why should YOU be judge, jury and executioner?
Can you honestly say you have NEVER EVER done anything wrong in your life?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Here's a bit about it from Ken Wilbur's book, "Spiral Dynamics", describing Graves' model: (edit: I made an error...the Ken Wilbur book is called "A Theory of Everything"--the model is Spiral Dynamics and is explained in this book.)
"Graves outlined around eight major "levels or waves of human existence," as we will see in a moment. But it should be remembered that virtually all of these stage conceptions--from Abraham Maslow to Jane Loevinger to Robert Kegan to Clare Graves--are based on extensive amounts of research and data. These are not simply conceptual ideas and pet theories, but are grounded at every point in a considerable amount of carefully checked evidence. Many of the stage models, in fact, have been carefully checked in first-, second-, and third-world countries. The same is true with Graves model; to date, it has been tested in more than fifty thousand people from around the world, and there have been no major exceptions found to the general scheme. "
It definitely aligns with Abraham Maslow's numbers. As well, the numbers for codependency--wherein people get tangled up in one another and their issues and are unhealthy--is estimated to be about 95%. So there seems to be similarities in these models, pointing to the same phenomena.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Let's look at this way, All people should have the right to an equal standard of living. Just because you don't like a particular way that someone lives thier live does not mean they should not have the same rights as you.
You really do come across as a very ignorant person.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
where did i say i can force my opinion on you? i specifically said, you can be the piece of ignorant trash you are. no skin off my neck. i won't force you to treat homosexuals as humans or blacks as equals. i can't. you, however, are trying to force your opinions by denying them equality and simple human dignity. kudos though... you are quickly becoming the king of posting bullshit answers to honest responses that you clearly lack the mental capacity to counter. try arguing my points. but i know you wont... you learned debate from rush and sean and bill, where all you have to do is cry about how oppressed white christians are and accuse anyone who thinks you're a homophobic and racist redneck of being a freedom-hater.
no, since there are things that are empirically RIGHT or WRONG, so "opinions" such as bigotry and racism don't deserve the same respect (or any, for that matter) that, say, a pro-life or anti-drug stance deserve. ALL trains of thought are not of equal merit, and that's not a matter of opinion, it's fact.
you really seem to struggle with the whole right/wrong concept, don'tcha?
edited to add bolding & color.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
of COURSE. i couldn't care less how ANYone choose to think for themselves, no matter how much i personally may disagree with said thoughts/beliefs/opinions. here's the big BUT though. i don't care what you believe, BUT i DO care if you try to force your beliefs on me or others through legislations limiting the rights of others who you disagree/disapprove of. otherwise, go ahead and be a hating individual, the only person you hurt with such disgust is yourself.
btw - your analogy of the emplyer being 'forced to alter his beliefs' if he has to pay benefits to a homosexual couple is just plain FALSE. he can still be anti-homosexual, anti-gay marriage....as anti whatever and filled with hate for others as much as he wants. thing is, his personally held beliefs cannot be used to deny said group their rights, that's all. no one is forcing him to change his stance, only to follow the law IF such a law existed...as it well should. as MANY have already stated...change the group from 'gay' to women, blacks, jews, interracial couples, whatever/whomever you want.......and while it is anyone's right to be anti-whatever, bigoted and hate-filled on such ignorant basis' alone.....it STILL is absolutely wrong to try and deny ANY group basic rights that are afforded to the majority. your religion and your personal morality have NO right to interfere with basic rights for ALL citizens. healthcare definitely amongst them.
i am QUITE pleased that my past 2 employers offered health benefits to same sex couples since sadly my state has not yet offered the rights of marriage to them...yet. and i am sorry, anyone 'anti-gay marriage'....is just wrong imo. sure, you're allowed to be wrong
so yea, i just don't *get* how anyone's beliefs are forced to change or be altered in any way...simply b/c they must follow the law. if only such a law existed. the fact that it doesn't, to me, is the real problem. i don't care if someone finds it morally reprehensible.....no one is forcing you to live the lifestyle...only to allow them to live their lives with the same rights/freedoms as anyone else. seems fair enough to me.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
No it sounds like you would like to deny people there rights, so you can keep your outmoded views.
It's as if your saying that people should still belive the world is flat. When it is clearly not.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
no, it doesn't...and if you cannot differentiate the two..well i've got nothing to help you with that. reread your own words, and see how what you say makes any sense? NONE of that has any bearing on someone's personal belief systems.
his right to believe what he believes remains INTACT...you are simply suggesting that he gets to pick and choose what RIGHTS are afforded to everyone. perhaps he should'n't run a business if he wants to discriminate....just as i guess he better hope no gays, blacks, woemn or jews buy his products either...b/c certainly shouldn't want their $$$ since he so disapproves of them.
believe what you want to....but don't try and force said beliefs on others. so if one believes women shouldn't work, or that they shouldn't have to employ jews..or blacks...or gays...or pay for any of their benefits SIMPLY on the basis of their gender, their religion, the color of their skin, sexual orientation, etc...well thankfully, our collective society has said NO to that. he should vote for different laws if that's what he wants....but he has to accept what society says in regards to LAW....NOT his personal beliefs. believe away!
what truly is fascinating to me...truly...is WHY anyone gives a flying fuck what someone else's sexual orientation is, what religion they practice, etc, etc. it has ZERO bearing on your life. no one is forcing you to participate in said lifestyle...no one even cares if it disgusts you. why can't people take a live and let live attitude when it comes to consenting adults? no one is looking for 'acceptance' but rather, simply, respect to live their lives as they see fit. DENYING someone basic rights is just WRONG. personal beliefs are just that...and have no business in business. amazing....
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
who says he has to accept them? he can go home and hate them all he wants. should your employer have the power to decide whom you may marry? if he hates lutherans, you think he should be able to fire you for marrying a lutheran? shit, what if he hates fat chicks becos he thinks they're gluttonous sinners? should he be able to throw out any overweight customers? fire you for dating a porker? where does it stop?
OMFG i am in agreeance with juberoo. i too am intolerant of what i do not believe to be right. eg. prejudice, ignorance and bigotry.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Tolerance is something that's used to help smooth over confrontations so we can all learn from each other.
We tolerate other people's way of life because they have the right to express themselves in a peaceful and loving way and we can learn from it.
We do NOT tolerate people's way of life if it expresses to curb the rights of others. They're not being peaceful, they don't love anyone other than themselves. Eg: racists, bigots, Westboro baptist Church and of course, the State of Alabama.
"Hallowed are the Ori"
http://www.freewebs.com/alnkirk - it ain't shabby!
I listened to her for 2 months.and so it was christmas " she was on him.so I went and found a card with a beautiful snow seen , I gave it to him ,turned to her and said "by the way i am wiccan i do not beleave in your religion,you have sat next to me for 2 years i have said nothing but nice things to you .does this make me evil in yur eyes ? she sat there with her mouth open.
I turned to him and told him to open the card, reluctantlyhe did.He looked up at me and smiled ,turned the card to this lady and the card just said "cool yule dude ".him and I started to laugh she turned around to her computer said nothing.she left him alone after that {didn't say much to me either}.her car wouldn't start a few weeks later and it was he and i who helped her .so it doesn't matter what you beleive in, just as long as you beleive with all your heart!
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
holy shit!
::slams head in to wall repeatedly in disbelief::
holy motherfucking shit!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I know. :rolleyes:
And laws have always represented the people's best interests, haven't they? Man, if only race and gender were still grounds to discriminate under law.
Wow. You found gay marriage disgusting. I find THIS disgusting.
or consider how in some state where gay marriages are being permitted.... many of these "pro" gay marriages are also fighting to have the law force preachers and pastors to marry gay couples even if they don't agree with it. and if they are opposed to it then these gay couples have the right to sue them, or have their licenses revoked, which would then mean they can no longer preach, teach, or marry in a local/organized church.
at some extent juberoo has a really good point. although (s)he might be stepping over the line a little bit. it doesn't matter who you are, pro-choice/pro-life, liberal/conservatist, at some point or another you will show signs of intolerance. that's who we are... humans. no one is above anyone else.
my philosophy has always been this, "believe in whatever you want to believe as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else." i think that is basic tolerance.
If I'm causin no harm why should it bother you
Your choice is who you choose to be
If your causin no harm, you're alright with me
I agree. However, discriminating while hiring IS hurting someone.
oh come one man. this is such a cop out. we all know there is no way 1) they'd ever pass it and 2) it would ever hold up under the SC. if this really spooks you, you're nuts.
however, if you're pointing to it as a sign of hypocrisy, then yeah, im with you. that's fucking stupid. if you want your religion to marry you, change the church or change your religion. you can't legislate that. it's one of the pillars of the US constitution.
nothing spooks me though... haven't you known enough about me to know that?
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
Alright dipshit I've tried to play nice but now you're just pissing me off. What is this vebal dieorrea. Hey! Why don't we let the police put the Jews into camps so you don't have to look at them. Make seperate towns for the Blacks and whites. We can call it apartness. And all the gays can stay where they belong planning your Mother partys so their 'FABULOUS'.
And the clincher. I bet you any money in the world that you think you and fundementist muslims have absolutely nothing in common. There's no way that they could possibly see the world the way you do.
You really need to sit under a tree and have a good think about life, your own exsistence and how unaware you are of the people around you.