The two biggest racists involved with this whole Jena ordeal is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
I'll bet anything that if the colors were reversed, and it was six white students charged with beating one black student they would be organizing a protest rally right now calling for the maximum sentence allowed.
Their constant "race pimping" and headline grabbing always seem to overshadow and demean the very cases they're trying to expostulate.
If they really want to contribute to the advancement of society and to the end of racisicm then they should step out of the public spotlight and quit engaging a media circus everytime an altercation between a white person and a black person happens. Believe it or not, race is not a motivating factor every time two people of different colors have a conflict. This particular incident seems to be racially motivated, but having Jackson and Sharpton preaching the evils of the white population from up on their platforms has opened more wounds than its healed.
The black students choose to have those graduations.
Ever ask yourself, or wonder why?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Point well taken although I would never consider myself a genius, if you do, that's cool.
Do you have a different opinion, because if so you might seem a little smarter in posting it, than just trying to dismiss mine with a smiley. Or is that your response, in which case, point taken and noted (and laughed at and mocked).
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
LaSalle Parish school board member Billy "Bulldog" Fowler reveals the school
district conducted an internal investigation about the Jena Six but the
school board was not allowed to review it before they voted to uphold the
expulsion of the six. The school board¹s lawyer was none other than the
prosecuting district attorney, Reed Walters. Asked if he felt that Walters
had a conflict of interest that night, Fowler replied, ³Well, I¹m assuming
that Mr. Walters knows the law.
Look/Listen/Read about this new article [url=
]White School Board Member in Jena Says District Attorney Reed Walters Prevented the Board from Seeing School's Internal Investigation Before Vote to Expel Jena Six[/url]
During a recent trip to Jena, Democracy Now! interviewed Billy ³Bulldog²
Fowler, a member of the La Salle Parish School Board. Fowler, 68, moved to
Jena in 1940. He says Jena is being unfairly painted as racist. He feels the
hanging nooses were blown out of proportion, that in the high school setting
it was more of a prank: ³This is the Deep South, and [older] black people
know the meaning of a noose. Let me tell you something‹young people don¹t.
Listen/Watch/Read [url=
]Voices from Jena: White School Board Member Accuses Jena Six of Committing
a Hate Crime, Says Nooses Were Hung from a Schoolyard Tree "In a Joking
Former Assistant School Superintendent Cleveland Riser says local district
attorney Reed Walters should have recused himself from the Jena Six case
because he also serves as the attorney for the local school board. When the
school board was asked to review the expulsion of the six students, Walters
prevented them from reviewing an internal school district investigation.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I just don't get the big deal being made about this.
The white kids were idiots for hanging the nooses on the tree and should have gotten in more trouble. I would say they could have been charged with harrassment or something.
But then this kid is beaten up months after the incident. You can't be in a group of people and beat the shit out of someone and then say you don't deserve to be arrested because you are black and the kid you beat up is white.
But maybe I am looking at this wrong. Is the uproar over the severity of the charges being brought against the one boy still in jail or just the fact that he was arrested?
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
I just don't get the big deal being made about this.
The white kids were idiots for hanging the nooses on the tree and should have gotten in more trouble. I would say they could have been charged with harrassment or something.
But then this kid is beaten up months after the incident. You can't be in a group of people and beat the shit out of someone and then say you don't deserve to be arrested because you are black and the kid you beat up is white.
But maybe I am looking at this wrong. Is the uproar over the severity of the charges being brought against the one boy still in jail or just the fact that he was arrested?
definitely the severity of the crime ... plus the initial reaction by various groups ... ie originally tried as adults; initial charges; definitely racially motivated ...
there is a bigger issue here that really, unless people are willing to be open about - this will happen again and again ...
definitely the severity of the crime ... plus the initial reaction by various groups ... ie originally tried as adults; initial charges; definitely racially motivated ...
there is a bigger issue here that really, unless people are willing to be open about - this will happen again and again ...
Ok, that makes more sense.
I honestly hadn't paid much attention to it.
I would say they have a legitimate arguement because I would be willing to bet if some white kids had beaten up a black kid there would have been an uproar from the black community but I couldn't see the white kids being charged as adults and all of that.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
I honestly hadn't paid much attention to it.
I would say they have a legitimate arguement because I would be willing to bet if some white kids had beaten up a black kid there would have been an uproar from the black community but I couldn't see the white kids being charged as adults and all of that.
JACQUIE SOOHEN: A few days after the nooses were hung, the entire black student body staged an impromptu demonstration, crowding underneath the tree during lunch hour. Justin Purvis, the student who first asked to sit underneath the tree, described how the protest came about.
JUSTIN PURVIS: It was like, the first beginning, in the courtyard, they said, “Y’all want to go stand under the tree?” We said, “Yeah.” They said, “If you go, I’ll go. If you go, I’ll go.” One person went, the next person went, everybody else just went.
JACQUIE SOOHEN: The school responded to the protest by calling police and the district attorney. At an assembly the same day, the District Attorney Reed Walters, accompanied by armed policeman, addressed the students. Substitute teacher Michelle Rogers, one of the few black teachers at the school, was there. She recalls the DA's words to the assembled high schoolers.
MICHELLE ROGERS: The kids didn't say anything. They were listening. The kids were quiet. And so, District Attorney Reed Walters, you know, proceeded to tell those kids that “I could end your lives with the stroke of a pen.” And the kids were just -- it was like in awe that the district -- you know, Reed Walters would tell these kids that. He held a pen in his hand and told those kids that, “See this pen in my hand? I can end your lives with the stroke of a pen.”
JACQUIE SOOHEN: A series of incidents followed throughout the fall. In October, a black student was beaten for entering a private all-white party. Later that month, a white student pulled a gun on a group of black students at a gas station, claiming self-defense. The black students wrestled the gun away and reported the incident to police. They were charged with assault and robbery of the gun. No charges were ever filed against the white students in either incident. Then, in late November, someone tried to burn down the high school, creating even more tension.
Four days later, a white student was allegedly attacked in a school fight. The victim was taken to hospital and released shortly with a concussion. He attended a school function that evening. Six black students were charged with attempted second-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder, on charges that leave them facing between twenty and one hundred years in jail. The defendants, ranging in age from fifteen to seventeen, had their bonds set at between $70,000 and $138,000. The attack was written up in the local paper as fact, and DA Reed Walters published a statement in which he said, "When you are convicted, I will seek the maximum penalty allowed by law."
There's an example of what you're talking about right there within this case. The DA said "yesterday this case was never about race" however he himself addressed students gathered in the gym saying, "“See this pen in my hand? I can end your lives with the stroke of a pen.” I believe that was addressed to the black students to mainly calm things down and to keep them in line. Several months later he used his pen to charging the youths up 100 years in jail.
Basically threatening them when he said this yesterday he was gaurded by multiple sheriff's officers and the vitim of the beating.
This was never about the youth's not being arrested for a school yard fight but more about the injustice of the charges and trying these youths as adults.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I honestly hadn't paid much attention to it.
I would say they have a legitimate arguement because I would be willing to bet if some white kids had beaten up a black kid there would have been an uproar from the black community but I couldn't see the white kids being charged as adults and all of that.
Actually, that did happen in Jena. At a party after the noose incident, a group of white kids harassed a few black kids and later assaulted one of them - allegedly with a beer bottle. Only one white kid was charged, and he was given probation. The day after that party, another altercation occured in a store parking lot where a white kid pulled a gun on a black kid. One of the black kids friends wrestled the gun away and refused to return it. The black kid was charged with theft.
It's not that the Jena Six didn't commit a crime. They did. The problem is with the "justice" that's being dealt out.
Actually, that did happen in Jena. At a party after the noose incident, a group of white kids harassed a few black kids and later assaulted one of them - allegedly with a beer bottle. Only one white kid was charged, and he was given probation. The day after that party, another altercation occured in a store parking lot where a white kid pulled a gun on a black kid. One of the black kids friends wrestled the gun away and refused to return it. The black kid was charged with theft.
It's not that the Jena Six didn't commit a crime. They did. The problem is with the "justice" that's being dealt out.
That is pretty f'd up.
Way to go Jena. Giving the South another black eye.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
The problem I have with this whole situation is the way the media and the race pimps (Sharpton, Jackson, Q-X) has turned this into a completely different situation than what it really is, and the amount of gossip and false accusations are just staggering.
First and foremost- all everyone keeps talking about is the noose's hung in the tree, and how this is a retaliation against that. Justin Barker, the white kid who was attacked by the "Jena 6" had absolutely nothing to do with that incident. He was not one of the students responsible for the nooses nor was he suspended with the kids that did actually hang them. The D.A. admits to trying to tie these two incidents together when first prosecuting the 6, in hopes that it might lead to a less severe sentencing, but everyone involved admitted that Barker had nothing to do with the hanging nooses or any other racial incident before this.
The facts are, that he was caught in an area that the black kids claimed was theirs (kinda like the white kids tree). He was punched in the back of the head as he was walking out of the gym and was knocked out from it. While lying there unconscious he was repeatedly stomped on by 4 teens while a fifth kept lookout to make sure no one was coming. When a teacher, with the help of some students attempted to break up the fight, the oh so innocent, only looking for justice "Jena 6" tried to hold them up, so they could continue stomping this poor kid.
He was hospitalized, and contrary to a previous post, was not let out of the hospital that night so he could attend a party, but as his medical records show, was hospitalized for a couple of days with serious and life threatening head trauma.
So lets bring up the kid that the media has accused of pulling out a shotgun on some innocent black teens. Again, this has nothing at all to do with the Jena 6, because none of the people involved in the gun incident are the one's involved in the "schoolyard tussle" as Sharpton has named it. The police report (verified by the store clerk and 2 witnesses) states that as the white teenager, who was alone, got out of his car to enter the store, he was approached by a group of 5 to 6 black men ranging in ages from 16 to 22. They surrounded him as one asked him if he could borrow some money. Now I don't care who you are, and what color the people are who surround you, if you're cornered by a group of people, and one asks you for money, you know as well as I do, the second you pull out your wallet, it's going to get taken. The white kid panicked and ran to his car. The black kids were beating on the window and the hood of his car, yelling for him to come out. Another white guy (not a teenager, but was reported as being 24), who just happened to pull up at the store saw what was happening, pulled a hunting rifle from his truck and told the black kids to leave him alone and get out of there. This story really sounds racial to me, just with a different twist than the media is portraying. The reason the guy who pulled the gun wasn't prosecuted was because in America we have a right to self-defense, and even though the guy with the gun wasn't the one getting attacked, he was preventing someone who was severely outnumbered from possible robbery and physical harm. Boy this guy should rot in jail, huh?
And the reality is, no one took a gun away from anyone, and the black kid who asked to borrow some money was arrested on charges of attempted theft (of the white kids money) and public intimidation, and disturbing the peace. That’s the counts he was arrested with, but they were all reduced to a misdemeanor charge of disturbing the public. Do some research, it’s all there, police reports and all.
The truth is, just as the DA announced, is that this case had nothing at all to do with race or color, until Sharpton and Jackson got involved. This is not to say that there are not racial tensions in Jena Louisiana, but this particular case has nothing what so ever to do with them.
The loser in all of this – Justin Barker. The poor kid gets jumped and beaten within an inch of his life, and now thanks to Sharpton and Jackson, not only is he a national symbol of racism and hate, but the very guys who did do something that could be considered racial are made out to be heroes.
This media driven world is seriously sick and twisted, and is sending the whole country into the crapper.
The problem I have with this whole situation is the way the media and the race pimps (Sharpton, Jackson, Q-X) has turned this into a completely different situation than what it really is, and the amount of gossip and false accusations are just staggering.
First and foremost- all everyone keeps talking about is the noose's hung in the tree, and how this is a retaliation against that. Justin Barker, the white kid who was attacked by the "Jena 6" had absolutely nothing to do with that incident. He was not one of the students responsible for the nooses nor was he suspended with the kids that did actually hang them. The D.A. admits to trying to tie these two incidents together when first prosecuting the 6, in hopes that it might lead to a less severe sentencing, but everyone involved admitted that Barker had nothing to do with the hanging nooses or any other racial incident before this.
The facts are, that he was caught in an area that the black kids claimed was theirs (kinda like the white kids tree). He was punched in the back of the head as he was walking out of the gym and was knocked out from it. While lying there unconscious he was repeatedly stomped on by 4 teens while a fifth kept lookout to make sure no one was coming. When a teacher, with the help of some students attempted to break up the fight, the oh so innocent, only looking for justice "Jena 6" tried to hold them up, so they could continue stomping this poor kid.
He was hospitalized, and contrary to a previous post, was not let out of the hospital that night so he could attend a party, but as his medical records show, was hospitalized for a couple of days with serious and life threatening head trauma.
So lets bring up the kid that the media has accused of pulling out a shotgun on some innocent black teens. Again, this has nothing at all to do with the Jena 6, because none of the people involved in the gun incident are the one's involved in the "schoolyard tussle" as Sharpton has named it. The police report (verified by the store clerk and 2 witnesses) states that as the white teenager, who was alone, got out of his car to enter the store, he was approached by a group of 5 to 6 black men ranging in ages from 16 to 22. They surrounded him as one asked him if he could borrow some money. Now I don't care who you are, and what color the people are who surround you, if you're cornered by a group of people, and one asks you for money, you know as well as I do, the second you pull out your wallet, it's going to get taken. The white kid panicked and ran to his car. The black kids were beating on the window and the hood of his car, yelling for him to come out. Another white guy (not a teenager, but was reported as being 24), who just happened to pull up at the store saw what was happening, pulled a hunting rifle from his truck and told the black kids to leave him alone and get out of there. This story really sounds racial to me, just with a different twist than the media is portraying. The reason the guy who pulled the gun wasn't prosecuted was because in America we have a right to self-defense, and even though the guy with the gun wasn't the one getting attacked, he was preventing someone who was severely outnumbered from possible robbery and physical harm. Boy this guy should rot in jail, huh?
And the reality is, no one took a gun away from anyone, and the black kid who asked to borrow some money was arrested on charges of attempted theft (of the white kids money) and public intimidation, and disturbing the peace. That’s the counts he was arrested with, but they were all reduced to a misdemeanor charge of disturbing the public. Do some research, it’s all there, police reports and all.
The truth is, just as the DA announced, is that this case had nothing at all to do with race or color, until Sharpton and Jackson got involved. This is not to say that there are not racial tensions in Jena Louisiana, but this particular case has nothing what so ever to do with them.
The loser in all of this – Justin Barker. The poor kid gets jumped and beaten within an inch of his life, and now thanks to Sharpton and Jackson, not only is he a national symbol of racism and hate, but the very guys who did do something that could be considered racial are made out to be heroes.
This media driven world is seriously sick and twisted, and is sending the whole country into the crapper.
The problem I have with this whole situation is the way the media and the race pimps (Sharpton, Jackson, Q-X) has turned this into a completely different situation than what it really is, and the amount of gossip and false accusations are just staggering.
First and foremost- all everyone keeps talking about is the noose's hung in the tree, and how this is a retaliation against that. Justin Barker, the white kid who was attacked by the "Jena 6" had absolutely nothing to do with that incident. He was not one of the students responsible for the nooses nor was he suspended with the kids that did actually hang them. The D.A. admits to trying to tie these two incidents together when first prosecuting the 6, in hopes that it might lead to a less severe sentencing, but everyone involved admitted that Barker had nothing to do with the hanging nooses or any other racial incident before this.
The facts are, that he was caught in an area that the black kids claimed was theirs (kinda like the white kids tree). He was punched in the back of the head as he was walking out of the gym and was knocked out from it. While lying there unconscious he was repeatedly stomped on by 4 teens while a fifth kept lookout to make sure no one was coming. When a teacher, with the help of some students attempted to break up the fight, the oh so innocent, only looking for justice "Jena 6" tried to hold them up, so they could continue stomping this poor kid.
He was hospitalized, and contrary to a previous post, was not let out of the hospital that night so he could attend a party, but as his medical records show, was hospitalized for a couple of days with serious and life threatening head trauma.
So lets bring up the kid that the media has accused of pulling out a shotgun on some innocent black teens. Again, this has nothing at all to do with the Jena 6, because none of the people involved in the gun incident are the one's involved in the "schoolyard tussle" as Sharpton has named it. The police report (verified by the store clerk and 2 witnesses) states that as the white teenager, who was alone, got out of his car to enter the store, he was approached by a group of 5 to 6 black men ranging in ages from 16 to 22. They surrounded him as one asked him if he could borrow some money. Now I don't care who you are, and what color the people are who surround you, if you're cornered by a group of people, and one asks you for money, you know as well as I do, the second you pull out your wallet, it's going to get taken. The white kid panicked and ran to his car. The black kids were beating on the window and the hood of his car, yelling for him to come out. Another white guy (not a teenager, but was reported as being 24), who just happened to pull up at the store saw what was happening, pulled a hunting rifle from his truck and told the black kids to leave him alone and get out of there. This story really sounds racial to me, just with a different twist than the media is portraying. The reason the guy who pulled the gun wasn't prosecuted was because in America we have a right to self-defense, and even though the guy with the gun wasn't the one getting attacked, he was preventing someone who was severely outnumbered from possible robbery and physical harm. Boy this guy should rot in jail, huh?
And the reality is, no one took a gun away from anyone, and the black kid who asked to borrow some money was arrested on charges of attempted theft (of the white kids money) and public intimidation, and disturbing the peace. That’s the counts he was arrested with, but they were all reduced to a misdemeanor charge of disturbing the public. Do some research, it’s all there, police reports and all.
The truth is, just as the DA announced, is that this case had nothing at all to do with race or color, until Sharpton and Jackson got involved. This is not to say that there are not racial tensions in Jena Louisiana, but this particular case has nothing what so ever to do with them.
The loser in all of this – Justin Barker. The poor kid gets jumped and beaten within an inch of his life, and now thanks to Sharpton and Jackson, not only is he a national symbol of racism and hate, but the very guys who did do something that could be considered racial are made out to be heroes.
This media driven world is seriously sick and twisted, and is sending the whole country into the crapper.
Time to flush I guess…
wow so it's a little more convoluted really than anyone imagined.
Thanks EF for the info.
Sounds like in general it's a pretty fed up place to live.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
He was hospitalized, and contrary to a previous post, was not let out of the hospital that night so he could attend a party, but as his medical records show, was hospitalized for a couple of days with serious and life threatening head trauma.
Contrary to a previous post? More like contrary to every report regarding the incident - including from the kid who was hospitalized. Yes is was a crime. Yes the Jena Six deserve some kind of punishment. No, justice is not being dealt out fairly. You simply can't look at this in a vacuum.
You can bitch all you want about Jesse Jackson and you'll hear no complaints from me. But it doesn't mean this is not a racial problem just because Jackson says it is.
What kind of sick society is going to take off of work and protest for the rights of a person who stomped full force on an unconscious kids head repeatedly, and fought back when an attempt was made to stop him? Why doesn’t he deserve everything that he has coming to him? If this had happened anywhere else, like in a back alley or even at a party, then this would have never even made the news, but since it happened at school, and the black teenager was a few months from being 18, he should just receive a slap on the wrist and sent home.
Boy that should teach him a lesson. Next time I bet he’ll think twice before beating some other innocent kid (black or white, because I’m willing to bet he’s probably had a few scrapes with some black kids in his life also). Who would want another slap on the wrist, those things sting for hours.
I don't live very far from Jena, and I've got a really credible inside source (not saying who, but it could possibly be a brother-in-law who may or may not be a Sherriffs Detective in that area).
I've also done a lot of research on the internet about it. If it wasn't for my source though it would have been a lot harder to pick out fact from fiction for sure. Around here it's the only thing in the news (besides that hurricane that might be forming and coming our way, but that's second page stuff).
im still waiting for where this information came from. The only information i've seen on multiple sites, and multiple reports say what was originally posted. For instance, I've read that it was a pistol grip shotgun was pulled, not a hunting rifle, and that it was pulled by the person that attended a party in which the black students were attacked. Apparently, they were attacked twice by men who were not even students. As for Barker, the white male who had been attacked, he had reportedly been bragging that day about how Bailey, one of the Jena 6 has been beaten up by a white male at the party. (Since I wasn't there, I can't say what was said but I'm betting the word nigger came up more than once). Barker WAS hit in the back of the head and stomped on. Apparently he received two hours of medical attention at a hospital before attending a ring ceremony. He reportedly left early because pain.
That's what I've been seeing everywhere. You're the only person who claims to have a different story. Show me where you got it. I like having the facts as much as anyone else. Also, I don't know why you think we think the Jena 6 is completely innocent. I've seen no one say that what they did was justified.
How can the information that has been given out on multiple sites by multiple people all be the same, except for what you say? How could the facts and police report be completely be covered up and hidden?
How can the information that has been given out on multiple sites by multiple people all be the same, except for what you say? How could the facts and police report be completely be covered up and hidden?
Just because a story is reported on a website, or even TV doesn't automatically make it fact. Calling everything you see and hear "the facts" can be dangerous. As PJ fans we should be well aware that the media can present a bias towards any story it wants to, and now more of these news organizations are sharing the same sources and reports (sometimes word for word) further spreading incorrect information.
This is what I konw - my source is way more credible than a lot of news sources. I know this person really well, I know his beliefs, feelings towards the situation, and amount of knowledge with this case. I've done some research where some facts matched up and some facts didn't. I made a descision to believe my source after he had been right about a lot of the facts before the country had even heard of this.
I understand that just because I have my source for the truth doesn't mean everyone everywhere is going to believe me, but I'd be a lot more comfortable betting everything I could on the version I know against someone who is just reading the CNN website (or any generic news site).
Take it or leave it, or at least conceieve it. It is what it is, and short of setting up a personal meeting between you and my source, what else can I say? Everything I mentioned is out there, buried in some news stories, just not the majority of them. Everything can be backed up in some form. I guess it's just not sensational enough to sell the news.
Before I go any further, let me state this: The prosecutor should've never charged these boys with attempted murder. The entire school board should be replaced for stopping the noose-hanging kids from being expelled.
OK, having said that, much of the mainstream reporting on this story has been misleading, irresponsible and inflammatory.
No one mentions that Mychal Bell's clueless public defender was black. No one mentions that there were no black jurors because of the 50 people who responded to the more than 100 summons, none were black. No one mentions that Bell was already on probation for battery relating to a Christmas day incident in 2005. No one mentions that Bell was adjudicated (convicted) of two other violent crimes in 2006 and one charge of criminal damage to property. No one mentions that Bell's father acknowledged he moved back to Louisiana in February (after seven years in Dallas) to supervise his son because of the "Jena Six" mess. No one mentions that Bell starred on the Jena High football team while constantly jeopardizing/violating his seemingly flimsy probation.
This was all talked about in open court during a bond hearing for Bell, and a newspaper in Alexandria, La., wrote about it. Just about everybody else has pretty much ignored the "other side" of the story. Including the fact that not one witness — black or white, and there were 40 statements taken — connected the jumping/beatdown of the white student (Dec. 4) to the noose incident (Sept. 1).
No one mentions that a black U.S. Attorney, Donald Washington, investigated the "Jena Six" case and held a town-hall meeting explaining that there was no evidence connecting the jumping/beatdown to the noose incident.
Only after the prosecutor overreacted (or tired of letting Bell and others skate once the successful football season was over; Bell wasn't the only football star charged) did the "Jena Six" blame the attack on the nooses and the white shade tree.
Rather than report the truth, flames have been fanned by lazy or cowardly or agenda-driven members of the media. Because the white kid regained consciousness and survived the attack with only a swollen eye, defenders of the "Jena Six" have called it a typical "schoolyard fight." Would anyone call it that if six white football and basketball players jumped one black kid?
I've mulled this topic for months, and I keep coming back to one question: Where in the hell were the parents — all of the parents, white and black?
Shame on the parents of the kids who hung the nooses for hiding behind a seemingly racist and insensitive school board when their kids were inexcusably wrong. Shame on the parents of the "Jena Six" for blaming white racism for the cowardice of a six-on-one attack.
let me start by saying I don't know enough about this case fully to make an informed comment on it. Clearly its a bad situation on both sides. that being said...
the only thing I can say on cases like this is until the black community takes care of their own problems, how can white-america sympathize? When the only images of young black men that white america gets are of black men killing each other at alarming rates, rappers rapping about their ho's an being gangsta and punk athletes (michael vick, tank johnson, pacman jones, etc.) how can we not overreact when a black man is charged with a violent crime? Unfortunately the black gangsta, don't disrespect me attitude has created a culture of violence that will take decades to overturn. How much sympathy can I have for Mychal Bell when he has been charged with multiple violent offenses as a teen? When he has shown a pattern of criminal and violent activity. I'm sorry but I can't feel that we should go lightly on what we charge a guy like this with. How do you stop a guy like that without giving him serious charges?
here is my problem with these protests... NONE of the people i have seen on the news, and in my town have any idea as to what actually happened. all they heard was racist and south and nooses.
I think some of us may differ on whether or not they were prosecuted too harshly...
But there is no way people should be holding signs that say "FREE the Jena 6"
last i checked, it was still 6 people that beat the crap out of someone.
just 1 ? is it a hate crime when 6 black kids beat up a white kid? I just asking.
Not if they're asking if six white people in W.V. can be charged with a hate crime when it's so fucking apparent that it is, there should be no question.
Great another genius chimes in :rolleyes:
Great another judgmental condescending fool chimes in :rolleyes:
The black students choose to have those graduations.
-Enoch Powell
Ever ask yourself, or wonder why?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Point well taken
Do you have a different opinion, because if so you might seem a little smarter in posting it, than just trying to dismiss mine with a smiley. Or is that your response, in which case, point taken and noted (and laughed at and mocked). (Music Page)
Myspace: (Personal Page)
Look/Listen/Read about this new article [url=
]White School Board Member in Jena Says District Attorney Reed Walters Prevented the Board from Seeing School's Internal Investigation Before Vote to Expel Jena Six[/url]
Listen/Watch/Read [url=
]Voices from Jena: White School Board Member Accuses Jena Six of Committing
a Hate Crime, Says Nooses Were Hung from a Schoolyard Tree "In a Joking
Listen/Watch/Read here Voices from Jena: African American Educator from Jena Accuses DA of
Conflict of Interest in Handling of Jena Six Case
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
The white kids were idiots for hanging the nooses on the tree and should have gotten in more trouble. I would say they could have been charged with harrassment or something.
But then this kid is beaten up months after the incident. You can't be in a group of people and beat the shit out of someone and then say you don't deserve to be arrested because you are black and the kid you beat up is white.
But maybe I am looking at this wrong. Is the uproar over the severity of the charges being brought against the one boy still in jail or just the fact that he was arrested?
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definitely the severity of the crime ... plus the initial reaction by various groups ... ie originally tried as adults; initial charges; definitely racially motivated ...
there is a bigger issue here that really, unless people are willing to be open about - this will happen again and again ...
Ok, that makes more sense.
I honestly hadn't paid much attention to it.
I would say they have a legitimate arguement because I would be willing to bet if some white kids had beaten up a black kid there would have been an uproar from the black community but I couldn't see the white kids being charged as adults and all of that.
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There's an example of what you're talking about right there within this case. The DA said "yesterday this case was never about race" however he himself addressed students gathered in the gym saying, "“See this pen in my hand? I can end your lives with the stroke of a pen.” I believe that was addressed to the black students to mainly calm things down and to keep them in line. Several months later he used his pen to charging the youths up 100 years in jail.
Basically threatening them when he said this yesterday he was gaurded by multiple sheriff's officers and the vitim of the beating.
This was never about the youth's not being arrested for a school yard fight but more about the injustice of the charges and trying these youths as adults.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
It's not that the Jena Six didn't commit a crime. They did. The problem is with the "justice" that's being dealt out.
That is pretty f'd up.
Way to go Jena. Giving the South another black eye.
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First and foremost- all everyone keeps talking about is the noose's hung in the tree, and how this is a retaliation against that. Justin Barker, the white kid who was attacked by the "Jena 6" had absolutely nothing to do with that incident. He was not one of the students responsible for the nooses nor was he suspended with the kids that did actually hang them. The D.A. admits to trying to tie these two incidents together when first prosecuting the 6, in hopes that it might lead to a less severe sentencing, but everyone involved admitted that Barker had nothing to do with the hanging nooses or any other racial incident before this.
The facts are, that he was caught in an area that the black kids claimed was theirs (kinda like the white kids tree). He was punched in the back of the head as he was walking out of the gym and was knocked out from it. While lying there unconscious he was repeatedly stomped on by 4 teens while a fifth kept lookout to make sure no one was coming. When a teacher, with the help of some students attempted to break up the fight, the oh so innocent, only looking for justice "Jena 6" tried to hold them up, so they could continue stomping this poor kid.
He was hospitalized, and contrary to a previous post, was not let out of the hospital that night so he could attend a party, but as his medical records show, was hospitalized for a couple of days with serious and life threatening head trauma.
So lets bring up the kid that the media has accused of pulling out a shotgun on some innocent black teens. Again, this has nothing at all to do with the Jena 6, because none of the people involved in the gun incident are the one's involved in the "schoolyard tussle" as Sharpton has named it. The police report (verified by the store clerk and 2 witnesses) states that as the white teenager, who was alone, got out of his car to enter the store, he was approached by a group of 5 to 6 black men ranging in ages from 16 to 22. They surrounded him as one asked him if he could borrow some money. Now I don't care who you are, and what color the people are who surround you, if you're cornered by a group of people, and one asks you for money, you know as well as I do, the second you pull out your wallet, it's going to get taken. The white kid panicked and ran to his car. The black kids were beating on the window and the hood of his car, yelling for him to come out. Another white guy (not a teenager, but was reported as being 24), who just happened to pull up at the store saw what was happening, pulled a hunting rifle from his truck and told the black kids to leave him alone and get out of there. This story really sounds racial to me, just with a different twist than the media is portraying. The reason the guy who pulled the gun wasn't prosecuted was because in America we have a right to self-defense, and even though the guy with the gun wasn't the one getting attacked, he was preventing someone who was severely outnumbered from possible robbery and physical harm. Boy this guy should rot in jail, huh?
And the reality is, no one took a gun away from anyone, and the black kid who asked to borrow some money was arrested on charges of attempted theft (of the white kids money) and public intimidation, and disturbing the peace. That’s the counts he was arrested with, but they were all reduced to a misdemeanor charge of disturbing the public. Do some research, it’s all there, police reports and all.
The truth is, just as the DA announced, is that this case had nothing at all to do with race or color, until Sharpton and Jackson got involved. This is not to say that there are not racial tensions in Jena Louisiana, but this particular case has nothing what so ever to do with them.
The loser in all of this – Justin Barker. The poor kid gets jumped and beaten within an inch of his life, and now thanks to Sharpton and Jackson, not only is he a national symbol of racism and hate, but the very guys who did do something that could be considered racial are made out to be heroes.
This media driven world is seriously sick and twisted, and is sending the whole country into the crapper.
Time to flush I guess… (Music Page)
Myspace: (Personal Page)
Where'd you get all of this?
wow so it's a little more convoluted really than anyone imagined.
Thanks EF for the info.
Sounds like in general it's a pretty fed up place to live.
You can bitch all you want about Jesse Jackson and you'll hear no complaints from me. But it doesn't mean this is not a racial problem just because Jackson says it is.
Boy that should teach him a lesson. Next time I bet he’ll think twice before beating some other innocent kid (black or white, because I’m willing to bet he’s probably had a few scrapes with some black kids in his life also). Who would want another slap on the wrist, those things sting for hours. (Music Page)
Myspace: (Personal Page)
I don't live very far from Jena, and I've got a really credible inside source (not saying who, but it could possibly be a brother-in-law who may or may not be a Sherriffs Detective in that area).
I've also done a lot of research on the internet about it. If it wasn't for my source though it would have been a lot harder to pick out fact from fiction for sure. Around here it's the only thing in the news (besides that hurricane that might be forming and coming our way, but that's second page stuff).
Edited for glaring spelling error. (Music Page)
Myspace: (Personal Page)
That's what I've been seeing everywhere. You're the only person who claims to have a different story. Show me where you got it. I like having the facts as much as anyone else. Also, I don't know why you think we think the Jena 6 is completely innocent. I've seen no one say that what they did was justified. (Music Page)
Myspace: (Personal Page)
How can the information that has been given out on multiple sites by multiple people all be the same, except for what you say? How could the facts and police report be completely be covered up and hidden?
Just because a story is reported on a website, or even TV doesn't automatically make it fact. Calling everything you see and hear "the facts" can be dangerous. As PJ fans we should be well aware that the media can present a bias towards any story it wants to, and now more of these news organizations are sharing the same sources and reports (sometimes word for word) further spreading incorrect information.
This is what I konw - my source is way more credible than a lot of news sources. I know this person really well, I know his beliefs, feelings towards the situation, and amount of knowledge with this case. I've done some research where some facts matched up and some facts didn't. I made a descision to believe my source after he had been right about a lot of the facts before the country had even heard of this.
I understand that just because I have my source for the truth doesn't mean everyone everywhere is going to believe me, but I'd be a lot more comfortable betting everything I could on the version I know against someone who is just reading the CNN website (or any generic news site).
Take it or leave it, or at least conceieve it. It is what it is, and short of setting up a personal meeting between you and my source, what else can I say? Everything I mentioned is out there, buried in some news stories, just not the majority of them. Everything can be backed up in some form. I guess it's just not sensational enough to sell the news. (Music Page)
Myspace: (Personal Page)
"The black community was outraged by the nooses"
Don't they think that other people may have also been outraged by them?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I was outraged myself by that and the so called white and black areas...
It's an Are you freaking Kidding Me? moment.
by a well respected black writer (the same one who spoke out about the whole imus thing)
Before I go any further, let me state this: The prosecutor should've never charged these boys with attempted murder. The entire school board should be replaced for stopping the noose-hanging kids from being expelled.
OK, having said that, much of the mainstream reporting on this story has been misleading, irresponsible and inflammatory.
No one mentions that Mychal Bell's clueless public defender was black. No one mentions that there were no black jurors because of the 50 people who responded to the more than 100 summons, none were black. No one mentions that Bell was already on probation for battery relating to a Christmas day incident in 2005. No one mentions that Bell was adjudicated (convicted) of two other violent crimes in 2006 and one charge of criminal damage to property. No one mentions that Bell's father acknowledged he moved back to Louisiana in February (after seven years in Dallas) to supervise his son because of the "Jena Six" mess. No one mentions that Bell starred on the Jena High football team while constantly jeopardizing/violating his seemingly flimsy probation.
This was all talked about in open court during a bond hearing for Bell, and a newspaper in Alexandria, La., wrote about it. Just about everybody else has pretty much ignored the "other side" of the story. Including the fact that not one witness — black or white, and there were 40 statements taken — connected the jumping/beatdown of the white student (Dec. 4) to the noose incident (Sept. 1).
No one mentions that a black U.S. Attorney, Donald Washington, investigated the "Jena Six" case and held a town-hall meeting explaining that there was no evidence connecting the jumping/beatdown to the noose incident.
Only after the prosecutor overreacted (or tired of letting Bell and others skate once the successful football season was over; Bell wasn't the only football star charged) did the "Jena Six" blame the attack on the nooses and the white shade tree.
Rather than report the truth, flames have been fanned by lazy or cowardly or agenda-driven members of the media. Because the white kid regained consciousness and survived the attack with only a swollen eye, defenders of the "Jena Six" have called it a typical "schoolyard fight." Would anyone call it that if six white football and basketball players jumped one black kid?
I've mulled this topic for months, and I keep coming back to one question: Where in the hell were the parents — all of the parents, white and black?
Shame on the parents of the kids who hung the nooses for hiding behind a seemingly racist and insensitive school board when their kids were inexcusably wrong. Shame on the parents of the "Jena Six" for blaming white racism for the cowardice of a six-on-one attack.
the only thing I can say on cases like this is until the black community takes care of their own problems, how can white-america sympathize? When the only images of young black men that white america gets are of black men killing each other at alarming rates, rappers rapping about their ho's an being gangsta and punk athletes (michael vick, tank johnson, pacman jones, etc.) how can we not overreact when a black man is charged with a violent crime? Unfortunately the black gangsta, don't disrespect me attitude has created a culture of violence that will take decades to overturn. How much sympathy can I have for Mychal Bell when he has been charged with multiple violent offenses as a teen? When he has shown a pattern of criminal and violent activity. I'm sorry but I can't feel that we should go lightly on what we charge a guy like this with. How do you stop a guy like that without giving him serious charges?
I think some of us may differ on whether or not they were prosecuted too harshly...
But there is no way people should be holding signs that say "FREE the Jena 6"
last i checked, it was still 6 people that beat the crap out of someone.
Not if they're asking if six white people in W.V. can be charged with a hate crime when it's so fucking apparent that it is, there should be no question.