USA - decides everything!



  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    jlew24asu wrote:
    what the hell are you talking about

    Come on dude, you know what he meant. Not that I disagree with your thoughts on America haters. They DO hate America. They get excited when America loses face in the world. I'm not going to say what else makes them happy (hint: has to do with Americans and coffins).
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    America kicked ass in WWII. We can do whatever the hell we want!

    this reminds me of another classic byzine line that America had little effect on the outcome of WWII
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    this reminds me of another classic byzine line that America had little effect on the outcome of WWII

    I never said anything of the sort. And My name's not Byzine. Two mistakes in one sentence. Well done!
  • ViggoViggo Posts: 274
    I like your music, movies, Alaska, Hawaii, but there is some things that I dislike as well:

    1. Which Nation spent millions of dollars to send two men to the moon, then sent 10 more people, before they realised it was just a barren rock?

    2. In which country do chainsaw manufactures find it necessary to put disclaimers like "do not attempt to stop the saw whilst it is activated with your hands." AND, get taken to court by a man who tried to stop a chainsaw with his hand because it didn't say not to in the manual (which, for those American's amongst you, it did). What makes this story really ironic was that when the brand of chainsaw manufacturers first release there chainsaws in America, it was noticed that it was significantly larger than the original, because of things like the aforementioned warnings, in fact there was even an story on it on American TV news. They thought it was very funny that the manufactures thought that they were so stupid they needed these warnings. Strangely, there was little in the news about the court case that followed.

    3. How about the American that phoned up his computer manufacturer to say that his cup-holder had broken? "Cup-holder? What cup holder??" "Well, you push a button on the front and it comes out. And when I put a cup of coffee in it, it broke." Once again, for the yanks; It was actually his CD drive. Duh.

    4. Who has to write "London, England" along the bottom of all their films when they show a shot of Big Ben, or "Paris, France" when shown a picture of the Eiffel Tower?

    5. Which country makes you fill in a questionnaire asking questions like "were you in or around the area of Nazi Germany between 1939 and 1945?" Or "are you entering the United States with the intent of committing criminal or terrorist activities?" Before granting a Visa?

    6. In what country would a person invent a new sport, then think to himself "I know, I'll give this sport the same name as another sport, even though it is far less appropriate for this sport than the other sport, which already has the name."

    7. On the subject of sport, the "World series" which only Americans are allowed to enter.

    8. Who thought "I know, lets invent a weapon that is so powerful, there is no way to defend against it, that's powerful enough to destroy whole cities in one go." Oh, and "that will make the area unfit for habitation for years after it has been used, and, in fact will end up giving people in this country cancer, and other unpleasant diseases."???? Eh?

    9. "Duck and cover."

    10. When shop assistants, or maybe people working at Mac Donald's come and ask "may I help you sir?" or whatever, only in America do you really get the feeling that the person really would like to help you. Rather than anything else they could be doing, they would prefer to be right there, helping you.

    11. All Dollar notes are the same, except for the number, meaning that it's impossible for blind people to tell them apart. Also, what is a "Dime" worth? It doesn't say on the coin. Are you somehow just supposed to know? Is it obvious? It isn't to me...
    It's okay, It's okay
    You don't have to run and hide away
    It's okay, it's okay
    I love you anyway
    2007: Pearl Jam concert in Düsseldorf (21. June)
    2007: Chris Cornell concert in Kristiansand (2. July)
    2007: The Who concert in Kristiansand (4. July)
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    America kicked ass in WWII. We can do whatever the hell we want!
    Unfortunately they've taken that a little too literallly.
  • ViggoViggo Posts: 274
    I'm gonna drop this discussion. I guess it can't lead to anything smart anyway.

    I just got caught up in the moment(s).

    Like Eminem says: "I'm just playin' American, you know I love you".. Not necessarily love, but like :)
    It's okay, It's okay
    You don't have to run and hide away
    It's okay, it's okay
    I love you anyway
    2007: Pearl Jam concert in Düsseldorf (21. June)
    2007: Chris Cornell concert in Kristiansand (2. July)
    2007: The Who concert in Kristiansand (4. July)
  • Byrnzie wrote:
    I never said anything of the sort. And My name's not Byzine. Two mistakes in one sentence. Well done!

    Pretty thorough schooling and level of information provided in that post . It is a bit disgusting to see Americans thump their chest over WW2 isn't it.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • Viggo wrote:
    You know what is so god damn sad? We can't vote for the president in USA. The president of your country will eventually decide how my future will be. I never voted Bush, but our soldiers are now in Afghanistan.

    Thats messed up...

    Attack the USA and overthrow the government here and all of your problems are it?
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Byrnzie wrote:
    I never said anything of the sort. And My name's not Byzine. Two mistakes in one sentence. Well done!

    you said it 10 posts into your thread.

    Originally Posted by jlew24asu
    I dontunderstand your point. are you trying to marginalize US's involvment and help in defeating Hitler?
    Byrnzie wrote:
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    Viggo wrote:
    I like your music, movies, Alaska, Hawaii, but there is some things that I dislike as well:

    I liked your post. Did you pull it from a website?

    2. In which country do chainsaw manufactures find it necessary to put disclaimers like "do not attempt to stop the saw whilst it is activated with your hands."

    6. In what country would a person invent a new sport, then think to himself "I know, I'll give this sport the same name as another sport, even though it is far less appropriate for this sport than the other sport, which already has the name."

    7. On the subject of sport, the "World series" which only Americans are allowed to enter.

    11. All Dollar notes are the same, except for the number, meaning that it's impossible for blind people to tell them apart. Also, what is a "Dime" worth? It doesn't say on the coin. Are you somehow just supposed to know? Is it obvious? It isn't to me...

    2. I've done a similar thing with a garbage disposal. Ouch!

    6. We just took your "football" and improved it to be a whole helluva lot more exciting. Soccer sucks.

    7. The Toronto Blue Jays are Canadian. You better check yourself before you wreck yourself. The best players in the WORLD come to play in Major League Baseball, so it pretty much is a world sport anyways.

    11. America has no blind people. It is a fact. Look it up. I knew what a dime was when I was two years old. Does that make me some genius, or is just something Europeans can't remember?

    By the way, my great-grandparents came over from Sweden. You are my Scandinavian brother.
  • BrezBrez Posts: 570
    I keep chuckling at all of Viggo's generalizations (I know it's late to bring this up, but I just got here).

    A country of 4 million? Ok maybe you can make some broad generalization that would be semi-true.

    But 300 million? You have obviously never visited more than one place here or you would realize that there are gigantic differences from region to region. I don't think a person from a small country can really imagine/understand that.
    And before his first step... He's off again...
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    jlew24asu wrote:
    you said it 10 posts into your thread.

    Originally Posted by jlew24asu
    I dontunderstand your point. are you trying to marginalize US's involvment and help in defeating Hitler?

    Originally Posted by Byrnzie
    Byrnzie wrote:

    Nice bit of editing there.
    Here's the post in it's entirety...
    jlew24asu wrote:
    I dontunderstand your point. are you trying to marginalize US's involvment and help in defeating Hitler?

    Yes. I'm putting it into perspective.

    Total U.S losses during world war 2 = approx 400,000.

    Total British losses during world war 2 = approx 300,000.

    Total Russian losses during world war 2 = approx 30 - 40,000,000.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Originally Posted by Byrnzie

    Nice bit of editing there.
    Here's the post in it's entirety...

    Yes. I'm putting it into perspective.

    Total U.S losses during world war 2 = approx 400,000.

    Total British losses during world war 2 = approx 300,000.

    Total Russian losses during world war 2 = approx 30 - 40,000,000.

    You don't win wars with losses, so I don't know what your point proves, other than Russia got its ass kicked. I didn't realize the winner of a war was who got killed the most.

    I'd like to see the stats on battle victories and turning points.
  • You don't win wars with losses, so I don't know what your point proves, other than Russia got its ass kicked. I didn't realize the winner of a war was who got killed the most.

    I'd like to see the stats on battle victories and turning points.

    my god you're a tad dense...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Originally Posted by Byrnzie

    Nice bit of editing there.
    Here's the post in it's entirety...

    Yes. I'm putting it into perspective.

    Total U.S losses during world war 2 = approx 400,000.

    Total British losses during world war 2 = approx 300,000.

    Total Russian losses during world war 2 = approx 30 - 40,000,000.

    Just curious, are you counting civilian deaths in the Soviet Union's count? Or is that all military deaths. Every site I've seen has Soviet military casualties between 10-15 million. Not trying to diminish that number, but that is a lot less than 30-40 million.
    - Busted down the pretext
    - 8/28/98
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    - 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    my god you're a tad dense...

    Right, I am dense for believing that the US played a huge role in ending WWII. I know what his point was dufus, but it still doesn't prove anything. It is more fun on here to make outrageous comments than spend my life with a gun barrel down my throat like some of you whose only joy in life is supporting a candidate for president who cannot win even though he sets records for campaign donations.

    But back to my point, instead of showing me who had the most troops in the war, tell me who won the war (that would mean who won the most battles). If I'm wrong there, than I'm wrong. But telling me 30 million Russians died so they played a huge winning role in the war doesn't get you to win the argument that the US didn't play the biggest role in ending the war.
  • Right, I am dense for believing that the US played a huge role in ending WWII. I know what his point was dufus, but it still doesn't prove anything. It is more fun on here to make outrageous comments than spend my life with a gun barrel down my throat like some of you whose only joy in life is supporting a candidate for president who cannot win even though he sets records for campaign donations.

    Reminds me of a scenario where someone works their whole life to pay off a mortgage then a stranger walks in and writes a them cheque for final $5 split up along with a few other people and exclaims.."see look at the house Ijust bought for you...aren't you lucky!!"

    good lord...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    Right, I am dense for believing that the US played a huge role in ending WWII. I know what his point was dufus, but it still doesn't prove anything. It is more fun on here to make outrageous comments than spend my life with a gun barrel down my throat like some of you whose only joy in life is supporting a candidate for president who cannot win even though he sets records for campaign donations.

    But back to my point, instead of showing me who had the most troops in the war, tell me who won the war (that would mean who won the most battles). If I'm wrong there, than I'm wrong. But telling me 30 million Russians died so they played a huge winning role in the war doesn't get you to win the argument that the US didn't play the biggest role in ending the war.

    I just have a hard time calling the Soviet Union the heroes of World War II when they signed a neutrality agreement with Japan in 1941 and were totally not involved at all in the Pacific campaign - that is until Japan was right about to surrender after Hiroshima and then the Soviets break their neutrality agreement with Japan and capture 4 islands. Till this day, Russia and Japan have never signed a peace treaty so I guess World War 2 is still going on.
    - Busted down the pretext
    - 8/28/98
    - 9/2/00
    - 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
    - 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
    - 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
    - 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
    - 8/2/07, 8/5/07
    - 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
    - 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
    - 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
    - 9/11/11, 9/12/11
    - 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    You don't win wars with losses, so I don't know what your point proves, other than Russia got its ass kicked. I didn't realize the winner of a war was who got killed the most.

    I'd like to see the stats on battle victories and turning points.

    9 out of every ten German soldiers killed in World War 2 were killed on Russian soil. Russia destroyed 3/4 of the German army on the Eastern front before capturing Berlin and liberating Auschwitz.
    So they got their asses kicked did they?
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Right, I am dense for believing that the US played a huge role in ending WWII. I know what his point was dufus, but it still doesn't prove anything. It is more fun on here to make outrageous comments than spend my life with a gun barrel down my throat like some of you whose only joy in life is supporting a candidate for president who cannot win even though he sets records for campaign donations.

    But back to my point, instead of showing me who had the most troops in the war, tell me who won the war (that would mean who won the most battles). If I'm wrong there, than I'm wrong. But telling me 30 million Russians died so they played a huge winning role in the war doesn't get you to win the argument that the US didn't play the biggest role in ending the war.

    You can begin by looking at 4 key events - The battle of Moscow, The battle of Stalingrad, the battle of Kursk, and the battle of Berlin. Each of these battles eclipsed D-day ten-fold. And in each of these battles more soldiers and civilians were killed than the U.S lost in the entire war.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Solat13 wrote:
    I just have a hard time calling the Soviet Union the heroes of World War II when they signed a neutrality agreement with Japan in 1941 and were totally not involved at all in the Pacific campaign - that is until Japan was right about to surrender after Hiroshima and then the Soviets break their neutrality agreement with Japan and capture 4 islands. Till this day, Russia and Japan have never signed a peace treaty so I guess World War 2 is still going on.

    There's a reason Japan avoided any conflict with Russia in World War 2.

    'Nomonhan', A.K.A, 'The Battle of Khalkhin Gol'.
    'Although this engagement is little-known in the West, it had profound implications on the conduct of World War II. It may be said to be the first decisive battle of World War II, because it determined that the two principal Axis Powers, Germany and Japan, would never geographically link up their areas of control through Russia. The defeat convinced the Imperial General Staff in Tokyo that the policy of the North Strike Group, favoured by the army, which wanted to seize Siberia as far as Lake Baikal for its resources, was untenable. Instead the South Strike Group, favored by the navy, which wanted to seize the resources of Southeast Asia, especially the petroleum and mineral-rich Dutch East Indies, gained the ascendancy, leading directly to the attack on Pearl Harbor two and a half years later in December 1941. The Japanese would never make an offensive movement towards Russia again. In 1941, the two countries signed agreements respecting the borders of Mongolia and Manchukuo[19] and pledging neutrality towards each other.[20] They remained at peace until Operation August Storm and the Soviet conquest of Manchuria in August 1945, in the final weeks of the war.

    It was the first victory for the soon-to-be-famous Soviet general Georgy Zhukov, earning him the first of his four Hero of the Soviet Union awards. Zhukov himself was promoted and transferred west to the Kiev district. The battle experience gained by Zhukov was put to good use in December 1941 at the Battle of Moscow. Zhukov was able to use this experience to launch the first successful Soviet counteroffensive against the German invasion of 1941. Many units of the Siberian and other trans-Ural armies were part of this attack, and the decision to move the divisions from Siberia was aided by the Soviet masterspy Richard Sorge in Tokyo, who was able to alert the Soviet government that the Japanese were looking south and were unlikely to launch another attack against Siberia in the immediate future. A year after flinging the Germans back from the capital, Zhukov planned and executed the Red Army's offensive at the Battle of Stalingrad, using a technique very similar to Khalkin Gol, in which the Soviet forces held the enemy fixed in the center, built up a mass of force in the area undetected, and launched a pincer attack on the wings to trap the enemy army.'
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    Reminds me of a scenario where someone works their whole life to pay off a mortgage then a stranger walks in and writes a them cheque for final $5 split up along with a few other people and exclaims.."see look at the house Ijust bought for you...aren't you lucky!!"

    good lord...

    Make that joke around a WWII US Vet and you'll get your assed handed to you. It is fun to spend your life in front of a computer screen instead of actually doing something.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    Byrnzie wrote:
    You can begin by looking at 4 key events - The battle of Moscow, The battle of Stalingrad, the battle of Kursk, and the battle of Berlin. Each of these battles eclipsed D-day ten-fold. And in each of these battles more soldiers and civilians were killed than the U.S lost in the entire war.

    See, now you are making an argument.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my god you're a tad dense...

    my god do you bring anything to the table? if there was ever more of a definition of a follower then a leader.....I mean really. you hop on the back of byzine whenever he goes american and israel bashing and suck on drfitins cock everytime he makes a ron paul thread as if that mean anything to you to being with.

    do you have a spine? thats what we use to walk on our own 2 feet
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Viggo wrote:
    You know what is so god damn sad? We can't vote for the president in USA. The president of your country will eventually decide how my future will be. I never voted Bush, but our soldiers are now in Afghanistan.

    Thats messed up...

    No. The Prime Minister of YOUR country decided to send the troops to Afghanistan.

    See i have heard these same thoughts aired so many times in Australia too. While i absolutely hated that Bush seemed to leave his anal probe further and further up John Howards butt as his time in office went by, i do not blame American and George Bush for a decision that our Prime Minister at the time made. He could've said no. New Zealand did. The Australian Government CHOSE to send the soldiers to Afghanistan and Iraq. I assume your Government did the same. It seems it's so easy to blame everything on America.

    I live in the US now and i just want to say to some of you haters out there, every single country in the world has it's problems and every single country does things that at some time or another we are never going to fully agree on. From what i have experienced and seen, there is a lot more good than bad here in the USA, but for some reason no one ever wants to talk about the good.
  • Make that joke around a WWII US Vet and you'll get your assed handed to you. It is fun to spend your life in front of a computer screen instead of actually doing something.

    That's not a joke but actually an accurate perspective on reality.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    my god do you bring anything to the table? if there was ever more of a definition of a follower then a leader.....I mean really. you hop on the back of byzine whenever he goes american and israel bashing and suck on drfitins cock everytime he makes a ron paul thread as if that mean anything to you to being with.

    do you have a spine? thats what we use to walk on our own 2 feet

    You want I should recreate history? That facts speak for themselves. You should learn to admit when you're wrong in your abilities to perceive situations accurately, which seems to be pretty often from my observations.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    Byrnzie wrote:
    There's a reason Japan avoided any conflict with Russia in World War 2.

    'Nomonhan', A.K.A, 'The Battle of Khalkhin Gol'.

    I wasn't posting about why Japan never attacked the Soviet Union, but rather why the Soviets never supported their Allies in the theater of the Pacific leaving the UK and America to fight a two front war. And then that the Soviets jumped in two days after Hiroshima after the war was over in all practical terms for their own gains.

    It just seems odd that while many of the Allies were fighting in campaigns all over the globe that the Soviets were pretty much only fighting for their own best interests until it became convenient for them to enter the Pacific theater. It seems odd that a country would totally respect a neutrality pact with a country that was at war with its Allies. If the Soviets never would have attacked Japan at the end I wouldn't even have brought it up.

    The Soviets also cooperated with Germany in the invasion of Poland in 1939 and only after Germany invaded them in June 0f 1941 did they join the Allies.

    I mean there was more to WW2 than just Europe.
    - Busted down the pretext
    - 8/28/98
    - 9/2/00
    - 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
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    - 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
    - 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
    - 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
    - 9/11/11, 9/12/11
    - 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    You want I should recreate history? That facts speak for themselves. You should learn to admit when you're wrong in your abilities to perceive situations accurately, which seems to be pretty often from my observations.

    He's not interested in facts or historical facts. Not exactly a spokesman for self-awareness, either.

    Apparently, his mind is pre-occupied with visions of cock-sucking and big, stiff missles with red-shiny heads dropping down on Iran or whatever country he hates the mostl, this week.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Viggo wrote:
    I like your music, movies, Alaska, Hawaii, but there is some things that I dislike as well:

    1. Which Nation spent millions of dollars to send two men to the moon, then sent 10 more people, before they realised it was just a barren rock?

    2. In which country do chainsaw manufactures find it necessary to put disclaimers like "do not attempt to stop the saw whilst it is activated with your hands." AND, get taken to court by a man who tried to stop a chainsaw with his hand because it didn't say not to in the manual (which, for those American's amongst you, it did). What makes this story really ironic was that when the brand of chainsaw manufacturers first release there chainsaws in America, it was noticed that it was significantly larger than the original, because of things like the aforementioned warnings, in fact there was even an story on it on American TV news. They thought it was very funny that the manufactures thought that they were so stupid they needed these warnings. Strangely, there was little in the news about the court case that followed.

    3. How about the American that phoned up his computer manufacturer to say that his cup-holder had broken? "Cup-holder? What cup holder??" "Well, you push a button on the front and it comes out. And when I put a cup of coffee in it, it broke." Once again, for the yanks; It was actually his CD drive. Duh.

    4. Who has to write "London, England" along the bottom of all their films when they show a shot of Big Ben, or "Paris, France" when shown a picture of the Eiffel Tower?

    5. Which country makes you fill in a questionnaire asking questions like "were you in or around the area of Nazi Germany between 1939 and 1945?" Or "are you entering the United States with the intent of committing criminal or terrorist activities?" Before granting a Visa?

    6. In what country would a person invent a new sport, then think to himself "I know, I'll give this sport the same name as another sport, even though it is far less appropriate for this sport than the other sport, which already has the name."

    7. On the subject of sport, the "World series" which only Americans are allowed to enter.

    8. Who thought "I know, lets invent a weapon that is so powerful, there is no way to defend against it, that's powerful enough to destroy whole cities in one go." Oh, and "that will make the area unfit for habitation for years after it has been used, and, in fact will end up giving people in this country cancer, and other unpleasant diseases."???? Eh?

    9. "Duck and cover."

    10. When shop assistants, or maybe people working at Mac Donald's come and ask "may I help you sir?" or whatever, only in America do you really get the feeling that the person really would like to help you. Rather than anything else they could be doing, they would prefer to be right there, helping you.

    11. All Dollar notes are the same, except for the number, meaning that it's impossible for blind people to tell them apart. Also, what is a "Dime" worth? It doesn't say on the coin. Are you somehow just supposed to know? Is it obvious? It isn't to me...

    This might be one of the least intelligent posts I've ever seen on this board. Apparently nobody in Norway does anything that doesn't make a lot of common sense?
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
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