I'm reading 'Under the Banner of Heaven' right now. Right now, its talking about the origin of the religion and specifically Mormon fundamentalists. Which I find really interesting in a freakish way. Coincidentally, it is written by John Krakauer (who also wrote 'Into the Wild').
I haven't read under the banner of heaven but after reading into thin air and other books on the topics, I'd be very careful at taking Krakauer's opinion as fact... which is how he seems to present it.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I've only met mormons from them calling around to the house, like most people. I feel sorry for them though as they probably get a hard time from people... so I let them in, let them leave their book, made them tea and did my daily good deed by listening to them for 20 minutes to see if they had anything interesting to say... they didn't! They turned into jealous stalker boyfriend types then fucking driving me mad. They did the same on my sisters boyfriend. He just tried to avoid them... that didn't work, they kept calling to the house. I still feel sorry for them though but if you're at a weak moment of your life, like any religion, they could prey on you.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I've only met mormons from them calling around to the house, like most people. I feel sorry for them though as they probably get a hard time from people... so I let them in, let them leave their book, made them tea and did my daily good deed by listening to them for 20 minutes to see if they had anything interesting to say... they didn't! They turned into jealous stalker boyfriend types then fucking driving me mad. They did the same on my sisters boyfriend. He just tried to avoid them... that didn't work, they kept calling to the house. I still feel sorry for them though but if you're at a weak moment of your life, like any religion, they could prey on you.
I had Mormons in my home once shortly after I began having spiritual experiences over ten years ago. They'd tell me how their dude was visited by God/angels, and I'd say "hey! That's like what happened to me". Eventually THEY voluntarily left, because the tables were turned on them. It seemed they were uncomfortable hearing my stories of being touched by divinity!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I still feel sorry for them though but if you're at a weak moment of your life, like any religion, they could prey on you.
What I find a little sad is that they are very young, and they are indoctrinated in such slick psychological tricks of getting the "foot in the door" in order to "sell" the message. These kids mean well, and think they are doing a good thing, and yet, I have no acceptance of techniques that are intended to hook me into adopting the agenda of another. That is why I reject the mentality of trying to actually part me of my own beliefs, and to superimpose the beliefs of others. And yet, I still treat the individuals humanely, and like the young, well-intended individuals they are. Again, their techniques are so intense that you can't give them any opening. They realize they have you moving in the "right" direction for them when you do. It is not rude to stop any counterproductive technique in it's tracks. It saves all parties the time and resentment.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
What I find a little sad is that they are very young, and they are indoctrinated in such slick psychological tricks of getting the "foot in the door" in order to "sell" the message. These kids mean well, and think they are doing a good thing, and yet, I have no acceptance of techniques that are intended to hook me into adopting the agenda of another. That is why I reject the mentality of trying to actually part me of my own beliefs, and to superimpose the beliefs of others. And yet, I still treat the individuals humanely, and like the young, well-intended individuals they are. Again, their techniques are so intense that you can't give them any opening. They realize they have you moving in the "right" direction for them when you do. It is not rude to stop any counterproductive technique in it's tracks. It saves all parties the time and resentment.
VERY well said... all of it
And good idea to get rid of them
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
and did it make you feel empowered to visually threaten and intimidate people who had no intention of harming you in the least? I just don't get it. Honestly, how is a 1 minute conversation at the door expressing your disinterest a burden to you?
The ding a ling guy who begs for money with the Salvation Army outside of the grocery store drives me insane every Christmas. Do you think I could take my gun and wave it at him when he asks me to donate over and over and over again?
What about the political lobbyists that come to the door EVERY single voting season to plead their platform and ask you to put a sign on the front lawn? Will you pull out the shotgun next year?
Oh and how dare those cute little girl scout/militant training organization come and peddle their cookies to you time and again. They could use a good spanking huh?
I didn’t threaten anyone. The cylinder was open so it was obvious the gun was unloaded. I was just holding it with a cleaning rag in the other hand. However, I’m sure the sight of it was unnerving enough for them as they haven’t been back. I don’t feel bad about anything other than waiting countless times to try that approach as nothing else seemed to deter them. And fuck them anyway. Don’t come to my house spreading your vile religious institutions where it isn’t wanted.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Also, I should clarify. I have no problem with the Mormon faithful...it's the religion (and the First Presidency along with the Quorum of 12 Apostles) that I take issue with.
I don't take issue with any religion or those who decide to follow them. I think it's nice that people have a religion and if it makes them better people well that can only be a good thing.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I haven't read under the banner of heaven but after reading into thin air and other books on the topics, I'd be very careful at taking Krakauer's opinion as fact... which is how he seems to present it.
Thank you for that.
I'm reading the book for entertainment purposes only, not as if it was complete fact. I believe every author does interject a little bit of their own opinion, even if it is labeled non-fiction.
The first part of this book is regarding the religion and its origins, which the author footnotes with corresponding books (including the book of Mormon), or news articles. The second part is how a couple of fundamentalist brothers received a message from God to kill a woman and her baby. Apparently, it was news in Utah in 1984.
I'm reading the book for entertainment purposes only, not as if it was complete fact. I believe every author does interject a little bit of their own opinion, even if it is labeled non-fiction.
The first part of this book is regarding the religion and its origins, which the author footnotes with corresponding books (including the book of Mormon), or news articles. The second part is how a couple of fundamentalist brothers received a message from God to kill a woman and her baby. Apparently, it was news in Utah in 1984.
Seriously. My all-time favorite book (read it 3 times)! I thought Krakauer did an excellent job explaining LDS, Fundamentalist Mormons, etc. while keeping his opinions in check.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I said that I completely understand people being angry and frustrated. I had a run-in with some Mormon girls this summer and I've had my issues with them in the past. I own my anger, my frustration and my lacking skills when I need to find a way to solve a problem.
If people give themselves permission to act poorly, they continue the patterns rather than resolve them. The bottom line, again, is that we are responsible for our actions. No one else controls us. To in any way blame others for our poor behaviour cannot work.
well i know i don't blame anyone else for my behaviour. so if you think that's what i am doing, then you are wrong. the fact that i find it offensive to be approached in regards to religion does in no way manifest itself in how i treat them when they come a-calling. sometimes i straight up tell them i'm not interested. other times when i'm in a different kind of mood, i feel like challenging them by asking them questions. when i'm feeling less than gracious i get amusement from knowing that no matter what they say to me i am not gonna cross over to their side. it would literally take jesus himself appearing to me out of thin air right in front of my eyes to get me questioning my disbelief. and me being me even then i'd be looking aorund for david blaine.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Sorry, but you have to prove your Testament before you are issued your Standard Temple Undergarments.
they don't work. they are supposed to protect your body from harm.......they scraped what was left of my father's body into a small bag. my mother was very upset they didn't work as promised.
they don't work. they are supposed to protect your body from harm.......they scraped what was left of my father's body into a small bag. my mother was very upset they didn't work as promised.
true story.
Woah. I just don't know how to even respond to that. :( So sad. :(
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
You base this on an assumption that I am speaking to or about you specifically. I am not. I said my opinion, which is my opinion in general. I have very strong opinions about people holding others in any way accountable for their own behaviour. If it happens to apply to you, it does, if not, it does not.
I am always direct and upfront about my views. If I mean to directly confront you, I will. However, that's generally not my style. My purpose is to speak my mind, not to be "right" against the individual views of others, which I fully accept. If people want to personally connect with my opinion, and make it personal, then I stand by my opinion. It remains about my own opinion, and not about the other person for me, no matter what the other person sees.
Are you psychic now too? How would you know what I based my point on OR even if it was an assumption?
Anyway, you've said your opinion, I've said mine, and not wishing to "enable" you to derail yet another thread with your rabbiting on, I'm leaving it at that. Not to mention your style of communication offends me greatly and brings out the worst in me, which is completely futile because you are the all knowing, all seeing, all enlightened one and I doubt very much anything I say will make even a teensy bit of difference to you.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
When it comes to Mormons or any other religion, I have no problem, I simply reserve the right to state my views quite clearly if they are standing on my doorstep sprouting theirs. And if as a Mormon or any other religion you are offended by the way I communicate with you when you are standing on my doorstep, then don't drop by in future. If I truly wanted to be offensive and intolerant I'd get a portable cd player with my favorite loud, angry, ungodly music on it, make myself a placard or two sprouting my LOVE OF SATAN and go door knock down the local church OR fly myself over to Utah or wherever it is that Mormons congregate and harrass them with my point of view.
I don't do that because Mormons and any other religion have the right to believe what they want to believe and I respect their right to do so. I simply wish they would learn to respect my rights too.
Are you psychic now too? How would you know what I based my point on OR even if it was an assumption?
Anyway, you've said your opinion, I've said mine, and not wishing to "enable" you to derail yet another thread with your rabbiting on, I'm leaving it at that. Not to mention your style of communication offends me greatly and brings out the worst in me, which is completely futile because you are the all knowing, all seeing, all enlightened one and I doubt very much anything I say will make even a teensy bit of difference to you.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
When it comes to Mormons or any other religion, I have no problem, I simply reserve the right to state my views quite clearly if they are standing on my doorstep sprouting theirs. And if as a Mormon or any other religion you are offended by the way I communicate with you when you are standing on my doorstep, then don't drop by in future. If I truly wanted to be offensive and intolerant I'd get a portable cd player with my favorite loud, angry, ungodly music on it, make myself a placard or two sprouting my LOVE OF SATAN and go door knock down the local church OR fly myself over to Utah or wherever it is that Mormons congregate and harrass them with my point of view.
I don't do that because Mormons and any other religion has the right to believe what they want to believe and I respect their right to do so. I simply wish they would learn to respect my rights too.
I got goosebumps.:p
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
one day some mormons (or jehovah witnesses, same weirdness) knocked on my friends door......his mom answered.....
[knock, knock]
mom: "yes?"
weirdos: "good day ma'am. have you spoken to jesus today?"
mom: "why yes! he's on the phone right now. would you like to speak to him?"
weirdos: blanks stares
[door closes]
all religions are weird....being raised catholic i can vouch for the weirdness....but the mormons take it to a whole other level.....i knew several mormons growing up and most were really cool....until their missions....when they returned their personalities were replaced with thousand yard stares and general creepiness...
one day some mormons (or jehovah witnesses, same weirdness) knocked on my friends door......his mom answered.....
[knock, knock]
mom: "yes?"
weirdos: "good day ma'am. have you spoken to jesus today?"
mom: "why yes! he's on the phone right now. would you like to speak to him?"
weirdos: blanks stares
[door closes]
all religions are weird....being raised catholic i can vouch for the weirdness....but the mormons take it to a whole other level.....i knew several mormons growing up and most were really cool....until their missions....when they returned their personalities were replaced with thousand yard stares and general creepiness...
just thought i'd add that....:)
hehe! and very well added too!
I reckon the young fellas around here aren't too bad, they've offered to do all kinds of things to help out in the garden and the like, all of which has been politely refused. If I could just find a way to stop them coming back I'd be happy. Got to the stage with the little old ladies from the SDA's though that I had to stop answering the door! They'd appear EVERY SUNDAY MORNING without fail around 8am!!! AS IF I'm going to be pleasant at that time of the day on that day of the week! I mean c'mon even I know Sunday is sacred!!!
It's been my experience that most LDS members don't know the history of their church. For example, that Joseph Smith received his Revelation from magical "seer stones" and even fewer have never even heard of the Mountain Meadows Masacre.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I reckon the young fellas around here aren't too bad, they've offered to do all kinds of things to help out in the garden and the like, all of which has been politely refused. If I could just find a way to stop them coming back I'd be happy. Got to the stage with the little old ladies from the SDA's though that I had to stop answering the door! They'd appear EVERY SUNDAY MORNING without fail around 8am!!! AS IF I'm going to be pleasant at that time of the day on that day of the week! I mean c'mon even I know Sunday is sacred!!!
have you tried telling them to fuck off and not come back girlie?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
have you tried telling them to fuck off and not come back girlie?
Actually no cate, I've never sworn at them. I have become more terse and less pleasant but I've never sworn at them. I've certainly stopped smiling when they appear! I have asked that they don't return though. Actually........now that I think about it it's been a while......I hate to speak too soon, but maybe they're FINALLY heeding my request!
fair warning...I'm steeling your "god squad" term.....
Steal away love. It's not my term, it's actually the name of a Christian Motorcycle Club here in Australia. But we use the term for anybody turning up on the doorstep to pedal god.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
And good idea to get rid of them
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I didn’t threaten anyone. The cylinder was open so it was obvious the gun was unloaded. I was just holding it with a cleaning rag in the other hand. However, I’m sure the sight of it was unnerving enough for them as they haven’t been back. I don’t feel bad about anything other than waiting countless times to try that approach as nothing else seemed to deter them. And fuck them anyway. Don’t come to my house spreading your vile religious institutions where it isn’t wanted.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
P.S. The Mormon Conspiracy by Charles L. Wood...read it and you shall be enlightened.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
OMG! That's fricken AWESOME...and sooo sooo true!
P.S. Talk about people with an elitest attitude! :rolleyes:
Sorry, but you have to prove your Testament before you are issued your Standard Temple Undergarments.
Thank you for that.
I'm reading the book for entertainment purposes only, not as if it was complete fact. I believe every author does interject a little bit of their own opinion, even if it is labeled non-fiction.
The first part of this book is regarding the religion and its origins, which the author footnotes with corresponding books (including the book of Mormon), or news articles. The second part is how a couple of fundamentalist brothers received a message from God to kill a woman and her baby. Apparently, it was news in Utah in 1984.
Seriously. My all-time favorite book (read it 3 times)! I thought Krakauer did an excellent job explaining LDS, Fundamentalist Mormons, etc. while keeping his opinions in check.
well i know i don't blame anyone else for my behaviour. so if you think that's what i am doing, then you are wrong. the fact that i find it offensive to be approached in regards to religion does in no way manifest itself in how i treat them when they come a-calling. sometimes i straight up tell them i'm not interested. other times when i'm in a different kind of mood, i feel like challenging them by asking them questions. when i'm feeling less than gracious i get amusement from knowing that no matter what they say to me i am not gonna cross over to their side. it would literally take jesus himself appearing to me out of thin air right in front of my eyes to get me questioning my disbelief. and me being me even then i'd be looking aorund for david blaine.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
they don't work. they are supposed to protect your body from harm.......they scraped what was left of my father's body into a small bag. my mother was very upset they didn't work as promised.
true story.
Woah. I just don't know how to even respond to that. :( So sad. :(
Are you psychic now too? How would you know what I based my point on OR even if it was an assumption?
Anyway, you've said your opinion, I've said mine, and not wishing to "enable" you to derail yet another thread with your rabbiting on, I'm leaving it at that. Not to mention your style of communication offends me greatly and brings out the worst in me, which is completely futile because you are the all knowing, all seeing, all enlightened one and I doubt very much anything I say will make even a teensy bit of difference to you.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
When it comes to Mormons or any other religion, I have no problem, I simply reserve the right to state my views quite clearly if they are standing on my doorstep sprouting theirs. And if as a Mormon or any other religion you are offended by the way I communicate with you when you are standing on my doorstep, then don't drop by in future. If I truly wanted to be offensive and intolerant I'd get a portable cd player with my favorite loud, angry, ungodly music on it, make myself a placard or two sprouting my LOVE OF SATAN and go door knock down the local church OR fly myself over to Utah or wherever it is that Mormons congregate and harrass them with my point of view.
I don't do that because Mormons and any other religion have the right to believe what they want to believe and I respect their right to do so. I simply wish they would learn to respect my rights too.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I got goosebumps.:p
How come? You sitting in a draft?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
[knock, knock]
mom: "yes?"
weirdos: "good day ma'am. have you spoken to jesus today?"
mom: "why yes! he's on the phone right now. would you like to speak to him?"
weirdos: blanks stares
[door closes]
all religions are weird....being raised catholic i can vouch for the weirdness....but the mormons take it to a whole other level.....i knew several mormons growing up and most were really cool....until their missions....when they returned their personalities were replaced with thousand yard stares and general creepiness...
just thought i'd add that....:)
Coincidentally, yes. But then again, it's Ireland - it's always cold.:D
I reckon the young fellas around here aren't too bad, they've offered to do all kinds of things to help out in the garden and the like, all of which has been politely refused. If I could just find a way to stop them coming back I'd be happy. Got to the stage with the little old ladies from the SDA's though that I had to stop answering the door! They'd appear EVERY SUNDAY MORNING without fail around 8am!!! AS IF I'm going to be pleasant at that time of the day on that day of the week! I mean c'mon even I know Sunday is sacred!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Perhaps you need a little visit from the God Squad to warm the cockles of your heart?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
have you tried telling them to fuck off and not come back girlie?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Actually no cate, I've never sworn at them. I have become more terse and less pleasant but I've never sworn at them. I've certainly stopped smiling when they appear! I have asked that they don't return though. Actually........now that I think about it it's been a while......I hate to speak too soon, but maybe they're FINALLY heeding my request!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Steal away love.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Believe me, my family pesters me about it enough without the God Squad showing up.;) I'll just chug some whiskey.:p