Now see, thats just silly. While I don't want to engage in conversation with them, I respect the fact that they are doing what they feel is important and loving towards their neighbors. I simply thank them for their time and tell them I'm not interested. It doesn't take sarcasm, nastiness or argument to make them go away.
Now see, thats just silly. While I don't want to engage in conversation with them, I respect the fact that they are doing what they feel is important and loving towards their neighbors. I simply thank them for their time and tell them I'm not interested. It doesn't take sarcasm, nastiness or argument to make them go away.
I used to have the same fucking morons show up at my house time and time again and I used to politely tell them I wasn't at all interested in what they had to say but they kept coming back. The last time they came over I answered the door with my .44 in hand like I was in the process of cleaning it. They haven't been back. Go figure.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
I used to have the same fucking morons show up at my house time and time again and I used to politely tell them I wasn't at all interested in what they had to say but they kept coming back. The last time they came over I answered the door with my .44 in hand like I was in the process of cleaning it. They haven't been back. Go figure.
I used to have the same fucking morons show up at my house time and time again and I used to politely tell them I wasn't at all interested in what they had to say but they kept coming back. The last time they came over I answered the door with my .44 in hand like I was in the process of cleaning it. They haven't been back. Go figure.
I used to have the same fucking morons show up at my house time and time again and I used to politely tell them I wasn't at all interested in what they had to say but they kept coming back. The last time they came over I answered the door with my .44 in hand like I was in the process of cleaning it. They haven't been back. Go figure.
and did it make you feel empowered to visually threaten and intimidate people who had no intention of harming you in the least? I just don't get it. Honestly, how is a 1 minute conversation at the door expressing your disinterest a burden to you?
The ding a ling guy who begs for money with the Salvation Army outside of the grocery store drives me insane every Christmas. Do you think I could take my gun and wave it at him when he asks me to donate over and over and over again?
What about the political lobbyists that come to the door EVERY single voting season to plead their platform and ask you to put a sign on the front lawn? Will you pull out the shotgun next year?
Oh and how dare those cute little girl scout/militant training organization come and peddle their cookies to you time and again. They could use a good spanking huh?
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
some more then others. I was raised catholic. I remember asking a priest, what happens if I choose not to believe in all this. he told me its ok to believe whatever you want. since then I thought being catholic was not so bad.
I wasnt buried in the dirt up to my neck and have large rocks throw at my temple until I die.
That's because money talks and bullshit walks when it comes to Catholicism. If you give the Catholic church enough money, you can get the pope himself to suck your dick. And if you think that the Catholic church didn't have it's heyday in tortures and murders, you are sorely mistaken. Nowaydays they just hunt for cash instead of blood.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
That's because money talks and bullshit walks when it comes to Catholicism. If you give the Catholic church enough money, you can get the pope himself to suck your dick. And if you think that the Catholic church didn't have it's heyday in tortures and murders, you are sorely mistaken. Nowaydays they just hunt for cash instead of blood.
yikes, hate catholics much? funny how I always got sound advice from my priest and never gave a dime.
I don't know, this past spring around easter time, my neighbors who are Mormon left a book of Mormon on our door step along with a full bag of Starburst Jelly Beans, some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and other candy. Any religion that gives away full bags of candy, well they are welcome at my door anytime!!!!
Well that sounds lovely, however I can buy my own lollies.
Why would you do that? These people are simply trying to share what they find good in their lives. If you aren't interested, just say "no thank you" and close the door. Better yet, simply put a note on your door that says something to the effect "religious visitors not welcome". Simple and dignified.
Given that previous attempts at "no thank you" appear to have made no impact and given that I do have a sign saying "no advertising material accepted" I would say that perhaps they should get some dignity and stop calling by. Clearly as all attempts at being "simple and dignified" are not working then yes, if you come to my door again touting God we will be discussing Satan or any other point of view that I wish to discuss. If it offends them I suggest don't bother coming by in future. I am not landing on their doorstep wishing to engage in conversation that doesn't interest them and of course I would expect the same courtesy. The assumption that everyone is a) interested in "what they find good in their lives" and b) that the timing of their visit is both acceptable or warranted and c) that any previous conversation where I have expressly given my view and requested that they don't call again does not apply to them is rude and self absorbed in the extreme. And considering I am the one who is dealing with them, I would say it is my business how I treat them or find them on any given day and really of no consequence to you. Perhaps now that we have discussed Satan and how I think that perhaps Satan sent them to me so that I could convert them to the dark side they may remember this AND all the other conversations we have had on my door step at inappropriate times and they will FINALLY respect my wishes and not bother coming back. I am not discriminitory, this applies to anyone on my doorstep pedalling. Whether it be god, cable tv, green energy, real estate agents or any other thing that I did not request information on. The ONLY people it does not apply to are my neighbours, or volunteers looking for donations.
they did it for their own interests.....your post just confirms
Maybe they did have their own interests in mind but the fact is they were giving out food and supplies for free to anyone who needed them, which is pretty noble in my book. Plus the fact is if my house was just destroyed by a hurricane and I had no food and my government had pretty much forgotten about me, I would be happy to listen to some guy (possibly) talk about Joseph Smith while if the food he gave me kept me from starving.
Besides the aunt, uncle and 4 cousins who are all mormons... nope, I don't know anything at all. All I know is that one of my cousins was dis-invited to his own brother's wedding because he had "strayed" from the church.
One of my bestfriends couldn't go to her little brothers wedding because she wasn't a "upstanding" member of the church at the time,and the real sad part was that her mom and dad couldn't go either (not upstanding members). So,the only part of the ceremony that they could partake in was the exchanging of the rings,which,I guess isn't a big secret in the Mormon church.
when you get confused just listen to the music play........
"You damn well can't lick the system,but you can sure give it a good fondeling."-sleazy estate man(Hugh Laurie on A bit of Fry and Laurie)
"Judas Priest on a two stroke moped!"(Stephen Fry)
Given that previous attempts at "no thank you" appear to have made no impact and given that I do have a sign saying "no advertising material accepted" I would say that perhaps they should get some dignity and stop calling by. Clearly as all attempts at being "simple and dignified" are not working then yes, if you come to my door again touting God we will be discussing Satan or any other point of view that I wish to discuss. If it offends them I suggest don't bother coming by in future. I am not landing on their doorstep wishing to engage in conversation that doesn't interest them and of course I would expect the same courtesy. The assumption that everyone is a) interested in "what they find good in their lives" and b) that the timing of their visit is both acceptable or warranted and c) that any previous conversation where I have expressly given my view and requested that they don't call again does not apply to them is rude and self absorbed in the extreme. And considering I am the one who is dealing with them, I would say it is my business how I treat them or find them on any given day and really of no consequence to you. Perhaps now that we have discussed Satan and how I think that perhaps Satan sent them to me so that I could convert them to the dark side they may remember this AND all the other conversations we have had on my door step at inappropriate times and they will FINALLY respect my wishes and not bother coming back. I am not discriminitory, this applies to anyone on my doorstep pedalling. Whether it be god, cable tv, green energy, real estate agents or any other thing that I did not request information on. The ONLY people it does not apply to are my neighbours, or volunteers looking for donations.
From many of the other posts I have read from you on here, you tend to lean to the liberal left. In other words, you seem to be a very lifestyle tolerant individual. Why then does this issue provoke you so much that you are willing to become prejudistic?
Quite honestly, I know that if you formally make a request to these people to stop coming by, they will take you off their lists. I have a very Catholic neighbor who did not want Jehovah's Witnesses coming to her home. When she called the police department to complain because she had registered, she learned that they didnt' fall under the "do not call" or "do not knock" laws we have here. She was told she had to contact them directly. It worked for her. Have you tried calling the local church?
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
From many of the other posts I have read from you on here, you tend to lean to the liberal left. In other words, you seem to be a very lifestyle tolerant individual. Why then does this issue provoke you so much that you are willing to become prejudistic?
Quite honestly, I know that if you formally make a request to these people to stop coming by, they will take you off their lists. I have a very Catholic neighbor who did not want Jehovah's Witnesses coming to her home. When she called the police department to complain because she had registered, she learned that they didnt' fall under the "do not call" or "do not knock" laws we have here. She was told she had to contact them directly. It worked for her. Have you tried calling the local church?
I don't see her actions or words as prejudiced. If she asked them to stop calling to the door, that's as formal as it should have to get. You shouldn't have to contact the police department to get some privacy in your own home.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
From many of the other posts I have read from you on here, you tend to lean to the liberal left. In other words, you seem to be a very lifestyle tolerant individual. Why then does this issue provoke you so much that you are willing to become prejudistic?
Quite honestly, I know that if you formally make a request to these people to stop coming by, they will take you off their lists. I have a very Catholic neighbor who did not want Jehovah's Witnesses coming to her home. When she called the police department to complain because she had registered, she learned that they didnt' fall under the "do not call" or "do not knock" laws we have here. She was told she had to contact them directly. It worked for her. Have you tried calling the local church?
What I see is that people use the behaviour of others to justify their own poor actions. That is the typical false mindset of abusers: "it's your own fault I have to act this way towards you". I can definitely understand people getting angered and frustrated. And if they choose poor behaviour as a response, rather than allowing life experience to nudge them into growth, so be it. In the final analysis, we're all responsible for our own choices, good, bad or indifferent.
I'm completely bowled over by the lack of tolerance in this thread. Thanks for your refreshing tolerant view, MahoganySouls.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
From many of the other posts I have read from you on here, you tend to lean to the liberal left. In other words, you seem to be a very lifestyle tolerant individual. Why then does this issue provoke you so much that you are willing to become prejudistic?
Quite honestly, I know that if you formally make a request to these people to stop coming by, they will take you off their lists. I have a very Catholic neighbor who did not want Jehovah's Witnesses coming to her home. When she called the police department to complain because she had registered, she learned that they didnt' fall under the "do not call" or "do not knock" laws we have here. She was told she had to contact them directly. It worked for her. Have you tried calling the local church?
there's a list?
i can't speak for jeanie, but i know if ever i wanted to find religion or felt the need to be saved i will contact them. soliciting me will not convert me nor make me understand. i feel that religion, if it has to exist at all, should be a private matter between you and your chosen deity. i know where all the churches and temples are if the need ever arises.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
and did it make you feel empowered to visually threaten and intimidate people who had no intention of harming you in the least? I just don't get it. Honestly, how is a 1 minute conversation at the door expressing your disinterest a burden to you?
The ding a ling guy who begs for money with the Salvation Army outside of the grocery store drives me insane every Christmas. Do you think I could take my gun and wave it at him when he asks me to donate over and over and over again?
What about the political lobbyists that come to the door EVERY single voting season to plead their platform and ask you to put a sign on the front lawn? Will you pull out the shotgun next year?
Oh and how dare those cute little girl scout/militant training organization come and peddle their cookies to you time and again. They could use a good spanking huh?
the girl scouts are selling cookies...... which i like
the salvation army's helping the poor......which i support
religious folks peddling fantasies...which i personaly don't need
i just give them the devil eye and they leave me alone.....
i can't speak for jeanie, but i know if ever i wanted to find religion or felt the need to be saved i will contact them. soliciting me will not convert me nor make me understand. i feel that religion, if it has to exist at all, should be a private matter between you and your chosen deity. i know where all the churches and temples are if the need ever arises.
but their doing it for your own good....they're saving may not find the way on your own
What I see is that people use the behaviour of others to justify their own poor actions. That is the typical false mindset of abusers: "it's your own fault I have to act this way towards you". I can definitely understand people getting angered and frustrated. And if they choose poor behaviour as a response, rather than allowing life experience to nudge them into growth, so be it. In the final analysis, we're all responsible for our own choices, good, bad or indifferent.
I'm completely bowled over by the lack of tolerance in this thread. Thanks for your refreshing tolerant view, MahoganySouls. is ironic that some of us (me) are intolerant to those we dispise for being intolerant...preciate you pointing that out.. (-:
having them come to your door....of your home...where one expects to be free from this silly religious crap (being intolerant again I know) in some way makes you feel they're invading your privacy and hence the heated emotions on this topic.
Now coming to the door with a gun...well....may a bit extreme.
From many of the other posts I have read from you on here, you tend to lean to the liberal left. In other words, you seem to be a very lifestyle tolerant individual. Why then does this issue provoke you so much that you are willing to become prejudistic?
Quite honestly, I know that if you formally make a request to these people to stop coming by, they will take you off their lists. I have a very Catholic neighbor who did not want Jehovah's Witnesses coming to her home. When she called the police department to complain because she had registered, she learned that they didnt' fall under the "do not call" or "do not knock" laws we have here. She was told she had to contact them directly. It worked for her. Have you tried calling the local church?
Well firstly I'm not one for pigeon holing. Liberal left has a very different connotation here in Australia. I don't believe that I am being prejudistic. I completely support these people to hold the views they do. HOWEVER I do reserve the right to tell people to get off my property. And I am quite within my rights to discuss anything I like with people that are standing on my doorstep with an agenda. If they don't like it they are most welcome to stop dropping by. Considering that I have done all that can be done politely in the last 15 years to stop these people from calling then I have no qualms about "toying" with them when they seem to continually ignore my rights, my privacy and my beliefs. I've never been abusive, which quite frankly given the complete lack of respect shown for me or my continued requests, I would be within my rights to be. If they are going to continue to disrespect me and invade my space then we will be discussing Satan, or Marilyn Manson, or Fried Green tomatoes if that's what it takes. And how prejudicial of them to continue coming to try to "convert" me if I truly do worship Satan?
The last time I called the Baptists to advise them that putting advertising material in a letter box marked "NO ADVERTISING MATERIAL ACCEPTED" carried a hefty fine I was informed that I was un christian (like it's a bad thing!) and offensive. What is offensive is the belief that these requests, rules and laws do not apply to these people. I'm all for live and let live, but don't be forcing things down my throat when I have made it crystal clear I'm not interested. And if you persist, don't be surprised if you don't like the reaction.
What I see is that people use the behaviour of others to justify their own poor actions. That is the typical false mindset of abusers: "it's your own fault I have to act this way towards you". I can definitely understand people getting angered and frustrated. And if they choose poor behaviour as a response, rather than allowing life experience to nudge them into growth, so be it. In the final analysis, we're all responsible for our own choices, good, bad or indifferent.
I'm completely bowled over by the lack of tolerance in this thread. Thanks for your refreshing tolerant view, MahoganySouls.
What I see is that people use the behaviour of others to justify their own poor actions. That is the typical false mindset of abusers: "it's your own fault I have to act this way towards you". I can definitely understand people getting angered and frustrated. And if they choose poor behaviour as a response, rather than allowing life experience to nudge them into growth, so be it. In the final analysis, we're all responsible for our own choices, good, bad or indifferent.
I'm completely bowled over by the lack of tolerance in this thread. Thanks for your refreshing tolerant view, MahoganySouls.
come now angelica, surely you can understand how people see religion and souls and stuff as mumbo jumbo. how people dont want to hit over the head with it. and how they shouldn't have to deal with it if they don't want to.
it frustrates the hell out of me when i am exposed to the bullshit of religion. but i choose to deal with it in a rational manner for the most part. i ask questions. questions i know can not be answered by a rational mind. someone show me God. show me evidence of God or shut the fuck up. tis that simple. don't be trying to convince me of something that can't be proven. i don't need saving. at least not from my atheist self.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
come now angelica, surely you can understand how people see religion and souls and stuff as mumbo jumbo. how people dont want to hit over the head with it. and how they shouldn't have to deal with it if they don't want to.
it frustrates the hell out of me when i am exposed to the bullshit of religion. but i choose to deal with it in a rational manner for the most part. i ask questions. questions i know can not be answered by a rational mind. someone show me God. show me evidence of God or shut the fuck up. tis that simple. don't be trying to convince me of something that can't be proven. i don't need saving. at least not from my atheist self.
I said that I completely understand people being angry and frustrated. I had a run-in with some Mormon girls this summer and I've had my issues with them in the past. I own my anger, my frustration and my lacking skills when I need to find a way to solve a problem.
If people give themselves permission to act poorly, they continue the patterns rather than resolve them. The bottom line, again, is that we are responsible for our actions. No one else controls us. To in any way blame others for our poor behaviour cannot work.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
If you don't like my opinion, fair enough. My opinion remains what it is.
As for "digs" you've taken plenty of your own towards me, when you don't like what I say.
Well at least you've managed to be up front about it this time.
I take no issue with you opinion other than the fact that you appear to have a problem with stating directly what's on your mind and levelling it directly at the person that you take issue with.
When I have disagreed with your posts I have replied specifically to your posts. I wish you would afford me the same courtesy.
most of the time before they even start I say "no thank you"....with the devil eye mind you and they take heed. I was worse in my younger days.
For me, I personally have little tolerance for the high pressure and very sophisticated "selling" techniques Mormons use. I feel completely justified not "going there" in the least with them. They are trained in very slick ways if one allows them any opening. So, I don't give them an opening. I draw the line at in any way being derogatory with them. It's one thing to counteract their methods for my own best interests; it's an entirely other thing to degrade, belittle or abuse others. It's my choice whether I in any way give them the time of day, and they know that, which is why their techniques, like those of a salesperson work for them with so many people.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Well at least you've managed to be up front about it this time.
I take no issue with you opinion other than the fact that you appear to have a problem with stating directly what's on your mind and levelling it directly at the person that you take issue with.
When I have disagreed with your posts I have replied specifically to your posts. I wish you would afford me the same courtesy.
You base this on an assumption that I am speaking to or about you specifically. I am not. I said my opinion, which is my opinion in general. I have very strong opinions about people holding others in any way accountable for their own behaviour. If it happens to apply to you, it does, if not, it does not.
I am always direct and upfront about my views. If I mean to directly confront you, I will. However, that's generally not my style. My purpose is to speak my mind, not to be "right" against the individual views of others, which I fully accept. If people want to personally connect with my opinion, and make it personal, then I stand by my opinion. It remains about my own opinion, and not about the other person for me, no matter what the other person sees.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
You never know, they could be terrorists.
Or even worse, FBI.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I used to have the same fucking morons show up at my house time and time again and I used to politely tell them I wasn't at all interested in what they had to say but they kept coming back. The last time they came over I answered the door with my .44 in hand like I was in the process of cleaning it. They haven't been back. Go figure.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
damn! heheh
i'm sad. no mormons ever knock on my door...
they were probably jehovahs
The ding a ling guy who begs for money with the Salvation Army outside of the grocery store drives me insane every Christmas. Do you think I could take my gun and wave it at him when he asks me to donate over and over and over again?
What about the political lobbyists that come to the door EVERY single voting season to plead their platform and ask you to put a sign on the front lawn? Will you pull out the shotgun next year?
Oh and how dare those cute little girl scout/militant training organization come and peddle their cookies to you time and again. They could use a good spanking huh?
That's because money talks and bullshit walks when it comes to Catholicism. If you give the Catholic church enough money, you can get the pope himself to suck your dick. And if you think that the Catholic church didn't have it's heyday in tortures and murders, you are sorely mistaken. Nowaydays they just hunt for cash instead of blood.
yikes, hate catholics much? funny how I always got sound advice from my priest and never gave a dime.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Given that previous attempts at "no thank you" appear to have made no impact and given that I do have a sign saying "no advertising material accepted" I would say that perhaps they should get some dignity and stop calling by. Clearly as all attempts at being "simple and dignified" are not working then yes, if you come to my door again touting God we will be discussing Satan or any other point of view that I wish to discuss. If it offends them I suggest don't bother coming by in future. I am not landing on their doorstep wishing to engage in conversation that doesn't interest them and of course I would expect the same courtesy. The assumption that everyone is a) interested in "what they find good in their lives" and b) that the timing of their visit is both acceptable or warranted and c) that any previous conversation where I have expressly given my view and requested that they don't call again does not apply to them is rude and self absorbed in the extreme. And considering I am the one who is dealing with them, I would say it is my business how I treat them or find them on any given day and really of no consequence to you. Perhaps now that we have discussed Satan and how I think that perhaps Satan sent them to me so that I could convert them to the dark side they may remember this AND all the other conversations we have had on my door step at inappropriate times and they will FINALLY respect my wishes and not bother coming back. I am not discriminitory, this applies to anyone on my doorstep pedalling. Whether it be god, cable tv, green energy, real estate agents or any other thing that I did not request information on. The ONLY people it does not apply to are my neighbours, or volunteers looking for donations.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Maybe they did have their own interests in mind but the fact is they were giving out food and supplies for free to anyone who needed them, which is pretty noble in my book. Plus the fact is if my house was just destroyed by a hurricane and I had no food and my government had pretty much forgotten about me, I would be happy to listen to some guy (possibly) talk about Joseph Smith while if the food he gave me kept me from starving.
"You damn well can't lick the system,but you can sure give it a good fondeling."-sleazy estate man(Hugh Laurie on A bit of Fry and Laurie)
"Judas Priest on a two stroke moped!"(Stephen Fry)
From many of the other posts I have read from you on here, you tend to lean to the liberal left. In other words, you seem to be a very lifestyle tolerant individual. Why then does this issue provoke you so much that you are willing to become prejudistic?
Quite honestly, I know that if you formally make a request to these people to stop coming by, they will take you off their lists. I have a very Catholic neighbor who did not want Jehovah's Witnesses coming to her home. When she called the police department to complain because she had registered, she learned that they didnt' fall under the "do not call" or "do not knock" laws we have here. She was told she had to contact them directly. It worked for her. Have you tried calling the local church?
I don't see her actions or words as prejudiced. If she asked them to stop calling to the door, that's as formal as it should have to get. You shouldn't have to contact the police department to get some privacy in your own home.
I'm completely bowled over by the lack of tolerance in this thread. Thanks for your refreshing tolerant view, MahoganySouls.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
there's a list?
i can't speak for jeanie, but i know if ever i wanted to find religion or felt the need to be saved i will contact them. soliciting me will not convert me nor make me understand. i feel that religion, if it has to exist at all, should be a private matter between you and your chosen deity. i know where all the churches and temples are if the need ever arises.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
the girl scouts are selling cookies...... which i like
the salvation army's helping the poor......which i support
religious folks peddling fantasies...which i personaly don't need
i just give them the devil eye and they leave me alone.....
well then, for their own good they better stay away from me.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say is ironic that some of us (me) are intolerant to those we dispise for being intolerant...preciate you pointing that out.. (-:
having them come to your door....of your home...where one expects to be free from this silly religious crap (being intolerant again I know) in some way makes you feel they're invading your privacy and hence the heated emotions on this topic.
Now coming to the door with a gun...well....may a bit extreme.
how do you react when approached???....
most of the time before they even start I say "no thank you"....with the devil eye mind you and they take heed. I was worse in my younger days.
Well firstly I'm not one for pigeon holing. Liberal left has a very different connotation here in Australia. I don't believe that I am being prejudistic. I completely support these people to hold the views they do. HOWEVER I do reserve the right to tell people to get off my property. And I am quite within my rights to discuss anything I like with people that are standing on my doorstep with an agenda. If they don't like it they are most welcome to stop dropping by. Considering that I have done all that can be done politely in the last 15 years to stop these people from calling then I have no qualms about "toying" with them when they seem to continually ignore my rights, my privacy and my beliefs. I've never been abusive, which quite frankly given the complete lack of respect shown for me or my continued requests, I would be within my rights to be. If they are going to continue to disrespect me and invade my space then we will be discussing Satan, or Marilyn Manson, or Fried Green tomatoes if that's what it takes. And how prejudicial of them to continue coming to try to "convert" me if I truly do worship Satan?
The last time I called the Baptists to advise them that putting advertising material in a letter box marked "NO ADVERTISING MATERIAL ACCEPTED" carried a hefty fine I was informed that I was un christian (like it's a bad thing!) and offensive. What is offensive is the belief that these requests, rules and laws do not apply to these people. I'm all for live and let live, but don't be forcing things down my throat when I have made it crystal clear I'm not interested. And if you persist, don't be surprised if you don't like the reaction.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Congratulations angelica. Another nice dig.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
as a bible reading atheist i challenge them of course. they can't actually prove anything so i tend to fluster them.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
come now angelica, surely you can understand how people see religion and souls and stuff as mumbo jumbo. how people dont want to hit over the head with it. and how they shouldn't have to deal with it if they don't want to.
it frustrates the hell out of me when i am exposed to the bullshit of religion. but i choose to deal with it in a rational manner for the most part. i ask questions. questions i know can not be answered by a rational mind. someone show me God. show me evidence of God or shut the fuck up. tis that simple. don't be trying to convince me of something that can't be proven. i don't need saving. at least not from my atheist self.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
If people give themselves permission to act poorly, they continue the patterns rather than resolve them. The bottom line, again, is that we are responsible for our actions. No one else controls us. To in any way blame others for our poor behaviour cannot work.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
As for "digs" you've taken plenty of your own towards me, when you don't like what I say.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Well at least you've managed to be up front about it this time.
I take no issue with you opinion other than the fact that you appear to have a problem with stating directly what's on your mind and levelling it directly at the person that you take issue with.
When I have disagreed with your posts I have replied specifically to your posts. I wish you would afford me the same courtesy.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I am always direct and upfront about my views. If I mean to directly confront you, I will. However, that's generally not my style. My purpose is to speak my mind, not to be "right" against the individual views of others, which I fully accept. If people want to personally connect with my opinion, and make it personal, then I stand by my opinion. It remains about my own opinion, and not about the other person for me, no matter what the other person sees.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!