I can't help but see the glaring contradiction of this argument that's actually coming from people that are fully against articles such as the Patriot Act. People that have posted on this forum numerous times about the right to privacy and how we should be protected from our government and it's people when it comes to our privacy.
Isn't it a huge contradiction to demand to see anyone's Birth Certificate on a public level? Especially since it's unprecedented. Has there ever been a President that was asked to publically disclose his birthcertificate? Why aren't the same questions being asked of McCain, Biden, or Palin? Isn't this a matter of privacy and we should trust that the proper people in our government has already seen to this matter?
With a lawsuit like this you could be establishing precedent that would make everyone's birth certificate public record.
Think about it. Some of you are supposed to be so smart but can't you see if a matter like this is not responsibly handled then BC's could become public record.
Employers could insist on birthcertificates (or simply look them up on the public record) for job applicants and since your BC has your race identification it would be unconstitutional.
Geezus this is not an argument we need to be having.
can you fax me a copy of your birth certificate...?
yes, very easily. I have two formats, wallet size and 8.5 x 11...the hospital delivered both.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I can't help but see the glaring contradiction of this argument that's actually coming from people that are fully against articles such as the Patriot Act. People that have posted on this forum numerous times about the right to privacy and how we should be protected from our government and it's people when it comes to our privacy.
Isn't it a huge contradiction to demand to see anyone's Birth Certificate on a public level? Especially since it's unprecedented. Has there ever been a President that was asked to publically disclose his birthcertificate? Why aren't the same questions being asked of McCain, Biden, or Palin? Isn't this a matter of privacy and we should trust that the proper people in our government has already seen to this matter?
With a lawsuit like this you could be establishing precedent that would make everyone's birth certificate public record.
Think about it. Some of you are supposed to be so smart but can't you see if a matter like this is not responsibly handled then BC's could become public record.
Employers could insist on birthcertificates (or simply look them up on the public record) for job applicants and since your BC has your race identification it would be unconstitutional.
Geezus this is not an argument we need to be having.
That's great and all, but the people don't work for the government, it's the other way around.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
That's great and all, but the people don't work for the government, it's the other way around.
Ignorant argument.
My employer doesn't work for the government does he have a right to see all applicant's birthcertificates?
Isn't it a matter of privacy?
I applaud Obama for not complying, you should too!
something tells me if it were Nader people would be crying about how its another example of eroding our civil liberties and how "the man" is trying to disqualify him on a technicality.
Ignorant argument.
My employer doesn't work for the government does he have a right to see all applicant's birthcertificates?
Isn't it a matter of privacy?
I applaud Obama for not complying, you should too!
Your employer is not a judge. Privacy is easily maintained in a court of law if desired, and in this case it's a very simple process.
If there was a question of natural born status, I would think any politician regardless of who they are should be required to prove their legitimacy.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
something tells me if it were Nader people would be crying about how its another example of eroding our civil liberties and how "the man" is trying to disqualify him on a technicality.
And where was Nader born? He's of Arab decent. How do we know for sure? We'll need to see his papers as well.
Then before you go vote, you'll need to get your birth certificate authenticated by a lawyer or anyone else that might happen to ask.
I don't get the whole birth certificate broo-ha-ha but something about this just smacks of desperation and I like that a whole lot.
Do people actually think that when Obama announced his campaign for the presidency, the powers that be in this country didn't check to see that he might not be a citizen? Do you think that someone in the FBI or the CIA didn't do a background check on him because they "forgot"?
email your hospital, they will probably have the same if you inquire.
In any event...do you have a court order or any legal reason to see it?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
something tells me if it were Nader people would be crying about how its another example of eroding our civil liberties and how "the man" is trying to disqualify him on a technicality.
Count me out. I don't blindly love any politician that much. Nor should anyone.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Your employer is not a judge. Privacy is easily maintained in a court of law if desired, and in this case it's a very simple process.
If there was a question of natural born status, I would think any politician regardless of who they are should be required to prove their legitimacy.
But it's already been proven...to do so is redundant and besides that is not what the lawsuit is about anyway. It's about disclosing a private document to a private individual (see lawyer and people) it's not about privacy, it's about disclosure publically. The appeal is even more specific in it's wording.
It's unconstitutional as well as crass in it's very nature.
But it's already been proven...to do so is redundant and besides that is not what the lawsuit is about anyway. It's about disclosing a private document to a private individual (see lawyer and people) it's not about privacy, it's about disclosure publically. The appeal is even more specific in it's wording.
It's unconstitutional as well as crass in it's very nature.
"Proven" seems to be the word of the day in this case. The judge could have it certified without releasing the information to third parties or the public.
The guy has a right to ask, and has a rather convincing case, but it seems that right is being tossed aside.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
"Proven" seems to be the word of the day in this case. The judge could have it certified without releasing the information to third parties or the public.
The guy has a right to ask, and has a rather convincing case, but it seems that right is being tossed aside.
sounds to me his beef is with the gov't, not Obama.
its kind of a stupid law anyway, and doesnt really fit with the rest of the constitution and equal rights and all that. it opens the door for shit like one person being able to demand private documents from another.
"Proven" seems to be the word of the day in this case. The judge could have it certified without releasing the information to third parties or the public.
The guy has a right to ask, and has a rather convincing case, but it seems that right is being tossed aside.
Under privacy laws he doesn't have a right to ask. A judge would have to make that decision. The judge said NO!!!
Under privacy laws he doesn't have a right to ask. A judge would have to make that decision. The judge said NO!!!
So we are told what we are told, no questions asked. Sounds good.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
The media addressed these issues long before Obama became a Presidential candidate. Obama's past has been well documented. Wiki it if you don't believe me. He's also told us about his names in all his books. Read don't base your assumptions on some paranoid politcal inferences.
The media addressed these issues long before Obama became a Presidential candidate. Obama's past has been well documented. Wiki it if you don't believe me. He's also told us about his names in all his books. Read don't base your assumptions on some paranoid politcal inferences.
"Well documented" seems to be the word of the day.
Maybe they should all just go look on Wikipedia, and adjourn.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
If you don't see the difference between asking someone who is running for president of a country and some john smith on the street asking another stranger.... well... I don't know what to tell you.
My condolences on the head injury....I hope the scarring was minimal.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
"Well documented" seems to be the word of the day.
Maybe they should all just go look on Wikipedia, and adjourn.
Well I only mention Wiki because it's easier and more accessable for those with ADD, inability to read anything over a page or two. I could mention the thousands of magazine articles and hundreds of books that have been published over the last two years that document BO's past but that would be pointless when discussing issues with peeps that get their stories off "real credible" blogs.
i dont know whats the deal with this birth certificate mess, but theres something shady going on here, not sure how anyone can deny that. when roland brought this up, i started looking around the web for more information and its a mess. and it strikes me as weird that obama just wont clear this thing up. combine the fact he wont release any of his medical records (none of the candidates have been forthright here) is weird. obama is supposed to be change, he's not supposed to be hiding his medical record ike mccain, palin, and biden are doing. if he smokes, who cares? this year of candidates, its been unprecedented - mccain has released the most of his medical record (and thats sad).
and the thing is, i dont know if half the stuff i read online about it is true. even so, no one seems to have an adequate response to all these allegations. its not just where he was born, there may also be an issue with him having dual or citizenship to three countries. i came across this one site that had 4 different scenarios going about whether or not obama has citizenship. even if he was born in hawaii, supposedly there are other issues regarding having multiple citizenships. i read somewhere that the nutjob berg had 56 million hits on his website. isnt this enough for obama to step up and produce something to quiet this mess? obama has been fast and furious with all his responses (whether it was to ayers, rev wright, biden, mccain's claims), but this one issue he leaves hanging and feels that certification of live birth on his fightthesmears website is sufficient.
this is sort of like the palin issue in which she won't release the birth certificate of her special needs kid. there are still issues surrounding her pregnancy, and she won't clear it up. andrew sullivan has been keeping tabs of this situation. for both obama and palin, a simple document would clear this mess up, not sure why they choose to ignore it....
There was also something "shady" about how JFK was killed. There's TONS of shit on the internet about it. 9/11 was really "shady" and theres endless info about the conspiracy theories.
The point is, there are always going to be conspiracy theorists. Regardless of all the FACTS that come out. Some of them will never let go. There was only one shooter in Dallas, the facts, the evidence out there supports it. Some people will never admit to it though. Same thing with 9/11. For as many theories out there about how it was an inside job, the facts don't match up with it. Some people will never accept it, and that's fine. It doesn't make it any less factual. It's not a coincidence that Philip Berg, the guy bringing this lawsuit in question, is also a 9/11 Truther conspiracy theorist.
West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
some people will just NEVER BELIEVE, no matter what. barack could knock on their door with his birth certificate, and they still would not believe him.
....or how about say....a judge perhaps. That would do.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Well I only mention Wiki because it's easier and more accessable for those with ADD, inability to read anything over a page or two. I could mention the thousands of magazine articles and hundreds of books that have been published over the last two years that document BO's past but that would be pointless when discussing issues with peeps that get their stories off "real credible" blogs.
It will make it all the more interesting if there was tiny little legal technicality/glitch though wouldn't it?
The media would go nuts.
Probably bigger than OJ...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
There was also something "shady" about how JFK was killed. There's TONS of shit on the internet about it. 9/11 was really "shady" and theres endless info about the conspiracy theories.
The point is, there are always going to be conspiracy theorists. Regardless of all the FACTS that come out. Some of them will never let go. There was only one shooter in Dallas, the facts, the evidence out there supports it. Some people will never admit to it though. Same thing with 9/11. For as many theories out there about how it was an inside job, the facts don't match up with it. Some people will never accept it, and that's fine. It doesn't make it any less factual. It's not a coincidence that Philip Berg, the guy bringing this lawsuit in question, is also a 9/11 Truther conspiracy theorist.
heres actually a pretty good website that addresses alot of these issues that i just came across. discredits berg too. i havent browsed through the entire site, but its pretty comprehensive and actually gives responses to all of berg's assertions.
i guess my problem. obama has always been candid. about smoking, about cocaine use. he's upfront about most things. why leave this issue in question. why produce a COLB when he just as easily couldve had the original document on his website. why hold your medical records when its common practice for presidential candidates to release them? when politicians aren't upfront, especially about something like this, its usually somethign that could be politcially damaging. we all know why mccain hasnt released his medical records, but why obama? this issue on whether obama meets these requirements to run for POTUS, there should be no questions. this thread shouldn't even exist.
when reading about these issues, i knew berg was a nutjob. i always wondered why he didn't subpoena hawaii for the birth ceritificate, instead of waiting for obama to produce one. and if he's carrying on this charade without any evidence to his claims, thats tragic and it really does the public a disservice. but its equally confusing why obama doesn't crush this guy when he could've done so easily. this guy has 56 million hits on his website. we're in the critical period, obama doesn't need these distractions in the final week.
can you fax me a copy of your birth certificate...?
Isn't it a huge contradiction to demand to see anyone's Birth Certificate on a public level? Especially since it's unprecedented. Has there ever been a President that was asked to publically disclose his birthcertificate? Why aren't the same questions being asked of McCain, Biden, or Palin? Isn't this a matter of privacy and we should trust that the proper people in our government has already seen to this matter?
With a lawsuit like this you could be establishing precedent that would make everyone's birth certificate public record.
Think about it. Some of you are supposed to be so smart but can't you see if a matter like this is not responsibly handled then BC's could become public record.
Employers could insist on birthcertificates (or simply look them up on the public record) for job applicants and since your BC has your race identification it would be unconstitutional.
Geezus this is not an argument we need to be having.
yes, very easily. I have two formats, wallet size and 8.5 x 11...the hospital delivered both.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
That's great and all, but the people don't work for the government, it's the other way around.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
wallet sized...?
hmmm....sounds fake...
shall I PM my fax number...?
My employer doesn't work for the government does he have a right to see all applicant's birthcertificates?
Isn't it a matter of privacy?
I applaud Obama for not complying, you should too!
Your employer is not a judge. Privacy is easily maintained in a court of law if desired, and in this case it's a very simple process.
If there was a question of natural born status, I would think any politician regardless of who they are should be required to prove their legitimacy.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
And where was Nader born? He's of Arab decent. How do we know for sure? We'll need to see his papers as well.
Then before you go vote, you'll need to get your birth certificate authenticated by a lawyer or anyone else that might happen to ask.
Do people actually think that when Obama announced his campaign for the presidency, the powers that be in this country didn't check to see that he might not be a citizen? Do you think that someone in the FBI or the CIA didn't do a background check on him because they "forgot"?
email your hospital, they will probably have the same if you inquire.
In any event...do you have a court order or any legal reason to see it?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Count me out. I don't blindly love any politician that much. Nor should anyone.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
But it's already been proven...to do so is redundant and besides that is not what the lawsuit is about anyway. It's about disclosing a private document to a private individual (see lawyer and people) it's not about privacy, it's about disclosure publically. The appeal is even more specific in it's wording.
It's unconstitutional as well as crass in it's very nature.
"Proven" seems to be the word of the day in this case. The judge could have it certified without releasing the information to third parties or the public.
The guy has a right to ask, and has a rather convincing case, but it seems that right is being tossed aside.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
sounds to me his beef is with the gov't, not Obama.
its kind of a stupid law anyway, and doesnt really fit with the rest of the constitution and equal rights and all that. it opens the door for shit like one person being able to demand private documents from another.
Under privacy laws he doesn't have a right to ask. A judge would have to make that decision. The judge said NO!!!
So we are told what we are told, no questions asked. Sounds good.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
"Well documented" seems to be the word of the day.
Maybe they should all just go look on Wikipedia, and adjourn.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
ha ha ha...
all talk...
I knew it...
good drugs?
If you don't see the difference between asking someone who is running for president of a country and some john smith on the street asking another stranger.... well... I don't know what to tell you.
My condolences on the head injury....I hope the scarring was minimal.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Well I only mention Wiki because it's easier and more accessable for those with ADD, inability to read anything over a page or two. I could mention the thousands of magazine articles and hundreds of books that have been published over the last two years that document BO's past but that would be pointless when discussing issues with peeps that get their stories off "real credible" blogs.
and the thing is, i dont know if half the stuff i read online about it is true. even so, no one seems to have an adequate response to all these allegations. its not just where he was born, there may also be an issue with him having dual or citizenship to three countries. i came across this one site that had 4 different scenarios going about whether or not obama has citizenship. even if he was born in hawaii, supposedly there are other issues regarding having multiple citizenships. i read somewhere that the nutjob berg had 56 million hits on his website. isnt this enough for obama to step up and produce something to quiet this mess? obama has been fast and furious with all his responses (whether it was to ayers, rev wright, biden, mccain's claims), but this one issue he leaves hanging and feels that certification of live birth on his fightthesmears website is sufficient.
this is sort of like the palin issue in which she won't release the birth certificate of her special needs kid. there are still issues surrounding her pregnancy, and she won't clear it up. andrew sullivan has been keeping tabs of this situation. for both obama and palin, a simple document would clear this mess up, not sure why they choose to ignore it....
The point is, there are always going to be conspiracy theorists. Regardless of all the FACTS that come out. Some of them will never let go. There was only one shooter in Dallas, the facts, the evidence out there supports it. Some people will never admit to it though. Same thing with 9/11. For as many theories out there about how it was an inside job, the facts don't match up with it. Some people will never accept it, and that's fine. It doesn't make it any less factual. It's not a coincidence that Philip Berg, the guy bringing this lawsuit in question, is also a 9/11 Truther conspiracy theorist.
....or how about say....a judge perhaps. That would do.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It will make it all the more interesting if there was tiny little legal technicality/glitch though wouldn't it?
The media would go nuts.
Probably bigger than OJ...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
heres actually a pretty good website that addresses alot of these issues that i just came across. discredits berg too. i havent browsed through the entire site, but its pretty comprehensive and actually gives responses to all of berg's assertions.
i guess my problem. obama has always been candid. about smoking, about cocaine use. he's upfront about most things. why leave this issue in question. why produce a COLB when he just as easily couldve had the original document on his website. why hold your medical records when its common practice for presidential candidates to release them? when politicians aren't upfront, especially about something like this, its usually somethign that could be politcially damaging. we all know why mccain hasnt released his medical records, but why obama? this issue on whether obama meets these requirements to run for POTUS, there should be no questions. this thread shouldn't even exist.
when reading about these issues, i knew berg was a nutjob. i always wondered why he didn't subpoena hawaii for the birth ceritificate, instead of waiting for obama to produce one. and if he's carrying on this charade without any evidence to his claims, thats tragic and it really does the public a disservice. but its equally confusing why obama doesn't crush this guy when he could've done so easily. this guy has 56 million hits on his website. we're in the critical period, obama doesn't need these distractions in the final week.