Boom? what boom? gaspar? kaboom? what boom are you refering to
anything else?
We must be talking about different Iraq's. The Iraq I read about in the news got the sand bombed out of it...
The middle east know...Saddam Hussein...arabs... etc...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
yeah, it was formed in the late 90's during the clinton years... well after the 1st Gulf war
Yeah the people who made it, pulled the idea out of thin air... last minute...
there was never war before that to plant seeds...
Iran/Iraq war....hmm
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
holy fuck man look around...pick up a newspaper sometime
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i will come back in a few hours for your answers... that should give you pleanty of time to scour the internet for your answers.
no need... your questions are already answered but you can't seem to absorb the words for some reason.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Someone hasn't been paying attention pattern wise as to what has been going re: military intervention over the the past 30 years.
Create a party then invite yourself.
It a war of terror my friend...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
holy fuck man look around...pick up a newspaper sometime
um, what did they gain from the 1st gulf war? they didnt take the country? they didnt topple saddam? if that was the plan they would have done it? if saddam was such a puppet to be "played" then why even take him out? why "play" him if he is our opec oil puppet? we stood nothing to gain from the first gulf war and we gained nothing from the first gulf war. Iraq invaded a peaceful neighbor with a massive armed force. and if unchecked he would have taken saudi arbaia in a fucking week. you can sit back and say "peace man" all you want. the fact of the matter was something had to be done,. that is why the UN overwhelmingly approved of the action, it was a UN coalition force that did the job, lead by the americans. the world overwhelmingly approved of it as well. The Kuwaiti people and the saudi people sure as shit didnt mind the world hopping in to save their ass.
your conspiracy is horsehit and you cannot even defend it.
one day you will realize not everything in the world is a conspiracy...
there are bad people and bad moments in the world, you can either sit on the sideline or you can do the right thing
also, i think you are failing to separate the 1st Gulf war with the current illgal and immoral iraq war...
most of the time war is immoral, sometimes a lack of going to war is immoral
Someone hasn't been paying attention pattern wise as to what has been going re: military intervention over the the past 30 years.
Create a party then invite yourself.
It a war of terror my friend...
oh, right...
trick your "puppet" who you have total control over into invading a peaceful neighbor and threaten an entire region... so then you can fight them and push them back... so then you can put them on sanctions for over 10 years... then lose an election to clinton in 1992... so that 8 years later your son can become president... all the while you devise a plan to pull off a false flag attack of epic proprotions... just to invade iraq again and take out saddam 12 years after you were in a position to do it with the world probably willing to justify it then :rolleyes:
if "they" are so all powerful and mighty and control everything... then why did Bush lose the 1992 election?
you concpiracy guys really lack any real substance. i am sorry, but it is becoming a joke around here.
trick your "puppet" who you have total control over into invading a peaceful neighbor and threaten an entire region... so then you can fight them and push them back... so then you can put them on sanctions for over 10 years... then lose an election to clinton in 1992... so that 8 years later your son can become president... all the while you devise a plan to pull off a false flag attack of epic proprotions... just to invade iraq again and take out saddam 12 years after you were in a position to do it with the world probably willing to justify it then :rolleyes:
if "they" are so all powerful and mighty and control everything... then why did Bush lose the 1992 election?
you concpiracy guys really lack any real substance. i am sorry, but it is becoming a joke around here.
LOL. This will probably make my2hands very uncomfortable, but I agree with him. Sometimes shit happens because bad decisions were made, not because everything is part of some grand scheme. And while it might make sense to try to tie some things together to explain events, other times it appears desperate and paranoid (like trying to tie Israel and columbine).
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
trick your "puppet" who you have total control over into invading a peaceful neighbor and threaten an entire region... so then you can fight them and push them back... so then you can put them on sanctions for over 10 years... then lose an election to clinton in 1992... so that 8 years later your son can become president... all the while you devise a plan to pull off a false flag attack of epic proprotions... just to invade iraq again and take out saddam 12 years after you were in a position to do it with the world probably willing to justify it then :rolleyes:
if "they" are so all powerful and mighty and control everything... then why did Bush lose the 1992 election?
you concpiracy guys really lack any real substance. i am sorry, but it is becoming a joke around here.
You don't see a systemic pattern of violence over the past 30 years in maintaining global dominance out of self interest.
well then... I don't know what to tell you.
keep raving on about conspiracy theories I suppose..
and good luck in ever comprehending it.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
If memory serves me correct, agree with the war or not, the first gulf war was executed pretty damn good.. I'm not seeing how Obama's statement is incorrect..
It was quick and to the point.
Minimal casualties, atleast on our end.
We didn't leave the country in chaos like it is now.
You don't see a systemic pattern of violence over the past 30 years in maintaining global dominance out of self interest.
well then... I don't know what to tell you.
keep raving on about conspiracy theories I suppose..
and good luck in ever comprehending it.
riddle me this... if "Saddam was a pawn" then why trick him into invading an ally just to show our military might to "maintain global dominance out of self interest"... if he was our pawn, then why go through all of that. you already control him, thus iraq, and thus it's oil just like it had been for decades...
what you are missing is that you are correct Sadaam was a pawn supported by the US government for years... but he got out of line. he stepped out of line and went for control of the entire Middle East. he wasnt tricked to invade Kuwait, we preferred to have him under control and taking orders. he made a move, and got burned. the human psyche is a strange thing my friend, there are plenty of terrible and ruthless power hungry leaders over the centuries to show us that, including my current president.
So yes, america had to intervene for its self interests. stopping that invasion was in the WORLDS BEST INTERESTS, INCLIDING KUWAIT AND SAUDI ARABIA.
and thanks, but i comprehend just fine. thank you.
going back to your original post and the theme of your thread... i ask... for the 4th time
going back to your original post and the theme of your thread... i ask... for the 4th time
I'm waiting for the lightbulbs to go off in your head. Give a man a fish v.s. teach him to fish.
So it can be about oil now but not back then eh? hmm
I think you are opinionated to the point that you somehow exclude logic in forming your conclusions.
Whatever you do, don't watch any John Pilger documentaries anytime soon....your world will fall to pieces.
It's a conspiracy! Alex jones! UFO's!
edit: This answer applies to all your questions btw...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
If memory serves me correct, agree with the war or not, the first gulf war was executed pretty damn good.. I'm not seeing how Obama's statement is incorrect..
It was quick and to the point.
Minimal casualties, atleast on our end.
We didn't leave the country in chaos like it is now.
We helped out Kuwait.
No kidding. Look at the technologies involved....and it was fought in the desert.
It was won by dumping hundreds of tons of nuclear waste on them. Nice little humanitarian disaster which is still unfolding. Just another 4 billion years to go on that scenario of genetic mutation , cancers etc...
The whole circumstance has been propped up and ripped down from a single source serving it's interests in the area.
Iraq was bombed back the stone age...into "compliance" one might say.
Look at them now.
cause.....effect.... it's all connected.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
handled well, sure. Slaughtering Iraqi soldiers as they fled Kuwait, great job. Some 200,000 were killed, the road from Kuwait to BAghdad renamed the highway of death. And do you remember those plows on the front of American tanks? They used those to bury Iraqi soldiers alive, simply firing a machine gun down the length of the tranch and filling it with dirt as they drove by. Very well handled, sure..
Then there was this idea among Iraqi dissidents that they would have US support to topple Saddam. They were slaughtered, in one case literally in view of US troops.
The loss of infrastructure had Iraqi kids playing in raw sewage, and the ensuing sanctions left millions dead. Sure, very well handled.
handled well, sure. Slaughtering Iraqi soldiers as they fled Kuwait, great job. Some 200,000 were killed, the road from Kuwait to BAghdad renamed the highway of death. And do you remember those plows on the front of American tanks? They used those to bury Iraqi soldiers alive, simply firing a machine gun down the length of the tranch and filling it with dirt as they drove by. Very well handled, sure..
Then there was this idea among Iraqi dissidents that they would have US support to topple Saddam. They were slaughtered, in one case literally in view of US troops.
The loss of infrastructure had Iraqi kids playing in raw sewage, and the ensuing sanctions left millions dead. Sure, very well handled.
a neccesary evil in this case... no one likes war, no one embraces it, definitely not me by any stretch... but on occasion a time does arise that some wicked things have to be dealt with, usually with wicked force and the horros of war...
let us not forget who invaded who first in the First Gulf War... lets remember who actually did come to the aid of a smaller defenseless nation in it time of desperate need... Kuwait and Saudi Arabia would have been occupied and bombed out just like Iraq is now... we stepped in and stopped that from happening... was saddam a puppet of ours that we supprted militarily, no doubt. does that mean once the shit hits the fan and they move a few hundred thousand man army over the borders of Kuwait and threaten to take it by force we stand back and watch twiddling our thumbs?
europe was laid to waste as well trying to defeat the aggression of a tyrant... could it have been avoided? i like to think so, in a better and more just world we are striving to become... but that doesnt change the reality of the situation when the panzers advanced through europe... you cant lay down in that situation... you have to stand up and fight, or get rolled over and crushed.
there have been very few military actions in my countries history that i try to even attempt to justify to myself... the revolutionary war, the civil war, WW2, and the 1st Gulf War.
the Gulf war is obviously of no comparison to the others i just listed. but i feel that it was justified in having a United Nations supported coalition of almost 40 countries and extremely favorable global support to come to the defense of helpless mostly peaceful neighbors that were being invaded for occupation.
the UN voted and approved of the invasion after diplomacy and sanctions were not succesful in persuading Iraq to retreat from Kuwait. they had every opportunity to retreat back to iraq.
this is also one of the reasons the "green light conspiracy" is bogus... if we gave saddam the green light to invade Kuwait saying we would turn our heads, in an effort to dupe him, then why wouldnt he pull the hell out once the UN Security Counsel voted to authoirize military action?
Lets not forget the UN was developed for this very reason in response to the 2 great wars. The UN body was set up to have a united organisation with members of every country represented to handle situations such as this one. Thats why the UN security counsel approved of military action against Iraq after other efforts failed. How do you propose the WORLD (aka the UN) should have persuaded Saddam to withdrawl from Kuwait after diplomacy and sanctions failed? seriously?
In that case the military was the last option, to be used against a dangerous and aggresive nation that had invaded a soveriegn nation. in mty world that equals justification.
as far as the road of death thing. tragic beyond beleief. however, when you hop into a tank and cross into another country aggressively and without provocation, you understand that you could be killed and are risking your life. you are knowingly commiting an act of war which immediately puts your life at risk. tragic, yes... avoidable, yes... the horros of war, yes... so maybe the human race can learn as a whole from situations liek that over the years and in the coming years to move beyond war and move towards a more peaceful time. but until that happens there will be occasional threats that will have ti be dealt with BY THE WORLD
we controlled saddam so we controlled the oil. fact. what dont you understand about that? you said he was a puppet for us, which is correct. so why bait him? we already owned him. we didnt bait him, he went for the prize. the world with UN approval stepped in militarily to kick him out. we left him in power.
then when we baited him, why not take him out?
you have not answered my question yet so let me make it even shorter and simpler....
You wake up and Iraq has invaded Kuwait with a 150,000 man army. what do you do?
UN Resolution
Within hours of the invasion, Kuwaiti and US delegations requested a meeting of the UN Security Council, which passed Resolution 660, condemning the invasion and demanding a withdrawal of Iraqi troops. On August 3, the Arab League passed its own resolution. The resolution also called for a solution to the conflict from within the League, and warned against foreign intervention. On August 6, UN Resolution 661 placed economic sanctions on Iraq.
Building a coalition
A long series of UN Security Council resolutions and Arab League resolutions were passed regarding the conflict. One of the most important was Resolution 678, passed on November 29, giving Iraq a withdrawal deadline of January 15, 1991, and authorizing “all necessary means to uphold and implement Resolution 660,” a diplomatic formulation authorizing the use of force[citation needed].
The United States, especially Secretary of State James Baker, assembled a coalition of forces to join it in opposing Iraq, consisting of forces from 34 countries: Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Morocco, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Spain, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States itself[18]. Although they did not contribute any forces, Japan and West Germany did make financial contributions totaling $10 billion and $6.6 billion respectively. US troops represented 47% of the coalition’s 2,660,000 troops in Iraq. Many of the coalition forces were reluctant to join; some felt that the war was an internal Arab affair, or feared increasing American influence in Kuwait. In the end, many nations were persuaded by Iraq’s belligerence towards other Arab states, and offers of economic aid or debt forgiveness.
UN coalition-building efforts were so successful that by the time the fighting (Operation Desert Storm) began on January 16, 1991, twelve countries had sent naval forces, joining the regional states of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states, as well as the huge array of the US Navy, which deployed six aircraft-carrier battle groups; eight countries had sent ground forces, joining the regional troops of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the seventeen heavy and six light brigades of the US Army and nine Marine regiments, with their large support and service forces; and four countries had sent combat aircraft, joining the local air forces of Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, as well as the US Air Force, US Navy, and U.S. Marine aviation, for a grand total of 2,430 fixed-wing aircraft.
so people can read the entire thing instead of reading one sentence and taking it completely out of context
In the version published by The New York Times on September 23, 1990, Glaspie expressed concern over the troop buildup to Saddam Hussein:
“ We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late ’60s. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction. We hope you can solve this problem using any suitable methods via [Chadli] Klibi [then Arab League General Secretary] or via President Mubarak. All that we hope is that these issues are solved quickly. With regard to all of this, can I ask you to see how the issue appears to us?
My assessment after 25 years' service in this area is that your objective must have strong backing from your Arab brothers. I now speak of oil. But you, Mr. President, have fought through a horrific and painful war. Frankly, we can see only that you have deployed massive troops in the south. Normally that would not be any of our business. But when this happens in the context of what you said on your national day, then when we read the details in the two letters of the Foreign Minister, then when we see the Iraqi point of view that the measures taken by the U.A.E. and Kuwait is, in the final analysis, parallel to military aggression against Iraq, then it would be reasonable for me to be concerned. And for this reason, I received an instruction to ask you, in the spirit of friendship — not in the spirit of confrontation — regarding your intentions. I simply describe the position of my Government. And I do not mean that the situation is a simple situation. But our concern is a simple one.
handled well, sure. Slaughtering Iraqi soldiers as they fled Kuwait, great job. Some 200,000 were killed, the road from Kuwait to BAghdad renamed the highway of death. And do you remember those plows on the front of American tanks? They used those to bury Iraqi soldiers alive, simply firing a machine gun down the length of the tranch and filling it with dirt as they drove by. Very well handled, sure..
yeah. we should have waited for them to regroup since their leaders were fuckups.. its the honorable thing to do right?
please. This isnt a fucking football game where you put your second stringers in when your up 30 points. its fucking war. War isnt honorable. You kill motherfuckers until they give up. thats it.
And sanctions are a failed diplomatic policy, not an aspect of war in this case. Actually, in this case, going straight into a poorly defended iraq and killing Saddam would have been the right thing to do as it would have saved countless lives caused by the failed diplomatic policy of sanctions, but hindsight is 20/20. but i doubt you would have been for that either.
we controlled saddam so we controlled the oil. fact. what dont you understand about that? you said he was a puppet for us, which is correct. so why bait him? we already owned him. we didnt bait him, he went for the prize. the world with UN approval stepped in militarily to kick him out. we left him in power.
then when we baited him, why not take him out?
you have not answered my question yet so let me make it even shorter and simpler....
You wake up and Iraq has invaded Kuwait with a 150,000 man army. what do you do?
Wake up,and all of the sudden? You believe that's how it went down?
One step at a time. You think the US could obliterate his army which was considered a win in the public eye in the war is over... then move in and mercilessly start shooting up the streets of Iraq afterwards and take over the country itself through guerrilla warfare by ousting Saddam? are you high?
Who would stomach that action on this planet in one fell swoop? Think about it.
That's a quite a sell to the public pre 9/11 dontchya think?
I think you're naive and will justify any reasoning to maintain your ideology of what war is about....and has been about.
war = peace... I'm not seeing that concept, I think it's a hoax played out on people to open doors to new conflicts.
if actions of the past are any indication...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
why wasn't Saddam screaming bloody murder that he had been duped by the US into invading Kuwait? Strange...
You mean admit he's a big fat stupid idiot to the world?
I can't imagine him not jumping at the chance...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
war = peace... I'm not seeing that concept, I think it's a hoax played out on people to open doors to new conflicts.
its worked pretty well in Europe, north America and japan since WWII...
but maybe youre familiar with this concept. the only true peace is enslavement and surrender, because there will always be evil fucks out there that want your shit.
its worked pretty well in Europe, north America and japan since WWII...
but maybe youre familiar with this concept. the only true peace is enslavement and surrender, because there will always be evil fucks out there that want your shit.
How so? who admitted what conspiracies?
"there will always be evil fucks out there that want your shit"
I agree and they are taking it right now...from everyone both here and abroad.
Just going on statistics alone in weighing out the various conflicts it's a war of terror.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Egos are huge my friend in the realm of dictators...bigger than you can fathom.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
We must be talking about different Iraq's. The Iraq I read about in the news got the sand bombed out of it...
The middle east know...Saddam Hussein...arabs... etc...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yeah the people who made it, pulled the idea out of thin air... last minute...
there was never war before that to plant seeds...
Iran/Iraq war....hmm
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
how does america gain from that in 1991?
i will ask again... and give you pleanty of time to scour the internet for your answers...
what did america stand to gain from "playing" Saddam into invading Kuwait?
What do "they" have to gain?
holy fuck man look around...pick up a newspaper sometime
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
no need... your questions are already answered but you can't seem to absorb the words for some reason.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Create a party then invite yourself.
It a war of terror my friend...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
um, what did they gain from the 1st gulf war? they didnt take the country? they didnt topple saddam? if that was the plan they would have done it? if saddam was such a puppet to be "played" then why even take him out? why "play" him if he is our opec oil puppet? we stood nothing to gain from the first gulf war and we gained nothing from the first gulf war. Iraq invaded a peaceful neighbor with a massive armed force. and if unchecked he would have taken saudi arbaia in a fucking week. you can sit back and say "peace man" all you want. the fact of the matter was something had to be done,. that is why the UN overwhelmingly approved of the action, it was a UN coalition force that did the job, lead by the americans. the world overwhelmingly approved of it as well. The Kuwaiti people and the saudi people sure as shit didnt mind the world hopping in to save their ass.
your conspiracy is horsehit and you cannot even defend it.
one day you will realize not everything in the world is a conspiracy...
there are bad people and bad moments in the world, you can either sit on the sideline or you can do the right thing
also, i think you are failing to separate the 1st Gulf war with the current illgal and immoral iraq war...
most of the time war is immoral, sometimes a lack of going to war is immoral
oh, right...
trick your "puppet" who you have total control over into invading a peaceful neighbor and threaten an entire region... so then you can fight them and push them back... so then you can put them on sanctions for over 10 years... then lose an election to clinton in 1992... so that 8 years later your son can become president... all the while you devise a plan to pull off a false flag attack of epic proprotions... just to invade iraq again and take out saddam 12 years after you were in a position to do it with the world probably willing to justify it then :rolleyes:
if "they" are so all powerful and mighty and control everything... then why did Bush lose the 1992 election?
you concpiracy guys really lack any real substance. i am sorry, but it is becoming a joke around here.
LOL. This will probably make my2hands very uncomfortable, but I agree with him. Sometimes shit happens because bad decisions were made, not because everything is part of some grand scheme. And while it might make sense to try to tie some things together to explain events, other times it appears desperate and paranoid (like trying to tie Israel and columbine).
You don't see a systemic pattern of violence over the past 30 years in maintaining global dominance out of self interest.
well then... I don't know what to tell you.
keep raving on about conspiracy theories I suppose..
and good luck in ever comprehending it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It was quick and to the point.
Minimal casualties, atleast on our end.
We didn't leave the country in chaos like it is now.
We helped out Kuwait.
riddle me this... if "Saddam was a pawn" then why trick him into invading an ally just to show our military might to "maintain global dominance out of self interest"... if he was our pawn, then why go through all of that. you already control him, thus iraq, and thus it's oil just like it had been for decades...
what you are missing is that you are correct Sadaam was a pawn supported by the US government for years... but he got out of line. he stepped out of line and went for control of the entire Middle East. he wasnt tricked to invade Kuwait, we preferred to have him under control and taking orders. he made a move, and got burned. the human psyche is a strange thing my friend, there are plenty of terrible and ruthless power hungry leaders over the centuries to show us that, including my current president.
So yes, america had to intervene for its self interests. stopping that invasion was in the WORLDS BEST INTERESTS, INCLIDING KUWAIT AND SAUDI ARABIA.
and thanks, but i comprehend just fine. thank you.
I'm waiting for the lightbulbs to go off in your head. Give a man a fish v.s. teach him to fish.
So it can be about oil now but not back then eh? hmm
I think you are opinionated to the point that you somehow exclude logic in forming your conclusions.
Whatever you do, don't watch any John Pilger documentaries anytime soon....your world will fall to pieces.
It's a conspiracy! Alex jones! UFO's!
edit: This answer applies to all your questions btw...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
No kidding. Look at the technologies involved....and it was fought in the desert.
It was won by dumping hundreds of tons of nuclear waste on them. Nice little humanitarian disaster which is still unfolding. Just another 4 billion years to go on that scenario of genetic mutation , cancers etc...
The whole circumstance has been propped up and ripped down from a single source serving it's interests in the area.
Iraq was bombed back the stone age...into "compliance" one might say.
Look at them now.
cause.....effect.... it's all connected.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Then there was this idea among Iraqi dissidents that they would have US support to topple Saddam. They were slaughtered, in one case literally in view of US troops.
The loss of infrastructure had Iraqi kids playing in raw sewage, and the ensuing sanctions left millions dead. Sure, very well handled.
a neccesary evil in this case... no one likes war, no one embraces it, definitely not me by any stretch... but on occasion a time does arise that some wicked things have to be dealt with, usually with wicked force and the horros of war...
let us not forget who invaded who first in the First Gulf War... lets remember who actually did come to the aid of a smaller defenseless nation in it time of desperate need... Kuwait and Saudi Arabia would have been occupied and bombed out just like Iraq is now... we stepped in and stopped that from happening... was saddam a puppet of ours that we supprted militarily, no doubt. does that mean once the shit hits the fan and they move a few hundred thousand man army over the borders of Kuwait and threaten to take it by force we stand back and watch twiddling our thumbs?
europe was laid to waste as well trying to defeat the aggression of a tyrant... could it have been avoided? i like to think so, in a better and more just world we are striving to become... but that doesnt change the reality of the situation when the panzers advanced through europe... you cant lay down in that situation... you have to stand up and fight, or get rolled over and crushed.
there have been very few military actions in my countries history that i try to even attempt to justify to myself... the revolutionary war, the civil war, WW2, and the 1st Gulf War.
the Gulf war is obviously of no comparison to the others i just listed. but i feel that it was justified in having a United Nations supported coalition of almost 40 countries and extremely favorable global support to come to the defense of helpless mostly peaceful neighbors that were being invaded for occupation.
the UN voted and approved of the invasion after diplomacy and sanctions were not succesful in persuading Iraq to retreat from Kuwait. they had every opportunity to retreat back to iraq.
this is also one of the reasons the "green light conspiracy" is bogus... if we gave saddam the green light to invade Kuwait saying we would turn our heads, in an effort to dupe him, then why wouldnt he pull the hell out once the UN Security Counsel voted to authoirize military action?
Lets not forget the UN was developed for this very reason in response to the 2 great wars. The UN body was set up to have a united organisation with members of every country represented to handle situations such as this one. Thats why the UN security counsel approved of military action against Iraq after other efforts failed. How do you propose the WORLD (aka the UN) should have persuaded Saddam to withdrawl from Kuwait after diplomacy and sanctions failed? seriously?
In that case the military was the last option, to be used against a dangerous and aggresive nation that had invaded a soveriegn nation. in mty world that equals justification.
as far as the road of death thing. tragic beyond beleief. however, when you hop into a tank and cross into another country aggressively and without provocation, you understand that you could be killed and are risking your life. you are knowingly commiting an act of war which immediately puts your life at risk. tragic, yes... avoidable, yes... the horros of war, yes... so maybe the human race can learn as a whole from situations liek that over the years and in the coming years to move beyond war and move towards a more peaceful time. but until that happens there will be occasional threats that will have ti be dealt with BY THE WORLD
let me say this again for you...
we controlled saddam so we controlled the oil. fact. what dont you understand about that? you said he was a puppet for us, which is correct. so why bait him? we already owned him. we didnt bait him, he went for the prize. the world with UN approval stepped in militarily to kick him out. we left him in power.
then when we baited him, why not take him out?
you have not answered my question yet so let me make it even shorter and simpler....
You wake up and Iraq has invaded Kuwait with a 150,000 man army. what do you do?
Within hours of the invasion, Kuwaiti and US delegations requested a meeting of the UN Security Council, which passed Resolution 660, condemning the invasion and demanding a withdrawal of Iraqi troops. On August 3, the Arab League passed its own resolution. The resolution also called for a solution to the conflict from within the League, and warned against foreign intervention. On August 6, UN Resolution 661 placed economic sanctions on Iraq.
Building a coalition
A long series of UN Security Council resolutions and Arab League resolutions were passed regarding the conflict. One of the most important was Resolution 678, passed on November 29, giving Iraq a withdrawal deadline of January 15, 1991, and authorizing “all necessary means to uphold and implement Resolution 660,” a diplomatic formulation authorizing the use of force[citation needed].
The United States, especially Secretary of State James Baker, assembled a coalition of forces to join it in opposing Iraq, consisting of forces from 34 countries: Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Morocco, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Spain, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States itself[18]. Although they did not contribute any forces, Japan and West Germany did make financial contributions totaling $10 billion and $6.6 billion respectively. US troops represented 47% of the coalition’s 2,660,000 troops in Iraq. Many of the coalition forces were reluctant to join; some felt that the war was an internal Arab affair, or feared increasing American influence in Kuwait. In the end, many nations were persuaded by Iraq’s belligerence towards other Arab states, and offers of economic aid or debt forgiveness.
UN coalition-building efforts were so successful that by the time the fighting (Operation Desert Storm) began on January 16, 1991, twelve countries had sent naval forces, joining the regional states of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states, as well as the huge array of the US Navy, which deployed six aircraft-carrier battle groups; eight countries had sent ground forces, joining the regional troops of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the seventeen heavy and six light brigades of the US Army and nine Marine regiments, with their large support and service forces; and four countries had sent combat aircraft, joining the local air forces of Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, as well as the US Air Force, US Navy, and U.S. Marine aviation, for a grand total of 2,430 fixed-wing aircraft.
In the version published by The New York Times on September 23, 1990, Glaspie expressed concern over the troop buildup to Saddam Hussein:
“ We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late ’60s. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction. We hope you can solve this problem using any suitable methods via [Chadli] Klibi [then Arab League General Secretary] or via President Mubarak. All that we hope is that these issues are solved quickly. With regard to all of this, can I ask you to see how the issue appears to us?
My assessment after 25 years' service in this area is that your objective must have strong backing from your Arab brothers. I now speak of oil. But you, Mr. President, have fought through a horrific and painful war. Frankly, we can see only that you have deployed massive troops in the south. Normally that would not be any of our business. But when this happens in the context of what you said on your national day, then when we read the details in the two letters of the Foreign Minister, then when we see the Iraqi point of view that the measures taken by the U.A.E. and Kuwait is, in the final analysis, parallel to military aggression against Iraq, then it would be reasonable for me to be concerned. And for this reason, I received an instruction to ask you, in the spirit of friendship — not in the spirit of confrontation — regarding your intentions. I simply describe the position of my Government. And I do not mean that the situation is a simple situation. But our concern is a simple one.
yeah. we should have waited for them to regroup since their leaders were fuckups.. its the honorable thing to do right?
please. This isnt a fucking football game where you put your second stringers in when your up 30 points. its fucking war. War isnt honorable. You kill motherfuckers until they give up. thats it.
And sanctions are a failed diplomatic policy, not an aspect of war in this case. Actually, in this case, going straight into a poorly defended iraq and killing Saddam would have been the right thing to do as it would have saved countless lives caused by the failed diplomatic policy of sanctions, but hindsight is 20/20. but i doubt you would have been for that either.
Wake up,and all of the sudden? You believe that's how it went down?
One step at a time. You think the US could obliterate his army which was considered a win in the public eye in the war is over... then move in and mercilessly start shooting up the streets of Iraq afterwards and take over the country itself through guerrilla warfare by ousting Saddam? are you high?
Who would stomach that action on this planet in one fell swoop? Think about it.
That's a quite a sell to the public pre 9/11 dontchya think?
I think you're naive and will justify any reasoning to maintain your ideology of what war is about....and has been about.
war = peace... I'm not seeing that concept, I think it's a hoax played out on people to open doors to new conflicts.
if actions of the past are any indication...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
You mean admit he's a big fat stupid idiot to the world?
I can't imagine him not jumping at the chance...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
its worked pretty well in Europe, north America and japan since WWII...
but maybe youre familiar with this concept. the only true peace is enslavement and surrender, because there will always be evil fucks out there that want your shit.
dude, thats just weak
How so? who admitted what conspiracies?
"there will always be evil fucks out there that want your shit"
I agree and they are taking it right now...from everyone both here and abroad.
Just going on statistics alone in weighing out the various conflicts it's a war of terror.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It's totally accurate.
Egos are huge my friend in the realm of dictators...bigger than you can fathom.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)