edit:maybe that was a little uncalled for, maybe it's the lack of sleep.
It is a fairly serious topic after all...
Oooh!! Giddy!! Hang on I'll see what kind of serious mental dysfunction you must have! I know I've got that text book around here somewhere!
But yeah, you're right Roland, it's a very serious subject. Very sobering!
And somewhat insidious too! I sometimes wonder if there's a bloke at the top of the food chain somewhere with a 20 year plan for all of us and he's getting the governments to impliment it slowly, slowly catchy monkey! Oooh! I think I just described Rupert Murdoch! :eek:
Hell and I thought you were one of us! You know, US in here! With me! It's damn crowded in here though so you probably wouldn't fit anyway! And besides the voices they only talk to me!
So when airports, hospitals etc. all become fully biometric, will you stop using these services because you don't want you or your children fingerprinted? It's on the horizon. It's developed. It's just a matter of time. Will you move to a cave and live off the land? How will you function in society?
So what will you do when people start paying for everything with implanted microchips? They can turn these chips off, then you lose your identity and access to your money. It's not some big conspiracy theory, it's a possibilty. One I do not like. Even if you don't do anything illegal.
I'm not saying this will happen, I'm saying we should be careful it doesn't happen and this fingerprinting seems entirely unnecessary.
it is not illegal to disapear. it is illegal to insert a microchip into a person without their permission. it's unconstitutional. they talked about inserting chips into child molesters and couldn't. the tracking device has to be external.
Right. But if everything will be handled through fingerprints in the future, you won't have many options. Be part of a marginal group or accept and continue your live. Ten years ago nobody would have supported this. Now people want it. Ten years from now people will want microchips, it will make everything so much easier etc.
now; as to feasability. who is going to track 330 million people? where will the money come from? the idea is crazy at best. are you saying that although the government needs a court order to tap a criminals phone; tracking with microchips is even remotely possible?
they have medicine for paranoia. maybe check into that.
Yes, it's possible and no they wouldn't track 330 million people. Where will the money come from? Where does all the money come from, tax payers.
And talking about paranoia, who's the one here who disappeared and lives in the middle of nowhere, miles away from everybody, who has plenty of guns (even some hidden as I recall)?
I support those who have the perception to see beyond the usual social conditioning and who are able to truly logically and critically asssess the possible, potential ramifications of this kind of fingerprinting.
I'd like to add that there are three stages to social adjustment that are widely accepted:
1: ego-centric--the phase that we go through as children. We've not yet been integrated into society.
2: then we have the phase where we learn society's rules and how to do what is externally expected of us, accepting authority and it's purposes.
3: a minority of the population reach the third phase--one wherein they understand society's laws, integrate them, and then go beyond such laws to see them objectively. From this point of view, one can intellectually question what is acceptable/not acceptable with objectivity. Unfortunately this point of view cannot be understood by the prior two stages.
The third phase is considered an evolved state, having progressed past the first two, while still incorporating the first two.
So, to those of you who perceive beyond what's expected of you in society, to a place where you can ethically, morally and critically assess, understand and consider beyond this said "authority", you're doing great!
The social ostracization and attempts to belittle your perspective are in actuality ineffective and authentically powerless, as you all seem to appreciate.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Oooh!! Giddy!! Hang on I'll see what kind of serious mental dysfunction you must have! I know I've got that text book around here somewhere!
But yeah, you're right Roland, it's a very serious subject. Very sobering!
And somewhat insidious too! I sometimes wonder if there's a bloke at the top of the food chain somewhere with a 20 year plan for all of us and he's getting the governments to impliment it slowly, slowly catchy monkey! Oooh! I think I just described Rupert Murdoch!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Hell and I thought you were one of us!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
So what will you do when people start paying for everything with implanted microchips? They can turn these chips off, then you lose your identity and access to your money. It's not some big conspiracy theory, it's a possibilty. One I do not like. Even if you don't do anything illegal.
I'm not saying this will happen, I'm saying we should be careful it doesn't happen and this fingerprinting seems entirely unnecessary.
naděje umírá poslední
Right. But if everything will be handled through fingerprints in the future, you won't have many options. Be part of a marginal group or accept and continue your live. Ten years ago nobody would have supported this. Now people want it. Ten years from now people will want microchips, it will make everything so much easier etc.
Yes, it's possible and no they wouldn't track 330 million people. Where will the money come from? Where does all the money come from, tax payers.
And talking about paranoia, who's the one here who disappeared and lives in the middle of nowhere, miles away from everybody, who has plenty of guns (even some hidden as I recall)?
Sounds pretty paranoid to me, man.
naděje umírá poslední
I'd like to add that there are three stages to social adjustment that are widely accepted:
1: ego-centric--the phase that we go through as children. We've not yet been integrated into society.
2: then we have the phase where we learn society's rules and how to do what is externally expected of us, accepting authority and it's purposes.
3: a minority of the population reach the third phase--one wherein they understand society's laws, integrate them, and then go beyond such laws to see them objectively. From this point of view, one can intellectually question what is acceptable/not acceptable with objectivity. Unfortunately this point of view cannot be understood by the prior two stages.
The third phase is considered an evolved state, having progressed past the first two, while still incorporating the first two.
So, to those of you who perceive beyond what's expected of you in society, to a place where you can ethically, morally and critically assess, understand and consider beyond this said "authority", you're doing great!
The social ostracization and attempts to belittle your perspective are in actuality ineffective and authentically powerless, as you all seem to appreciate.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!