Chavez!!! Penns Buddy??

what the hell is going on in venezala????
that is sean penns buddy right? sounds like something the bush admin would do.
seems he is changing the constitution so he can stay president permenentaly!!
and control the contries banks.
i could be totally off here but WTF!!!
that is sean penns buddy right? sounds like something the bush admin would do.
seems he is changing the constitution so he can stay president permenentaly!!
and control the contries banks.
i could be totally off here but WTF!!!
one love
Post edited by Unknown User on
What can someone ask for when he has power?
More power...
He's not saying there will be no more elections, just that there will be no time limit to the length of the presidency.
What's the big deal?
would you care if bush did this after the last election?
No. If people are dumb enough to vote for Bush then that's their problem.
No matter how you try to slice it Chavez is slowly transforming into his idol, a dictator named Castro. Even any president in any other democracy tried this there would be riots in the streets. Can you imagine if Tony Blair attempted to do this back in your England or Bush here in the states. You would have been screaming bloody fucking murder on this message board.
Eh, he's already got a Queen. He probably loves the idea of a monarchy.
But you're right. There would have been a lot of gnashing of teeth here if Bush decided to try something like that. But we'll excuse Chavez because he only has the interest of the people at heart.
We don't have a 8 year cut off for the prime ministers here already so not sure what the problem is.
The nob that is Blair was in power for ten years and Thatcher for eleven years.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I was not aware of that, but if you did and your Prime Minister decided to do away with term limits I'm sure the majority of the population would have been up in arms.
the thing is ... a place like venezuela - the integrity of elections can be compromised a bit more then in England ...
also, penn's a commie
No i really don't see what the issue is, it is democratic society they are free to vote him out of power if they want.
But obviously he is a villain as he's not complying with America.
There was a failed coup there backed by America not so long ago.,,688071,00.html
This is the real issue here as always.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
agreed this fucking monkey indian is not to be trusted fuck him, and to the thread starter where did you get your writting skills damm ...
What and there's no propaganda in America and bush is the model president?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Venezuala is not a true democracy, and it's a bit misguiding to say that the people are free to vote him out of power if they want.
A true democratic governement/society has an un-fettered press, transparent government, free-market economy, independent judicial system, etc...
Chavez has consolidated his power in a way that he controls most of these institutions and is attempting to control key industries/businesses/companies. And the ones he doesn't either own or influence, he harrasses.
It's painfully clear that he is a committed socialist, and throughout history, regimes such as his have been historically hard to "bring down" or vote out of power.
although i don't agree with this move by chavez ... america is none of the things yuo mentioned ...
Great arguement for Chavez - he must be okay becuase Bush does it too.
Bush sucks and so does his propaganda, which, by-the-way doesn't even compare to Hugo Chavez. "Axis of evil" is pretty low and pathetic, but straight up calling another head of state the devil is in another league by itself.
So when America holds it's military coups in countries in south America that's a free society?
The only reason it is in the media is because America has a vested interest in the money that's not going in there pocket.
I don't understand why people are so quick to judge another country, when we have crooks in power that need to be got rid of too.
The media whips up a frenzy and we jump on the bandwagon.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
canada is the greatest!!!!
the hate for the U.S. up there is pretty widespread...
fuck canada
All of those elements above can be debated to a certain degree, but you're really splitting hairs. America is not perfect, but we pretty much are the quentessential democracy on Earth.
Yea but you notice how you guys avoid talking about bush.
All i ever see around here is, oh that countries (insert media's chosen baddie of the week) leaders so bad.
Why don't we take a long hard look at our own?
I really don't see what the big deal about calling bush a devil is. Whys that so offensive to you?
If he called Blair a devil i wouldn't give a toss.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
How so it's a two horse race and the last election was stolen by bush.
It's the same here it will only ever be labour or conservative.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
there is no splitting hairs ... each item you mentioned can be refuted fairly easily ...
and no ... i would not call america the quintessential democracy ... it's a two party country where one bleeds into another ... voting integrity has long been compromised ... america believes it's the beacon of democracy but it really isn't ...
Not really sure what to make of your first question, as I can't establish any significant connection between an open society that enjoys protection from the government for it's citizens and guranteed rights established under a constitution with a military operation in Central America 20 years ago.
I wouldn't say America's judgement of Chavez's regime is some sort of knee-jerk reaction. He has continued on a steady and increasing campaign of socializing his country and oppressing his citizens for quite a few years now. In fact, it's such an appaling level of coruption that it doesn't really compare to some of the crooks that run our goverment.
To put it another way, our institutions are sound, though we sometimes elect corrupt people to run them. But not only is Chavez himself corrupt, he is trying to overturn his countries goverment instituions, ecomony and society in a way as to corrupt them for future generations and generally set the collective progress of his nation back by several decades.
I feel pretty comfortable looking down on that, and strongly think that it's newworthy that such radical and threatening changes are taking place to a neighboring country.
because your foreign policy has in part caused certain countries in close proximity to you to be poor ... most people who leave central america would never leave if they could make like $20 US a day ... they are only leaving cuz they make $5 ...