Of course, Son of Sam and Jack the Ripper were also left-handed, so take it for what it's worth.
just a note fwiw, Jack the Ripper was never identified. but it's fairly accepted that the victims were killed by a right-handed person. I've read much on that whole subject.
Kurt was somewhat vocal about politics, and Krist is about as political as they get rockstar-wise. You know, what with the whole forming his own PAC and running for Lt. Governor.
has Noveselic done anything musical in the past decade? as for Kurt, I've never heard him say anything close to being political, got a link?
as for this whole thread, I think a more accurate statement would be that drug addicts and/or people from broken homes write the best music. now, if you were to conclude that drug addicts and/or people from broken homes are more likely to be liberals, then maybe there's a point. but I imagine it has more to do with upbringing and environment than it does with political leanings.
it's hard to be creative with your balls in a nit.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Kurt was somewhat vocal about politics, and Krist is about as political as they get rockstar-wise. You know, what with the whole forming his own PAC and running for Lt. Governor.
Yeah, not sure about Kurt vocalizing his views, but Krist definitely did. I was at a few Nirvana shows and he wasn't shy. And post-Nirvana he has been very active. His biggest issue locally was all-ages rock shows. Seattle has/had strange laws about all-ages shows, and Krist's PAC was very instrumental influencing policy change. Never really had a shot at Lt. Gov.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
That shows you didn't go to school. Read The Long Revolution by the late Marxist cultural theorist and literary critic Professor Raymond Williams, and you will discover the link between political liberalism and the medieval concept of the liberal arts in the provincial guilds of England. However, I expect you won't bother. Thank you for your time.
You make me laugh. Do you think every major requires reading on Marxist cultural theory? Do you think every "school" has curriculum that includes required reading of Raymond Williams?
You have succeeded in giving credibility to some of the descriptions of a liberal posted on this thread.
By the way, are you referring to pre-school, elementary school, middle school, high school, undergraduate school, graduate school or post graduate school?
~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
It is the same reason why so many pro athletes are republican/conservative....think back to high school, the creative kids, the outcasts... those are your rock stars/actors.... your jocks who beat up the creative kids... those are your meat head Conservatives. you would assume the rock stars/actors would be republican because they are wealthy and republicans certainly look out for the wealthy, but they also seem to have a conscious and an empathy for human suffering, and tend to be appalled by social injustice in spite of the tax cuts they could receive from republican government. pro athletes were and always have been meat head jocks who thrive on "might makes right" philosophy. they just see the world in different ways. "Andrew Clark" grows up conservative taping hairy kids ass cheeks together ..."Allison Reynolds" grows up liberal. sorry for the breakfast club reference.. but you get the gist.
You make me laugh. Do you think every major requires reading on Marxist cultural theory? Do you think every "school" has curriculum that includes required reading of Raymond Williams?
You have succeeded in giving credibility to some of the descriptions of a liberal posted on this thread.
By the way, are you referring to pre-school, elementary school, middle school, high school, undergraduate school, graduate school or post graduate school?
Not in the States, for sure, but in Britain, no undergraduate course that deals with critical theory seriously, in the field of arts and humanities and particularly in Literatures in English, can claim credibility without informing some basic knowledge of Marxist notions of art and material production. Literature degrees, undergraduate and higher, inexorably require knowledge of the writings of Raymond Williams and newer methodologies such as cultural materialism. You should know the historical, originative link between liberalism and the liberal arts before even starting to discuss the matter, but if you don't, and if you see someone making a connection you don't understand, you should ask why the connection is being proposed, instead of assuming it is irrelevant and tangential. It's that lack of curiosity and absence of lateral thinking that defines a conservative mindset.
Not in the States, for sure, but in Britain, no undergraduate course that deals with critical theory seriously, in the field of arts and humanities and particularly in Literatures in English, can claim credibility without informing some basic knowledge of Marxist notions of art and material production. Literature degrees, undergraduate and higher, inexorably require knowledge of the writings of Raymond Williams and newer methodologies such as cultural materialism. You should know the historical, originative link between liberalism and the liberal arts before even starting to discuss the matter, but if you don't, and if you see someone making a connection you don't understand, you should ask why the connection is being proposed, instead of assuming it is irrelevant and tangential. It's that lack of curiosity and absence of lateral thinking that defines a conservative mindset.
Well I don't know about Britain, but the US has a Constitution that guarantees us the right to speak our opinions with or without foreknowledge of a given writer. That's pretty much what this message pit is about as well.
I for one don't appreciate elitists like yourself, whether you're impressing others with your knowledge, or just impressed with yourself, for trying to shoot down the opinions of others when they question the validity of a point you try to make.
That's it for me. I'm pretty much over this thread.
~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Conservatives are too busy with their jobs and families to have time to sit around smoking pot and coming up with lyrics to a song. I get up, go to work, come home, have dinner with the fam if I'm not working a double, read the kids a story and put them to bed and go to sleep and the routine starts over again. Where would I ever have time to sit around getting high to become musically inclined?
that's a pretty stupid comment. wtf do you think most people do, regardless of their political affiliation? you actually think "conservatives" have cornered the market on going to work and taking care of your family? you're crazy, mary. maybe you should roll up a fattie and relax.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
It is the same reason why so many pro athletes are republican/conservative....think back to high school, the creative kids, the outcasts... those are your rock stars/actors.... your jocks who beat up the creative kids... those are your meat head Conservatives. you would assume the rock stars/actors would be republican because they are wealthy and republicans certainly look out for the wealthy, but they also seem to have a conscious and an empathy for human suffering, and tend to be appalled by social injustice in spite of the tax cuts they could receive from republican government. pro athletes were and always have been meat head jocks who thrive on "might makes right" philosophy. they just see the world in different ways. "Andrew Clark" grows up conservative taping hairy kids ass cheeks together ..."Allison Reynolds" grows up liberal. sorry for the breakfast club reference.. but you get the gist.
I think the rock stars / actors are also liberal b/c to them money isn't as issue so they can support a lot of the grand ideas and it won't effect them. Let's be honest, even Eddie, if he donates half his money to left leaning causes and get's taxed 50% (to support liberal ideas) is still making more money per year than a lot of people will make in their lifetime. It's real easy to be generous / idealistic when it doesn't put you in a pinch.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
Conservatives are too busy with their jobs and families to have time to sit around smoking pot and coming up with lyrics to a song. I get up, go to work, come home, have dinner with the fam if I'm not working a double, read the kids a story and put them to bed and go to sleep and the routine starts over again. Where would I ever have time to sit around getting high to become musically inclined?
You obviously have some misconceptions regarding a few different topics, let me clear a few things up for you.
Most people regardless of their political standings go to work, take care of their families, pay bills and then get up in the morning to do it all over again.
Independants, Liberals, Demos, Repubs .....Libertarians......you name it; most of us do exactly the same thing. Why you believe Conservatives are the only ones who do it, is beyond me. Someone has been lying to you.
Creative minds are a bit different from other people. They create because it is their nature. It's part of who they are.
Creative minds don't need weed/pot to make them creative. Although pot/weed can cause a creative mind to become even more creative. On the other hand, with some creative minds; pot/'weed can completely shut down their creative mind, till the effect of pot/weed subsides.
Pot/weed does NOT make anyone more musically inclined. You're either musically inclined .....or you are not. Anyone who is not musically inclined will simply perform and sound like a stoned person who is not musically inclined, when smoking it.
Pot/weed will not make a non-creative mind, creative. It will simply make them a stoned uncreative mind.
Creative minds are not automatically musically inclined. Many creative minds have absolutely no musical inclination or ability; whatsover. Their creativity lies in other areas.
Just because someone is musically inclined, does not automatically make them a creative mind. There are many excellent musicians who are NOT creative minds. They are incapable of wrting their own music/songs. They are good at reading music and/or duplicating the music written by a someone other than themselves, who is/was a musically creative mind and originally wrote the music/song.
Creative minds apply to all areas of life or deciplines. There are scientists, artists, doctors, technicians, mechanics, carpentars, electricians, interior decorators, computer scientists, writers (literature, poetry, journalism...etc), accountants.....etc; who are creative minds. But there are many of these people, in these fields, who are not creative minds, at all.
None of this is mutually inclusive. Nor is it mutually exlusive. It's all on an individual to individual basis. Everyone is diffierent.
and there is no direct correlation between political leanings and creativity. i believe i mentioned it earlier, as i am sure many others have.....MOST bands i have NO idea what their political affiliation is, at all. only those who incorporate their politics in their art, or those who are outspoken...and let's face it, many, many artists don't speak up at ALL in this arena....are the one's you know and hear about. bottomline, i'd guess at least 75%, conservatively speaking, of artists working now, and you don't know their politics, at all. one can be creative about ALL the human condition, create amazing, great, beautiful, horrific art.....and never even touch upon politics, at all.
just a note fwiw, Jack the Ripper was never identified. but it's fairly accepted that the victims were killed by a right-handed person. I've read much on that whole subject.
has Noveselic done anything musical in the past decade? as for Kurt, I've never heard him say anything close to being political, got a link?
as for this whole thread, I think a more accurate statement would be that drug addicts and/or people from broken homes write the best music. now, if you were to conclude that drug addicts and/or people from broken homes are more likely to be liberals, then maybe there's a point. but I imagine it has more to do with upbringing and environment than it does with political leanings.
it's hard to be creative with your balls in a nit.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
wasnt aware cons had balls. thats why i thought they were conservative. too secure within the bosom of society to challenge.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Yeah, not sure about Kurt vocalizing his views, but Krist definitely did. I was at a few Nirvana shows and he wasn't shy. And post-Nirvana he has been very active. His biggest issue locally was all-ages rock shows. Seattle has/had strange laws about all-ages shows, and Krist's PAC was very instrumental influencing policy change. Never really had a shot at Lt. Gov.
You make me laugh. Do you think every major requires reading on Marxist cultural theory? Do you think every "school" has curriculum that includes required reading of Raymond Williams?
You have succeeded in giving credibility to some of the descriptions of a liberal posted on this thread.
By the way, are you referring to pre-school, elementary school, middle school, high school, undergraduate school, graduate school or post graduate school?
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Not in the States, for sure, but in Britain, no undergraduate course that deals with critical theory seriously, in the field of arts and humanities and particularly in Literatures in English, can claim credibility without informing some basic knowledge of Marxist notions of art and material production. Literature degrees, undergraduate and higher, inexorably require knowledge of the writings of Raymond Williams and newer methodologies such as cultural materialism. You should know the historical, originative link between liberalism and the liberal arts before even starting to discuss the matter, but if you don't, and if you see someone making a connection you don't understand, you should ask why the connection is being proposed, instead of assuming it is irrelevant and tangential. It's that lack of curiosity and absence of lateral thinking that defines a conservative mindset.
I am so disillusioned.
2003-Albany, Mansfield I, Camden I, MSG I
2008-Mansfield II
2009-EV Philly
2010-MSG I + II
Well I don't know about Britain, but the US has a Constitution that guarantees us the right to speak our opinions with or without foreknowledge of a given writer. That's pretty much what this message pit is about as well.
I for one don't appreciate elitists like yourself, whether you're impressing others with your knowledge, or just impressed with yourself, for trying to shoot down the opinions of others when they question the validity of a point you try to make.
That's it for me. I'm pretty much over this thread.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
that's a pretty stupid comment. wtf do you think most people do, regardless of their political affiliation? you actually think "conservatives" have cornered the market on going to work and taking care of your family?
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I think the rock stars / actors are also liberal b/c to them money isn't as issue so they can support a lot of the grand ideas and it won't effect them. Let's be honest, even Eddie, if he donates half his money to left leaning causes and get's taxed 50% (to support liberal ideas) is still making more money per year than a lot of people will make in their lifetime. It's real easy to be generous / idealistic when it doesn't put you in a pinch.
You obviously have some misconceptions regarding a few different topics, let me clear a few things up for you.
Most people regardless of their political standings go to work, take care of their families, pay bills and then get up in the morning to do it all over again.
Independants, Liberals, Demos, Repubs .....Libertarians......you name it; most of us do exactly the same thing. Why you believe Conservatives are the only ones who do it, is beyond me. Someone has been lying to you.
Creative minds are a bit different from other people. They create because it is their nature. It's part of who they are.
Creative minds don't need weed/pot to make them creative. Although pot/weed can cause a creative mind to become even more creative. On the other hand, with some creative minds; pot/'weed can completely shut down their creative mind, till the effect of pot/weed subsides.
Pot/weed does NOT make anyone more musically inclined. You're either musically inclined .....or you are not. Anyone who is not musically inclined will simply perform and sound like a stoned person who is not musically inclined, when smoking it.
Pot/weed will not make a non-creative mind, creative. It will simply make them a stoned uncreative mind.
Creative minds are not automatically musically inclined. Many creative minds have absolutely no musical inclination or ability; whatsover. Their creativity lies in other areas.
Just because someone is musically inclined, does not automatically make them a creative mind. There are many excellent musicians who are NOT creative minds. They are incapable of wrting their own music/songs. They are good at reading music and/or duplicating the music written by a someone other than themselves, who is/was a musically creative mind and originally wrote the music/song.
Creative minds apply to all areas of life or deciplines. There are scientists, artists, doctors, technicians, mechanics, carpentars, electricians, interior decorators, computer scientists, writers (literature, poetry, journalism...etc), accountants.....etc; who are creative minds. But there are many of these people, in these fields, who are not creative minds, at all.
None of this is mutually inclusive. Nor is it mutually exlusive. It's all on an individual to individual basis. Everyone is diffierent.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow