Rosie's comments about Asians

So just out of curiosity, where was the outrage from the political-correctness crowd? What if Rosie had said something like "And over in Africa, the newsman said "booga booga Danny DeVito ooga booga The View"?
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House frows looking for attention mean nothing. Non event.
Non-event, huh? Seems pretty convenient when someone from a certain political leaning makes such comments. Can't imagine it would've been a non-event if it had been ohhh, say....a conservative who had made the same comments.
By the way, in case anyone out there happened to find her comments humorous--they're not. I'm Chinese, and what she said ranks right up there with the kung fu/martial arts questions, the rice and noodle comments, the eating cats and dogs comments, etc. etc.
and take oprah with her.........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Remember Rosie and Oprah on Celebrity Death Match?....That was awesome, I loved that show.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
yeah. i mean, what is another two meteorites floating around out there...
They do sound funny. Like, all she did was point it out.
You bet yer ass they're making fun of english-speakers who learn chinese.
-Enoch Powell
from my window to yours
I'm sorry you are offended. And I hope you won't be offended by my comments, but from my perspective, as a one language wonder;) do you really think there was malicious intent in her words? Do you really think that her comments promote racisism? What is so offensive in her describing what she hears when she can't speak another language? I'm not trying to offend you any more than you already have been, I'm just curious.:)
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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i'll answer this...not for anyone, but just for my self...the intent doesn't matter. it's the double standard in application. with her, it's not okay to mock or stereotype lesbians...because she's a lesbian...but it's okay for HER to mock and stereotype an entire culture...FUCK HER!
from my window to yours
makes sense to me.
In a phone interview, Lincoln Michel told the AP, "I think by allowing Rosie O'Donnell's cheap jabs at Chinese Americans to go unchecked, then the network is essentially condoning racial and ethnic slurs."
I'm sorry, but what did this have to do with Chinese Americans? She said in China, not about the Chinese sitting at home watching in the US. Doesn't it matter that Chinese people in general would be offended no matter where they may be if they heard that? It may be nitpicking but I swear, for some Americans there really is no world outside their own door step.
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It boils down to her mocking the Chinese language. Yes, I understand she doesn't speak it, and I understand that it's easy to resort to the manner in which she expressed herself.
However, truth be told, the language/accent thing is one of the biggest stereotypes Orientals struggle to overcome when trying to assimilate into American society. The remarks about martial arts and food and the other things I mentioned can easily be brushed off. One can't help the way they talk/sound when they talk, though.
I don't think her comments "promoted" racism. I think they only further perpetuated a stereotype about Orientals that has been a source of humor for others for far too long.
Ok so you are mad at her specifically because you perceive a double standard at play? Don't get me wrong I couldn't care less about Rosie but what exactly about what she said is getting you so riled up? How did you get "mocking and stereotyping an entire culture" from that? I mean who really pays that much attention to her anyway?:)
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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first, if you don't care then why are you asking?
second, making fun of the way someone talks is mocking and stereotyping. it's pretty simple. if you did the same thing by talking with a deep voice and saying that you're a bull-dyke...she'll be offended...understand now? if not, you never will.
from my window to yours
Aah, thank you!:) That's what my addled brain was trying so ineloquently to say. I was just worried because I got it and am now wondering what was so wrong with me getting it? Fact is I don't understand Chinese and recently had an experience where I came away feeling completely inadequate because I didn't and if I had to relate my pathetic attempts at that conversation I probably would have spoken quite similarly (to Rosie) and certainly with NO intent to offend the other person involved!:)
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Clearly you have been making sweeping generalizations about me just because of how or what I type!:mad: How is that any better behaviour? I was simply trying to understand and if it's beyond you to take cheap shots well good luck with that! Or we could settle down and have a reasoned adult discussion. Up to you I suppose.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I guess I could be called hyper-sensitive, but truthfully, Rosie's comments are something I would've expected from someone talking about how Orientals talk.......from someone in fifth grade, that is.
Rosie is a major moron. I have never liked her as a comedien or anything else she has done. She flat out sucks.
But you need to lighten up. Who gives a crap what she says and afterall, it's just a joke.
I'll bet you have no problem laughing and giggling when your asian friends/family makes fun of non-asians, eh?
Ok, well Rosie obviously gets far more airplay where you are than where I am. So I'm not trying to be dismissive about her comments I guess what I'm saying is that she doesn't really feature heavily in my world so I don't pay much attention to what she says. As to the "description" she used to portray Chinese speaking people, I'm sorry to say but if I had to relay an attempt at conversing with a Chinese person that couldn't speak English when I can't speak Chinese I would probably have to describe it exactly the same way and I can assure I am no more racist than the average person.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Shame I couldn't have taken you up on that bet.
The reason I DO come across as having a chip on my shoulder about this is because as I have already said--people can't help but have a certain accent. Having others mock it, especially in the public arena, doesn't help.
So I'll thank you to not try and tell me what I "need" to do.
...and I'll thank you to stop whining and crying like a small child, just because some idiot makes stupid jokes. Learn to laugh at yourself and not take yourself so seriously.
The irony here is that most small children would've found those asinine comments funny.
Personally, I think any humor is okay so long as the audience finds it humorous.
-Enoch Powell