you have to be fucking kidding me. GO READ MY POSTS AGAIN. or dont, I dont care. but you are so far off its ridiculous. and I'm offended you just typed this fucking garbage.
well, maybe i read into them wrong but let me quote you.... when speaking about the relevance, or irrelevance, of the two killers being illegal immigrants you said this,
the point is that he shouldnt even be here had immigration laws worked, or tougher border control.
and also
The fact that they are here illegaly is relevant.
(refer to your first post).... either i'm reading it wrong and i did spew a load of garbage, or maybe you're the one spewing the garbage.
immigration isnt a problem. illegal immigration is. come here legally, pay taxes, dont break the laws, and we'll all set. got it fucko?
who's fucko, dickwod?
i meant illegal immigration, not immigration. and i've got nothing against implementing laws on ILLEGAL immigrants. get it dickwod?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
look,immigrants are the life blood of this country! all of our families came over here from somewhere else.if you go through the motions legally,learn ENGLISH and contribute to society,GREAT.but don't come here disrespectfully and say your taking over.are all Mexicans like this?no.are there a lot that are?yes.
also I'm not just talking about Mexicans.illegal Chinese,Arabs and Europeans are all coming across the border too!
neither am i just speaking about mexicans alone....
maybe you just gotta be careful when you address these issues with illegal immigrants cause you could easily offend anybody.
like i've said before, my father came here illegally but he doesn't oppose the laws they implement on the immigrants. he wouldn't even bring mexicans here illegally... he never has. all my relatives from mexico cross the border many times with legal passcards. and they always visit us in houston, san antonio or austin... wherever we'll be. it's good to know and much easier to go about your life that there are normal and good people just like you and me who live on other sides of the world.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
well, maybe i read into them wrong but let me quote you.... when speaking about the relevance, or irrelevance, of the two killers being illegal immigrants you said this, and also (refer to your first post).... either i'm reading it wrong and i did spew a load of garbage, or maybe you're the one spewing the garbage.
who's fucko, dickwod?
i meant illegal immigration, not immigration. and i've got nothing against implementing laws on ILLEGAL immigrants. get it dickwod?
so based on the statements you quote above you come to the conclusion that....
too bad you and your dad werent deported when you came here illegally.
dude,come on.
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
so based on the statements you quote above you come to the conclusion that....
maybe now you can see where I got pissed off. im done with your bullshit. too bad you and your dad werent deported when you came here illegally.
you're a simple-minded little being aren't you? and a bit sensitive too.
based on your quotes that go along the lines of "the fact that these two murderers are illegal is relevant" and "they should've implemented stronger laws and tougher border patroling so we wouldn't have immigrants killing americans" makes it sound like you're saying that illegal immigrants will come over to the US and start killing americans. or like i said, i'm willing to admit that i read them wrong. but being that you're brain doesn't like to function properly and you're a bit on the emotional side we can't communicate on the same level and clear some issues we might have with each other.
btw, i was born in caldwell, idaho. and please don't offend my dad like that. he's a good man and you'd fall in love with him if you'd ever meet him. besides, he's not the one calling you names, is he?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
you're a simple-minded little being aren't you? and a bit sensitive too.
based on your quotes that go along the lines of "the fact that these two murderers are illegal is relevant" and "they should've implemented stronger laws and tougher border patroling so we wouldn't have immigrants killing americans" makes it sound like you're saying that illegal immigrants will come over to the US and start killing americans. or like i said, i'm willing to admit that i read them wrong. but being that you're brain doesn't like to function properly and you're a bit on the emotional side we can't communicate on the same level and clear some issues we might have with each other.
btw, i was born in caldwell, idaho. and please don't offend my dad like that. he's a good man and you'd fall in love with him if you'd ever meet him. besides, he's not the one calling you names, is he?
ok I apologize. but your comment really pissed me off. I am a big supporter of immigrants coming to this country and becoming citizens and living out their dreams.
I want a tough border and laws in place for people to come here. we cant have open borders. people have to pay taxes and have some type of documentation that they exist within american borders.
I want a tough border and laws in place for people to come here. we cant have open borders. people have to pay taxes and have some type of documentation that they exist within american borders.
i got nothing against this
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
put your self in the mothers shoes that lost her daughter and you'd be whistling a different Irish can't even get along with EACH OTHER(Protestants and Catholics) and you're gonna try and preach to us?
Wow, well the protestants (the ones who fight with the catholics that is :rolleyes: ) wouldn't really consider themselves Irish anyway... so there's THAT argument out the window
and this is reality not ignorance or hatred.ignorance would be "let's round them up and kill them",i just wanna send them back to where they came from.
in fact ms 13 is running rampant in this country they are a very violent gang known for drug running and murder.
so i'm supposed to be some bleeding heart liberal pussy and lay down!! no fucking way!!
You just wanna send them back eh? ah that's good of ya. And that's weird, the only American GANGS we hear about over here are the likes of the KKK and the skinheads who wanna kill everyone who's NOT white. So I guess the hispanics just need to equal it up a bit, would ya not think?
Nobody said you're supposed to be a bleeding heart liberal pussy... I wasn't aware such a thing existed.
'and lay down' why what are you doing that you can't lay down?
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
come on man, not the Indian reference. same as a hitler reference. it get you nowhere
So yet again, we just ignore history and keep making the same mistakes over and over again and anyone who mentions past mistakes is put down?
Thing I want to know is... what EXACTLY are you so afraid of?
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Look, it's pretty simple: Americans need enemies. They're like sharks, in that if they stop feeding for an instant then they'll drown. It's bigotry that keeps the boat afloat, you see?
Years of successful indoctrination have done the job of keeping people afraid, and of keeping the arms dealers happy.
All this shit about a couple of immigrants who happened to have murdered someone is just another extension of the inability of people to see beyond the surface of things. The American people are largely a very emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins. It is only a relatively young country afterall. I mean, they've had a few wake up calls - like Vietnam, for instance, although the myth of their defeat of Nazi Germany still looms large. On the one hand, they believe that they are an all powerful, all moralistic, force for good in the world. On the other hand, reality hovers over everything, and it's impossible for them to escape the fact that they are a country based on lies, fakery, self-deception, and hatred.
Has anyone seen the movie 'Dogville'? I think it sums up a large percentage of Americans brilliantly. All this bile and hatred we see being spouted on this thread against 'the other', the 'foreign' person, the 'immigrant', stems from a, not insignificant, insecurity, and immaturity.
It reminds me of my fellow classmates at primary school. I think it will take another 100 years at least for America to grow up. Either that or an all engulfing war, or ecological disaster.
It really is a shame. A country with so much potential, subjected to, and so accepting of, so much skewered, one-eyed, shit, from so few racist money Nazis.
George Washington and Walt Whitman will be puking in their graves.
Look, it's pretty simple: Americans need enemies. They're like sharks, in that if they stop feeding for an instant then they'll drown. It's bigotry that keeps the boat afloat, you see?
Years of successful indoctrination have done the job of keeping people afraid, and of keeping the arms dealers happy.
All this shit about a couple of immigrants who happened to have murdered someone is just another extension of the inability of people to see beyond the surface of things. The American people are largely a very emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins. It is only a relatively young country afterall. I mean, they've had a few wake up calls - like Vietnam, for instance, although the myth of their defeat of Nazi Germany still looms large. On the one hand, they believe that they are an all powerful, all moralistic, force for good in the world. On the other hand, reality hovers over everything, and it's impossible for them to escape the fact that they are a country based on lies, fakery, self-deception, and hatred.
Has anyone seen the movie 'Dogville'? I think it sums up a large percentage of Americans brilliantly. All this bile and hatred we see being spouted on this thread against 'the other', the 'foreign' person, the 'immigrant', stems from a, not insignificant, insecurity, and immaturity.
It reminds me of my fellow classmates at primary school. I think it will take another 100 years at least for America to grow up. Either that or an all engulfing war, or ecological disaster.
It really is a shame. A country with so much potential, subjected to, and so accepting of, so much skewered, one-eyed, shit, from so few racist money Nazis.
George Washington and Walt Whitman will be puking in their graves.
While I agree that the issue is not illegal immigrants, but murdering rapists, and the issue gets 'muddied' with agenda when the 'illegal immigrant' card is played, I have to say I found your above post a bit harsh and an over-generalization. 'The American People' is a vastly diverse group. I am an American, so this means I am one of those 'emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins', by your definition.
Now, if you would have narrowed the scope to include only the current administration, then I would have agreed with you 100%.
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
While I agree that the issue is not illegal immigrants, but murdering rapists, and the issue gets 'muddied' with agenda when the 'illegal immigrant' card is played, I have to say I found your above post a bit harsh and an over-generalization. 'The American People' is a vastly diverse group. I am an American, so this means I am one of those 'emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins', by your definition.
Now, if you would have narrowed the scope to include only the current administration, then I would have agreed with you 100%.
Well, you're an angel.
I think he is speaking of America, the organism.
Boy that got ugly real fast. Almost reminds me of the good ole days when the train first started rolling. Glad to see that people can apologize and be big about things.
Well, you're an angel.
I think he is speaking of America, the organism.
Well thanks, gue. I totally dig Byrnzie and I understand his frustrations, I just wanted to make a clear separation between the American government and the American people. This is not to say there are not Americans who fit Byrnzie's description. Just trying to be objective..........
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Look, it's pretty simple: Americans need enemies. They're like sharks, in that if they stop feeding for an instant then they'll drown. It's bigotry that keeps the boat afloat, you see?
Years of successful indoctrination have done the job of keeping people afraid, and of keeping the arms dealers happy.
All this shit about a couple of immigrants who happened to have murdered someone is just another extension of the inability of people to see beyond the surface of things. The American people are largely a very emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins. It is only a relatively young country afterall. I mean, they've had a few wake up calls - like Vietnam, for instance, although the myth of their defeat of Nazi Germany still looms large. On the one hand, they believe that they are an all powerful, all moralistic, force for good in the world. On the other hand, reality hovers over everything, and it's impossible for them to escape the fact that they are a country based on lies, fakery, self-deception, and hatred.
Has anyone seen the movie 'Dogville'? I think it sums up a large percentage of Americans brilliantly. All this bile and hatred we see being spouted on this thread against 'the other', the 'foreign' person, the 'immigrant', stems from a, not insignificant, insecurity, and immaturity.
It reminds me of my fellow classmates at primary school. I think it will take another 100 years at least for America to grow up. Either that or an all engulfing war, or ecological disaster.
It really is a shame. A country with so much potential, subjected to, and so accepting of, so much skewered, one-eyed, shit, from so few racist money Nazis.
George Washington and Walt Whitman will be puking in their graves.
sounds like someone is jealous.
btw. can you be anymore hateful of an entire country and its people? yikes
Wow, well the protestants (the ones who fight with the catholics that is :rolleyes: ) wouldn't really consider themselves Irish anyway... so there's THAT argument out the window
You just wanna send them back eh? ah that's good of ya. And that's weird, the only American GANGS we hear about over here are the likes of the KKK and the skinheads who wanna kill everyone who's NOT white. So I guess the hispanics just need to equal it up a bit, would ya not think?
Nobody said you're supposed to be a bleeding heart liberal pussy... I wasn't aware such a thing existed.
'and lay down' why what are you doing that you can't lay down?
I dont know who's giving you your news over there but the KKK and skinheads account for just about none of the organized crime in america.
No, the vast majority of gangs consist of hispanics, blacks, and asians. MS-13 is a huge salvadoran gang who cuts people's hands off with machetes. They're fucking nuts.
Just the thought that you would blame whites for just another social ill is laughable. Simply laughable.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
I have to say I found your above post a bit harsh and an over-generalization. 'The American People' is a vastly diverse group.
I agree. Still, It wasn't aimed at all Americans. I was really just trying to counter some of the bigoted shit being spouted on here. I like to fight fire with fire, you see?
The American people are largely a very emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins. It is only a relatively young country afterall. I mean, they've had a few wake up calls - like Vietnam, for instance, although the myth of their defeat of Nazi Germany still looms large. On the one hand, they believe that they are an all powerful, all moralistic, force for good in the world. On the other hand, reality hovers over everything, and it's impossible for them to escape the fact that they are a country based on lies, fakery, self-deception, and hatred.
Has anyone seen the movie 'Dogville'? I think it sums up a large percentage of Americans brilliantly. All this bile and hatred we see being spouted on this thread against 'the other', the 'foreign' person, the 'immigrant', stems from a, not insignificant, insecurity, and immaturity.
It is undeniable that if a lot of illegal immigrants come in, some will commit violent crimes. Of course it is also undeniable that if you construct a highway system, thousands of people will die in crashes on it and if companies brew beer, people will drink it and kill innocents in car accidents. Do we blame the road builders and beer manufacturers? So do we really blame the policymakers (or lackthereof) here?
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
The American people are largely a very emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins. It is only a relatively young country afterall. I mean, they've had a few wake up calls - like Vietnam, for instance, although the myth of their defeat of Nazi Germany still looms large. On the one hand, they believe that they are an all powerful, all moralistic, force for good in the world. On the other hand, reality hovers over everything, and it's impossible for them to escape the fact that they are a country based on lies, fakery, self-deception, and hatred.
Has anyone seen the movie 'Dogville'? I think it sums up a large percentage of Americans brilliantly. All this bile and hatred we see being spouted on this thread against 'the other', the 'foreign' person, the 'immigrant', stems from a, not insignificant, insecurity, and immaturity.
this is funny someone from Korea talking shit about America!!Your country is a hell of a lot more fucked than ours,at least at the moment anyway.last war we had against each other was in the 1861,you guys are still going at it with that scumbag in the north.
Vietnam could of been leveled in 24 hrs if they really wanted to "win" it.that war was designed to fail.the real problem with my country is that the people are being CONTROLLED by fear,hate and ignorance.they think the enemy is a bunch of "radical Islamics" when it's really a faction in our own corrupt government.
Bumpkin's?ha,ha,ha. oh you south Koreans are so does not equal sophistication,our government has made that quite clear.
Also your government is just a mimicked shadow of how the forefathers set up this country.
and if you think for one second that your country isn't controlled like ours and your freedoms are any less an illusion than ours you are sadly mistaken.
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
this is funny someone from Korea talking shit about America!!Your country is a hell of a lot more fucked than ours,at least at the moment anyway.last war we had against each other was in the 1861,you guys are still going at it with that scumbag in the north.
Vietnam could of been leveled in 24 hrs if they really wanted to "win" it.that war was designed to fail.the real problem with my country is that the people are being CONTROLLED by fear,hate and ignorance.they think the enemy is a bunch of "radical Islamics" when it's really a faction in our own corrupt government.
Bumpkin's?ha,ha,ha. oh you south Koreans are so does not equal sophistication,our government has made that quite clear.
Also your government is just a mimicked shadow of how the forefathers set up this country.
and if you think for one second that your country isn't controlled like ours and your freedoms are any less an illusion than ours you are sadly mistaken.
Byrnzie isnt from Korea. perfect example of you believing everything you read on the internet.
well his location says Korea, so he MUST be from Korea huh?
who's fucko, dickwod?
i meant illegal immigration, not immigration. and i've got nothing against implementing laws on ILLEGAL immigrants. get it dickwod?
maybe you just gotta be careful when you address these issues with illegal immigrants cause you could easily offend anybody.
like i've said before, my father came here illegally but he doesn't oppose the laws they implement on the immigrants. he wouldn't even bring mexicans here illegally... he never has. all my relatives from mexico cross the border many times with legal passcards. and they always visit us in houston, san antonio or austin... wherever we'll be. it's good to know and much easier to go about your life that there are normal and good people just like you and me who live on other sides of the world.
so based on the statements you quote above you come to the conclusion that....
maybe now you can see where I got pissed off. im done with your bullshit. too bad you and your dad werent deported when you came here illegally.
dude,come on.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
I may be out of line but I dont care. to suggest I think all immigrants are rapists and murders pisses me off to no end.
yeah, below the belt. however i think his statement of your ideas and what they revolve around is completely false.
based on your quotes that go along the lines of "the fact that these two murderers are illegal is relevant" and "they should've implemented stronger laws and tougher border patroling so we wouldn't have immigrants killing americans" makes it sound like you're saying that illegal immigrants will come over to the US and start killing americans. or like i said, i'm willing to admit that i read them wrong. but being that you're brain doesn't like to function properly and you're a bit on the emotional side we can't communicate on the same level and clear some issues we might have with each other.
btw, i was born in caldwell, idaho. and please don't offend my dad like that. he's a good man and you'd fall in love with him if you'd ever meet him. besides, he's not the one calling you names, is he?
tell me then, why hasn't my father killed or raped anybody?
ok I apologize. but your comment really pissed me off. I am a big supporter of immigrants coming to this country and becoming citizens and living out their dreams.
I want a tough border and laws in place for people to come here. we cant have open borders. people have to pay taxes and have some type of documentation that they exist within american borders.
what the fuck are you talking about. again, you must be reading it wrong.
it pisses me off that you suggest I THINK all immigrants are rapists and murderers.
are you not understanding that?
You just wanna send them back eh? ah that's good of ya. And that's weird, the only American GANGS we hear about over here are the likes of the KKK and the skinheads who wanna kill everyone who's NOT white. So I guess the hispanics just need to equal it up a bit, would ya not think?
Nobody said you're supposed to be a bleeding heart liberal pussy... I wasn't aware such a thing existed.
'and lay down' why what are you doing that you can't lay down?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Thing I want to know is... what EXACTLY are you so afraid of?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
how are we making the same mistakes?
Years of successful indoctrination have done the job of keeping people afraid, and of keeping the arms dealers happy.
All this shit about a couple of immigrants who happened to have murdered someone is just another extension of the inability of people to see beyond the surface of things. The American people are largely a very emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins. It is only a relatively young country afterall. I mean, they've had a few wake up calls - like Vietnam, for instance, although the myth of their defeat of Nazi Germany still looms large. On the one hand, they believe that they are an all powerful, all moralistic, force for good in the world. On the other hand, reality hovers over everything, and it's impossible for them to escape the fact that they are a country based on lies, fakery, self-deception, and hatred.
Has anyone seen the movie 'Dogville'? I think it sums up a large percentage of Americans brilliantly. All this bile and hatred we see being spouted on this thread against 'the other', the 'foreign' person, the 'immigrant', stems from a, not insignificant, insecurity, and immaturity.
It reminds me of my fellow classmates at primary school. I think it will take another 100 years at least for America to grow up. Either that or an all engulfing war, or ecological disaster.
It really is a shame. A country with so much potential, subjected to, and so accepting of, so much skewered, one-eyed, shit, from so few racist money Nazis.
George Washington and Walt Whitman will be puking in their graves.
While I agree that the issue is not illegal immigrants, but murdering rapists, and the issue gets 'muddied' with agenda when the 'illegal immigrant' card is played, I have to say I found your above post a bit harsh and an over-generalization. 'The American People' is a vastly diverse group. I am an American, so this means I am one of those 'emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins', by your definition.
Now, if you would have narrowed the scope to include only the current administration, then I would have agreed with you 100%.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Well, you're an angel.
I think he is speaking of America, the organism.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Well thanks, gue.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
You're still in primary school? That explains a few things.
Actually, he pretty specifically stated that he was talking about the American people, the bumpkins.
sounds like someone is jealous.
btw. can you be anymore hateful of an entire country and its people? yikes
All of the American people are part of the organism. We fucked up, and it shows.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I've done nothing wrong
I dont know who's giving you your news over there but the KKK and skinheads account for just about none of the organized crime in america.
No, the vast majority of gangs consist of hispanics, blacks, and asians. MS-13 is a huge salvadoran gang who cuts people's hands off with machetes. They're fucking nuts.
Just the thought that you would blame whites for just another social ill is laughable. Simply laughable.
-Enoch Powell
I agree. Still, It wasn't aimed at all Americans. I was really just trying to counter some of the bigoted shit being spouted on here. I like to fight fire with fire, you see?
The American people are largely a very emotional, easily manipulated, hateful bunch of knee jerk bumpkins. It is only a relatively young country afterall. I mean, they've had a few wake up calls - like Vietnam, for instance, although the myth of their defeat of Nazi Germany still looms large. On the one hand, they believe that they are an all powerful, all moralistic, force for good in the world. On the other hand, reality hovers over everything, and it's impossible for them to escape the fact that they are a country based on lies, fakery, self-deception, and hatred.
Has anyone seen the movie 'Dogville'? I think it sums up a large percentage of Americans brilliantly. All this bile and hatred we see being spouted on this thread against 'the other', the 'foreign' person, the 'immigrant', stems from a, not insignificant, insecurity, and immaturity.
this is funny someone from Korea talking shit about America!!Your country is a hell of a lot more fucked than ours,at least at the moment anyway.last war we had against each other was in the 1861,you guys are still going at it with that scumbag in the north.
Vietnam could of been leveled in 24 hrs if they really wanted to "win" it.that war was designed to fail.the real problem with my country is that the people are being CONTROLLED by fear,hate and ignorance.they think the enemy is a bunch of "radical Islamics" when it's really a faction in our own corrupt government.
Bumpkin's?ha,ha,ha. oh you south Koreans are so does not equal sophistication,our government has made that quite clear.
Also your government is just a mimicked shadow of how the forefathers set up this country.
and if you think for one second that your country isn't controlled like ours and your freedoms are any less an illusion than ours you are sadly mistaken.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
Byrnzie isnt from Korea. perfect example of you believing everything you read on the internet.
well his location says Korea, so he MUST be from Korea huh?