oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
put your self in the mothers shoes that lost her daughter and you'd be whistling a different tune.you Irish can't even get along with EACH OTHER(Protestants and Catholics) and you're gonna try and preach to us?
and this is reality not ignorance or hatred.ignorance would be "let's round them up and kill them",i just wanna send them back to where they came from.
in fact ms 13 is running rampant in this country they are a very violent gang known for drug running and murder.
so i'm supposed to be some bleeding heart liberal pussy and lay down!! no fucking way!!
unless you are a native american then you have no right to be in the US anyway... you're an immigrant against immigration... thats like, irony
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
put your self in the mothers shoes that lost her daughter and you'd be whistling a different tune.
dude, stop using this poor girl and her family to help your political agenda... it really is fucking pathetic
i could post 10,000,000 articles about girls being raped and killed by any walk of life imaginable... crime and fucked up shit is not monopolized by immigrants chief.
after all, it was her own sister that let her 15 year old sister sleep in another apartment with a bunch of strange people at a party??? but i dont see you railing "irresponsible siblings" as a problem or threat
dude, stop using this poor girl and her family to help your political agenda... it really is fucking pathetic
i could post 10,000,000 articles about girls being raped and killed by any walk of life imaginable... crime and fucked up shit is not monopolized by immigrants chief.
after all, it was her own sister that let her 15 year old sister sleep in another apartment with a bunch of strange people at a party??? but i dont see you railing "irresponsible siblings" as a problem or threat
what you say is correct. especially crime being monopolized by immigrants. I agree.
the point is however, that illegal immigrants, such as the ones who committed this horrible crime, shouldnt be here in the first place.
then go live in Mexico and see how free you are to enjoy it's resources and beauty!
mexico is a beautiful and wonderful place.... only if it didn't have a corrupted gov't. oh, wait! so does the united states.
ok, i'll give you that much tho... there is a lot of crime in mexico. but the way you say your statement above makes you sound like an evil person. maybe mexico will do just fine without you.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
Of course they killed her, that's how illegal aliens are. They kill people, because they are lazy and stupid (genetically) and of course they do not understand the white man's culture (see stupid). They also have diseases. And yes, this true for all of them.
do you mean it sarcastically or sincerely?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
you are the ones who are clueless.Illegal immigration is a big problem in this country,and if you happen to not be from America it's easy to point your fucking finger and pop shit.people only care when things effect them personally and usually it's too late by then.
and it's obvious we Americans(the majority) stand united on this issue,we defeated the amnesty bill and will continue to fight any attempt to bring it back.
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
you are the ones who are clueless.Illegal immigration is a big problem in this country,and if you happen to not be from America it's easy to point your fucking finger and pop shit.people only care when things effect them personally and usually it's too late by then.
and it's obvious we Americans(the majority) stand united on this issue,we defeated the amnesty bill and will continue to fight any attempt to bring it back.
Not from America.
Isolated story that you posted?
Just incase your pride got in the way of your reading skills!
come on man, not the Indian reference. same as a hitler reference. it get you nowhere
i disagree... a bunch of white fuckers telling other people they shouldnt be in america is just about the biggest hypocricy i have ever seen... seriously
This thread is sick btw :( some people just spread ignorance and hatred to get a good debate or to get a rise from other people.... get a fucking life instead :mad:
It's sad the girl is dead... but I wonder how many Mexican girls/women have been raped or killed by American holidaymakers/soldiers.
Seriously? Yeah, you can always 'flip the issue around' to make a point in one way or another, but...
How's about this?
How would those of you who feel sooo offended by some criminals' immigration status being mentioned react, if instead the two men were robbed, tortured, raped, murdered? Assuming their status was mentioned as well, would that be ok then? Or would you rather it still not be mentioned at all? I assume most here still wouldn't care, but I know some leftists would take that story and run with it, and freak out if the AP even thought about quarantining the story. Perhaps it wouldn't make headlines at all. You still can't dismiss the hypothetical.
I guess I'm just wondering because I see a lot of double standards (from both sides of the fence yes). For instance, protesters in SF calling for Michael Savage's show to be taken off the air because he chose to voice his opinion about their efforts and disapproval with a city official wanting tax $ to help subsidize immigrants' visa fees? They want their voice to be heard so much, they're protesting, and that's great. However, don't turn around and try to take away Mr. Savage's (can you say censorship?). Whether YOU agree with him or not is beside the point. I also love how the protesters filed their complaint and petition to get him off the air by distorting what he actually said about them ('LET them starve...') into him basically saying they SHOULD starve for their beliefs. There's a big difference there. He never said those people should die for their beliefs, he stated if that's something they believe in, go ahead and do what they have to do to make their point.
I see the story being quarantined as censorship. Whether or not it is being used as a political tool (if that's the only reason for some, I agree that's messed up) seems pointless as the facts are the men are here illegally. Perhaps some don't like people who report or read the news to present/read as many facts as possible.
And for the record, I don't agree that the reason this happened is due to failed enforcement of immigration policy. But first and foremost, all of us need to remember that poor girl and her family and what she so un-deservingly went through. Those men are criminals, murderers, rapists, and predators who deserve nothing less than what they chose to do to her.
Leprosy?? Hahaha, that's a new one... Some funny shit in this thread.
Mexico City - July 17th 2003
Mexico City - July 18th 2003
Mexico City - July 19th 2003
Monterrey - December 7th 2005
Mexico City - December 9th 2005
Mexico City - December 10th 2005
Mexico City - November 24th 2011
you are the ones who are clueless.Illegal immigration is a big problem in this country
nobody is saying immigration is a problem.... well, i'm not at least.
and if you happen to not be from America it's easy to point your fucking finger and pop shit.people only care when things effect them personally and usually it's too late by then.
but when you go on and say hell like this, it's got nothing to do with the issue.
of course immigrants will do crimes.... but it's not cause they're immigrants, it's because they're humans who mess up just like americans.
and it's obvious we Americans(the majority) stand united on this issue,we defeated the amnesty bill and will continue to fight any attempt to bring it back.
such patriotism (<--- sarcasm)makes me feel all warm and fuzzy...
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
i meant WE as in WE Americans,being Canadian you probably thought when i said "we" you thought i meant "US".
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
i disagree... a bunch of white fuckers telling other people they shouldnt be in america is just about the biggest hypocricy i have ever seen... seriously
sigh. Indians just lived here. was this a sovereign country? well guess what. it is now.
you are the ones who are clueless.Illegal immigration is a big problem in this country,and if you happen to not be from America it's easy to point your fucking finger and pop shit.people only care when things effect them personally and usually it's too late by then.
and it's obvious we Americans(the majority) stand united on this issue,we defeated the amnesty bill and will continue to fight any attempt to bring it back.
so while you focus on jose, who just wants to come here and make a living in the agricultural field, because NAFTA destroyed his countries ability to compete agriculturally and wiped out that job base... the rich white business interests keeping profiting from the cheap immigrant labor
who's using who? you cant be a pimp and a prostitute too...
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
so while you focus on jose, who just wants to come here and make a living in the agricultural field, because NAFTA destroyed his countries ability to compete agriculturally and wiped out that job base... the rich white business interests keeping profiting from the cheap immigrant labor
who's using who? you cant be a pimp and a prostitute too...
i do not support the exploitation of anyone!!
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
this makes absolutely no sense. a trend is a trend until a trend becomes a trend. got it
?? a trend is a trend after all... i don't get your point.
have you read my posts on this subject? try again.
actually, yes, i have.... most of 'em revolve around the idea that immigrants are rapists and murderers. you and i both know that it's not the case. they're not rapists and murderers cause they're immigrants, or mexicans, or canadians, or chinese, or whatever.... they're rapists and murderers because they messed up human beings. like i said earlier.... if there are going to be millions of immigrants here in america there are obviously going to be many rapes and murders that they're responsible for.... but it's not cause they're immigrants. it's cause they're messed up human beings who need to pay the penalty for it.
i don't take anything else away from you.... immigration is a problem. but the fact that there are rapists and murderers shouldn't be an argument to solve the issue. cause you'll find that anywhere you go.... and paints immigrants like savage murderers who are only stealing our land and turning it chaotic which offends me and my father who came here illegally... but has claimed to call america his country and the one he loves.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
actually, yes, i have.... most of 'em revolve around the idea that immigrants are rapists and murderers. you and i both know that it's not the case. they're not rapists and murderers cause they're immigrants, or mexicans, or canadians, or chinese, or whatever.... they're rapists and murderers because they messed up human beings. like i said earlier.... if there are going to be millions of immigrants here in america there are obviously going to be many rapes and murders that they're responsible for.... but it's not cause they're immigrants. it's cause they're messed up human beings who need to pay the penalty for it.
you have to be fucking kidding me. GO READ MY POSTS AGAIN. or dont, I dont care. but you are so far off its ridiculous. and I'm offended you just typed this fucking garbage.
i don't take anything else away from you.... immigration is a problem. but the fact that there are rapists and murderers shouldn't be an argument to solve the issue. cause that offends me and my father who came here illegally... but has claimed to call america his country and the one he loves.
immigration isnt a problem. illegal immigration is. come here legally, pay taxes, dont break the laws, and we'll all set. got it fucko?
actually, yes, i have.... most of 'em revolve around the idea that immigrants are rapists and murderers. you and i both know that it's not the case. they're not rapists and murderers cause they're immigrants, or mexicans, or canadians, or chinese, or whatever.... they're rapists and murderers because they messed up human beings. like i said earlier.... if there are going to be millions of immigrants here in america there are obviously going to be many rapes and murders that they're responsible for.... but it's not cause they're immigrants. it's cause they're messed up human beings who need to pay the penalty for it.
yes they are messed up people,who shouldn't be here.we have enough messed up people already we don't need Mexico's too!!
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
look,immigrants are the life blood of this country! all of our families came over here from somewhere else.if you go through the motions legally,learn ENGLISH and contribute to society,GREAT.but don't come here disrespectfully and say your taking over.are all Mexicans like this?no.are there a lot that are?yes.
also I'm not just talking about Mexicans.illegal Chinese,Arabs and Europeans are all coming across the border too!
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
and Iraqis...
unless you are a native american then you have no right to be in the US anyway... you're an immigrant against immigration... thats like, irony
dude, stop using this poor girl and her family to help your political agenda... it really is fucking pathetic
i could post 10,000,000 articles about girls being raped and killed by any walk of life imaginable... crime and fucked up shit is not monopolized by immigrants chief.
after all, it was her own sister that let her 15 year old sister sleep in another apartment with a bunch of strange people at a party??? but i dont see you railing "irresponsible siblings" as a problem or threat
i am done with this guy bro'... he doesnt get it
I love how EVERYTHING turns into a Iraq debate. can you guys get more original please.
ok so you say...... and iraqis. which must mean our soldiers are raping mexican women :rolleyes: what is wrong with you people?
what you say is correct. especially crime being monopolized by immigrants. I agree.
the point is however, that illegal immigrants, such as the ones who committed this horrible crime, shouldnt be here in the first place.
but the murdered child is a different story in itself. the killers being immigrants is just a coincidential fact.
take a drive to a local indian reservation and ask the locals if you and i should be here, in the first place...
its not coincidental if it becomes a trend. some of the statistics show a scary trend
ok, i'll give you that much tho... there is a lot of crime in mexico. but the way you say your statement above makes you sound like an evil person. maybe mexico will do just fine without you.
come on man, not the Indian reference. same as a hitler reference. it get you nowhere
i mean there's a lot of immigrants.... so much that you can definitely make any kind of trend of any kind. not just the dead people ones.
please change your mindset about immigrants because your mindset alone is a scary one.
you are the ones who are clueless.Illegal immigration is a big problem in this country,and if you happen to not be from America it's easy to point your fucking finger and pop shit.people only care when things effect them personally and usually it's too late by then.
and it's obvious we Americans(the majority) stand united on this issue,we defeated the amnesty bill and will continue to fight any attempt to bring it back.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
Not from America.
Isolated story that you posted?
Just incase your pride got in the way of your reading skills!
i disagree... a bunch of white fuckers telling other people they shouldnt be in america is just about the biggest hypocricy i have ever seen... seriously
Seriously? Yeah, you can always 'flip the issue around' to make a point in one way or another, but...
How's about this?
How would those of you who feel sooo offended by some criminals' immigration status being mentioned react, if instead the two men were robbed, tortured, raped, murdered? Assuming their status was mentioned as well, would that be ok then? Or would you rather it still not be mentioned at all? I assume most here still wouldn't care, but I know some leftists would take that story and run with it, and freak out if the AP even thought about quarantining the story. Perhaps it wouldn't make headlines at all. You still can't dismiss the hypothetical.
I guess I'm just wondering because I see a lot of double standards (from both sides of the fence yes). For instance, protesters in SF calling for Michael Savage's show to be taken off the air because he chose to voice his opinion about their efforts and disapproval with a city official wanting tax $ to help subsidize immigrants' visa fees? They want their voice to be heard so much, they're protesting, and that's great. However, don't turn around and try to take away Mr. Savage's (can you say censorship?). Whether YOU agree with him or not is beside the point. I also love how the protesters filed their complaint and petition to get him off the air by distorting what he actually said about them ('LET them starve...') into him basically saying they SHOULD starve for their beliefs. There's a big difference there. He never said those people should die for their beliefs, he stated if that's something they believe in, go ahead and do what they have to do to make their point.
I see the story being quarantined as censorship. Whether or not it is being used as a political tool (if that's the only reason for some, I agree that's messed up) seems pointless as the facts are the men are here illegally. Perhaps some don't like people who report or read the news to present/read as many facts as possible.
And for the record, I don't agree that the reason this happened is due to failed enforcement of immigration policy. But first and foremost, all of us need to remember that poor girl and her family and what she so un-deservingly went through. Those men are criminals, murderers, rapists, and predators who deserve nothing less than what they chose to do to her.
Mexico City - July 18th 2003
Mexico City - July 19th 2003
Monterrey - December 7th 2005
Mexico City - December 9th 2005
Mexico City - December 10th 2005
Mexico City - November 24th 2011
of course immigrants will do crimes.... but it's not cause they're immigrants, it's because they're humans who mess up just like americans.
such patriotism
i meant WE as in WE Americans,being Canadian you probably thought when i said "we" you thought i meant "US".
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
sigh. Indians just lived here. was this a sovereign country? well guess what. it is now.
so while you focus on jose, who just wants to come here and make a living in the agricultural field, because NAFTA destroyed his countries ability to compete agriculturally and wiped out that job base... the rich white business interests keeping profiting from the cheap immigrant labor
who's using who? you cant be a pimp and a prostitute too...
have you read my posts on this subject? try again.
keep laughing.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
i do not support the exploitation of anyone!!
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
actually, yes, i have.... most of 'em revolve around the idea that immigrants are rapists and murderers. you and i both know that it's not the case. they're not rapists and murderers cause they're immigrants, or mexicans, or canadians, or chinese, or whatever.... they're rapists and murderers because they messed up human beings. like i said earlier.... if there are going to be millions of immigrants here in america there are obviously going to be many rapes and murders that they're responsible for.... but it's not cause they're immigrants. it's cause they're messed up human beings who need to pay the penalty for it.
i don't take anything else away from you.... immigration is a problem. but the fact that there are rapists and murderers shouldn't be an argument to solve the issue. cause you'll find that anywhere you go.... and paints immigrants like savage murderers who are only stealing our land and turning it chaotic which offends me and my father who came here illegally... but has claimed to call america his country and the one he loves.
immigration isnt a problem. illegal immigration is. come here legally, pay taxes, dont break the laws, and we'll all set. got it fucko?
yes they are messed up people,who shouldn't be here.we have enough messed up people already we don't need Mexico's too!!
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
look,immigrants are the life blood of this country! all of our families came over here from somewhere else.if you go through the motions legally,learn ENGLISH and contribute to society,GREAT.but don't come here disrespectfully and say your taking over.are all Mexicans like this?no.are there a lot that are?yes.
also I'm not just talking about Mexicans.illegal Chinese,Arabs and Europeans are all coming across the border too!
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata