woo hoo!

I continued to read more, and the stinking methods of abortion are barbaric! It's despicable! Oh this makes me too mad....
I continued to read more, and the stinking methods of abortion are barbaric! It's despicable! Oh this makes me too mad....
When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
Post edited by Unknown User on
What is wrong with you that you think that's okay?!
The stupid women made their choice when they got pregnant.
How is it any worse than dismemberment? Where they slowly pick pieces of the baby apart, starting with legs, then arms, and just slowly cutting back the torso? Why wasn't that method banned? Oh it doesn't have a disturbing name? I don't get it.
But I think your last statement is pretty myopic and ignorant. Not every woman makes the choice to get pregnant.
People make mistakes.
Also, what if they were raped? don't be so ignorant.
if you don't like it then here's some advice "don't have a partial-birth abortion"
angels share laughter
hippiemom is right. this procedure is usually only used in case where the fetus has hydranencephaly http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydranencephaly making the head too large because of massive swelling to remove even if it's seperated from the body. even if these babies are born intact they cannot survive.
angels share laughter
What if it's just anencephaly? Or do you think babies can survive without a brain?
Did you just say stupid women made their choice? Who the fuck are you? Last time I checked women didn't get pregnant on their own and surprise, surprise WE actually enjoy sex too :eek:
As already stated that procedure is rarely used. I am not sure I could have an abortion myself but I certainly believe the choice should be available up until a certain time in the pregnancy.
If it it makes you so angry I encourage you to hand out condoms and do some safe sex promotion. I also encourage you to maybe learn a little more respect for women. Misogyny is so last century :rolleyes:
sometimes they have enough of a brainstem to be able to regulate breathing and have a heartbeat. but even then they're nothing more than a vegetable remaining unconscious without the ability to see or hear or feel anything. I know that in cases where the parents don't allow the baby to die letting nature take it's course, some of these babies have been kept alive artificially for quite awhile, though I can't understand a reasoning for doing that.
angels share laughter
I do not want kids, in the worst way. But if I ever got pregnant, I would not get an abortion. If you can't control yourself, you can't make the baby pay for your mistakes. If I were to get pregnant, and it would risk my life, I'de give mine for the baby's. That little baby cannot protect himself. I am a woman, I don't want kids, I respect some...not all..(I have no respect for women that get abortions), but I darn well would never kill my own kid. I can't even believe that's legal.
What a cold-hearted, selfish world.
While that's VERY noble of you, it's a very uneducated statement that really doesn't make sense. Do you really think that when a woman's life is threatened by complications of the pregnancy that the baby's life is not also threatened???
hahaha....as if "God" would give a rat's ass about you or your baby.
angels share laughter
But if there is a God, believe me, people are going to pay for killing their babies.
Oh so "God" gets to decided that and you just do his judging for him? :rolleyes: how very noble.
Also some people don't consider it murder, you do and that is your belief so good for you but that isn't everyone's. For too long woman were treated like second class citizens.
I agree with Prism...
and people are also going to pay for judging others. remember, all sins are equal in the eyes of God. IF there is one, as you say.
so i assume you're a virgin? or if not, that you've only had sex with one woman and that is your wife and it was after you were married before god?
lol, love this debate, round and round we go, where it stops nobody knows.
so when you say you'd leave it in the hands of God, does that mean you'd not seek medical intervention of any kind?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
that's right, the woman got pregnant ALL BY HERSELF. or maybe she was asking for it, is that it? perhaps if they actually taught sex ed, and not just abstinence in ALL the states then this wouldn't be such an issue.
i love it when a group of politicians, who basically don't know anything about anything get together and make decisions about something as involved and complex as medicine or science (as with conservation and climate change) and the rest of us get to suffer because of their misinformation and miscomprehension, this makes me so fucking angry.
i'd also like to say, since we're on the subject, that canada is only MARGINALLY better than the states when it comes to abortion. it's legal here, but THEY DON'T TEACH IT IN MEDICAL SCHOOL!!! that's right, if you want to learn how to give an abortion, you have to actively set up a clerkship at a clinic that does them. what the fuck is wrong with this world?
to those that are against abortion, i ask you this: when in this situation, a woman can get desparate, and will try to self-abort, this includes throwing herself against the ground, sticking sewing needles, wire hangers, or sticks into her vagina, or go to a back-alley 'surgeon', this will not only lead to aborting the fetus, but can also cause severe infection, and hemoraging, all of which can lead to death. IS THIS THE SOLUTION THAT YOU WOULD CHOOSE?
Albert Einstein
i cannot say more than hippiemom or any of the others have said. so i'll say this....mothers n fathers kill their born and living children everyday in much uglier fashions.
and i'll leave you with this.....
when my son turned 13....i figured out why some animals eat their young.